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Brecht Collected Plays: 6: Good Person of Szechwan; The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui; Mr Puntila and his Man Matti (World Classics)

Page 17

by Bertolt Brecht

FLAKE: It does me good to hear you, Dogsborough.

  It gives a fellow courage to go on.

  BUTCHER: Dogsborough, it almost makes me laugh to find

  You so staunchly confident about the future

  Of cauliflower, because quite frankly we

  Have come here for a purpose. No, don’t worry.

  Not what you think, that’s dead and buried. Something

  Pleasant, or so at least we hope. Old man

  It’s come to our attention that it’s been

  Exactly-twenty three years this June, since you –

  Well known to us for having operated

  The lunchroom in one of our establishments for

  More than three decades – left us to devote

  Your talents to the welfare of this city.

  Yes, without you our town would not be what

  It is today. Nor, like the city, would

  The Trust have prospered as it has. I’m glad

  To hear you call it sound, for yesterday

  Moved by this festive occasion, we resolved

  In token of our high esteem, as proof

  That in our hearts we somehow still regard you

  As one of us, to offer you the major share

  Of stock in Sheet’s shipyard for twenty thousand

  Dollars, or less than half its value.

  He lays the packet of stocks on the bar.


  Don’t understand.

  BUTCHER: Quite frankly, Dogsborough

  The Cauliflower Trust is not reputed

  For tenderness of heart, but yesterday

  After we’d made our … well, our

  Stupid request about the loan, and heard

  Your answer, honest, incorruptible

  Old Dogsborough to a hair, a few of us –

  It’s not an easy thing to say – were close

  To tears. Yes, one man said – don’t interrupt

  Me, Flake, I won’t say who – ‘Good God’

  He said, ‘the man has saved us from ourselves.’

  For some time none of us could speak. Then this

  Suggestion popped up of its own accord.


  I’ve heard you, friends. But what is there behind it?

  BUTCHER: What should there be behind it? It’s an offer.

  FLAKE: And one that we are really pleased to make.

  For here you stand behind your bar, a tower

  Of strength, a sterling name, the model of

  An upright citizen. We find you washing

  Glasses, but you have cleansed our souls as well.

  And yet you’re poorer than your poorest guest.

  It wrings our hearts.

  DOGSBOROUGH: I don’t know what to say.

  BUTCHER: Don’t say a word. Just take this little package.

  An honest man can use it, don’t you think?

  By golly, it’s not often that the gravy train

  Travels the straight and narrow. Take your boy here:

  I know a good name’s better than a bank

  Account, and yet I’m sure he won’t despise it.

  Just take the stuff and let us hope you won’t

  Read us the riot act for this!

  DOGSBOROUGH: Sheet’s shipyard!

  FLAKE: Look, you can see it from right here.

  DOGSBOROUGH, at the window: I’ve seen it

  For twenty years.

  FLAKE: We thought of that.

  DOGSBOROUGH: And what is

  Sheet going to do?

  FLAKE: He’s moving into beer.

  BUTCHER: Okay?

  DOGSBOROUGH: I certainly appreciate

  Your oldtime sentiments, but no one gives

  Away a shipyard for a song.

  FLAKE: There’s something

  In that. But now the loan has fallen through

  Maybe the twenty thousand will come in handy.

  BUTCHER: And possibly right now we’re not too eager

  To throw our stock upon the open market…

  DOGSBOROUGH: That sounds more like it. Not a bad deal if

  It’s got no strings attached.

  FLAKE: None whatsoever.

  DOGSBOROUGH: The price you say is twenty thousand?

  FLAKE: Is it

  Too much?

  DOGSBOROUGH: No. And imagine, it’s the selfsame

  Shipyard where years ago I opened my first lunchroom.

  As long as there’s no nigger in the woodpile …

  You’ve really given up the loan?

  FLAKE: Completely.

  DOGSBOROUGH: I might consider it. Hey, look here, son

  It’s just the thing for you. I thought you fellows

  Were down on me and here you make this offer.

  You see, my boy, that honesty sometimes

  Pays off. It’s like you say: When I pass on

  The youngster won’t inherit much more than

  My name, and these old eyes have seen what evil

  Can spring from penury.

  BUTCHER: We’ll feel much better

  If you accept. The ugly aftertaste

  Left by our foolish proposition would be

  Dispelled. In future we could benefit

  By your advice. You’d show us how to ride

  The slump by honest means, because our business

  Would be your business, Dogsborough, because

  You too would be a cauliflower man

  And want the Cauliflower Trust to win.

  Dogsborough takes his hand.

  DOGSBOROUGH: Butcher and Flake, I’m in.

  YOUNG DOGSBOROUGH: My father’s in.

  A sign appears.


  Bookmaker’s office on 122nd Street. Arturo Ui and his lieutenant Ernesto Roma, accompanied by bodyguards, are listening to the racing news on the radio. Next to Roma is Dockdaisy.

  ROMA: I wish, Arturo, you could cure yourself

  Of this black melancholy, this inactive

  Dreaming. The whole town’s talking.

  UI, bitterly: Talking? Who’s talking?

  Nobody talks about me any more.

  This city’s got no memory. Short-lived

  Is fame in such a place. Two months without

  A murder, and a man’s forgotten.

  He whisks through the newspapers.


  The rod falls silent, silence strikes the press.

  Even when I deliver murders by the

  Dozen, I’m never sure they’ll print them.

  It’s not accomplishment that counts; it’s

  Influence, which in turn depends on my

  Bank balance. Things have come to such a pass

  I sometimes think of chucking the whole business.

  ROMA: The boys are chafing too from lack of cash.

  Morale is low. This inactivity’s

  No good for them. A man with nothing but

  The ace of spades to shoot at goes to seed.

  I feel so sorry for those boys, Arturo

  I hate to show my face at headquarters. When

  They look at me, my ‘Tomorrow we’ll see action’

  Sticks in my throat. Your vegetables idea was

  So promising. Why don’t we start right in?

  UI: Not now. Not from the bottom. It’s too soon.

  ROMA: ‘Too soon’ is good. For four months now–

  Remember? – since the Cauliflower Trust

  Gave you the brush-off, you’ve been idly brooding.

  Plans! Plans! Half-hearted feelers! That rebuff

  Frizzled your spine. And then that little mishap –

  Those cops at Harper’s Bank – you’ve never gotten

  Over it.

  UI: But they fired!

  ROMA: Only in

  The air. That was illegal.

  UI: Still too close

  For me. I’d be in stir if they had plugged

  My only witness. And that judge! Not two

  Cent’s w
orth of sympathy.

  ROMA: The cops won’t shoot

  For grocery stores. They shoot for banks. Look here

  Arturo, we’ll start on Eleventh Street

  Smash a few windows, wreck the furniture

  Pour kerosene on the veg. And then we work

  Our way to Seventh. Two or three days later

  Giri, a posy in his buttonhole

  Drops in and offers our protection for

  A suitable percentage on their sales.

  UI: No. First I need protection for myself

  From cops and judges. Then I’ll start to think

  About protecting other people. We’ve

  Got to start from the top.


  Until I’ve put the

  Judge in my pocket by slipping something

  Of mine in his, the law’s against me. I

  Can’t even rob a bank without some two-bit cop

  Shooting me dead.

  ROMA: You’re right. Our only hope is

  Givola’s plan. He’s got a nose for smells

  And if he says the Cauliflower Trust

  Smells promisingly rotten, I believe

  There’s something in it. And there was some talk

  When, as they say, on Dogsborough’s commendation

  The city made that loan. Since then I’ve heard

  Rumours about some docks that aren’t being built

  But ought to be. Yet on the other hand

  Dogsborough recommended it. Why should

  That do-good peg for fishy business? Here comes

  Ragg of the ‘Star’. If anybody knows

  About such things, it’s him. Hi Ted.

  RAGG, slightly drunk: Hi, boys!

  Hi, Roma! Hi, Arturo! How are things in


  UI: What’s he saying?

  RAGG: Oh, nothing much.

  That was a one-horse town where long ago

  An army went to pot from idleness

  And easy living.

  UI: Go to hell!

  ROMA, to Ragg: No fighting.

  Tell us about that loan the Cauliflower

  Trust wangled.

  RAGG: What do you care? Say! Could you

  Be going into vegetables? I’ve got it!

  You’re angling for a loan yourselves. See Dogsborough.

  He’ll put it through.

  Imitating the old man:

  ‘Can we allow a business

  Basically sound but momentarily

  Threatened with blight, to perish?’ Not an eye

  At City Hall but fills with tears. Deep feeling

  For cauliflower shakes the council members

  As though it were a portion of themselves.

  Too bad, Arturo, guns call forth no tears.

  The other customers laugh.

  ROMA: Don’t bug him, Ted. He’s out of sorts.

  RAGG: I shouldn’t

  Wonder. I hear that Givola has been

  To see Capone for a job.

  DOCKDAISY: You liar!

  You leave Giuseppe out of this!

  RAGG: Hi, Dockdaisy!

  Still got your place in Shorty Givola’s harem?

  Introducing her:

  Fourth super in the harem of the third

  Lieutenant of a –

  Points to Ui.

  – fast declining star

  Of second magnitude! Oh, bitter fate!

  DOCKDAISY: Somebody shut the rotten bastard up!

  RAGG: Posterity plaits no laurels for the gangster!

  New heroes captivate the fickle crowd.

  Yesterday’s hero has been long forgotten

  His mug-shot gathers dust in ancient files.

  ‘Don’t you remember, folks, the wounds I gave you?’ –

  ‘When?’ – ‘Once upon a time.’ – ‘Those wounds have

  Turned to scars long since.’ Alas, the finest scars

  Get lost with those who bear them. ‘Can it be

  That in a world where good deeds go unnoticed

  No monument remains to evil ones?’ –

  ‘Yes, so it is.’ – ‘Oh, lousy world!’

  UI, bellows: Shut

  Him up!

  The bodyguards approach Ragg.

  RAGG, turning pale: Be careful, Ui. Don’t insult

  The press.

  The other customers have risen to their feet in alarm.

  ROMA: You’d better beat it, Ted. You’ve said

  Too much already.

  RAGG, backing out, now very much afraid:

  See you later, boys.

  The room empties quickly.

  ROMA: Your nerves are shot, Arturo.

  UI: Those bastards

  Treat me like dirt.

  ROMA: Because of your long silence.

  No other reason.

  UI, gloomily: Say, what’s keeping Giri

  And that accountant from the Cauliflower


  ROMA: They were due at three.

  UI: And Givola?

  What’s this I hear about him seeing Capone?

  ROMA: Nothing at all. He’s in his flower shop

  Minding his business, and Capone comes in

  To buy some wreaths.

  UI: Some wreaths? For who?

  ROMA: Not us.

  UI: I’m not so sure.

  ROMA: You’re seeing things too black.

  Nobody’s interested in us.

  UI: Exactly.

  They’ve more respect for dirt. Take Givola.

  One setback and he blows. By God

  I’ll settle his account when things look up.

  ROMA: Giri!

  Enter Emanuele Giri with a rundown individual, Bowl.

  GIRI: I’ve got him, boss.

  ROMA, to Bowl: They tell me you

  Are Sheet’s accountant at the Cauliflower


  BOWL: Was. Until last week that bastard …

  GIRI: He hates the very smell of cauliflower.

  BOWL: Dogsborough …

  UI, quickly: Dogsborough! What about him?

  ROMA: What have you got to do with Dogsborough?

  GIRI: That’s why I brought him.

  BOWL: Dogsborough

  Fired me.

  ROMA: He fired you? From Sheet’s shipyard?

  BOWL: No, from his own. He took it over on

  September first.

  ROMA: What’s that?

  GIRI: Sheet’s shipyard

  Belongs to Dogsborough. Bowl here was present

  When Butcher of the Cauliflower Trust

  Handed him fifty-one percent of the stock.

  UI: So what?

  BOWL: So what? It’s scandalous …

  GIRI: Don’t you

  Get it, boss?

  BOWL: … Dogsborough sponsoring that

  Loan to the Cauliflower Trust…

  GIRI: … when he

  Himself was secretly a member of

  The Cauliflower Trust.

  UI, who is beginning to see the light:

  Say, that’s corrupt.

  By God the old man hasn’t kept his nose

  Too clean.

  BOWL: The loan was to the Cauliflower

  Trust, but they did it through the shipyard. Through

  Me. And I signed for Dogsborough. Not for Sheet

  As people thought.

  GIRI: By golly, it’s a killer.

  Old Dogsborough. The trusty and reliable

  Signboard. So honest. So responsible!

  Whose handshake was an honour and a pledge!

  The staunch and incorruptible old man!

  BOWL: I’ll make the bastard pay. Can you imagine?

  Firing me for embezzlement when he himself …

  ROMA: Cool it! You’re not the only one whose blood

  Boils at such abject villainy. What do

  You say, Arturo?

  UI, referring to Bowl:

  Will he testify?

  GIRI: He’ll tes

  UI, grandly getting ready to leave:

  Keep an eye on him, boys. Let’s go

  Roma. I smell an opening.

  He goes out quickly, followed by Ernesto Roma and the bodyguards.

  GIRI, slaps Bowl on the back: Bowl, I

  Believe you’ve set a wheel in motion, which …

  BOWL: I hope you’ll pay me back for any loss …

  GIRI: Don’t worry about that. I know the boss.

  A sign appears.


  Dogsborough’s country house. Dogsborough and his son.

  DOGSBOROUGH: I should never have accepted this estate.

  Taking that package as a kind of gift was

  Beyond reproach.

  YOUNG DOGSBOROUGH: Of course it was.

  DOGSBOROUGH: And sponsoring

  That loan, when I discovered to my own

  Detriment that a thriving line of business

  Was languishing for lack of funds, was hardly

  Dishonest. But when, confident the shipyard

  Would yield a handsome profit, I accepted

  This house before I moved the loan, so secretly

  Acting in my own interest – that was wrong.


  DOGSBOROUGH: That was faulty judgment

  Or might be so regarded. Yes, my boy

  I should never have accepted this estate.


  DOGSBOROUGH: We’ve stepped into a trap.



  Package of stocks was like the salty titbit

  They serve free gratis at the bar to make

  The customer, appeasing his cheap hunger

  Work up a raging thirst.


  That inquiry

  At City Hall about the docks, has got

  Me down. The loan’s used up. Clark helped

  Himself; so did Caruther, Flake and Butcher

  And so, I’m sad to say, did I. And no

  Cement’s been bought yet, not a pound! The one

  Good thing is this: at Sheet’s request I kept

  The deal a secret; no one knows of my

  Connection with the shipyard.

  A BUTLER enters: Telephone

  Sir, Mr Butcher of the Cauliflower


  DOGSBOROUGH: Take it, son.

  Young Dogsborough goes out with the Butler. Church bells are heard in the distance.

  DOGSBOROUGH: Now what can Butcher want?

  Looking out of the window.

  Those poplars are what tempted me to take

  The place. The poplars and the lake down there, like

  Silver before it’s minted into dollars.

  And air that’s free of beer fumes. The fir trees

  Are good to look at too, especially

  The tops. Grey-green and dusty. And the trunks –

  Their colour calls to mind the leathers we used to wrap


  The taps when drawing beer. It was the poplars, though


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