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Hunting Cari (First Wave)

Page 15

by Mikayla Lane

“Come on! You have to see my special hideout!

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards what looked like a trail, not far from where they were standing.

  She followed behind him a short distance into the woods until they came upon what looked like a small stone villa. The silver stones captured rays of the sun that penetrated through the canopy of trees and caused them to sparkle like prisms. It was magical.

  “What is this?” She asked him in awe.

  “This is my resting home. I think on Earth it’s called a vacation home. When I had more than a few days away from studies or my duties I would come and stay here to relax and just be alone.”

  He pulled her onto the stone terrace and through the door, into the home. She looked around in wonder at the beautiful home. The entryway led directly into an open living area with several comfortable looking couches adorning it. It was a very large space with an entire wall of glass that looked out on what looked like a garden area.

  Letting go of his hand, she stepped farther into the room and began looking around. On the far right, there was an open kitchen area, which would have been a chef’s dream. Long rows of counters topped with an almost iridescent gray stone, cabinets seemed to be everywhere. The Valendran version of a stove and refrigerator that she had seen on their last trip to his world, and what looked like a bar area with chairs pulled up to it.

  Moving to the left of the living area, there was a huge bedroom, with a bed in the center that looked large enough to fit four men the size of Scaden. A few tables and chairs were to the left and two doors on the right.

  She headed to the first door and opened it to a large closet obviously for clothing and storage, which would make any diva drool in envy. The next door opened to a huge bathroom area, that contained a bath the size of a small pool that was sunk into the floor and seemed to be perpetually fed by what must be a hot spring judging by the steam coming off the water. It looked unbelievably inviting.

  It reminded her of an ancient roman bath, and she wondered again at how much influence her uncle and the others had truly held over the people of Earth. Ignoring the shower area in the opposite corner and the toilet area, she stepped closer to the bath.

  “I knew you would love the bath. It was built to be fed by a natural hot spring that lies beneath the home. It is drained and fed in a natural cycle that not only keeps it clean, but keeps the water at a constantly warm temperature.” Scaden told her as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her again. He would never get tired of touching her. He loved nothing more than the feel of her in his arms. Even the holding of her hand seemed to calm and soothe his soul.

  Making up her mind to do as they promised and enjoy these times with each other, she reached up to the large brooch holding her dress together and released it. The dress fluttered in a pool of whisper thin fabric around her feet. Completely naked she turned in his arms and pressed herself against him seductively.

  Scaden sucked in a sharp breathe at the feel of her soft, naked body against him and instantly became hard. He leaned down and gently took her lips in a long and passionate kiss. His hands ran the length of her naked back and buttocks, trying to feel as much of her soft skin as he could.

  Cari wanted him badly, wanted to feel the closeness of him joined with her. Without breaking their kiss, she unbuttoned his shirt and released the fastenings on his pants and pushed them down, encouraging him to finish removing them, so he could be naked with her.

  Scaden pulled away slightly and removed his shirt and pants. Leaning down he swept her into his arms and stepped into the bath.

  The warm water licked at their skin as Scaden found a built in bench to sit on and pulled her across his lap to straddle him. He gently took her face into his hands.

  “I love you Cari. More than the air I breathe, I love you.” His lips descended on hers.

  Cari scooted farther up his lap, until her breasts were pressed tightly against his chest, and the head of his hard cock probed at her opening. Scaden groaned at the feel of her opening herself for him, and he pushed gently upward, settling himself firmly inside her.

  Cari leaned her head back moaning at the feel of his slight penetration. Needing all of him, she drove herself down onto him, until he was buried deeply inside of her. She clutched his shoulders to steady herself, the feelings overwhelming her at the feel of him.

  Scaden sucked in his breath, trying to stop himself from bucking wildly against her as his body demanded of him to do. Her tight sheathe, squeezing his cock like a fist making his beast demand more. He pushed the beast aside, letting her control their pleasure.

  Cari knew he was encouraging her to set the pace of their lovemaking and rose up slightly. She reveled in his groan of displeasure, before driving back down on him forcing him deeper inside of her. They both groaned at the feel of him buried so deeply inside of her.

  Cari had never experienced anything more wonderful in her life as the feel of Scaden inside of her, with his arms wrapped around her. She felt more loved and protected than she ever had before. Keeping her hands firmly on his wide shoulders for support she began to move on him at a leisurely pace, wanting the pleasure to last as long as they could handle it.

  Scaden moved his hands to her hips and used them gently to encourage her movements, his fingers clenching and unclenching on each of her up and down strokes. He ground his teeth, to try to his desire to take control and drive wildly into her until they both exploded. This was too amazing to end so quickly, and he wanted to savor the feel of her body accepting and loving his own. The knowledge that he could bring someone as wonderful as she, such pleasure, made him feel like king.

  He knew when she began to lose control; her fingers clutched his shoulders more tightly, her nails digging in slightly. Her movements became more erratic and faster as her excitement took over. He could feel her excitement heightening his own, and the wildness took over them both as her emotions fed him and his emotions fed hers.

  He grabbed her hips more tightly and began forcing her down harder onto his cock as he bucked upward, driving himself even further into her. The pace he set was wild and fast and almost impossible for her to keep up with, so she held on and allowed him to drive them both over that brink they both wanted so badly.

  He heard her cry out his name, and dropped her head onto his shoulders. The feel of her pussy milking him as she came, drove him over the edge and after three more thrusts he gathered her tightly to his chest, and he pumped his seed deeply into her.

  They both panted and held each other tightly as they tried to calm down. Scaden used one hand gently to caress her back, while holding her firmly against him with the other, content to have her in his arms.

  Cari leaned back enough to put his face in between her hands and kissed him deeply. She tried to keep the sadness from taking her over and fought the tears threatening to spill.

  “Scaden, I love you more than the air I breathe as well.”

  She buried her face into the crook of his shoulder and held him tightly to her. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, until both of their skin started to wrinkle.

  Knowing they had to get out, Scaden stood up and carried her out of the water. Standing her on the floor, he grabbed a big, fluffy towel and gently dried every part of her body. He then put her dress back on and re-secured it to her.

  Not breaking their unspoken silence, she did the same for him, but allowed him to put his pants on himself not wanting accidentally to trip him.

  He gently took her hand and led her out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. He set her down at one of the chairs at the bar area, and walked into the kitchen area. He turned a bright smile on her as he held his arms wide.

  “What would you like to eat, my love?” Cari giggled at him.

  “You, plan on cooking something for us?”

  “I’ll have you know I am a great cook!” He retorted, trying to pretend offense at her questioning of his cooking skills.

  Keeping their t
easing tone, she pretended a look of disbelief. He feigned a look of hurt and clutched his heart for dramatic effect, making her giggle at him.

  She really began to laugh as he started tossing what looked like cooking pots and utensils in the air and catching them before setting them on what looked to be the stove. He then opened up cabinets and what must be the fridge, digging through the contents and pulling out random items and setting them on the counter.

  “You aren’t making something gross are you?” She made a face at the thought of some of the food they had served her on the ship. Her stomach did crazy little flips at the thought of eating some of that stuff again.

  “Have some faith in me, Amalaya, I know exactly what you did and didn’t like and have no plans on making something you won’t enjoy.” He gave her a wink and continued to work busily on preparing their meal.

  “I’m pretty good in a kitchen myself; I can give you a hand, and we can get done quicker.”

  “I can handle this just fine, and we’ll have plenty of time later for what you’re implying.” Scaden replied, laughing at her enthusiasm.

  “Do we really?" Cari asked him sadly.

  Scaden came over to her and took her into his arms, pouring out his love to her… and confidence. He rubbed her back in gentle little circles to soothe and calm her.

  “I will figure a way out of this; I promise you that. They will not keep us apart. Have faith in us and it will all work out; one way or another, I promise.”

  “And obviously, we’re getting a little help from somewhere, because how else can we be here… together, and wake up and each remembers exactly what happened here? Even though we aren’t really in this place physically, we remember every touch, taste and sound as if we truly are. That is amazing, and a true sign that we are meant to be together.”

  Cari sighed as she absorbed his confidence, and it bolstered her own. She was not normally so pessimistic or overly emotional, and she had no idea why she had these bouts of sadness. She knew Scaden was right and knew he would find a way for them to be together, Council or not.

  She gave squeezed him tightly to her, allowing him to feel her renewed confidence.

  “I’m starving, aren’t you supposed to be dazzling me with your culinary talents?” she teased.

  “As you wish, my lady.” He gave her a sweeping bow and headed back to finish their dinner.

  Scaden finished cooking and artfully placed the food onto two plates and placed hers in front of her with a flourish. Grabbing utensils, he sat down beside her and waited for her to try the food, wanting to see her reaction.

  Everything he had cooked was native delicacies that weren’t practical to have aboard the ships, and he was anxious to see if she liked them.

  Cari stared down at the colorful items on her plate with curiosity. She knew she’d not see these items on the ship and was a little nervous about trying them. He’d been so sweet about trying to cook for her that she didn’t want to hurt his feelings by making a mad dash for the bathroom to throw it up, if it didn’t sit right in her stomach.

  Sensing her hesitation, Scaden used his fork to stab a bright purple tubular item, and he held it in front of her mouth, urging her to try it.

  She sighed, closed her eyes and pulled it off the fork and into her mouth. She was completely surprised at the sweet and sour taste of it. It was really good! Opening her eyes, she chewed and swallowed and grabbed her fork to get more, suddenly starving.

  Scaden laughed. “I take it, that you really like that then?”

  “This is really good! What is it? Never mind, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know in case it might be gross and stop me from having more of it.”

  Scaden laughed again and began to eat his own dinner, looking over at her periodically to make sure she was trying everything and was enjoying it.

  Cari hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until she had completely cleaned her plate. The entire meal was delicious. There had been nothing that she hadn’t really liked and would definitely eat again.

  “Wow, you really are a good cook. I’m impressed, baby.” She kissed his cheek as she hopped up and cleared their plates, placing them in the Valendran version of a dishwasher.

  When she was finished, Scaden lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Setting her on her feet at the side of the bed, he unclasped the brooch holding her dress together and let it pool on the floor at her feet. He picked her up and gently laid her on the bed while he undressed and then joined her in the bed.

  Pulling her close, he gently kissed her vowing to himself that he would love her through the night.


  “By the One! It worked! Get them to MedLab now!” Gracus exclaimed to the assembled crew. It seemed like the entire ship was standing in the corridor outside Cari and Scaden’s quarters.

  When the tech’s had initially breeched the walls using the laser cutters, the crew had let out a stream of deafening cheers. Now they just had to get their commander and his mate to wake up.

  Several crew members stepped forward and gently lifted their commander into their arms and put him on the portable med-bed they left in the corridor, then rushed him into the lift to take him to MedLab with Amun following.

  Randor went into the bathroom where Cari was lying on the floor of the shower unit, with a blanket over her that she had pulled from her bed over a week ago. The last time she got up. He willed her to wake up as he gently picked her up, blanket and all and cuddled her to his chest.

  “Cari, wake up honey. Please wake up.” He gently shook her, hoping it would be enough to wake her.

  Walking out of the hole in the wall and into the corridor, the crew waited expectantly for him to place her on the med-bed, so they could get her to MedLab.

  Randor ignored the bed and the crew as he lovingly carried his daughter to the lift, begging her in his mind to please wake up. Hoping that if she felt his love and his fear for her that she would awaken.

  He didn’t even notice Gracus and the rest of the crew following him the entire way to the MedLab. Inside he gently placed her on the bed next to Scaden and waited for them to make her wake up.

  Amun began running between Scaden and Cari, yelling out orders to his team and demanding the test results from the scans he was having them perform simultaneously on both patients.

  Gracus, Randor and the entire crew held their breaths as they waited for them to wake up. There were so many in the room that the door would not close, all of them waiting expectantly.

  “Perform it again damn it! It has to be wrong!” Amun was yelling at a tech. Walking over to Cari himself, he pulled the blanket off and hissed in shock.

  Gracus and Randor Walked over to the bed, so they could see what was wrong, and stared in surprise, while the rest of the crew waited with dread to find out. What shocked their normally stoic MedLab commander? Amun called out more orders to his team.

  “Is that because she hasn’t eaten or had fluids in so long? I’ve seen this same thing on starving children on Earth. Can you fix it and make it better?” Randor asked in fear, staring at her swollen belly. He couldn’t lose her!

  Amun ignored him while the tech’s set up a scanner and stepped back. His fingers flew across the panel until a hologram appeared in the air above Cari. The whole tech team sucked in a sharp breath and began cheering. Even Amun smiled widely.

  “My friends, this is something we don’t want to ' This is a reason to celebrate.” While the techs continued to cheer, Amun gestured to the hologram, outlining certain items on it.

  “These two items you see are the two babies she is carrying. And the scans confirm that they are Scaden’s children. She is carrying what the people of Earth call, twins, which I’ve never heard of happening on Valendra.”

  The assembled crew just stared at Amun in a stupid form of shock. Even Randor and Gracus were stunned into silence.

  “She’s pregnant with Scaden’s children, t perfect little daughters to be exact. This is absolu
te proof that they are mates. The council can’t possibly keep them apart now.” Amun clarified, waiting for them to understand what he was saying.

  “She’s pregnant? With twin girls?” Randor asked in wonder.

  “How is it possible for her to have two of them?” Another crew member asked.

  Amun laughed and tried his best to explain things to them, while most just stared at Cari’s stomach like they expected the babies to pop out at any moment.

  “Why haven’t they woken up?” Gracus asked.

  “From what we can tell, they have put themselves into a self-induced coma. I have no idea how they have done it either. The scans show an extremely high amount of brain activity occurring, not only with Cari and Scaden, but the babies too.”

  “And another mystery is that the scans are showing their bodies at peak nourishment. They are showing none of the effects of being without food and water for a week. I need to run more tests to figure out what is going on. But I can tell you that both, and the babies are in perfect health.”

  Amun was just as perplexed about the results of the tests on them and was having most of them run again to try to figure out what was going on. Even though some of it is unknown right now, he was far more grateful that they were all doing ok, and couldn’t quite contain his amazement at the first twin children ever conceived by his people. And daughters at that!

  “Leave it to Scaden to be the first of our people to create twin daughters. He’s never going to let us live this down.” Amun uttered aloud without realizing it.

  The assembled crew cheered loudly; Randor and Gracus hugged and smiled broadly at each other, clapping each other on the back.

  “Well how’s it feel to be a Great-Father old man?” Gracus teased the stunned man.

  Randor couldn’t even find the words. He turned and stared at the hologram and his twin great-daughters with pride and an overwhelming sense of protectiveness, love… and fear.

  “We can’t tell the council. Not yet. We need to let Amun get all the facts together first and get them to wake up. We jumped to conclusions before, and it put them in the situation they are in now. We can’t make the same mistake again. We can’t jeopardize them and those babies. We all have to agree now, that we won’t tell anyone outside of this ship, until we know everything, we need to know, and we wake them up. Will you all agree?” Randor asked everyone around him.


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