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Taming the Wolf

Page 9

by Stephanie Nelson

Page 9


  The pack went back to talking amongst themselves, telling jokes and stories.

  “Will you come with me somewhere?” Sawyer whispered into my ear.

  I arched an eyebrow and nodded.

  Chapter Six

  Sawyer and I made our way through the dense pine trees. The moon was high in the sky and bathed the landscape in its buttery glow. Crickets chirped and the wind serenaded the night as it rushed through the tree limbs. He led me by the hand to a small lake hid away from the world. Nestled by rock and trees, it was secluded. The view of the mountains and moon reflected on the still water. In the mountains it was pitch dark. No annoying city lights to ruin the beauty. The stars were huge diamonds in the sky and seemed so close that all I’d have to do is reach my hand up to touch them.

  We stopped walking by the water’s edge, and he turned towards me. The look in his eyes was one I’d come to recognize—hunger. With a soft hand, he brushed away strands of my hair, his fingers causing chills. His green eyes gleamed with mischief and the smirk that lifted his lips was sexy as hell. His hair was perfectly mussed, and he licked his full lips as his hand trailed down to my shoulder.

  Tonight would be different. I wanted Sawyer, needed him to satisfy the building ache I’d been ignoring for so long. I needed his strong hands on my body, gripping my hips, and driving into me fast and hard. My wolf perked up in anticipation, sending my building desire over the edge I was tiptoeing. Once I gave myself to Sawyer, my mysterious taboo would dissolve. Men would see it was possible to get between my legs and come for me. I brushed the pesky thought away and focused on the moment.

  Sawyer’s fingers grasped the hem of my shirt and trailed it up my body and over my head. His surprise that I’d allow him to do it showed in his eyes. I smirked, wrapped a hand around his neck, and guided his sexy lips towards mine. My breasts smashed against his chest, the sensation of my excited nipples rubbing against his cotton t-shirt was enough to drive me insane.

  Wrapping an arm around my waist, Sawyer hoisted me up and closer to his body. He was a quite a bit taller than me so my feet dangled in the air for a while before he set me back down. “You’re sure you wanna do this?”

  I smiled. “Looks like you’re a gentleman after all. ” I tugged at the bottom of his shirt, and he obliged by pulling it over his head. My eyes became hooded as I saw his impressive chest. Every inch of it was made of muscular ridges. Trailing a hand over his six pack, I devoured the feel of him beneath my fingertips.

  “You’re gorgeous,” I whispered as I stared.

  “And you,” he responded. Sawyer looked out at the lake and then down at me. “You wanna go swimming?”

  I frowned. Had I misread the situation? I was ready for flesh to flesh and to finally get release. Sawyer chuckled at my expression. “I want to take my time, enjoy this moment. When tomorrow comes, you may run like a scared deer. I want to use every second of tonight to enjoy you. ”

  If he kept talking like that, I wouldn’t need him inside of me to find release. I was dangerously close to becoming one of those girls who swooned at the first sight of a cockeyed grin and shimmering eyes. Maybe my neglected libido turned me into a needy woman. I'd correct that tonight.

  I looked up at the moon and then back at Sawyer. “You have five hours until daybreak. Do your best. ”

  We stripped down to our underwear and walked into the lake. It was cold compared to the other lakes because the runoff of the melting snow drained in it. The frigid water didn’t affect us though, we ran a little hotter than normal. I dove down and submerged my body and when I popped back up, Sawyer was gone. Wading, I searched the space for him. When I thought he’d hightailed it and left me hanging, two arms snatched me from behind.

  Turning me around, Sawyer kissed me again. His lips were sure to reduce me to a pile of goo. I ran my fingers through his wet hair and trailed them down his expansive shoulders. I could feel his erection pressing against his underwear, and I moaned as I envisioned it driving into me. I wanted to beg and plead for him to rush this moment, but I liked men who took control. I’d bide my time and wait for Sawyer to claim me, even if it frustrated my impatient need.

  Sawyer’s hand disappeared under the water, his fingers finding refuge between my legs. Ripping my underwear away, he buried two fingers deep inside of me, and I choked on my moans. Holding onto him with an arm around his neck, I gyrated my hips in sync with his movement, heat building until I was breathless. My release came quickly, but my body craved more. I dipped a hand below the water and cupped his bulge.

  If I’d know what was waiting down there, I would’ve given in three dates ago.

  Sawyer groaned as I massaged him, and then swooped me up in his arms.

  “Hey!” I protested.

  “I see you’re a little impatient, so how about we take this to more solid ground?” He laughed.

  “I don’t need slow. I need fast and hard. ” I winked at him.

  He rushed to the shoreline and once we were back on the ground, he set me down. “Your wish is my command, pretty lady. ” He shucked his boxers, and I had a nice view of what awaited me. I almost jumped for joy!

  Sawyer lay in the grass and motioned for me. Without a second thought, I climbed atop him and moaned as his long shaft buried itself within me. I rode him hard, bracing myself on his pecs. His hands rested on my hips and moved me against his hardness. Sitting up, he took my breasts in his mouth and twirled his tongue around my nipple.

  “You like it rough, huh?” He teased.

  “Tonight I do,” I said against his lips. His emerald eyes glinted and his hands lifted me and drove me hard against him over and over. As Sawyer continued to drive into me, I glanced over his shoulder with hooded eyes. A black wolf stood not thirty feet away, its citrine stare glued to us. Something about Adam watching us ignited the fire that burned within me. I locked eyes with him and rode Sawyer, trailing my nails up his back and kissing his neck.

  An orgasm shot through my body, ricocheting through my bones. Sawyer found his release moments after. Our bodies’ slick with sweat, we stayed embraced in each other’s arms for a while. I peeked over Sawyer’s shoulder to see Adam but he’d disappeared. A twinge of guilt struck me but I ignored it. Wasn’t I supposed to be dating Sawyer?

  “That was so fucking good,” Sawyer said against my skin. “I hope you’ll give me the chance to experience it again. ” He grinned.

  “Are you always thinking about the future?” I didn’t see the future, only the now. My parents had a happy marriage, so I didn’t understand my reservations towards commitment. I never dated anyone longer than a month before I found a reason to break things off. While I enjoyed Sawyer, I didn’t want to pick out our China pattern.

  “When that future means I’ll be spending time between your legs, then yes I do. ”

  “We’ll see how things go,” I told him.

  Sawyer was quiet for a moment. I giggled and he leaned back on his arms to look at me. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s just…usually, it’s the woman pressuring the man to commit. ”

  “I’m not saying we should get married tomorrow, but I do want to continue seeing you and see where it goes,” he paused. “I guess what I’m saying is, after our five dates are up, are you going to be done with me? Are you only here because our Adam demanded it?”

  “Yes,” I answered truthfully and then scrambled to explain when Sawyer frowned. “The main reason I agreed to date you is because he threatened that if I didn’t, he’d give me to Luke the kook. But I slept with you because of your wily charm and gorgeous, good-looks. Plus singing to me loosened my grip on my panties. ”

  Sawyer snorted and I smiled in response. His smile, like everything else about him, was beautiful. I began to climb off of him to get dressed, but before I could grab my clothes, Sawyer reached for my arm and pressed me against his hard body to begin the seduction all over. “I still
have four hours left. ”

  Chapter Seven

  “Anna, get up!” Elle yelled as she pounded on my bedroom door. I grumbled and pulled myself out of bed. I spent all night with Sawyer, not getting home until the sun peeked over the mountains. The thought of my night brought a smile to my tired body. Stop it! Sex is like breathing for a werewolf. Ignoring my inner dialect, I headed out to find Elle. What I found was a house full of werewolves. The scent of bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes filled the space as everyone circled around the island to fill their plates.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Elle.

  “Don’t know. Adam called an emergency meeting. ”

  The notion of seeing him again made me anxious. He saw what I did last night, and it was only a matter of time before he pulled me aside and chewed me out for giving up the very thing he’d been trying to get. He only wants me because he can’t have me. I trudged into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. Hugging the warm mug, I leaned against the wall and tried not to fall asleep. The clock on the stove said it was 7:00 a. m. , so I got two hours of sleep.

  I caught Sawyer’s gaze across the room. He winked and began to close the space between us, but at that moment, Adam and Eve walked into the house. Everyone stopped what they were doing to show respect to the alpha couple.

  “You can eat later,” Adam said huffily. “Everyone in the living room now. ”

  “He’s in a foul mood,” Elle whispered.

  I nodded, but didn’t comment. I had a sneaking suspicion why.

  We filed into the living room. Sawyer made his way over to where I stood behind the couch. His hand rubbed against mine while he stared forward. I restrained my smile.

  “There’s been another murder,” Adam said.

  Another murder?

  He held up a newspaper, and a black and white photograph of a familiar face stared back at me. I swallowed around the lump that formed in my throat. I dreamt about killing him, and now he was dead. My heartbeat echoed in my eardrums as I tried to make sense of what Adam was saying.

  “Tim Emerson was attacked Friday night in the parking lot of Weston’s. The same night we were there. The officials are saying a mountain lion must have wandered into town, but I think we all know it wasn’t a cat that did this. ” Adam flicked his gaze around the room and finally settled on my face. I dropped my eyes and tried to slow the pounding of my heart.

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