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Mating Song (Eternal Flames Book 14)

Page 6

by Cree Storm

  “And the guys that might look our way are not the kind you want to attract in the first place,” Shawn stated in agreement placing more concealing cream over a newly blackened eye.

  Deja sighed and looked at his new friends. Cliffton was right. The men before him were not the norm when it came to back up singers and dancers, but Deja knew he had chosen well.

  When Deja had arrived in Maddox, Jagger had been concerned at his sudden agreement. However, the man didn’t ask and Deja refused to dwell on it all right now.

  His brothers had tried to talk him out of coming to Maddox, but Deja knew this was what was for the best for him and Shadow. He knew that if he gave his mate time and space things would work out. They had to. Deja refused to accept the alternative. However, seeing the pain in Shadow’s eyes had just been too much and that pain wasn’t just from being around Deja all the time. No, what Deja had seen was so much deeper. If time was what the man needed, then time was what Deja would give to him, no matter what his brothers had to say. Deja just had to believe he was doing the right thing. That’s why he had told Jagger he wanted to get started as quickly as possible.

  Jagger had given Deja carte blanche on hiring his group. They had held auditions and Deja had sat with Jagger through them all, picking his members one by one. Just when he thought he had all he needed Deja had heard singing in the kitchen and that was when he discovered Blake. He was the chef for the club as well as sometimes bartender, and the man could seriously sing and damn, when Deja discovered he could play drums as well… Deja was hooked. In the few short weeks Deja and his group had been practicing, they had all become close. Each man had a uniqueness about him and all of them were talented. Many of them could play more than one instrument and they were all really good dancers as well as singers. Funny thing was, no one would know how talented they were, because so many people never looked past the outside before making a judgement. It was one of the reasons they had all agreed to call themselves Eclectic. The other reason was because they were planning on singing just about all genres of music. Pop, Country, Theater, and whatever else they wanted to sing. He just hoped that the patrons liked it.

  Blake shook his head. “You guys have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve heard and watched all of you and you all are fantastic and sexy in your own rights. That crowd is going to love all of us and if some guy doesn’t see you for who you really are, well that’s their loss.” Looking at Shaun’s face, Blake snarled, “And I for one think you all are fantastic separately and together as a group. Now have some faith.”

  Trace snorted, “Easy for you to say. You are sexy as fuck. You can’t possibly know what it’s like to be beat up just because you like to wear dresses and make up.”

  “Or have people yell things like fat ass or hippo hips and the ones that aren’t calling you names are giving nice diet tips,” Marion muttered.

  Blake shook his head. “That might all be true, but trust me, as a black man in this world I have known prejudice and pain.”

  Deja nodded. “And Cliffton, you might think I’m sexy, thank you by the way, but I can tell you being in a gypsy tribe, I have had more than slurs and objects thrown at me. People see things as their normal even though there is no guideline to what is normal. It isn’t important. What is important is how we see ourselves. I chose you guys because you are awesome performers. Trace on the bass, Smitty in all his goth is one of the best guitarists I have ever heard.”

  Turing to Marion, Deja said, “And Marion, you might love your bow ties and suits, but the way you play the keyboards is awe inspiring. Orchid, I know you catch shit all the time because of your feminine features but look at our outfits. You created our wardrobe for the stage and I am blown away by how fantastic everyone looks. You are as good a costume designer as you are a dancer and trust me, you fucking rock.”

  “Being androgynous can get you killed,” Orchid whispered, lowering his sad eyes.

  Shawn scoffed, “At least people notice you guys when you walk into a room. No one ever sees me… not even my own family.”

  “I will take your invisibility any day of the week, Shawn,” Cliffton murmured, touching the scars that ran down the right side of his face.

  Deja turned to Barker. The man was sitting in the corner and as usual wasn’t saying a word. Deja knew the guy was seriously quiet, but even if he didn’t speak in words he did in dance. Barker had choreographed most of the show tonight.

  “Oh my gods, I think half of Maddox and Crystal are out there. I see the entire paranormal council with their mates and so many of the regulars,” Trace rasped.

  Deja could feel their fear and knew he had to do something before they all scared themselves so bad they refused to go on stage. “Look guys I know you’re scared, heck so am I. It isn’t like I’m used to performing in front of so many, but Jagger is counting on us and if we don’t go out there, not only will we look like idiots, we’ll bring shame to a man who placed his faith in us. Now I understand what it is to be hurt both physically and mentally because of being different. The thing is, that is why we named our group Eclectic. It’s because of our differences that we are going to go out there and blow all their minds. It’s not what we look like that they are going to notice tonight. It’s not who they think they knew us as that is going to be their focus either.” Shaking his head, Deja stated, “All those people out there will notice is Eclectic—the group of men who are going out on that stage and blowing their minds with how good we are. You all can do this.”

  Seeing that the men still looked terrified and unsure, Deja said, “Have I ever told you why I sing?”

  The group shook their heads and Deja gave a half smile. “I sing because it is cleansing. When I feel sad, I sing out why I’m sad. If I am in pain, I sing about what hurt me. If I’m happy, I let the world know why I am so happy. Singing makes all the negative feelings flow out of me and spread into the air. It’s what helps me feel alive. Just let yourself flow with the music. Let each note bring you strength. Don’t look at the crowd and think what could go wrong. Go out there and dig deep inside yourself and be a part of the music. If you do that, I guarantee every man and woman out there is going to feel what you are feeling, and they won’t know what hit them. As a matter of fact, I want to switch up our second half opener to our opener. Can we do that?”

  The men looked at each other and then smiled. Barker surprisingly said, “That’s a good idea.”

  Letting out a deep breath, Deja asked, “Now are we ready?”

  The guys before him all took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Good, now let’s get this show on the road,” Deja said, then everyone got into place, and he looked at Blake. “Can you let Jagger know our opening act has changed?”

  “Already done,” Blake replied with a smile, shaking his cell phone in his hand.

  Deja took one last look out into the crowd. Trace wasn’t kidding. Even Mayor Buck Lawrence was out there. However, the one man he had hoped and prayed for was nowhere to be seen. Damn he had really hoped Shadow would have come just for the moral support. “I guess being mates really does mean nothing to the man.”

  “Deja, are you okay?” Blake asked in concern.

  Pulling back from his sad thoughts, Deja turned to look at his friend. This was his dream and he was about to make it a reality, mate or not. Deja nodded. “Yeah, let’s do this.”

  * * * *

  Pulling his Harley into the spot next to his other team members, Shadow was still shocked that he was here, but when he had gone to his room and saw the ticket for Deja’s show sitting on his bed, for some reason he just couldn’t not be here. Stepping off his bike, he secured his helmet and quickly made his way into the club. He handed his ticket to Zen and the man gave him a smirk. “You just made it. The show is getting ready to start.”

  “Damn this place is packed,” Shadow muttered.

  Zen nodded. “Yeah and the entire paranormal council is even here, and I sure hope there aren’t any fires or crime, be
cause just about the entire police and fire department for both Crystal and Maddox are here as well.”

  Looking towards the stage, Shadow noticed that there were no guards standing in front of the stage. Looking around all he could see were a couple of bouncers. “Where’s all the security? Why is there no one blocking the stage in case some nut tries to rush it?”

  Shaking his head, Zen replied, “When I asked Jackson that same thing he said, and I quote, “It isn’t like this is Maroon 5 or something.””

  “He better hope nothing happens to Deja, or I will gut the fucker,” Shadow snarled as he made his way further into the club. Making his way to the bar, Shadow ordered a beer and then turned just as the lights went out indicating the entertainment was about to begin. It took a few minutes, but soon the club was silent.

  Suddenly music began to play, and the soft sound of Deja’s voice filled the room. “I’m not a stranger to the dark, hide away, they say, ‘cause we don’t want your broken parts.”

  Shadow looked to the stage, as did all the others in the club, but Deja was nowhere to be seen. Hell, the lights weren’t even up yet. However, his quiet, lyrical voice continued to sing one of the songs from the movie ‘The Greatest Showman’. It talked about being accepted for being different and how they were not going to let their differences rule them anymore, and the world could more or less kiss their asses.

  As the song built, Deja was still nowhere to be seen, yet no one spoke as everyone kept their gazes on the stage, enraptured, waiting to see who held such a sexy and alluring voice.

  The lights suddenly came on, bright and piercing as Deja belted out the words, “I’m not scared to be seen, I make no apologies this is me!” Deja and the band around him, could now be seen and the audience clapped. Shadow’s gaze fell on the drummer toward the back and for some reason Shadow felt as if he knew the man, but since he had rarely ever come to Maddox, he couldn’t for the life of him know why he would think that. Then all thought fled as Shadow watched Deja dancing along with the others on stage, wearing a gold leather body suit that outlined his gorgeous figure, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Deja looked beyond amazing with his golden glittered eye makeup and black eyeliner… son of a bitch, Deja was sexy as fuck. Shadow felt his cock push hard against his zipper and his mouth go dry. Then Shadow got a good look at the men that now made up Deja’s band and felt his lips actually lift in a semblance of a smile. They were truly what their groups name meant. Eclectic.

  Deja and his people sang and moved with grace and beauty on the stage. They sang and moved in perfectly sync, as lights flashed and moved with them while they all belted out, “We are warriors…”

  Looking at the men performing with Deja, he thought that had he ever run into them in the streets he would have no idea they were performers, but damn they were really good.

  Shadow had no idea when he had moved forward, but soon someone clasped his arm, whispering, “I’m glad you made it.”

  Turning to see Snake smiling and directing him to a seat, Shadow sat without looking away from the stage. Deja’s gaze met his as he sang and danced, then his mate gave him a big smile as he sang, “Look out cause here I come. And I’m marching out to the beat I drum…”

  The sway of the Deja’s hips as he danced effortlessly on stage in sync with the others was beyond beautiful and amazing.

  When the men on stage all sang out the last, “This is me!” The music stopped, along with them all on stage, frozen in place, panting and smiling. The crowd jumped to their feet and began to clap fiercely.

  Some of the dancers broke away and picked up or set up some instruments, then a deep bass started to play. The dancers started clapping, a few had bells and others had tambourines. Soon the entire crowd was clapping along with the beat as well.

  Deja’s soulful voice began a steady rhythm of a Rag’n’ Bone Man’s song, ‘Human’, the sound filling the room as he sang, “Maybe I’m foolish, maybe I’m blind…”

  Deja stood at the center of the stage as he sang, but when the beat increased, he and four dancers began to move as he continued to sing. The second the song stopped, he and his group went right into the next song. The band performed country, pop, rock, and some things Shadow had never heard before. Each song was more amazing than the last and watching Deja dance and sing had his cock so fucking hard Shadow feared it might break through his zipper.

  Suddenly the lights went out. The band kept playing the tune from the last song, but Shadow was getting edgy. Where the hell was Deja? He had started to become uneasy… then the voice he had been waiting for began to fill the club once more and if Shadow wasn’t mistaken, this one was Pink’s, ‘Try’. “Ever wonder ‘bout what he’s doing…”

  The beat continued as Shadow looked around the stage for his mate, but even with the red lights now covering the stage, Shadow couldn’t see Deja or his group. A slow movement above him caught his attention. Shadow looked up and froze. He felt every muscle in his body tense.

  Deja was holding onto some kind of scarves hanging from the high ass ceiling. He was being lowered but then raised again as he sang and danced in the air as lights started flashing. “Where there is a flame someone’s bound to get burned…”

  Deja had changed into some scanty black outfit that looked like boy shorts with pieces of material that crossed over his nipples and left little to the imagination.

  “Holy shit!” Casius gasped.

  Shadow watched as his mate sang and flipped one way and then another in midair, then suddenly dropped head down, caught only by those flimsy ass scarves. Shadow went to stand and demand his mate come down from there immediately, but Snake grasped his shoulder and pulled him back down. “Do not embarrass Deja. Wade helped with the set up of this part of the performance. I got to see it during practice this morning. Just watch.”

  Shadow sat but was on edge as he watched Deja move with grace and beauty from high in the air and when he did a full out splits and arched his back with his hands spread wide allowing for his head to fall back, Shadow’s cock started leaking precum from its tip. Deja quickly brought his body sideways and spun in circles as he continued to sing.

  Shadow thought he might pass out from lack of air due to holding his breath. He was never so happy as when the scarves began to lower Deja as he stood up tall with the scarves still wrapped around him. Then he saw the tall lanky guy coming to Deja and lifting his right hand in the air, capturing Deja’s foot. Deja let go of the ropes as he wrapped his body around the man like a lover’s touch. Shadow growled low and snarled watching Deja caress the man as he was placed on the stage, singing, “Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame…”

  “Stop growling,” Snake murmured in his ear.

  Shadow snapped, “Let your mate paw all over some sexy fucker and see how calm you would be.”

  “But Shadow, you have not claimed Deja as your mate, and even if you did, it is only a performance,” Snake whispered.

  “Claimed or not he is still my mate!” Shadow felt his panther snarling from within as Deja slithered around the man’s body like a boa snake, then slide to the floor with the other man over the top of him as if he was getting ready to fuck his mate right there on stage.

  Deja continued to sing as he and the man rolled around on the floor. “You gotta get up and try…”

  When the muscle man did some kind of slithery flip thing over Deja and went in for a kiss, Shadow had enough. He was out of his seat and going to kill the fucker.

  Snake, Wade, Flyer, and Bullseye jumped up and grabbed a hold of him. Wade snapping, “Get it together, Shadow, or you’re going to ruin Deja’s night.”

  Shadow stopped as Deja slithered across the floor singing, looking and sounding so damn beautiful. Shadow was about to return to his seat when someone from the crowd jumped the stage and went for Deja. Shadow quickly pulled out of the men’s hold and rushed onto the stage along with several others.

  Needing to get to Deja before Shadow lost his fucking
mind, he began to toss people off the stage one by one until he found Deja on the floor fighting off his attacker. Shadow let out a thunderous yowl and flung the son of a bitch off his mate tossing him through the air, snatching Deja into his arms, rushing him to the back of the stage and out of everyone’s sight.


  Deja couldn’t stop shaking. He had no clue what the hell happened. Everything had been going so well. Deja didn’t know what had surprised him more, the man attacking him on stage, or Shadow coming to his rescue. However, sitting in the arms of his mate was bringing a much-needed warmth to his very cold body.

  “Deja, please talk to me, Songbird,” Shadow whispered.

  “I brought him some hot tea. How’s he doing?” Jagger asked.

  Hearing the concern in Jagger and Shadow’s voices, Deja took the offered cup and sipped his tea, then whispered, “I’m okay. That just scared the hell out of me.”

  “I bet it did. Just where the hell was Jackson?” Shadow snarled.

  Jagger pursed his lips. “He was up on the fly loft making sure the cable rig holding Deja was secure.”

  “And the fucker had no one watching the stage? What the fuck, Jagger?” Shadow snapped.

  “I don’t like it either, Shadow, but I can’t do anything about it until tomorrow. Now I need to get out there, the crowd is pissed about what happened. Are you going to be alright, Deja?” Jagger asked.

  Nodding, Deja replied, “Yeah, I’m better.”

  Jagger must have believed him, because he quickly turned and left the room.

  The two men sat in silence for a minute then Deja looked up into Shadow’s eyes, whispering, “You came to my show. Thank you.”


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