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The Firm Hand of the Law

Page 6

by Loki Renard

  “Ready for your spanking, my pretty little liar?”

  “Fuck off…” She pushed the door closed, but that was no use. He was coming in anyway. He brushed her aside as if she were of no more consequence than a fruit fly and stepped into her apartment, hands on his hips as he fixed her with a hard look.

  “There was no drop yesterday.”

  “Yeah,” she gave an exaggerated shrug, “I guess they delayed it.”

  “Every new lie you tell gets you in deeper trouble,” he informed her. “Do you really want to keep lying?”

  “I really want you to go away,” she said, backing away as he closed the door behind himself. Deep in her tummy, excitement was fizzing. He was there to spank her, to lay hands on her bare bottom. Though she was not at all looking forward to the heat and the soreness, she had been anticipating this moment almost since the last time they’d spoken. She had played it over and over in her mind, imagining how it would feel when his large hands settled on her hips, turned her over and pulled her pants down, and what might happen afterward.

  She had dressed in anticipation of his arrival. Her jeans were not quite as tight as usual, there was enough room in the waistband to wriggle them down without too much trouble. Her panties were near non-existent, a floss pink thong framing her cheeks perfectly. She’d tried several such undergarments on, checking her butt in the mirror until she was satisfied with the way it looked.

  “You are in trouble, young lady,” he said in his deepest and most authoritarian tone. A little frisson of fright zipped through her belly, further igniting the dancing sparks which were fizzing near her loins. He pointed to the couch. “Bend over the back of that,” he ordered, “and pull your jeans down.”

  She snorted. “I don’t think so.”

  “Do it, or I’ll have to do it for you. If I do it, those panties are coming down.”

  Her smirk grew wider. It was fine by her if her panties came down. She’d spent the morning making sure her pussy was perfectly shaved, her pubic hair trimmed to a neat ‘V’ over her mound, her labia bare.

  “You’re going to make this difficult for yourself, aren’t you?” He began taking off his leather jacket and rolling up his sleeves. She watched with barely veiled anticipation as his forearms came into view, long and strong, furred with dark hair along the muscular plane.

  Lily retreated to the couch, sitting on the arm with her hands clasping the fabric either side of her. It meant that she was further below him than usual, her head very close to his midsection and the bulge where his manhood was pressing against his jeans. If she wasn’t mistaken, he was already somewhat aroused.

  The atmosphere was tense and undeniably charged. She was sure he felt it too; she could see it in his eyes. He was looking at her with his usual firm decisiveness, but there was more to it as well—a lust that was answered in her own gaze.

  “Bend over the couch, Lily.” He repeated the order, his voice slightly softer. “Be a good girl.”

  “I have never been a good girl.”

  “Oh, but you’re going to be.” He murmured the promise, reaching out for her. He took her by the arm and drew her up to her feet. She did not fight him. She enjoyed the feeling of his warm skin against hers too much to wrench herself away.

  He pulled her close and let his other hand slide down her back and over the curve of her bottom. The way he touched her was masterful. From the first moment he had been taking control. His hand clasped her bottom, drawing her close as he began to rub and pat and lightly spank her cheeks with a touch that was more teasing than punitive.

  Rubbing against him, Lily confirmed her earlier suspicion. He was already hard. The ridge of his cock pressed against her, giving satisfaction to her tingling clit even through two layers of jeans. Maybe he was going to spank her, but after that, his cock was going to take her for the second time. It was already a foregone conclusion.

  Her nipples hardened under her tank top, sending further sparks of arousal shooting into her system as he spanked her lightly, using his body as a barrier to stop any attempt at escape. She lifted her face to him, her lips parted in a little moan. He took advantage of it to kiss her, his mouth claiming hers with a roughness which left no room for dissent or misbehavior.

  “Those jeans are coming down,” he informed her, reaching for the fastening. It melted away under his fingers and soon her pants were a crumpled mess on the floor. “Cute panties,” he observed, running a finger under the floss-like string at the rear. The motion pulled the front of the fabric harder against her pussy, defining every little curve and part.

  The panties were a formality and he ignored them, working her body around the pink fabric. She felt the slightly rough surface of the pads of his fingers press against her bare lips for a moment, rubbing gently to encourage her wetness to flow free. Caught in his kiss, she could only moan as he once again took charge of her, making her body respond to him. This was what she had dreamed of, his mouth on hers, his strong body pleasuring hers in a way nobody else ever had.

  His fingers thrust inside her, penetrating her tight hole and finding the wetness within. He started thrusting roughly, spreading her pussy time and time again around the length of his digits. His touch was rough, but it was also exactly what she needed. He pressed his thumb over the hood of her clit, making her squeal and moan.

  “Is this what you wanted?” The gruff question thrilled her as he pushed deeper inside her body, twisting his fingers slightly back and forth as he went, making her pussy walls quiver. She was sitting on the arm of the couch now, her legs spread as his fingers plunged inside her tight channel.

  He withdrew them for a second to lower his fly and let his cock spring free. It was long and thick and so hard it was almost intimidating. Without being bidden, Lily licked her lips and then let her tongue play around the flared head, tasting him like candy. He was delicious. Hot and hard, ready to plunge inside her but also very willing to be pleasured by her mouth.

  “Mngghh… good girl,” he groaned, stroking her hair as she let her lips wrap around the length of him. Pleasuring him gave Lily a sense of power of her own. She held his most sensitive organ in her mouth and it was quivering with excitement as she let her lips and tongue slide over the length. He let her do that for several minutes, until she started to taste the salty splashes of cum just barely being held back.

  He pulled out of her mouth and looked down at her. “Bend over.” The order was given in a low, husky voice. Finally, she obeyed, settling her hips high over the arch of the arm in an echo of the first time they were together.

  Her thong was still on, but it offered no resistance as she felt the head of his hard lust soaked cock press against her pussy. Her outer lips welcomed him immediately, spreading around his hard shaft as he slowly sank inside her. His hand was locked at the back of her neck, her hips were forced to arch up by the arm of the couch, and she was being fucked long, slow, and hard.

  “Gareth,” she panted.


  “This isn’t exactly a punishment,” she giggled. A sharp swat landed on her bottom as he stilled his cock.

  “You are such a brat, Brannigan,” he lectured. “Is it just not as good when you don’t have a sore ass to go with it?”

  She didn’t have time to answer because he had started spanking her hard and fast, his cock buried deep inside her enjoying every leap and squirm as she reacted to the hot slaps raining down on her bare bottom. Funnily enough, no matter how hard he slapped, none of the swats actually hurt. All of them were transformed to heat and pleasure so intense that she couldn’t have cared less what he was doing as long as he kept doing it. Lily was soon riding her hips back, pressing herself along the length of his shaft greedily.

  “Oh you are…” Gareth moaned as she pressed her bottom hard back against his pants and ground her wet bare pussy at the base of his cock. He was still dressed, no time had been taken in the disrobing part of affairs. It made her feel even more wanton to be fucked half clothed, spank
ed and punished by a man whose denim was making her hot bottom tingle with every grind.

  “Naughty girl,” he chided, leaning down to press her more firmly against the couch. Now it was his time to thrust, her time to take each hard stroke as he started pounding her pussy, his hips bouncing against her bare bottom. He had been close to cumming when her mouth was on him, and he was clearly not going to be able to hold back all that much longer. She loved the effect she had on him. She might be the one who was red assed and squealing into the cushions, but he was no more in control than she was as his cock thrust in and out of her over and over.

  Just when she thought he was going to cum, he pulled out. She looked askance, but she needn’t have bothered. He’d stopped because he wasn’t done with what he’d intended to do.

  “You were a bad girl, Brannigan,” he lectured, “and bad girls get their bottoms spanked long and hard.” He walked across the apartment, his long cock still erect and shiny with her juices as he rifled through the kitchen drawer until he found what he was looking for—a wooden spoon.

  “Get up,” he insisted. She whined. She was so close to cumming all she wanted was to feel him back inside her, but that clearly wasn’t going to happen. “Get up, bend over, and touch your toes.”

  Lily didn’t know what madness made her obey. Maybe it was just the small chance that if she did as she was told, there would be more sex and less spanking. At any rate, she soon found herself with her hands to her toes, her nose by her knees, and her bottom high in the air as an officer with a throbbing erection walked behind her and pressed the head of his cock back inside her pussy for just a moment before drawing away and slapping her with the flat side of the wooden spoon.

  “Ow!” she squealed and straightened up. “That hurts!”

  “Down, Brannigan,” he ordered curtly. When she didn’t immediately obey, he put his hand on her lower back, guided her down into a position somewhat approximating the original one and began belaboring her bottom with the spoon. It hurt. Every stroke brought with it a sting and there were a whole lot of strokes, a double dozen at least. She would not have put up with them if he’d not made her, following wherever she squirmed and stepped until she was bent over the back of the couch, her bottom still bearing the brunt of the stingy spoon wrath.

  “Gareth!” She wailed his name plaintively. “I’m sorry!”

  “Will you lie again?”

  “No!” It wasn’t the truth, but it was the answer they both needed to hear. Gareth tossed the spoon away and slid his cock back inside her. What followed was a very thorough fucking which left Lily weak kneed and moaning as her orgasm returned in even greater force. He fucked her through it, stroke after stroke making her body quiver as waves of hot pleasure coursed through. When he came it was just as hard. He pinned her against the couch, her hot red cheeks high in the air as he pumped his seed inside her, holding her still so she took every single potent drop.

  “That,” he said, breathing heavily with his cock still stuffed deep inside her, “was a punishment.”

  Chapter Five

  He’d been right when he said she wouldn’t sit comfortably. Lily didn’t sit at all the next day. The few times she did see fit to lower her posterior toward even the most padded surface she was quickly reminded not to. That was the worst of it, the fact that his hand had burned a message effectively into the future, giving her a reminder which lingered for not one, but several days. There wasn’t a part of her that didn’t feel branded by his touch. Her pussy was sensitive for almost as long as her bottom, but in a much better way. Not a night went by that she didn’t touch herself and remember what he had done with her, to her, for her.

  The next drop actually took place mid-rush on a Saturday night. A package was delivered behind the bar and picked up not ten minutes later by two men who looked for all intents and purposes to be the same person, that person being one of Lily’s bar tenders. It was quite an impressive trick really, to mirror the clothing and facial hair of the man who genuinely worked at the bar and had no idea what was going on. To the casual observer, literally nothing had happened. Only Lily knew that she’d sent Trent on a break while the smuggler made a drop, pulled a couple of pints, then handed off to another smuggler, who tossed down a shot of tequila, took the package, and left.

  Hiding in plain sight was just one of Jasper’s techniques. He liked to be brazen, and he was good at it. That was probably why Gareth and the rest of the police force were so worried. Jasper was becoming adept at splitting shipments right off the boat. They came in, were broken up into hundreds of smaller packages, and were sent out over the city.

  Lily didn’t know what was inside the packages. She didn’t want to know either. Knowing would have made her more of a liability and put her in more danger. As the recipient of the package left the bar, he pressed a wad of hundred dollar bills into her hand. It was wrapped in tissue paper, but she knew what it was. There was a certain weight to ten thousand dollars that had become very familiar over time—payment for three months’ worth of work. Jasper liked to pay quarterly. He ran a tight ship, kept his affairs strictly in order.

  Money in hand, Lily slipped upstairs and made for her bedroom, where a little safe in the wall sat behind a picture of Hoboken. This was the most exciting part of the whole thing. This was why she had never tried to get the bar out of Jasper’s ring. There was money to be made. Lots of it. She was practically giggling to herself as she opened the painting door and exposed the hard black box which was the safe.

  “And what are you doing, missy?”

  She whirled around, caught. The safe was exposed, her payment still in her hand. Gareth was there in the doorway. She didn’t know if he’d been in the apartment all along or followed her up from the bar, but she was not pleased to see him.

  He crossed the room quickly, snatched the money out of her hand. “Seems heavy for a night’s takings,” he said, waving her money under her nose.

  “Give that back.” She reached for it, but he pulled it away. She let out a little panicked sound and tried to grab it again. All she ended up doing was slamming her body against the hard plane of his to no effect whatsoever. He put the cash into his shirt pocket and buttoned it securely.

  “It’s proceeds of a crime. Under civil forfeiture laws I can take this,” he said, sounding every inch a cop. She hated him in that moment more than she ever had.

  A wave of helpless anger swept over Lily. “Don’t you fucking dare. I need that money.”

  “Right, just like a heroin addict needs their next fix, but that isn’t legal either, and I wouldn’t let a junkie take their H with them.”

  Staring at him wide-eyed, Lily couldn’t quite wrap her mind around what was happening. He was stealing her money!

  “You have no proof that any crime was committed. You have no proof of anything. You’re just taking my money. I need that!”

  “If you feel this confiscation was in error, then you can make an application to have it returned.” The robot talk wasn’t endearing him to her at all. The only thing that would have would be if he gave the money back and left, never to return.

  “I fucking hate you!” she growled, her voice rising to a near shriek. It was one thing for him to lurk around her bar, another thing to punish her for lying, but it was quite something else to walk in and take thousands of dollars that didn’t belong to him. It wasn’t cute anymore and it wasn’t fun either. “Give it back.”

  “Lily,” he said calmly. “You know this is blood money. You don’t need it. You have a bar, remember?”

  “Ever fucking run a fucking bar?” She slipped an expletive in between almost every single word. “There’s not as much money in it as people think.”

  “Well, you don’t need to make money this way.”

  It was really happening. He was really taking her money. She wasn’t going to let that happen. She flew at him, her hands alternately balled into fists and clawing to grab at the pocket where her earnings had gone.

struggle did not last long. Gareth grabbed her by the back of the neck and tossed her face down on the bed, pinning her with the weight of his body in a way that did not hurt her, but left her with nowhere to go. She screamed her rage into the coverlet, but nobody cared, least of all him.

  “This is for your own good,” he said, holding her down. “You take this money, I have to report that you’re a knowing part of this ring.”

  “I am a knowing part of this ring!”

  “Not really,” he said. “You don’t know the half of what goes on under your nose. I’ve been watching you, Lily. They run decoy packages by you and ship the real merchandise while you’re distracted.

  “Not possible.”

  “Very possible,” he growled against the back of her neck. “Trust me when I say, you do not want any evidence of having received money from these people.”

  “Trust me when I say that I have to have that money.” She tried to wriggle free, but his grip was firm and his pelvis was a heavy weight keeping her hips pinned to the bed. “You can’t take it.”

  “I already have,” he said. “And you won’t be taking any more.”

  “Then I’ll let them know that it’s not safe to do their drops here anymore.”

  “No, you won’t,” he said firmly. “Right now, you’re a concerned citizen helping us bring down these people. You won’t see a day in jail. If we get enough evidence, you won’t even have to testify.”

  Hot stinging tears of frustration were prickling Lily’s eyes. The cash he had in his pocket was supposed to be the next payment on Gammy’s home.

  “I need that money,” she repeated, hating the way her voice sounded all watery.

  “Would you rather have money, or know that you’re helping to put some very dangerous people behind bars?”

  “I’d rather have money,” Lily argued into the bed. “People don’t stay in jail, especially not people like… these people aren’t ever going down. Maybe you’ll take down a few of their officers or something, but you’ll never come close to taking down the people at the head of this—and you know it. They’ll just find new marks and new places to move their stuff. It doesn’t matter what you do, you’re never going to stop this.”


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