Kayleb: Alpha Cops - Book 4

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Kayleb: Alpha Cops - Book 4 Page 3

by King, Sadie

  “Does that feel okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it feels good.”

  “I’ll go in slow,” I say, easing my dick in a little further. She’s so tight it feels like she’s sucking me in. I push a little further, and with every inch I bury myself in her pussy, I get a jolt of pleasure running through me.

  I want to slam myself into her, but I take it slow, savoring the feeling of each part of her. I slide back out and push forward, going a little deeper. The sight of my dick sliding into her pussy is too much, and suddenly I can’t hold back anymore.

  I thrust hard into her, shocks of ecstasy traveling through my body. She cries out, and I slide out and slam into her again, thrusting hard again and again and again.

  I reach a hand around to grab her tits and I pull her towards me, owning her body and fucking her hard.

  “Touch yourself,” I tell her, and her hand slides over her pussy, her fingertips grazing my balls.

  I watch my dick slide in and out of her slit, her pink folds sucking me in. I pump her hard, the animal inside of me craving the possession, needing to make her mine. Her body is slick with sweat, and her cries of pleasure echo around the room.

  I can feel my pleasure building, and I slam into her harder and faster. Suddenly I explode, my orgasm shooting shock waves of pleasure all through me. She cries out, her own climax matching mine. I grab her hips and hold her on my dick as waves of pleasure wash over me.

  Once we both stop shaking, I ease myself out of her and ease the condom off. We lie together in the moonlight, our bodies pressed together relaxed and sated. I wait until her breathing deepens letting me know she’s asleep. Then I slide out of bed and dress quietly. I’ll not sleep tonight.

  I didn’t want to worry her, but the news of DeMarco skipping bail has me rattled. I pull the chair over to the bed and take up my vigil. I’ll watch over her tonight and make sure she’s safe.



  I get up early and check the perimeter of the cabin. The uneasy feeling has been growing all night.

  I tread quietly around the cabin, stopping to scan the woods every few steps. But all is quiet. Only squirrels and birds go about their business.

  Bella’s still sleeping, so I grab the ax and head to the woodpile. We won’t have a fire again. The smoke draws too much attention. But I need to do something to calm my mind.

  The sex last night was the best I’ve ever had, but it’s not just the sex. My feelings have grown over the last week, and I can’t stop thinking about her.

  I pick up the ax and swing, letting it come down hard on the log. The wood shatters, and I put another piece on the stump. I get into a rhythm, swing and chop, swing and chop.

  It calms my mind as thoughts of Bella’s naked body and sweet scent run through it. This woman is driving me crazy.

  Then there’s the uneasiness I’m feeling about being here. I tell myself it should be safe; it’s a safe house that only a few people know about. But Victor DeMarco is a powerful man. What if he’s got someone on the inside? You can never underestimate his reach.

  I swing hard on the log, and the wood shatters into pieces. I’m panting and sweaty, and I lean on the ax. I know what I need to do. I need to trust my gut. If this place is compromised, we need to leave.

  I know it’s the right decision as soon as I make it. I’ll wake Bella up, and we can be gone in five minutes. I’ll call in to HQ when we’re on the road, and I won’t tell anyone where I’m taking her. We can hide out at a motel until they bring DeMarco in.

  As I’m pulling on my t-shirt, there’s a shriek from the cabin. I sprint up the stairs and fling open the door.

  Victor DeMarco is inside, and he’s got a gun trained on Bella. She’s sitting up in bed, the covers pulled up to her naked shoulders.

  DeMarco turns to me, and a grim smile spreads across his lips. “Not much of a protector, are you? I walked right in.”

  The words sting, but I put them aside. I focus my mind on saving Bella. My hand grips the ax, and my other hand twitches for the gun in my holster, but I remain casual and calm. “How did you find us?” I ask, stalling for time.

  He laughs. “You coppers are all the same. Would sell your own mother for the right price.”

  I make a mental note to get the names of everyone who knew about this safe house and personally hunt every one of them down until I find the person who sold us out.

  “Put the gun down, Victor,” I say. “There’s back-up arriving any minute.”

  He laughs again, a brittle laugh devoid of any emotion. “Nice try, copper. I know there’s no one out here but us. Not another cabin for miles. No one will even hear the gunshots.”

  Bella whimpers, and my fingers grip the ax as my heart pounds, but I stay calm.

  “You can think that if you want,” I say. “But I know there’s another car on the way. Supply drop due any minute.”

  I see the hesitation on his face. He doesn’t know if I’m telling the truth or not.

  “Would be a shame to go down for triple murder. You’d never get out.” As I talk, I shuffle my feet, quietly edging closer.

  Suddenly he swings around and points the gun at me. “You stay where you are, copper. Stay right where you are, and put that ax down.”

  I’m relieved the gun is off Bella, but my heart still races. Slowly I crouch down and put the ax on the floor before me. He shuffles forward to kick it out of reach with his foot.

  Behind him, I see Bella move on the bed. I dare not look at her, but I shake my head imperceptibly. Whatever she’s planning, it’s too dangerous. She ignores my signal and suddenly launches herself off the bed, the blankets above her. She pushes herself into Victor, covering him in blankets. I dodge the other way as his gun goes off.

  He’s caught in the bed sheets, and before he can recover I stamp on his wrist. He cries out in pain, and I twist my boot until he drops the gun. Bella kicks it out of his reach and then picks it up herself.

  I’ve pulled my gun out of my holster, and now I point it at him. By the time he untangles himself from the sheets, we both have guns trained on him.

  He makes a dash for the window and trips as his feet get tangled in the blanket. As he goes sprawling on the floor, I jump on top of him. Using the back of my gun, I knock him out cold.

  I grab my handcuffs out of my bag and cuff him up. Once I’m sure the threat is eliminated, I turn to Bella. She’s still got the gun pointing at him, and for the first time, I realize she’s stark naked.

  I gently take the gun from her and put it on the table. Then I grab a blanket and wrap her up tight.

  “It’s over,” I say, kissing the top of her head. “Are you okay? You’re still trembling.”

  “I can’t believe he saw me naked.”

  “That’s what you’re worried about?” I ask in surprise.

  She smiles thinly. “No, the whole thing was terrifying. But you’ve got to admit, it’s kind of funny that I was naked.”

  I pull her close. “I think I prefer you naked without a gun. You were terrifying.” She laughs. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I slipped up.”

  “It’s okay,” she says.

  “No. It’s not. I let my feelings for you cloud my judgment. I should have been in here with you. I shouldn’t have left your side.”

  “It’s okay. It worked out okay.”

  “I promise you this, Bella.” I pull back so I can see her face. “I won’t ever leave your side again.” And I mean it. As I look into her hopeful wide eyes, I see my future, my happiness. The woman I want to be with and look after for the rest of my life.

  I kiss her long and deep and gently. There’s a moan from Victor.

  “What are we going to do with him?” she asks.

  I look at him on the floor with his hands cuffed. “I’ll call a car to come and collect him. You’d better get dressed before he wakes up.”

  She nods and turns toward the bed. I grab her hand and pull her back. “One more kiss,” I say. She presses
her lips to mine, and it’s a kiss full of promise, full of hope, from the only woman I’ll be kissing for the rest of my life.



  Six years later…

  I watch the muscles on his back ripple as he lifts the ax. He swings it down and beads of sweat fly off his body.

  I never get tired of watching my husband chop wood.

  “Mommy.” I pull my attention away from the window to the toddler pulling at my skirt.

  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Can I have a cookie?” Her little face is looking at me all hopeful and earnest.

  “Have you been good today?”

  “Yes.” She nods her head vigorously

  “Then you can have one cookie.” I grab the cookie tin off the shelf and give her one.

  “Can I give one to Jason?” I glance over to my eight-month-old happily playing in the baby bouncer. “No, Jason’s just a baby. He doesn’t eat cookies. Now go and play while Mommy gets dinner ready.”

  She scampers off, and I go back to chopping herbs. They’re freshly picked from my garden and will make the perfect seasoning for my pasta salad.

  The door bangs open, and Kayleb comes in carrying an armload of wood. He sets it down by the fireplace and then comes over to the kitchen area.

  He slides an arm around my waist. “I saw you checking me out.”

  “If you didn’t want me to check you, out you wouldn’t be chopping wood right in front of my kitchen window exactly at the time when I’m making dinner.”

  He laughs. “I like to give my wife a good show.” He kisses my neck, and I lean against him. He rubs my swollen belly, and the baby within gives a hearty kick. “Someone’s active today.”

  “He sure is. Hasn’t stopped moving all afternoon.”

  We stand for a few moments looking out at the woods with his arms around me, rubbing my belly and marveling at the life growing inside.

  We have our own wooden cabin now. Bigger than the one where we first met, but just as remote.

  It’s the perfect place to grow a family, and with our third child on the way, we’ll soon fill the place.

  Kayleb goes over to get the fire started while I finish dinner.

  “Did you have a productive day?” he asks.

  “I wrote a good love scene.”

  He looks over at me. “Oh yeah?” His eyebrows shoot up suggestively. “You want to read it to me after the kids are in bed?”

  “Sure.” I’m thrilled that he takes an interest in my work and not just the sexy scenes. He’s helped me work through tricky plot twists and obstinate characters.

  I published my first romance novel just after the trial and have been unstoppable ever since. I find living in the woods the perfect hideaway to write, when I can get some time away from the kids, that is.

  The trial was tense, but with Kayleb by my side, I got through it. With me as a witness and other evidence the police had, it was enough to put him away for life.

  It was hard testifying and reliving the experience, but Kayleb never left my side.

  We married soon after and got our own place in the woods. He goes away on assignments sometimes, but often he’s home for long stretches at a time.

  I bring the pasta salad over to the table, and he rounds up the kids to eat. With a toddler and a baby, mealtimes are always messy. But I love the mess. It’s family life, my family, and I love it.

  Kayleb reaches his hands across the table to squeeze mine. He looks at me, and I smile back at him. We’ve built this together, our family, and I couldn’t be happier.

  Get your insta-love fix!

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  Fox in the Garden is a bonus book in the Filthy Rich Love series, exclusive to email subscribers.


  When I escape for some air before the most important business call of my life, I don’t expect to find a woman dancing barefoot in my Zen Garden.

  The last two years of my life have been spent working toward this business deal. But now, all I can think about is her.


  Dad’s drinking is getting worse, and it’s starting to lose him clients. So I step in and take over the gardening business. But who knew our most profitable client was such a silver fox?

  He’s older than me, confident and handsome. The kind of man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to take it. And I think what he wants is me…

  Click here for your free copy




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