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Stolen Redemption

Page 2

by Michel Prince

  “Sure, but it’s not much better in here.”

  When the detective stepped into the old trailer I felt as if the whole home had been micro-sized. The distance between the door and the kitchen table seemed like a step instead of the eight feet it really was.

  “Hello, ma’am, didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “This is my…niece,” Bruce said. “Esther.”

  “Niece.” The detective sighed and looked between Bruce and I.

  “Yes, niece,” I assured him. “And I must be going.”

  “I didn’t see another car outside.”

  “It’s in the barn.”

  “Why? You don’t live here.”

  “Am I being questioned?” I asked, indignant as I stood and retrieved my sweater.

  “It’s just strange that you’re here and in such a hurry to get going.”

  “Why is that strange?”

  “Because Mr. Kertz doesn’t have any family.” The detective pulled out a notepad and flipped a few pages. “Only child of Abraham and Flossie. Father died when you were in eighth grade. Then your mother passed when you were nineteen.”

  “How did you know my name?” Bruce snarled. “And about my family.”

  “Have you heard anything about crime in town?” he asked without acknowledging Bruce’s question.

  “No. I’ve been out of town.”

  “Girls like Esther…Is that what you called your ‘niece’?”

  The detective pulled his coat tighter. I must have cooled the room with my emotions.

  “They are disappearing.” He looked at me with his gray green eyes. “You’re supposed to be working in pairs.”

  “Groups of three. How did you know that?” I asked as I crossed the room to him.

  The little girl running down the hill was gone. My clothing itched against my skin as the hunter inside me was at high alert. My claustranima, tucked away inside my room because I never thought I’d have to use it so close to the compound, was painfully missing.

  “We sent word to all the girls working the lot. You call, report missing girls. We are paying attention.”

  “At the lot? What are you talking about?”

  “Aren’t you a hooker?”

  “What about me says prostitute?”

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve.” Bruce’s arms flexed as his shoulders straightened. “I’ve never paid for sex. And this young lady is…” His hand waved from my head to toes and back again. “She looks like a Sunday school teacher.”

  “That’s what gets some guys going. I didn’t mean to offend.”

  “What kind of detective are you?” I asked. “In what universe would I be a woman of the night?”

  “I made a mistake and I apologized.” The detective didn’t seem sincere at all as he sat down at the kitchen table and ran his fingers through his dark hair. “I got woken up before the dawn broke this morning. A woman’s…you don’t care. Here’s the deal. Somehow Kiriana George got your number and used it for a reason.”

  “Maybe she rambled off random numbers,” Bruce suggested. “Did that ever cross your mind?”

  “Her husband seemed to have it memorized.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” Bruce said as he angled his face toward the door. The slow-witted detective didn’t get the hint.

  “I think you do,” he said as his forehead furrowed. “I’ve been working these cases for almost six months and they’re getting worse. I think Kiriana knows more than she said.”

  “Do you always talk so much?” I asked.

  “No, you’re right, I’m tired and can’t keep my thoughts straight.”

  “Maybe when you straighten them out you can learn to leave my uncle alone.”

  “Your uncle? Right. You shouldn’t have much to worry about. Not with your hair.”

  I self-consciously reached for my braid and pulled it over my shoulder.

  The detective passed Bruce a card. “Like I said, I’m tired. If you meet a Kiriana George or her husband Nye, please let me know.”

  Bruce opened the door for the detective who looked at me.

  “Aren’t you leaving?”

  “Right,” I said and gathered my sweater tighter around my chest. I walked out of the trailer with the detective. Once we were outside, he placed his hand on my back gently.

  “I didn’t say you could touch me,” I said.

  “Why would you walk out of a trailer with a man you are sure won’t hurt you to be with a stranger?”

  “Aren’t you a cop?” I bit out.

  “Detective, actually. My name is Vince.”

  “Well, Vince, if I have to fear the police in this small town you have a bigger problem than you want to admit.”

  “I just wanted to see where your car was parked.”


  “Because I still don’t believe you.”

  Our eyes locked. His face was cold and hard as his lips pursed.

  “I don’t care what you believe. For all you know I walked here.”

  “The closest house is six miles down the road. Do you know which way?”

  “It’s a smaller farm than you think. Bruce doesn’t work it. He rents out the land.”

  “Either you’re sleeping with Bruce and he brought you here or you have a car in that barn. You want to show me?”


  “What’s in the barn?”

  “Not a warrant. And last I knew that’s what you need to get in.”

  Chapter 2

  Detective Vincent DeTello

  “IS that a challenge?” I asked as I looked at the woman with midnight-colored hair and violet eyes. “Probable cause is pretty easy to come by these days.”

  “What do you need Kiriana for?”

  “You know her?”

  “No, but you seem pretty invested in this one woman.”

  I measured out a calculated response. “I think she may have escaped the guy who’s killing the women.”


  “She’s his type. He likes blondes.”

  “That’s what you meant when you pointed out my hair.”


  I raised my hand and stroked her cheek, tucking a strand of hair loosened by the strong wind. When I pulled back I dug in my pocket for a sucker. Jesus, she’d just scolded me for placing my hand on her back. She’d probably deck me for touching her face.

  My thoughts were so jumbled around this woman. Calling her a hooker, then the insults kept coming. My ability to speak or process was sidetracked by violet eyes and a face I couldn’t look away from. Her skin was pale with a pink bow set of lips now obscured by thick flurries of snow cutting between us. In truth I wanted to go in the barn so there was nothing between us. Pulling out two suckers I offered her one and her head cocked to the side.

  “Trust me, it’s okay to have candy, even if I am a stranger.” She reached hesitantly for the confection, then tucked it away while I unwrapped mine and popped it in my mouth. Pina colada…and I’m caught in the snow. Not the rain, get your head on straight, man, I scolded myself. This woman was dressed in what could only be described as a flour sack with tiny flowers on it. Her sweater was made of a thick gray wool and had wooden buttons. She seemed so fragile, yet could exude confidence when challenged. My only thought was, why challenge her?

  “You’re not going to let me leave until I get in my car are you?”

  “We could stand out here until we turn into popsicles.”

  “Why do you need to see my car so badly?”

  “I don’t know why you’re here with Mr. Kertz, but something about this place feels…off.”

  “I’ve heard that before. When I was younger. Police coming around demanding this and that with no real cause.”

  “Was it here or at your home?”

  She paused. “Mine.”

  “Did you live in Mount Pleasant?”


; “Where then?”

  “Why do you want to know so much about me? Am I a suspect? I can assure you I know nothing of a woman named Kiriana or her husband and I haven’t had anyone try to attack me.”

  Esther bit at her bottom lip and kept her eyes down. This time I couldn’t stop myself from placing my crooked finger under her chin and lifting her eyes to mine.

  “Say that again?” I asked, closing the distance between us and catching the soft scent of warmth from her. “But look me in the eyes.”

  Licking her lips, then sealing them, Esther told me everything I needed from one look. She knew Kiriana George and was protecting her. I fished out another card and placed it in her hand that wasn’t soft like she was. It was callused as if she’d never seen a day without hard labor.

  “Do you have access to a phone?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” she asked plainly as we stayed locked in a tight gaze.

  “I’m not sure, but, Esther, if you need anything, anything at all. Call me.”

  “I need for nothing.”

  She broke away from me and crossed her arms. Still holding my card, she watched as I got into my car and turned around in the gravel driveway, then left. Did she go into the barn? Did she leave? Something was wrong here and until I knew what it was I was keeping Esther in my investigation.

  My next stop was Benny’s to talk to Fred. He may not be open, but I was sure he was there and had heard all the scuttlebutt around town. Two hours after clearing the scene hopefully any evidence in the bar might still remain. Knocking hard on the dark business entry way with only a small circular window brought Fred to the door. He gave me a queried look, then unlocked the door.

  “Hey, Vince,” he said as he ushered me in. “I figured you’d be here soon.”

  “Did you know the victim?” I asked.

  “Um…a blonde who drank here last night.” He flopped a dishtowel over his shoulder and crossed his arms. “It was ladies night. Can you show me a picture?”

  Taking my phone out of my pocket I pulled up the quick picture I’d taken and showed Fred. He turned away sharply. Death wasn’t my favorite thing and the pictures of victims on my phone didn’t make me happy either.

  “Renee. She wasn’t a regular, but I knew her. I don’t know her last name.”

  “Was she a professional? You know, a hooker?”

  “No, I think she had some kids. Divorced. She only came in when the ex took them for the weekend. I was surprised when she showed up last night. I mean it’s a Tuesday. Ladies night never really got crazy.”

  “Did it last night?”

  “Kind of. There was this guy that showed up…um…” Fred went behind the bar and dug out a disc. “I pulled this from my security system. It might help you. It’s been glitchy though.”

  “What about the guy?”

  “I don’t know…he was, different.”

  “Not from around here?”

  “I swore I remember seeing him before, but it must have been a relative.”


  “It was years ago when I was in Vegas.”

  “Vegas? You know you’re not supposed to talk about what happens in Vegas.” I chuckled and leaned against the bar.

  “I guess, I was probably too drunk to remember what was going on.”

  “Besides the déjà vu is there anything else about him?”

  “He seemed like a hunter. Just scanning the room looking for the right woman to pounce on.”

  “And you let him leave with Renee?”

  “She was drawn to him.” Fred seemed to be caught in a daze as he spoke. “It was like the moment he settled on her she turned in her stool and walked to him.”

  I sat back on the stool and watched Fred as he became more distant during his recollection.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. No other woman noticed him. I’m not even sure why I did.”

  “Why shouldn’t you?”

  “He wasn’t drinking. Just standing in that corner.” Fred pointed to a dark corner next to the door to the alley. “I don’t remember when he came in or if he even spoke.”

  “What did he look like?”

  Fred shook his head as if all his memories of the night suddenly evaporated.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You just said he looked like a guy in Vegas, what did that guy look like?”

  “I’ve never been to Vegas.” Fred rubbed down the bar, then looked at the clock behind him. “Why are you here, Vince? I’m not even open.”

  * * * *


  Fucking princess. The moment I get to have any fun or find relief she beckons me like a lapdog. I will not fall prey to her whims anymore. I cannot just abandon my sluts when I haven’t climaxed at my highest level if she will not allow me to have sex with the Deumos to recover from the pain of being on this disgusting plane.

  “Are we done?” I snapped as my cock swelled against my pants. Damn, what I could do to her holiness. Worse yet I could smell the arousal emanating from her. “Or is there some other reason you have me locked away in your office?”

  “You need to get yourself together. Half the time we cannot locate you and the other half you are gardening as if you were a servant.” She drummed her fingers on the desk and her nails clicked against the wood. “What are you growing? Especially in this cold.”

  “Nothing now. The ground is solid and I have to make other arrangements.”

  “Arrangements for what?”

  “It’s none of your concern.”

  “I’m the Yahweh in this coven.”

  “Nepotism aside, I’m the male of the coven. My job is protection—”

  “I could kill you with a snap of my fingers.” LaDressa rose from her chair as her black eyes glared at me. “What protection could you possibly offer me?”

  “I do not let love cloud my judgment, dearest Princess.” I stood also and placed my hands on the desk so I could lean in close. “One encounter with me and you’d run this coven better than any male, but as long as you are still in lust with Damarion he will be your weakness.”

  “You overestimate your prowess in bed.”

  “Says the woman who’s never experienced it.”

  “I’ve heard tales.”

  “You want to grab my dick again? You held it quite nicely last time.”

  “It took all my control to not rip it from your body.”

  “Sweetheart, attached it can do much…” I let out a gasp so she could feel my breath tickle her lips. “Much more to you.”

  “Didn’t we already have this conversation? Mutilating you gives me pleasure.” She cocked her head to the side. “Isn’t that your goal?”

  “To pleasure you?” I made sure I was close enough that my lips brushed against hers. “Oh, Princess, it would take but a word.”

  “Out,” she said as she stood straight up. “It is the time I speak to Damarion and the last thing I want—”

  “Is him to know I get you wetter than he ever did.”

  “I have no—”

  “Doubt that if I were to stick my tongue in between your legs they’d have no resistance.”

  “Pivane, I’m going to be as diplomatic as I can. You still breathe because somehow you’ve been able to convince my brother I’m not here. If that waivers in any way, then so will your heartbeat.”

  “You’re not really mad,” I teased and winked. “I can tell when you’re really mad.”

  “Say one more word,” she warned. I took the bait. Couldn’t help it—she was so darn cute when her pale skin flushes just a bit.


  Instantly I was cut off as her hand rose and I could feel it around my throat. Sure there was a desk between us, but with her powers there was nothing that could stop her. My body crashed against the door and when her hand rose so did I. Without my actual neck to stop her, if she wanted to she could crush my larynx. Gasping I reached for her, but it was
no use. She was across the room glaring at me with her all-black eyes and silvery white hair. No longer adorned with diamonds of protection she’d begun to have a short temper. The world became fuzzy as my head swam. Her lip quirked up and I dropped to the floor.

  On all fours, I looked up to see her body bristling as her eyes closed. She was holding something back. Possibly her wings that could kill me when she’s mad. Maybe I’d read her wrong.

  “You’re mad.” I coughed as I held my hand up in apology. “I will leave. I have things to do.”

  “What things?”

  “Cleaning up the mess you pulled me away from.”

  “Does this have to do with your drug business?”


  “Can you improve your business? We live in squalor.” Her voice had an even keel to it as she drummed her long claws on the top of the desk. Perhaps she’d calmed down.

  “Why not ask your brother for some money?” I snipped. “Princess, you don’t understand how things are here. We need to keep a low profile. What I do is illegal which means police get involved and right now I don’t have the ability or approval to scrub human’s minds.”

  “Approval? Is that all I need to give you?”

  “Yes, but I still don’t have the strength.”

  “What would give you the strength?”

  I raised an eyebrow at her, and she understood immediately. Being on this plane weakens male demons. They need a body to deposit the toxins that build up in their systems. The suction from a female demon’s orgasm could remove prostate cancer. Of course, it would probably also remove most of the skin on the penis if the being penetrating her was human, but I digress. Masturbation was all but useless. Humans were a poor substitute, but can be used in a pinch. The one from last night was probably rotting in the alley where I left her. Speaking of that…

  “I must take my leave, Princess, and you have an incoming call.” I pointed to the computer beeping to signify it was time for the princess’ weekly meeting with Damarion.

  What I’d feared would happen did. There was no way the humans hadn’t found the woman’s body. Approaching the place where I’d left her, I parked and walked along the street to hear the conversations inside nearby buildings. A voice from a closed business caught me.


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