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The Dom with the Clever Tongue (Badass Brats)

Page 5

by Shaw, Leia

  “I’m not chicken. I just don’t feel like doing this right now.”

  Scarlet hesitated. Normally she’d back down if Reece said no. They didn’t have a safeword, because Reece insisted they didn’t need one. But Malachi was watching and this whole thing would have been for nothing if they stopped here.

  “Get on the bed, woman,” she snapped.

  Reece’s eyes widened and she hesitated but then got up on the bed and sat in the middle like it was a life raft.

  “Lie down.”

  She looked unhappy. “What are you going to do?”

  “Just let me do this,” she half-asked in frustration.


  Fuck. Here they went with the “fine” shit. Embarrassment and uncertainty grew and her patience snapped. “Lie the fuck down and shut up.” Her tone surprised her. She looked at Malachi to gauge his reaction. Was she fucking this up terribly?

  His face didn’t give anything away. At least he wasn’t shaking his head in disgust. She turned her attention back to her girlfriend.

  Reece was complying, but it was slow. So slow, Scarlet wondered if she should turn her over her knee or something. She needed a freaking handbook to figure out how to dom this woman – one written specifically about her.

  She slipped a pillow under her ass and Reece, mercifully, said nothing. As Scarlet tied her to the bed, she noticed her shift subtly beneath her. This seemed to be making Reece hot even though she was acting tough. Maybe Reece not getting off earlier would work to Scarlet’s favor. If she sucked at domming, at least Malachi would know she and Reece had chemistry. That was some redemption at least.

  Scarlet put the blindfold on last then kissed her hard on the mouth. She knelt on the bed beside her captive, and ran her hands over the thin fabric of her clothing, avoiding her nipples and her privates. She trailed her fingers up the side of her neck and played with her hair, then explored her cleavage and dipped a finger into it. At her waist, she lifted the edge of her t-shirt and snaked her hands up to stroke her breasts, then pulled at her nipples when they got hard.

  Reece gasped and writhed, and Scarlet could tell that she was trying to stay still but failing. As usual, the heady feeling of power over her normally bossy girlfriend was almost too arousing. She squeezed her thighs together and forced herself to calm down.

  The lack of underwear lines in Reece’s yoga pants made her hot all over again. She toyed with the top edge of the pants, wondering how far to go with things. Her fingertips traced a line across Reece’s belly, just under the waistband.

  Reece panted. “Scarlet, don’t. No.”

  Desire shot through Scarlet, and she squirmed involuntarily. Reece often said no when they played, but her body language didn’t match her words. This was why they needed a safeword. Sometimes, Scarlet kept going anyway when Reece didn’t seem to want her to really stop, and the protests turned to moans of pleasure. She was never sure if that was the right thing to do.

  This time she stopped and looked at Malachi who gave her a nod of encouragement.

  “No? Are you sure, kitten? You don’t want me to touch you here?” She tickled one finger between Reece’s legs, over her clothing. Reece pushed her groin up to meet Scarlet’s hand and whimpered. The latter pulled her hand away and traced small circles on the inside of her thighs.

  “No.” Reece wriggled, trying to connect with her hand again. “I mean...please, Scarlet.”

  “Please what? Please stop?” She withdrew her hand and watched with satisfaction as Reece fought the ropes that restrained her.

  Her helpless whimper made Scarlet want to grind up against her.

  “Let me go,” she pleaded weakly.

  “Is that what you really want?” She dragged her fingers over her girlfriend’s slit again and she mewled.


  Scarlet wondered if she was evil to enjoy this so much.

  When she pressed harder on her clit, Reece jerked against the ropes and a cry escaped her. “Please!”

  “I thought you wanted me to stop?” she purred with a grin.

  “I need to come,” she rasped.

  “You don’t need to come, kitten. You just want to.”

  “Yes, I want to!” She sounded teary. “Please help me, Scarlet.”

  “If you’re sure that’s what you want.”

  “Please?” Reece’s whole body was taut with frustration. Was it because she’d started horny? The ropes? Scarlet taking charge? Malachi watching? Or was it a mix?

  Scarlet stretched over her and kissed her mouth hard, pressing her thigh up between Reece’s. Immediately, Reece rubbed against her, breathing hard. The heat of the girl’s sex was obvious, even through the fabric of both of their pants. This was more fun naked, but Reece wouldn’t thank her if she pushed the nudity issue already. When she was about to come, Scarlet pulled away.

  “Scarlet, no! That’s not fair!” Reece whined. She turned her head back and forth as she tried to see something from behind the blindfold.

  “Do you get to decide what’s fair?”

  She worried at her lip for a moment. “No, I don’t. It’s up to you right now. Is that the right answer?”

  Scarlet chuckled darkly.

  Her girlfriend made a sound of frustration. “Please!”

  She was seriously starting to get a fetish for begging. Scarlet slapped her sharply between the legs three times and Reece tensed up in her bonds. She pressed hard on her clit, where she could feel it through the fabric. With a gasp, Reece started to convulse, coming hard. She screamed and pulled at the ropes. Not sure if she was crossing the line, Scarlet slipped her hand into the front of Reece’s pants and slid a finger into her then rubbed her clit with her thumb.

  Reece’s mouth hung open and her body froze up for a moment before she came again, helpless to stop. When the aftershocks had finally trailed off, Scarlet untied her and pulled off the blindfold.

  Reece stared at the ceiling in a daze. Scarlet pulled her into her arms and cuddled her as she stroked her hair and told her what a good girl she was.

  Where had that come from? Scarlet felt like she’d performed some sort of amazing magic trick. Would she ever figure out how to do it again?

  Reece relaxed against her and looked half asleep.

  “Why did you keep looking at me?” Malachi broke the spell.

  “She won’t pick a safeword. Usually when she complains, I stop and I don’t know what to do.”

  “She needs a safeword,” he said sternly. “If I were you, I wouldn’t go further without one. Lots of people like saying no when they really mean yes, and that’s okay, but for safety’s sake, she needs a safeword.” His expression slid out of strict Dom when he grinned wickedly. “And that makes it more fun for you, Scarlet. Because she can resist and protest all she wants, but unless she says that one word, it’s fair game to do whatever you want.”

  Scarlet immediately saw the appeal in that. She grinned back at Malachi. “Okay. Do you hear that Reece?” She gave her girl a little pat, but she didn’t seem coherent. “Start thinking of a safeword.”

  Mal chuckled. “So has she gotten off like this for you before when you were topping her? You didn’t seem to need much help there.”

  “Fuck, no! That was totally fucking amazing. This has never happened before. Not even close. Usually I stop and we argue and we’re both frustrated and go watch TV.”

  He smiled kindly. “You need to pick a safeword and stop letting her run the show. She doesn’t respect your authority. You also need more confidence that you’re doing the right thing. Other than that, it seemed to work pretty well for you both.” He shifted and readjusted his cock without seeming embarrassed by it. Scarlet felt his pain – she had a cramp in her lower belly that she only got when she’d been frustrated too long. Maybe girls could get blue balls.

  She brushed her lips against Reece’s hair and the girl snuggled into her. “Okay. But what about me liking pain? Are you sure that’s not a submissive thing?”
r />   “Some Doms like pain. You need to explore how much you like and train her to give it to you.”

  “I’m not good at doing it though,” Reece whispered tiredly from the safety of Scarlet’s embrace.

  “How so?”

  “She loves it when I bite her, but she wants more intense pain. I’ve tried, but I just can’t do it.”

  “I can show you how, if you want,” he offered.

  “It’s not that I physically can’t, it’s just...” She stopped for a moment and seemed to consider her words, “I don’t like hurting her. It hurts me to do it.”

  “Have you tried reminding yourself that she likes it?”

  “Yes.” She shrugged. “It helps a little.”

  “Hmm. Maybe you can learn to like it, for her sake. Or maybe you can find someone to do that for her sometimes if you can’t.”

  They remained silent for a few moments, lost in their personal thoughts.

  “Do you need to, uh, use the bathroom?” Scarlet offered, not sure how to ask politely about that sort of thing. He must have been uncomfortable.

  “I’ll manage. If I faint though, it’s just because all the blood has rushed away from my brain. Don’t panic.” His smirk spread to the two of them.

  “So if you faint, what should we do?” Reece asked innocently.

  “I’d suggest loosening my pants.”

  Scarlet slid off the bed to her feet. “Of course you’d suggest that.”

  “Next he’s going to suggest mouth to mouth.”

  He looked positively wicked. “No. But maybe mouth to something else would help.”

  Reece burst out laughing and threw a pillow at his head.

  Chapter 6

  Considering this was an all-night, horror movie session, Malachi wasn’t surprised at the crowd in the foyer. Some of them had even brought pillows and sleeping bags. The monthly movie marathon had skyrocketed in popularity since they’d started a year ago. Something about watching three or four crazy B horror movies in a row with your friends appealed to people in Cobalt Harbor.

  Maybe there was something in the water? He checked his tickets. Screen Four. Several teenagers wormed past and when he looked up, there they were – the two women he hadn’t been able to get out of his mind since his little session as their kinky therapist – Scarlet and Reece. Hard to forget them. For a while afterward, he’d wondered if men got menopause because the memory of them together invariably gave him hot flashes.

  The girls finished talking to, or possibly flirting with, some middle-aged guy over the counter of the concession stand then headed his way with their popcorn and drinks, still talking animatedly, with Scarlet’s hand at Reece’s back. Briefly he considered putting a hit on the middle-aged guy. Then they saw him and waved.

  Well, Scarlet waved. Reece shot him a dubious yet contemplative look. He nodded and waved back.

  Just to draw it out, since they were coming to him anyway, he stayed put and did some admiring. He didn’t believe in denying natural urges too much. Scarlet was in loose jeans and sweatshirt, while Reece wore skintight jeans with a long black sweater that went low enough to cover her butt, yet high enough to show off her legs. Any man with an ounce of testosterone in his blood would itch to see either of them naked.

  “Hi again.” Scarlet smiled and wedged her unoccupied hand in her pocket.

  Reece, amazingly, shifted her drink between her arm and body then held out a free hand for him to shake. “Hi.”

  He shook it, appreciating the feel of her long slender fingers in his. “Great to see you again. I get the privilege of a handshake today?”

  She shrugged. “I’m in promo mode. Brett, the program manager, is donating some of the night’s sales to disadvantaged kids and we happen to be getting part of that.” At his raised eyebrow, she added, “I help redo donated dresses for girls who can’t afford to go to proms. It’s...just a thing I do.”

  Scarlet winked. “Don’t let her be all humble. I’m proud of her. You hear that Reece?” She nudged her. “Be proud of what you’re doing.”

  “Sure. Sure.” But her eye roll said she’d rather keep it low key. “Shush about it now though.”

  “She’s right,” Malachi agreed. “It’s impressive. I like people who go out of their way to help others. You get my do-gooder of the week award. It’s invisible but highly sought after.” He grinned. “Are you two staying for the movies?”

  “Just the first one.” Scarlet took a sip of her drink. “What is it? Zombocalypse? Or Dead People 3? For a fashionista my girl has the most appalling taste in movies. If you’re seeing them, we could sit together? As long as you don’t mind my shrieks.”

  The offer set him back on his heels, but then Reece quirked an eyebrow for a second. One was a yes, one was a no. He could take a hint.

  “No. I don’t want to butt in. Nice of you to...” The pained expression on Scarlet’s face made him pause.

  “I’d like to talk some more.”

  “Scarlet!” Reece shook her head then glanced about. “Not here.”

  “I’m being discreet. Come on, they’re going in. Please?”

  Malachi thought. She must have her reasons. “Sure. Tell me to go if you change your mind.”

  “We will. Ow!” Reece hissed and shot a glare at Scarlet. That had to be a pinch. She lowered her voice. “You know not in public.” Holding popcorn and a drink cup, she was helpless to do anything in return.

  Scarlet’s reply was equally quiet but her eyes gleamed. “Shush, kitten. Move it or I’ll do it again.”

  “Ugh. I’m getting even when we get home.”

  “Sure. Just try it and see what it gets you.” She looked back at him. “You coming?”

  Why miss a chance to be with them? He strolled up beside Scarlet. “I’ll come as long as you pinch me too.”

  She snorted a laugh and they walked into the theater.

  The movie, Zombocalypse, turned out to be less interesting than Scarlet. She’d sat in the middle between him and Reece. Even in the dark he could see the tips of her white-blond hair almost glow and the side of her neck flowed with light when she turned. So pretty.

  At first she was quiet, as if wondering how to broach the topic she had in mind. Reece happily munched on popcorn while chortling at the crazier antics onscreen.

  “Enough fake blood being thrown about to feed a city of vampires,” he whispered. There was no one close to them. They’d found front seats while most had crowded into the back half of the cinema.

  The screams grew louder. “Oh my god! That must have hurt.” Reece coughed as if a handful of popcorn had gone down the wrong way. “Can you walk without a top half? I mean, normally?”

  “Yuck.” Scarlet grimaced. Then she ducked her head as if looking at the boot of her foot where she’d propped it on her opposite knee. “Malachi, are you okay to talk right now?” She peeked at him.

  “Sure. I’m not missing any great moments of cinema. I come to laugh and relax.”

  “Well, I’m depriving you of that then.”

  “No. I’m happy. Just sitting with both of you has made my night. Swear it on a stack of bibles.” More screams, more blood. He frowned. “Or a stack of bodies. When will they ever learn not to separate when a monster is after you?”

  Scarlet chuckled. “Silly, Malachi. Staying together would mean that people are smart and smart people don’t die blood gruesome deaths.”

  “Right.” He nodded. “So what’s up? What did you want to talk about?”

  “Well, Reece insists she isn’t really a sub and she’s fighting it hard.”

  “Shh.” Reece leaned across. “I can hear you two, you know. I’m in my element organizing and taking charge, Malachi. I have more Domme in me than anything. If, I say, if, we have to get your advice again, then I’m going to be the one you teach.”

  Before he could answer, Scarlet spoke. “I haven’t asked him to do anything like that yet. This was just talking, but...I agree.” She turned to him and, just for a moment, touch
ed his arm. “If you can help us with anything, I’d be grateful. I’m a little frustrated. Maybe you can show her how to top me?”

  He couldn’t see their faces well, but their words sank in. This was still like being the third wheel on a bicycle. It was a little awkward too. But two beautiful women getting kinky in front of him? Why was he even thinking about saying no? The last bit of his resistance snapped. “Okay. When? Today is Saturday so I don’t know that I’ll be able to come over until next weekend. That good for you?”

  “No.” Slowly, Scarlet shook her head. “That’s not going to be good for either of us. I’m interviewing with Jude. Thanks for the tip by the way. And Reece is away that weekend.”

  “Hmm. I work late most weekdays...”

  “I don’t suppose you’re busy tonight? After the movie?” Hope lilted endearingly in her voice.

  “Tonight?” Well, why not? He rubbed his chin. “Let me think, watch a bunch of crap you two get all kinky. Hard to decide.”

  “Is he saying he wants to come over tonight?” Reece demanded.

  He held out both hands as if they were at each end of a scale. “Crap movies. Kinky women. Hmm.”

  Scarlet sighed. “Maybe. Who knew Doms could be such smartasses?”

  “Aw. Guess we’re seeing only one then?”

  “It’s all my stomach can handle, kitten.”

  Reece glared at Malachi for a moment, then seemed to reach some conclusion. “Fine. Just don’t expect me to get all enthusiastic about hurting my girlfriend. But I will try.”

  Malachi settled back in the seat.

  The rest of the screams and carnage faded as he considered her words and what they expected of him. Their idea was great. The lack of enthusiasm was not.


  When they walked into the condo, they were silent until they reached the living room.

  “Tell me what you want to do first. I’ll add suggestions.” Malachi waited, figuring it was their call how to get this rolling.

  Like an awkward store manikin, Reece leaned her hand on the back of an armchair. “So. What do you want to try?” Her mouth twisted. “Nothing too severe, please.” With her eyes, she appealed to Scarlet.


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