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The complete scars series: Books one-four

Page 82

by Tonks, Rachael

  “This afternoon.”

  “See you then,” I reply, ending the call and throwing my cell back into the studio. “Fuck.” I let out a low growl.

  “What’s wrong, boss?” Zane asks, walking toward me.

  “I’m getting heat from Brax about the fucking drugs.”

  “To be expected. He’s lost out on a big deal.”

  “A deal I didn’t make. The man who did is no longer in charge.”

  “I agree,” he replies quickly. “But in his mind, it’s a deal he made with the club.”

  “I’m putting this to bed once and for all. Brax may be like family to me, but he’s gotta fucking accept it. We ain’t dealing his drugs anymore.”

  “The club backs your decisions.”

  My head whips toward the gate as I watch a red car drive in, pulling up beside the motorbikes parked out front.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Zane asks.

  “Johnny. He’s coming to make use of the studio until things are settled and I can get back to working in there.”

  “Good idea,” he says, slapping the top of my arm.

  * * *

  After showing Johnny around the studio and giving him my spare key, I head back into the clubhouse to where most of the guys are hanging in the bar.

  “Roach and Matteo at the garage?”

  “Yeah, man. They have a lot going on down there. Busy fixing up Tara’s car,” Davo replies, taking a drag on his smoke, then slowly blowing out rings.

  “Good. And Melody? She get to Brax’s okay?”

  “Of course, man,” he says with a shit-eating grin.

  “Could it be that the old man has a little crush on the beautiful Melody?” Zane teases, nudging Davo teasingly.

  “Less of the fucking old,” he spits back, standing tall and adjusting his cut awkwardly.

  We all fall into a fit of laughter.

  “Laugh all you want, assholes. I’ll be the one laughing when I’ve got the girl.”

  His comment ensues a whole new set of laughter. “Guys,” I shout over the raucous noise. “We should get inside the chapel.”

  Turning, I make my way over to the door, pushing it open, leading my men inside. We quickly settle down and I push back in my chair, glancing at the faces fixed on me.

  “So glad that whole shit with Jeffries is done now. Fucked up what he did to Tara. Sorry, man,” Angelo states, the other guys nodding in agreement.

  “Yeah, man. Fucked up. How is she?” Duke enquires.

  “As you’d imagine. A little messed up, but alive. And I have my men to thank for that. Without Davo and Zane, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

  “Now we have to address the issue of the Deathseekers. Those fuckers ambushed us at the first address. Held a fucking gun to my head,” Davo tells the men.

  Gasps and angry murmurs fill the room.

  “We got out because of Hunter. He offered a lifeline.”

  “What kind of lifeline?” Angelo asks, his eyebrows knitted together.

  “The deal with Brax.”

  “You cannot be serious?!”

  “Deadly. But I’m not talking about dealing with Brewer. He has to be dealt with first. We take him out and Hunter steps up as president. He’s exactly the kind of person they need at the head. Young, fresh blood.”

  “He’s a stupid fucking kid with no balls, man. You cannot think this is a good fucking idea.” Matteo stares at me blankly.

  “All I know is that Hunter has given me intel and had my back. For that, he has some of my trust.”

  “And Brax is happy with us handing the deal over to the Deathseekers?”

  “Not exactly. But I had to offer them something. Making that deal is the only reason we got out of there alive. We just gotta play along until we take out the old man. Once he’s out of the picture then we can really see if Hunter can be fucking trusted or not.”

  “He’s right,” Davo says. “He made the best decision at the time, and I actually agree with him. We can use Hunter to our advantage. Mold him into being an ally, rather than us being at war with the Deathseekers. Because that shit’s getting old.”

  Hums of agreement echo around the room.

  “We got one last deal to make with Brax. We make sure we shift the drugs and fast. I don’t want the heat on us considering this is our last run.”

  A knock on the door interrupts us. Davo steps up, making his way over to the door, opening it and peering through. Jenny peers in, her eyes wide and she looks in shock.

  “You got visitors,” she stutters.

  “Who the fuck is it?” I jump out of my seat, making my way over to the door.

  “It’s the Deathseekers. Brewer wants to see you. He’s just sitting over at the bar.”

  Snatching the door open, I storm out of church making my way over to him.

  “The fuck are you doing here? You don’t get to walk in here uninvited!”

  “Business, my dear boy. I’m here to do business.”

  Clamping my teeth together, I reach for inside my cut, locating my gun and drawing on this cocksucker. “You got some fucking nerve just showing up here.”

  “Hey, hey.” He steps down from the barstool, turning to face me. My arm is straight and the gun is pointed firmly at him. “There’s no need for the hostility,” he says, tilting his head to the side, his arm slowly rising into the air.

  “Cast your mind back to yesterday and we received the same hostility, cocksucker.”

  “I came to do business, nothing more, nothing less.”

  “I don’t believe your bullshit, Brewer,” I say with a scoff.

  “Well, there’s another little matter of the old warehouse of mine that you fucking burned to a crisp.”

  “You heard then?”

  “This was your doing?” His darkened eyes narrow on me. “You really killed your own father?”

  My heart thunders in my chest and the last thing I need to do is explain myself to this asshole and his band of useless men.

  “That’s none of your goddamn business. You may have been helping my fucked-up father, but you have no right questioning me. Not now, not ever!” I roar, my throat stinging with the ferocity.

  Jerking forward his eyes bulge and he snarls at me. “My. Fucking. Warehouse.”

  Guns cock and my men step forward. “Back the fuck up,” Zane yells at Brewer, but he doesn’t move. I don’t flinch, I just keep my gun firmly pointed at him. He won’t do anything stupid while he’s staring down the barrel.

  “You got a problem with your father, then you deal with it. But doing that shit on my property and leaving me with the mess to clean up means you owe me serious money.”

  “That was the risk you took when you started hiding my father and getting involved in Savage business. You didn’t want the consequences then you should’ve left it alone.”

  “Why don’t we discuss compensation?”

  “There won’t be any fucking compensation,” I snap. This asshole is testing my patience.

  “I want the profits from our first deal with Harris. Every. Last. Cent.”

  “The agreement with Harris isn’t a done deal. I need to meet with him later today to discuss. He’s a little on the fence as to whether he can trust the Deathseekers or not. So, until then, I suggest you get the fuck out of here and wait for my call. I’ll let you know what Brax has to say on the matter.”

  “I want a meeting. Today.”

  Lowering my gun, I point to the floor and pull the trigger. My bullet narrowly misses his foot, exactly as planned.

  “What the hell?” he gasps.

  “That was a warning.” Resuming my position on him, I point the gun directly at his forehead. “The next won’t be a warning.”

  “Fucking cocksucker,” he growls at me, but I don’t rise to it.

  “You want this deal with Harris, then there are simple rules. Real simple, try to keep up.”

  His nostrils flare as his eyes burn into me.

  “Rule number one. Do
n’t make demands. Rule number two. Don’t turn up here, in my club, uninvited. Rule number three. The deal happens when I say so. Not before.”

  He scoffs loudly, his head dropping back as he begins laughing. “Fuck you and fuck your stupid rules.”

  “I’m not sure you really get the concept of how this is supposed to work. You want things, you gotta earn them. Don’t come here making demands, asshole.”

  “Haven’t quite worked out how to fill those big fucking boots of your father yet, have you?”

  He’s taunting me, and I don’t have time for his games.

  I glance over my shoulder, my jaw stiff and my eyes finding Zane. “Get him out of here.”

  “Hey,” Brewer yells. “I’m leaving already.” Shuffling his feet, he flicks his head toward the door, giving his men waiting outside the instruction to leave. “But I will be in touch. Mark my fucking words.”

  “Look forward to it,” I say, offering him a shit-eating grin. My guys follow him out and I fall back against the barstool.

  “Fuck,” I roar, dragging my hands down my face. My heart pounds in my chest and I shake my head as annoyance fuels me, anger like a tornado in my chest.

  “Here, this should help, Nate.” Jenny sets the bottle of beer in front of me and I glance up, flashing her a smile.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking the beer with both hands and slumping forward. Closing my eyes, I gulp down the cool beer. Staring down at the bar, all I want to do is leave. Get the fuck out of here and away from the shit that comes with the club. Taking one last gulp of the beer, I slam the bottle down against the wooden bar and step up from the barstool.

  “Got somewhere to be,” I tell Jenny and she looks at me, her eyebrows pulling together. Putting one foot in front of the other, I make my way out and over to the main entrance where the guys are gathered outside.

  “He’s got some goddamn nerve.”

  “Right,” I murmur staring ahead and picking up the pace until I reach my bike.

  “Prez? The fuck?” Zane yells after me.

  “Got somewhere to be.”

  “What about the guys? The deal with Brax. We have business to handle.”

  “It can wait. I have something more important to deal with.” Cocking my leg, I slide down onto the bike and grab my helmet. Pulling it on, I secure the buckle under my chin and start the engine of my bike.

  “Nate, brother. Talk to me.”

  “Hold the fort. I’ll be in touch.”

  Pulling back the throttle, I let the wheel beneath me spin before releasing and allowing the bike to pull away.

  I have to see her. I have to let her know that she’s all that matters to me right now.


  Shaking my head from side to side, my hair moves like silk and my reflection looks more like that of a movie star than someone like me.

  “Oh, I love it. I can’t believe that’s really me.”

  Eddie stands in front of me, both hands clutching the mirror smiling like a crazed lunatic.

  “Didn’t I tell you he was the best?” Izzy adds as she stands looking at me with admiration for my new bangs.

  My hair falls longer at the front and shapes my face. Turning my head, I see that my hair is tapered at the back and the whole bob look really suits me.

  My feet meet the floor and I step up, hugging the hairdresser. “I can’t tell you what a difference this will make.” I pull back, looking him in the eye. “Thank you.”

  “Never doubted for a second that this was the cut for you. It’s perfect.” Pushing the mirror back in his bag, he collects his things, ready to make his way out.

  As we head over to the door, the familiar rumble of the bike engine makes me glance through the window. I see Nate kicking out the stand of the bike and dismounting.

  “Is that, uh, the hot guy with all the tattoos that was here this morning?” Eddie asks.

  “Nate,” I say holding back a chuckle. “Yeah, he’s my boyfriend.”

  Waving his hand in front of his face he flutters his eyelashes dramatically. “I have a huge appreciation for the male form. Particularly the hot biker kind.”

  “Hands off, bitch,” I tease, pointing my finger at him.

  “You are a lucky woman waking up to that every morning.” Placing his fist in his mouth he lets out a moan, his eyes rolling and I can barely breathe. I hold my stomach as I laugh at him. The door opens and we are both suddenly silenced. Nate’s eyes flick between me and Eddie, a puzzled look on his face.

  “Hey,” he says breaking the awkward silence.

  I let out a laugh I can no longer control.

  “Shit, what did I miss?”

  Eddie glares at me in warning. “Oh nothing,” I say, wrapping my arm around his waist and pressing onto my toes, kissing him gently on the cheek. “Just seeing Eddie to his car.”

  “I can do that for you,” he says, turning his head and kissing me on the lips.

  “I’d love that,” Eddie purrs and I stifle another laugh, pressing my face into Nate’s shoulder. This guy is literally drooling over my man, yet I can’t help but think it’s hilarious. Dropping my hold on Nate I step back, waving a little to Eddie as he and Nate walk over to his car. I stand in the doorway, waiting for Nate to make his way back over. With bright eyes I watch as he talks with Eddie remembering that I could have lost all of this. The feeling of excitement swelling in my tummy. The feeling of my heart beating rhythmically and faster just when he’s around. Without a shadow of a doubt, I am lucky. Lucky to be alive and lucky to have Nate.

  “That’s a look I won’t ever get tired of seeing,” he muses as he steps closer, his hands falling to my hips. “You look amazing.”

  “He did a real good job at fixing my hair.”

  “The hair looks great but I was talking about the look on your face. Baby, you look so happy, so carefree. It’s a good fucking look on you.”

  Pulling me closer, I lift my legs, wrapping them around him. Nate winces as he holds me up, his shoulder still causes him pain. He doesn’t say, but I know.

  Slowly, I move until our lips are touching. My eyes closed and my heart full, I sink into him, craving the comfort and healing I feel from his kiss.

  “I could do this all day,” he speaks between kisses, almost murmuring.

  The sound of Izzy clearing her throat makes Nate turn until we’re facing her. “I should leave you to it.”

  “You have a visitor at the office. Melody is there looking for you.”

  “Yeah, Brax called. He’s keeping her busy for now.”

  Loosening my legs, I drop down to the floor, wincing a little. “Thank you for today. I feel like a million dollars. It was just what I needed.”

  “Anytime,” she says, hugging me before heading out the door. “Call me,” she shouts back and I wave to her.

  I let out a contented sigh. “Don’t know what I did to deserve her,” I say, looking up at Nate. “She’s been such a good friend to me.”

  “I’m glad you have her. Have you called your mom yet?”

  Grimacing, I shake my head a little. “I can’t, Nate. Not ready to face her just yet.”

  “I understand,” he replies, reaching for my hand. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready?” I ask in astonishment. “Ready for what?”

  “Go pack an overnight bag. I have a little something planned.”

  Fluttering my lashes, I stare into his bright, excited eyes. Squeezing his hand, my stomach flips. “Where are we going?”

  He glances at his watch. “It’s a surprise. Go. We need to leave in precisely three minutes and forty seconds.”

  Hobbling up the stairs as fast as my damaged leg allows, I make my way into the bedroom. Opening the closet, I stand there, scanning my clothes wondering what the hell I should take. I have no idea where we’re going and even less idea of what to take. I grab a few items of clothing, making sure I have something for every eventuality. Heading into the bathroom I grab my toiletries, push it all into my bag before heading back do
wn the stairs. Nate is waiting for me with his back against the door, one leg up and his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

  My heart leaps at the glorious-looking man at the door.

  My man.

  He’s mine and I can’t help but be excited that it would be just the two of us tonight. That together, we could forget about everything and everyone and concentrate on us. The reason this whole fucked-up mess happened in the first place.

  Like we’re running away from our problems. Jumping on Nate’s bike and riding away from here and forgetting, just for one night, what has happened.

  We have to make today count. And every day after.

  “I’m ready,” I say, stopping in front of him, clasping the handle of the bag.

  “Good.” He smirks, his lips curling at one corner and I have to admit, that shit does something to me. My stomach clenches and excitement swells between my legs.

  Using his leg, he pushes himself away from his position against the door and steps a little closer.

  “You going to tell me where we’re going? Like, do I need my passport?” I ask, pressing him.

  “The only mode of transport I like is the bike.” He chuckles, reaching for the door and waving his arm. “Let’s go.”

  Confusion swims in my mind. “Stop,” I say gently. “You have to tell me what’s happening here, Nate. We’re leaving for the night. But what about the club, the other guys? The shit that went down with the Deathseekers. It’s such a great gesture, but is it the right time? You’re prez, and I get that.”

  “Some shit went down at the club making me realize what’s important. You, Tara. You’re what’s important. The fucking club can wait.”

  “Baby…” I start to say, only to be cut off by his strong arm pulling me into his chest.

  “We need this. No more questions, let’s go.”

  Leading us outside, he hands me the helmet and pulls on his own. He works quickly to secure our bags to the back of the bike. Throwing his leg over and mounting the bike, I follow his lead. Sliding on the bike behind Nate, I wrap my arms around him tightly.


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