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The complete scars series: Books one-four

Page 92

by Tonks, Rachael

  “Stop whispering,” he says. His large hand lands heavily on my shoulder as he pulls me away from her. “You need to start listening to me. You’ve had all of your life together. But me. I didn’t even know I had a fucking daughter. I always wanted a little girl of my own.” He tilts his head glaring intensely at me.

  “You just want another pawn in your game. And I refuse to be a part of your games. I want nothing to do with you.”

  “You don’t even know me, yet.” He mock pouts, his eyes drooping like some fucking puppy dog. Only, he ain’t cute and that shit won’t work on me.

  “I don’t want to get to know you. Look,” I yell, pointing angrily at my mother. “Look what you did to her… you really think I’d ever want anything to do with a piece of shit like you?”

  “I’ve been lied to for years. You think someone like me can just sit back and not do anything about that? She denied me what’s mine.”

  “I’m not a goddamn possession,” I fire back.

  “You are my daughter.”

  “Only in blood. My mom was all I ever needed growing up. And I’m thankful. Thankful that she kept me away from a cockroach like you.”

  His jaw tightens and his eyes darken with anger. He barrels toward me, his hand landing heavily on my throat. “How dare you! How dare you disrespect me.”

  “NO!” my mom screams, charging her body toward him in an effort to get him to let go. He squeezes tightly and I wrap my hands over his, trying to get him to loosen the hold. But it’s no use.

  His free arm flies out, knocking Mom to the floor again. My eyes follow her and I feel completely helpless. She continues to scream at him, her legs thrashing wildly as she tries to get him to let go. But the noise becomes nothing but a blur. My vision becomes hazy and I’m pretty sure I’m going to pass out soon.

  “What the fuck?” he yells, finally loosening his grip and throwing me to the floor. I scramble, coughing and heaving as I try to get some oxygen in my lungs. Brewer races over to the window, peeking through the curtain.

  “You stupid fucking whore.” He glowers at me. “You called your boyfriend, huh? Didn’t I warn you not to do that?” His arm lifts and straightens, the gun now pointing at Mom once again.

  “No,” I rush out, sliding until my body is positioned in front of Mom.

  “Move, you stupid girl.”

  “I won’t let you do this,” I snap.

  “Tara, you can’t do this. It’s me he wants.”

  “I was so stupid. I’m so sorry, Mom.”

  I remain on the floor, cowering but covering my mom. He seems hell-bent on hurting her and if I can stop him from hurting her, I will.


  Pushing out the stand, I race over to the door, banging my clenched fist against it.

  “Open the fucking door,” I demand, my eyes glancing over to my men who are just pulling in behind me.

  Hunter is here, and knowing that I have his backing on this is really fucking reassuring.

  Until I hear the sound of a gun discharging.

  “FUCK,” I roar, raising my leg and kicking the fucking door as hard as I can.

  “Stand back.” Hunter gestures with his hand, gun pointed at the lock. He steadies his aim before pulling the trigger. The door swings open.

  “No!” Hunter yells, racing toward her. “How could you, Dad? She’s your daughter. You stupid piece of shit.”

  Tara cries out, her hands immediately go to the wound, blood pouring from where the gun has hit her.

  In her stomach.

  My whole body shakes but I race over to her, Brewer turning the gun on Hunter. They stand only inches apart, guns pointing directly at one another. I lift her from the floor, her mother's hysterical cries pierce my ears.

  “Nate, oh God… oh God, help her, Nate.”

  “I’m okay,” she whispers as her eyes flicker, her arms wrapping around my neck.

  She’s not okay. She needs to get to the hospital, now. “Someone call an ambulance.”

  What the fuck do I do?

  “What the fuck?” Brax exclaims, his eye wide with shock as he focuses on Tara. Pulling out his gun, he releases the safety and points toward Brewer. Pulling the trigger, the shot rings out and Brewer falls to the floor.

  Hunter turns away from the gruesome sight, unable to look as blood and brain splatter covers the wall and floor.

  “Brax, man, please… please help me get her to the hospital. She’s hit and bleeding badly.” I can see the color from Tara has drained and she’s not really saying much. “I think she’s in shock.”

  “My car. Now,” he says, instructing over to his black SUV.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for the ambulance?” Roach asks, following behind me as I carry Tara out of the house and over to Brax’s SUV.

  “There’s no time. We need to go. Now,” Brax exclaims. “I’ll call ahead. They’ll be expecting us.”

  My men look at me helplessly as they gather around. “Take care of Tara’s mom. If she needs medical attention, take her to the hospital. And take care of the mess.”

  “Yes, Prez.” Zane looks at me with sad eyes. “She gonna make it?” His voice barely audible.

  “She has to.”

  Brax opens the rear door and I lift her in, resting her against the back seat. “Here, take this. Stem the bleeding.”

  Pushing a blanket against my chest, I take it, holding it to the right side of her abdomen. Her head drops back and her eyes are closed.

  “What about the baby, Nate?”

  “Everything will be fine. Don’t worry, baby.”

  “But the bullet… I’m hit here.” She looks down at her hands covered in blood. Replacing her hands with the blanket, I apply as much pressure as I can. The door behind me closes and Brax appears in the driver's seat. She holds her hands in front of her face, gawking at the blood dripping from her hands.

  “I’m coming with you.” Hunter appears in the front passenger seat, glancing between the seats at me clutching onto Tara with everything I have.

  “I’m so fucking sorry. This is all my fault.”

  “There’s only one person to blame here and that’s Brewer,” I’m quick to reply.

  “You shouldn’t have said anything to him about him being my father,” Tara croaks. “I’m scared Mom is hurt. Who’s taking care of her?” She stretches her neck as if trying to find her mom. I place my hand on the side of her head, drawing her back against my chest.

  “Shhh…” I soothe. “She’s fine. My men are taking care of her.”

  All I can do is hold her and pray that she’ll be okay.

  The baby too.


  I slowly open my weary eyes, blinking at the harsh light that shines down on me.

  “Shit,” I grumble.

  “She’s awake. Nate, Tara has her eyes open.” The female voice seems to echo through the eerily quiet room.

  “Where am I?” I continue to blink, but a little faster now, trying to take in my surroundings.

  “You’re safe.” His voice is calm and soothing. “You’re at the hospital. Everything is going to be okay.”

  Flashes of memory spark through my mind and I remember what happened.

  The blood.

  The gunshot to my stomach.


  “The baby?” I cry out. “Am I… am I... still pregnant?”

  I feel his hand on mine and I struggle to focus on him, my eyes sting and appear blurry. “The baby is fine. We were lucky. So goddamn lucky.” He throws his arms around me, holding me tightly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Dazed. Confused, but alive. And that’s the best feeling ever.” I smile at him as his handsome face finally comes into focus. I reach my shaky hand to the side of his face, resting it there. He leans in, slowly kissing my dry lips.

  “I fucking love you, Tara. But don’t ever put yourself at risk like that again.”

  “He would’ve killed her, Nate. I didn’t have a choice.”

  He sighs, shaking his
head side to side.

  “Is she okay? I mean, Brewer had beaten her pretty badly when I got there.”

  “She’s fine,” Isabelle replies. “I’ve taken care of her and she’s on the mend.”

  “Thank you,” I mouth to her.

  My eyes slowly scan the room. Braxton, Isabelle, and Hunter all stand at the end of the bed, smiling at me like lunatics.

  “Fuck, it’s good to have you back,” Brax growls as he makes his way toward me, leaning and kissing me on the head. “You gave us all a scare there, shorty.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She’s a fighter, ain’t that right,” Hunter adds and I can’t help but feel bad for him. His father, all he has known his whole life has been taken from him. “So sorry about your father.”

  “Don’t be. Brax did what he had to.” He forces a smile, but I see that it’s just words. Maybe a cover for how he really feels.

  “We should leave you two alone. You have a lot to talk about,” Brax says before pressing his lips against my forehead like a loving older brother would.

  “We do?” I draw my brows together, look between Nate and Brax, confusion swimming in my already messed-up mind.

  Nate gives me a firm nod and I feel my heart's rhythm pick up pace. What don’t I know? What’s happened now?

  Nate steps back allowing Hunter and Isabelle to step beside me. Hunter gives my hand a little squeeze as Isabelle places her hands at the side of my face, pressing her soft lips against my cheek. “Love you, Tara.” Her smile is wide, so wide in fact that it spreads from ear to ear.

  “Love you too, girl.”

  They all wave and smile as they step out of the room, leaving just Nate standing beside me.

  “Come on, please… spit it out. You’re worrying me.”

  He lowers himself until he’s perched beside me on the bed. “I got this for you.” He reaches into his back pocket, producing a white envelope. I focus on it, but I still have no clue what it is.

  “It’s the results, baby. I thought we could open them together.” My gaze lowers and focuses on his shaky hand holding the envelope. “But only if you’re up to it?”

  I press my clenched hands down against the bed, trying to adjust myself until I’m a little more upright.

  “Okay.” I let out a slow steady breath. “Let’s do this.”

  He tears at the envelope, pulling out the letter. Unfolding it, he hands it to me. Taking it, I can’t seem to focus on the words typed across the page.

  Until I get to the part that matters.

  Probability of paternity underlined and I feel like I can’t read fast enough.


  “This means it’s you, right?” My palms feel sweaty and I’m all flushed with emotion.

  “Yes.” He throws his arms around me. “The baby is mine, Tara. I knew it. I always knew the baby was mine.”

  I smile, happy tears stream down my face as Nate laughs excitedly.

  All of the pain, the worry, and the memories fade into nothing knowing that this baby is our future. That we created this unborn child from love, not from hate and fear.

  “Oh, God. I can’t believe I’m crying.” I laugh and Nate parts, allowing me to swipe away the tears.

  “Happy tears though?”

  “So happy.” I glance up to meet his eyes, mine locking with his. All of the hurt and worry has gone. No words are spoken, but everything I need is staring back at me in his gray-blue eyes.

  I draw in a breath, knowing this point, right here, right now, is the start of the rest of our lives.

  Nate is my life.

  And so is his child.

  Our child.



  2 years later…

  Standing in Nate’s tattoo studio he tilts his head to the side, smiling at me like a madman.

  “What do you think?” Nate asks, pointing his wedding ring finger at me and showing me his new ink.

  “Nice,” I say, noting that it’s the date we got married.

  “And this one?” He turns around lifting his arm and showing me. It’s Emilia’s name and her date of birth.

  “I love it.” I smile, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him on the cheek. “But don’t think that having that ink on your finger is a replacement for your wedding ring, because it isn’t. Don’t want the club chicks getting the wrong idea about my man.” I lift my brows, looking into his eyes, giving him an unspoken warning.

  “Baby, come on. You know I only have eyes for you.”

  The sudden sound of the door flying open has us glancing to the door, a smile spreading across both of our faces.

  “Hey, bubba.” Nate sidesteps, lowering himself to the floor, arms open wide as Emilia waddles toward him.

  She is a total daddy’s girl and the two of them are completely inseparable.

  “Da da,” Emilia repeats over and over.

  “Come here, baby girl.” Nate’s face lights up, as it does every time he sees her. Lifting her from the floor he holds her up and starts to spin on the spot. The sound of the two of them laughing together is completely infectious and I feel tears prickle at my eyes. The two look so alike. Dark hair, yet contrasting light gray-blue eyes. There is no denying that Emilia is Nate’s child. And I also can’t deny that having Emilia in our lives is the best thing that has ever happened to us.

  “Hey, baby girl.” I reach and take her hand, stroking the back of it with my thumb. She smiles, her cheeks bunching as the smile reaches her eyes. Nate leans in and places a soft kiss against my lips.

  “Oh, thank God she’s here with you two,” Hunter says breathlessly. “I only turned away for a second. She’s a livewire, that’s for sure.”

  We both chuckle and I can’t deny that Emilia is a little like me. Stubborn, headstrong, and knows exactly what she wants.

  But it’s been great having Hunter in my life. He’s become the younger brother I never knew I wanted. He also became the president of the Deathseekers, under the guidance of Nate. And things with the MC couldn’t be better.

  Nate has worked hard to take the club in the right direction. He started up his own whorehouse empire, now running and managing six clubs across the county, as well as three additional Savage Ink tattoo studios.

  And even though the drugs and deals with Brax are no longer a part of club life, they are still very much a part of our lives. Brax and Izzy are our best friends, and always will be.

  In the end, despite all of my uncertainty and fears and everything we went through to get to this point, it was worth it. So worth it. And I knew from the very first kiss that I had fallen for Nate. Hard, fast, and all in.

  Our forbidden love became the only love that mattered. And in the end, love triumphed over everything that stood in our way.

  I look up at my world, right here, standing in front of me. “I love you,” I say with conviction, kissing him on the lips, molding together as one.

  “Hey, maybe Mommy and Daddy need some alone time,” Hunter interrupts, reaching for Emilia and taking her back out of the room, grinning as he looks at us over his shoulder. We hear him talking sweetly to her as he makes his way out, closing the door behind him.

  “Just you and me, baby. I like the sound of that,” Nate muses with a wiggle of his brows.

  “For now.” I giggle as he hooks his hands under my ass and steps back until I’m against the wall. My heart smiles and my hand drifts over his bare chest.

  “Mrs. Jeffries,” he purrs with lust lacing his tone.

  “Yes, Mr. Jeffries…”

  “I have around thirty minutes to worship your body.” He starts tugging at my blouse and lifting my skirt. My full heart pounds and his lips meet mine once more. I close my eyes savoring this moment and his touch. I never would’ve believed this is how it would be for us. But one thing it taught me, is to never stop fighting. I fought for this man, the dark times far outweighed by the light and love Nate brought to my life.

  He is my life.
r />   My rock.

  And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with this man. Because being together with him, even in ruins, is better than not being together at all.

  Coming Soon

  Look out for more from the Scars series!

  There will be two spin-off Novella’s coming at the end of 2018-beginning 2019!


  Rachael Tonks is a contemporary romance author with a love of books, and a particular love of the romance genre. As a child Rachael could always be found with her head in a book, but it wasn’t until the beginning of 2015 when Rachael’s love of books really took over. Reading spurred on her desires to put pen to paper, and write down the story of the characters screaming for their story to be told. Starting out her career with a new adult romance novel, she has now published multiple novels, ranging from dark romance to contemporary. Rachael lives in the steely suburb of Sheffield, in the north of England with her family. She has 3 beautiful children and a crazy dog. She loves nothing more reading with a good cup of tea and is self-proclaimed chocoholic!

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