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The complete scars series: Books one-four

Page 76

by Tonks, Rachael

  “Enough with the small talk. Just get to the point,” he snaps, dropping heavily into the chair.

  “The point is Levin is out of the picture and this business,” I say holding up my hands. “It’s now under Savage management.”

  “What the…” His brows knit together as he glares at me. “But why? Why the fuck would you want this place?”

  “Because the MC doesn’t want to deal drugs. Taking on this place gives us the chance to earn real money. And that’s where you come in. See, my supplier isn’t happy that the club is taking a change in direction.”

  “Why does that involve me?”

  “I want you to take over. The money is good and Braxton Harris is a man I trust to do business with. This could be a very lucrative deal for your club.”

  “But everyone knows how close you and Braxton are. It’ll look very fucking suspicious if he suddenly starts dealing with the Deathseekers.”

  “This will be your deal to make.”

  A puzzled look appears on his face.

  “When I’ve finished with your father, you’ll be the one to step up and bring in the new narcotics deal—”

  “You cannot be fucking serious,” he shouts, jumping up so fast that the chair fires back, hitting the wall. “You want me to be part of your deal to take out my own father? Are you out of your goddamn mind?”

  Stepping up from the desk, I hold my hands together in front of me, tipping my chin up, all the while my gaze fixed on him. “It’s going to happen. I’m not asking you to be a part of it, but I am trying to help. Help set you up to be the president you’re destined to be.”

  “You don’t know shit about me,” he growls, resting his hand on his gun that’s in the band of his jeans. I don’t flinch, even though it looks like he’s going to draw it on me. “I’m not you, I’m nothing like you.”

  “You think about my proposal. I have a meeting with Braxton later today. I’ll run the change of dealership past him and get his thoughts. But it’s time, Hunter. Time to step out of your father’s shadow and become the future of your club.”

  Staring at the floor, he doesn’t say a word. Silence fills the room and I can’t help but wonder if I’m barking up the wrong tree. Is Hunter able to grow and become the leader the club needs? I’m not sure. But out of all of the Deathseekers, Hunter is the one I trust the most.

  “I’ll think about it. But I need your assurance on one thing. You ensure that Samantha is safe. I would lay down my life for her.”

  “But she’s a prostitute. You can’t seriously believe that you’re her only client?”

  “I paid Levin more money than she could earn to make her exclusively mine.”

  Chuckling, I scratch my head trying to make sense of what is going on. “Why the hell don’t you just date the girl if she means so much to you?”

  “This is all she’s ever known. This is how she makes money to take care of her sister.”

  Shooting him a sad smile, I let out a huge breath. “Listen, I don’t know much about the girls, or Precious. But I do know that as long as I’m running this place, I’ll do everything I can to look after those girls.”

  “Appreciate it, man.” Removing the hand that rests on the gun, he holds it out, offering it to me. Tipping my head to the side, I take it, shaking.

  “Stick with me, brother. The world’s your oyster, you just don’t know it yet.” I pat him loudly and he turns to make his way out.

  “Business as usual?” he asks with a jerk of his head toward the girls.

  “For today. Go enjoy yourself. But I gotta close up for a few days to refurbish the place.”

  “You’re taking this shit seriously.”

  “You’re not gonna believe your eyes the next time you’re here.”

  Pulling out my smokes, I open the pack, tapping the bottom and offer them to Hunter. “Thanks, man,” he says, taking one and holding it in his mouth, digging into his pocket for his lighter. Taking one from the pack, I drop them against the desk before gripping it between my teeth and lighting it. I take a huge drag, the warmth hitting my lungs and I relish the hit.

  A thud at the door, and Zane’s voice shouting my name puts me on high alert. Throwing open the door, he races in, his face pale and his chest heaving.

  “Boss, you gotta come see this.”

  “What? What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

  “Jimmy just called. They found Tara’s car not far from the clubhouse. The window has been shot—”

  “What the fuck? No! No!” I yell so loud that my voice echoes through the small office.

  “Listen to me,” Zane demands pressing his hand down on my shoulder. “She’s not there. There’s no sign of Tara but her purse and cell phone were still in her car. Whoever did this has got her, Nate. Someone has taken Tara.”

  My heart drums and I swear I stop breathing. The voices become a blur as the emotion encapsulates me and my head swims. In a fit of rage, I drop my cigarette to the floor and yell, swiping my arm across the desk. The contents clatter to the floor but it does nothing to calm the monster within me.

  “I’m going to kill him,” I roar, gripping the edge of the table and flipping it over.

  “Brother.” Zane tries to calm me but it’s no use. I turn, shoving him on the chest. “Whoa,” he says with his hands in the air. “I know you’re angry, but we gotta direct that anger at the right person.”

  Reaching inside the pocket of my cut, I retrieve the address. “Well. What the fuck are we waiting for?” I say, steaming toward the door in a thunderous rage.

  I don’t stop.

  I don’t listen to the voices that call to me.

  I storm toward my bike, jumping on and start the engine. Revving noisily, I look to my left to see Zane mounting his bike. “What is it?” he asks, shouting over the rumble of the bike’s engine.

  “The location to my father.”

  “Then let’s get the bastard and bring Tara home.”


  My stomach hurts and my head throbs.

  Darkness plays tricks on my mind. My body is stiff, my hands and feet bound. The material wrapped around my mouth cuts at the corner it’s pulled so tightly. Every muscle in my body feels tight and aches. I’m not sure how long I’ve been in the trunk of the car, but it feels like days.

  The rumble of the tires against the road is all I can hear. I have no idea what awaits me on the other side, but I’m terrified. Without a doubt, this is Jeffries’ doing. And that realization causes anger to bubble in my chest. Because, I know that I won’t give into him without a fight. I have too much to lose.

  Jerking forward, I thud against the thinly carpeted trunk of the car and try to stop my heart from galloping.

  I’m about to face the monster.

  The trunk suddenly opens and sunlight beams down on me. I whimper as my eyes start to run, the sting and heat almost too much.

  “Out,” Ozzie demands. Trying to turn my stiffened body is no use. I’ve been tied up in the same position for so long that my body has given up on me.

  I try to speak but it comes out as a murmur. Looking down at me, he snarls, almost pissed off that I can’t get myself outta this damn trunk.

  I murmur again, only this time louder. Letting my eyes do the talking, I glare at him with pure hatred in them.

  “Alright, alright,” he snaps, reaching down and gripping my arm painfully tight. Yanking me up, the skin on my arm gets caught on the sharp metal of the trunk door, and I whelp. I feel the warm trickle of blood as it flows down my arm.

  With a laugh, Ozzie inspects the cut, pushing out his bottom lip. “Oh no. Did someone get hurt?” He mocks me as he lets go and I drop to the ground like a dead weight. I try to talk against the gag in my mouth but it’s no use. He drops down, crouching in front of me, a look of amusement dances in his eyes.

  My hands bound together behind my back almost feel loose. Wiggling my wrists, I pull my hands together tightly, managing to slip my right hand from the ropes. I clench, then
relax my hand, but keep them behind my back. I need to get the feeling back in them if they’re going to be any use to me. I lie on the ground, my eyes never breaking those of the asshole that brought me here.

  “Such a pretty little thing.” He shakes his head from side to side, placing his forefinger in his mouth and biting at the skin beside his nail. “Shame it had to end like this.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I shake my head from side to side. Why bring me here just to kill me? It makes no sense.

  “Better get you to the boss.” Grabbing a handful of hair, he drags me up from the ground. As soon as I’m on my feet, I rear back my hand, punching him on the side of the face. His hold on my hair loosens as he looks at me, shocked and dismayed. I continue my assault on him, hitting him and scratching him as much as I can.

  “Stop,” he yells, reaching his hands to grab either side of my face. I’m struggling against his hold and somehow manage to knock the gag loose as he finally manages to pull my face closer to his. I lunge forward, sinking my teeth into the stubble-covered skin on his jaw. I bite down and he yells out. His hands land on my chest, shoving me with all his strength. I stumble back, my ass dropping hard to the ground. I look up at what looks like a storage building, scrambling to get back to my feet.

  But it’s no use. Silver stands over me with a look of amusement on his face.

  “Well, if it isn’t the Savages’ number one whore.”

  “Fuck you, Silver!” I scream back at the gray-haired asshole standing over me. I push out my tongue, trying to wet my dry, cracked, and sore lips. My eyes soon dart between the three figures who appear in front of me. Pain tightens my chest, but I won’t let them know. I won’t give them an ounce of satisfaction. “If it isn’t the three AWOL assholes. How’s life on the run treating you, Jeffries?” I let my eyes dart to the dilapidated building behind them and snicker. Reaching forward, I work on loosening the rope around my ankles. Retrieving the knife, he drops down in front of me and I start to scramble backward.

  “Let me take care of that for you,” he says, swinging the knife dangerously close to my legs. I still, fear paralyzing me as I squeeze my eyes shut. I wait for pain, or the feeling of my blood against my skin. But nothing. Forcing my eyes open, I stare at the man squatting before me.

  “Won’t be needing this, right?” he says, tossing the cut rope aside. I drop my eyes looking and checking myself. The ropes have gone and I don’t appear to be hurt. But what I am, is confused.

  He smirks, and I know he’s aware of what I’m thinking. “I’m not planning on hurting you, my princess. I only ever wanted you. That much I’m guilty of.”

  “But Emily… you sick bastard. You killed her.”

  “Unfortunate,” he says lazily, grinning widely at me.

  “Why? Why did you hurt her?” I sniffle back the emotion of finally facing Jeffries.

  “I had to teach Nate a lesson…”

  “And me? Am I the next lesson?”

  He pauses, musing for a second before standing and holding out his hand to me. I swallow the lump of nerves that feel like they’re suffocating me. Biting down on my lip, I shake my head from side to side.

  “Don’t hold out for Nate, Tara. He’ll never find you. And sooner or later you have to accept that you are destined to be with me. I’m going to take you far from here. You and my child.”

  My heart thuds furiously as heat rushes through my veins. How the hell does he know? “This is Nate’s baby. Not yours!” I scream, the force scratches the back of my throat. My skin crawls at the thought of what he did to me.

  “But you don’t know that. Not for sure.”

  “I’m too far along for it to be yours.” I blurt out the lie and enjoy watching the smug look on his face fade.

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not.”

  “But, my dear girl, I know you are. See, Nate was sick as a teenager. And as a result is infertile. So, I know he can’t be the father of your unborn child. Which only leaves one. Me.”

  “No. I don’t believe you.”

  “Well, it’s the truth.”

  “Nothing that comes from that sick mouth of yours is the truth,” I spit back, stepping up from the ground. The anger raging within causes my adrenaline to soar and I step toward him. “You are seriously fucked up if you think you can take me away and we’ll live happily ever after. Not. Happening.”

  “I didn’t say it was happy. Well, not for you. But I’m going to use you to fulfill all of my desires, Tara. Your enjoyment and happiness really isn’t a fucking concern. But your cooperation will minimize the pain and suffering.”

  “No,” I croak, my body shaking and my chest tightens. What if Nate doesn’t find me? Jeffries’ plan is to use and torture me like his own personal plaything. But the part I can’t bear to think about, the part that seizes my chest the most is thinking I won’t ever see Nate again. Just when I found him.

  “Take her inside. Let her get to know her new home.”

  “Come on, darlin’,” Silver says wrapping his large, tattooed hand around my wrist and pulling me toward the building.

  Jeffries sidles up to me, his face coming closer to my ear. “Welcome home, Tara,” he says smugly and I can’t help but grimace, my vision blurring as tears fill them. But instead of putting up a fight, I allow them to take me inside. Because the fight has only just begun. And I know I’m going to need to reserve my strength.

  Inside the derelict-looking building is what appears to be a makeshift home. Steel staircases at either side lead to an upstairs mezzanine, the downstairs set up with a couch and a huge television. In one corner of the cold metal building sits a very basic kitchen with an industrial-looking sink and counter. As Silver drags me inside, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand noticing the blood that smears. The metallic taste of blood in my mouth makes me shudder. I glance over to Ozzie, unable to rid myself of the taste no matter how many times I swallow. I hold my free hand to my mouth as I cough over and over. Jeffries’ eyes dart to me and I look at him, pleading with my eyes.

  “You want something, darlin’?”

  “Water,” I choke out between coughs.

  “Of course,” he says with a smile, walking over to the sink. I watch as he fills a glass before returning it to me. His hand holds out the drink to take it from him, only he snatches it back. Tilting his wrist he thrusts the water toward me and I gasp at the unexpectedness. The men laugh like adolescents and I gawk at him. With a shake of my head, I reach up and swipe the water from my face.

  “Should’ve known it was all an act. Being nice isn’t really your thing, is it?” I glare at him, my body shaking as I try to control the hate-induced rage that is trying to break out.

  “Take her upstairs. Shackle her to the bed,” he demands with a flick of his wrist in the direction of the stairs to my left. Silver tugs on my arm, but I dig in my heels, thrashing my arms like a lunatic in an attempt to get him to let go. The anxiety builds deep within at the thought of what he did to me the first time.

  “Fuck, stand still, you stupid whore,” Silver growls, his hands grabbing my wrists and pulling them behind me.

  “I’m not a whore, asshole.”

  “You are whatever I want you to be,” Jeffries adds, stepping closer and standing in front of me. His weathered face and his distinct smell makes me heave. “I bet you don’t remember the last time I had a taste of you? Do you?”

  “I don’t need to remember. I know exactly what you did to me. I saw the mess you made of my body.”

  He studies me for a second and my heart pounds. I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I know what he wants from me. He wants to own me. And not in a good way. My breathing picks up speed and I swear my lungs are going to give out. The few seconds feels like a lifetime.

  Pressing his hand to his chest, he tilts his head. “It hurts that you don’t remember that night. The night we made our child.” Moving his hand from his chest to my stomach, I jerk back.

I warn, wriggling my hands as I try to break Silver’s hold.

  “But it’s my right. This child is as much mine as it is yours…”

  “It’s Nate’s baby, not yours,” I spit back.

  “Now, come on. We both know that can’t be true.”

  “I don’t care about your bullshit story. I don’t and won’t believe it. I can’t contemplate that a child could be brought into this world as a result of such a brutal act. No!” I yell.

  “Such a fighter,” he says with a smile. “Dumb, but fucking cute. You know, I get off on the struggle. Knowing you’ll put up a fight makes my dick seriously hard.” Dropping his hand from my stomach, he grabs hold of his bulge, stroking it over the top of his jeans.

  “You’re fucking disgusting.”

  “Why, thank you.” He smirks, loving it when I fight back. But I can’t help myself. It isn’t in me to stand there and take his bullshit. I’m never going to be that girl.

  * * *

  My eyes are heavy and my mouth is dry. Despite the dryness in my eyes, a tear leaks and I drop my head to the side in an attempt to control it. I won’t allow the floodgates to open. Remaining strong is what I have to do. I’m scared and hurting, but I refuse to give up. I don’t have it in me to quit. My eyes look at the metal roof above me and confirm what I already know. I’m in the middle of nowhere with my worst nightmare.

  The man who wants me.

  Who wants to ruin me.

  I yank on the ropes around my wrists that keep me fastened to the metal bed frame, but it’s no use. I’m not sure how long I’ve been here, or how long I was sleeping, but it seems dark. The small amount of light comes from the main floor below.

  My body aches as I long to move from the position I’ve been forced into. Swiveling my hips, I try to lie on my side, easing the numbness that has set in. But I can’t. My movement is limited. Thrashing my arms, I let out a quiet and controlled growl of frustration. As I thrash and pull my bonds, the sound of footsteps approaching echoes through the building. I hadn’t heard voices or anything in the few minutes since I woke. The figure of a man approaching comes into sight and I lift my head, my eyes fixed on him. He stalks closer, walking around the bed, his eyes fixed on me like a predator seeking out its prey. My breath stills and as he steps closer, it’s exactly who I expect to see.


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