Kayleb: Alpha Cops - Book 4

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Kayleb: Alpha Cops - Book 4 Page 2

by King, Sadie

  “There’s no need to do that. There’s not much in there, but I’ll be able to make a few decent dishes.”

  His eyes go wide in surprise. “You cook?”

  “I love to cook.” I hand him a fork, and he starts eating. “I’m a student. I’m used to making meals out of cheap canned goods.”

  “This is excellent,” he says between mouthfuls.

  I screw up my face. “It could have done with a bit of oregano and some cheese on top. But yeah, it’s not bad.”

  We eat in silence as the woods grow dark around us. “I’m sorry I was rude to you earlier,” I say.

  He shakes his head. “It’s okay. I know this can’t be easy for you, stuck out here in the middle of nowhere, miles away from civilization.”

  I finish my mouthful slowly, thinking about the productive day of writing I’ve had. “Actually, it’s quite nice being away from everything. I haven’t missed my phone today.”

  He nods. “I love it out here.”

  “Do you come here often?” I ask, and then laugh because it sounds like a cheesy pick-up line. He laughs with me, and wow, his whole face lights up. When he’s relaxed like this, with those steely grey eyes sparkling and his wide stubble-flecked grin, I think he might be the hottest man I’ve ever seen.

  “No, I’ve never been here before. But I do have my own place in the woods.”

  I can imagine him living in a place like this. He’s definitely got that man alone against the elements vibe.

  “It’s peaceful,” I say.

  “Come on,” he says standing up. “It’s getting dark, and we need to get inside.”

  I think about arguing. I’d love to stay on the porch to watch the black night descend around us. But I know I shouldn’t.

  “Of course.” I stand up and take the dishes. “I’ll wash these up.”

  “Once you’re inside, I need to do a check.”

  “Sure,” I say turning to go inside. A thought comes into my head, and I pause. “I don’t suppose you’ve got a pack of cards here?”

  He grins. “Check the drawers.” He disappears into the fading light while I go into the cabin.

  I check the cabinet by the fireplace and find a stash of board games, as if this is someone’s vacation home. There’s Scrabble and Connect Four and a deck of cards. I pull out the cards. It’s time to see how fast Kayleb is at snap.



  It’s breakfast time a few days later, and I’m sitting on the porch when Bella pushes the door open with her hips and comes out carrying two plates.

  “I’m getting a little tired of beans on toast for breakfast,” she says, handing me a plate.

  It’s our forth morning in the cabin, and we’ve settled into an easy routine. Bella spends most of her days on the laptop, but we eat every meal together. And in the evenings, we play cards. I have to admit it’s one of the better work assignments I’ve had.

  “So, you gonna tell me what it is you do on that laptop all day?”

  She smiles at me and shakes her head. “I told you. It’s a school assignment.”

  “I know you’re studying creative writing. Are you writing the great American novel?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I’d love to read it someday.”

  She’s been strangely shy about what she’s writing, but whatever it is she’s getting a lot written.

  She finishes her beans and stands up. “I’m gonna take a shower.”

  I sit for a while looking out at the woods, giving her some privacy to shower and dress.

  After a while, I go back into the cabin, but I’ve timed it wrong. As I step inside the cabin, the door to the bathroom opens. She comes out wrapped in a towel barely big enough to contain her curves. Her wet hair falls over her bare shoulders, and the towel splits at the side revealing one soft thigh.

  I stop in my tracks. “I’m sorry. I thought you would be done.”

  “I had to wash my hair,” she stammers. “It always takes longer.”

  I should turn away; I should walk back out the door and keep walking. But I can see the shape of her breasts pressed up against the towel and that soft fleshy thigh. My dick twitches in my pants, and in two strides I cross the room so I’m standing before her.

  She looks up at me, and I see the longing in her eyes that matches my own.

  “Bella,” I say, my hand stroking her face. I pull her towards me and press my lips against hers. She opens them for me, and my tongue darts into her mouth. She taste fresh from the shower and smells of lavender body wash.

  I push her up against the wall, so my body is pressed into hers. Through the towel, I can feel every part of her sweet body, soft and compliant and quivering under my touch. My dick pushes against her, and she takes a sharp intake of breath.

  “I want you, Bella,” I whisper into her ear.

  “I want you too,” she says, running her hand down my back.

  My mouth trails down her neck, licking up droplets of water from her skin. I reach the top of the towel and gently push it aside.

  There’s a sudden clatter on the roof. My focus changes in an instant. I push her to the ground and grab my gun from my holster. I stand over her protectively, my heart racing as I strain my ears to listen.

  There’s a scratching sound from the roof. I relax slightly. It sounds like an animal, but I need to make sure.

  “Wait here,” I whisper. “And keep down.” She’s looking at me wide-eyed with fear, but she nods her understanding.

  I tread quietly across the floorboards and ease open the door. My car sits out front. There are no tracks, no sign of anyone else. I move silently across the porch and stop to listen. There’s a scampering noise, and the bushy head of a squirrel peeks out at me from the gutter.

  I let out the breath I was holding. The squirrel looks at me for a moment then scampers away.

  I walk the perimeter anyway, checking for tracks and any freshly broken branches. There’s no sign of any other humans but us. As I walk around the cabin, I get more and more furious at myself. It was just a squirrel this time, but it might be something else next time. I let myself get distracted, and I can’t do that. It’s unprofessional, and it means I’m not doing my job properly.

  I can’t deny I’ve got feelings for this girl, but I need to resist. I need to stay attentive and prepared for anything.

  With a hard heart I go back inside. She’s still crouching on the floor wrapped only in the towel.

  I make myself look away from her. “It was a squirrel. You can get up now.”

  She stands up, pulling the towel around her. “My god, that gave me a fright.”

  “You better get dressed,” I say, not daring to meet her eye, afraid my resolve will disappear if I look at her. “I need to go into town to get supplies.”

  “Can I come?”


  “Why not?”

  I chance a look at her, and she’s wearing nothing but the towel and an adorable indignant pout. I turn away quickly.

  “Because you need to stay here and stay inside.”

  I push open the door and hurry down the stairs before I lose my resolve.

  “Get some fresh herbs,” she calls after me.

  I get in the car and drive off, trying not to think about her soft body and inviting kiss and those curves that are driving me crazy.



  I’m left standing in my towel wondering what the hell just happened. One minute he’s got his tongue down my throat and his hard-on pressed into me, and the next minute he can’t even look me in the eye.

  I’m pissed off and insulted. I was certain he could feel this growing connection between us, but now I’m not so sure.

  I pull out my last clean t-shirt. If I don’t get back to civilization soon, I’m going to run out of clothes to wear. And I didn’t bring my hair dryer, I realize.

  I look through all the cupboards, but I can’t find one. Great, my hair will dry naturally,
and it will be all fuzzy and unmanageable and I’ll look like a mess. As soon as I’ve had the thought, I’m annoyed with myself. What should I care how I look? But as much as I don’t want to admit it, I don’t want to look like a mess for Special Detective Blount.

  I pull out my laptop and sit down on the bed to write. But for the first time since I’ve been here, the words aren’t flowing.

  I drum my fingers on the keyboard, but all inspiration seems to have flown away. I write a few sentences, then delete them and start again.

  In exasperation, I get up and pace the room. Maybe what I need is some air. I take my laptop out to the porch and plunk myself in one of the wooden chairs. I open my laptop and stare at the empty screen.

  I’m still staring an hour later when Kayleb pulls up in his car. My heart quickens at the sight of him. He gets out of the car quickly and frowns at me.

  “What are you doing outside?” His tone is stern, like he’s telling me off.

  “I wanted to get some air.”

  “Get back in the cabin.” His tone is harsh, and it takes me by surprise.

  “I thought I was allowed on the porch.”

  “Not anymore.” He takes a box out of the trunk and thumps up the steps. I open the door for him and follow him in. He puts the box of supplies down on the counter and turns to me. “I had a call from HQ.”

  “Oh, so you’re allowed a cell phone but I’m not,” I say playfully.

  “This isn’t a joke, Bella.” There’s something in his tone that wipes the smile off my face. “Victor DeMarco skipped bail this morning.”

  My legs feel weak, and I grip the bench for support. Kayleb's next to me in an instant, his strong arms holding me up.

  “It’s okay,” he says gently. “He doesn’t know where you are.”

  “Could he find me?” It comes out as a whisper, my throat constricting with fear.

  “No.” He shakes his head firmly. “But we have to be extra careful.”

  “Okay.” I nod. “What do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to stay in the cabin. Don’t go outside, not even onto the porch. Stay away from the windows.”

  I nod. “What will you do?”

  “I’ll be right here. Watching out for you.”

  Even as he speaks the words, relief washes over me. I feel safe, protected with him here, like nothing bad could happen to me.

  He leads me over to the couch and gently sits me down. “I’m going to make you a coffee, then I’m going to have a look around, okay?”

  I nod.

  “You got some writing to do or something?”

  I nod again.

  “Good. I want you to keep busy today. It’s going to be okay; nothing has changed.”

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and he’s looking at me full of confidence and reassurance. For a moment, I think he’s going to kiss me. Then he stands up and moves to the kitchen.

  While he makes me a coffee, I open my laptop. My heart’s still racing, but there’s something in the adrenaline that’s fired up my writing muse. By the time he brings me a mug of steaming coffee, my fingers are flying over the keys again.

  It’s later that evening, and I still feel uneasy. I’m trying not to show it by making a meal of canned ham and potatoes. At least he managed to find some oregano, which adds flavor to anything.

  We eat at the table, but the conversation is strained. I’m jumping at every creak and scratch I hear.

  “You gonna eat that?” has asks, looking at the plate of food I’ve barely touched.

  “I’m not that hungry tonight.”

  “You surely wouldn’t waste good tinned meat?” he jokes.

  “You’re welcome to my share.”

  He rubs his belly. “I’d love to, but I’m full.”

  There’s no fire in the grate tonight, and we’re eating by candlelight. It should be romantic, but I’m shivering with cold and fear. I’m already wearing his jumper, but I just can’t seem to warm up.

  “You want a blanket?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “I think I’m going to turn in.”

  I clear the table and get myself ready for bed while he checks the locks on the door and windows.

  The bedsheets are cold when I climb in, and I lie there shivering in the dark. I can make out his figure trying to get comfortable on the rug.

  Suddenly there’s a scraping noise on the roof. I sit up in bed, and he’s already on his feet.

  He stands still, listening. The scraping comes again. He looks over to me.

  “It’s the squirrels again,” he whispers.

  “Are you sure?” My heart’s pounding in my ears.

  “I’ll go and take a look.”

  “No,” I say, but already he’s at the door. He disappears into the dark, and I spend an agonizing few minutes straining to hear where he is.

  After what seems like an eternity but must only be a few minutes, he pushes open the door and pads back in.

  “Just the squirrels,” he says.

  “I don’t think I can sleep,” I say.

  He comes over to the bed, and I can just make out the outline of him from the moonlight coming in the window.

  “It’s okay, Bella. I’m here to protect you.”

  “Will you sleep in the bed with me tonight?” I can’t help the pleading tone in my voice.

  He takes an intake of breath. “If I lie next to you, I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist you.”

  The words send a tingle through my whole body. “What if I don’t want you to resist me?”


  I fold back the blankets and pat the empty side of the bed. He looks at me for a moment, and I can see the conflict on his face. Then he kicks off his shoes and climbs in.

  We lie down and he wraps his strong arms around me, slotting in next to me, his body pressed against mine like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Immediately I feel safe, and my racing heart starts drumming a different beat.



  The sheets are cool against my skin as I slide into the bed. She’s shivering with cold and fright, and I put my arms around her. She’s warm and soft, and her hair smells of the citrus shampoo she uses.

  We lie still for a few moments as her breathing calms and the shivering subsides. Her body presses into mine, and the blood rushes straight to my dick.

  “Bella,” I whisper into her hair.

  In response she pushes her body into me, rubbing against my hard-on.

  I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve wanted this woman since I first set eyes on her. I push back, my hard dick letting her know how much I want her.

  Our bodies move together, slowly pressing together, warming up to our need. I run my hand down her thigh and pull her towards me. I can imagine if there were no clothes between us how sweet it would be to push my dick inside her.

  I lean up on my elbow, and she half-turns to face me. Our bodies are still pressed together, but now I can reach her lips. I kiss her slow and hard and she responds, opening her lips and letting me in.

  I run my hand over her stomach and up to her heavy breasts, feeling them through the fabric of her nightdress.

  The soft curves of her breasts, the scent of her hair--all of a sudden, I know I have to have her.

  “Take this off,” I tell her, pulling at her nightdress.

  She sits up, and I help her pull it over her head. She lies back on the pillow, and I lean on my elbow looking at her in the moonlight, naked except for a pair of white cotton panties.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She smiles. “Take yours off.”

  I pull off my top, and she runs her soft hands over my body. Her fingers pull at my belt buckle, and I shimmy out of my jeans. Her eyes go wide when she sees the outline of my dick pushing against my briefs.

  I push her gently back onto the bed and roll my body onto hers. I kiss her slowly, starting at her neck, and moving down to her breasts.

  My hands run over
every part of her, caressing and kissing her soft body. I can’t get enough of the way she feels, her sweet scent, the way her skin tastes.

  My hand runs down to the hot place between her legs, and she gasps as I touch her through the fabric. She’s damp already, and I feel a new surge of blood pounding through my body and making my dick throb.

  The animal inside me takes over, and I tear off her panties. She gasps in surprise and I run my hand over her dark bush of hair, feeling the stickiness of her.

  I’m on my knees before her now, and I bend down, inhaling her sweet tangy scent. I part her folds with my hand and lick her pink slit. She moans with pleasure as I lap up her wetness, feeling her juices run onto my chin.

  She tastes so good and smells so sweet, and my dick is aching to be inside her, but I want to make her cum first. I want to see her writhe with pleasure.

  As I lick her clitoris, I slide a finger into her wet pussy. She’s tight and hot, and she moans as my finger slides in and out. Her hands grab the back of my head and she pulls me toward her, moaning in pleasure.

  I’m licking her fast now, my finger pumping her as she rubs herself against me. I know she’s close, and I pick up the pace until I hear her moans turn to yelps and her pussy contracts. I push my tongue against her as she rides out the orgasm. The high-pitched sounds she’s creating are the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.

  When she finally stills, I lift my head to look at her. She’s lying back with a dreamy look on her face.

  “That was amazing,” she says.

  “I’m not done with you yet. Wait there.”

  I get out of bed and grab a condom from my bag. I pull my briefs down and my dick is standing to attention, throbbing with desire.

  Her eyes go wide. “You think you can handle it?” I ask her.

  She nods and helps me ease the condom on.

  “Get up on your knees and turn around.”

  She does as I tell her, and I kneel behind her. I run my hand over her soft ass and spread her legs open. Her slit is dripping with juices, and I run the tip of my dick over her. I find her opening and push my tip in. She tenses, and I pause.


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