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by E. M. Leya



  Save The Kids Book 1


  © 2017 by E.M. Leya

  For sales information, please contact

  Emma Marie Leya on Facebook

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or author. Requests for permission to copy part of this work for use in an educational environment may be directed to the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. References to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or persons or locales, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

  Edited by: Dillion B.

  Cover Art by: Kellie Dennis Book Cover by Design










































  This book, while a romance, does deal with pedophilia and child abuse. While it is not shown, it is discussed. It also has violence that may make some uncomfortable. If you are sensitive to these issues, please don't read.


  This book is dedicated to the real-life pedophile hunters and groups around the world who devote their lives to taking down the pedophiles and protecting our children. Unlike my characters, you find the ability and control to do this within the law, working with the police and courts to make sure the men and women who hurt our children are taken off the streets and serve time for what they have done. You are heroes, and while you never ask for anything in return, we thank you, honor you, and support you! You may never know the number of children you save, the number of parents you educate, or the full effect your dedication has, but you make a difference. I thank you for your perseverance at making the world a better place.


  As always, it takes a team to make a book come together. First to Hannah Walker and Kris Michaels, thank you for the long days spent sprinting with me. It's your support and constant friendships that keep me focused and make writing fun. I love you both.

  To my beta readers and editor, you make my book come together, smoothing out the wrinkles and helping me make a mess into something amazing. I couldn't do the work without you. Sara, Dillion, Sandra, Tammie, Jesus, Carolyn, Diana, Alyson, Stephanie, Sabella, Cindy, and Adriana thank you for the time and effort you put into helping me.

  A special thanks to Dr. J. Rosado for his help in making sure the medical procedures were realistically portrayed. Your knowledge and assistance were a blessing. Any mistakes or liberties are my own.

  Again, thank you to the decoys, hunters, and groups that fight this legally every day, keeping our world safer.

  I'd also like to acknowledge the brave victims of sexual crimes who show bravery and strength each and every day.


  Xander glanced down at the file one last time, confirming the location and information. It wasn't as if he didn't already know for sure he was at the right place. He'd been staking the house out for weeks while his team finished gathering information.

  Bile rose in his throat as he again read the list of atrocities the man who lived inside the house had committed. Xander could stomach a lot, but this stuff was more than any person should ever have to read about, or worse yet, experience.

  He skipped over the photographs. He'd seen them already. They were the same ones the jury had seen when they'd found the man guilty. Pictures so horrible that several of the jury members had cried when they'd been presented.

  A quick glance at the house down the block confirmed the man was home. His black truck sitting alone in the driveway like it did every night. The man lived alone, making this job easier than others. Xander wouldn't have to worry about anyone walking in and interrupting his work. He could take his time, play with the perpetrator's mind, hopefully making him suffer the same way others had suffered at the man's hands.

  Xander lit a cigarette, taking a long drag off it before blowing the smoke out. He watched it flow out the cracked driver's window as he relaxed his head back, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do. There was no fear. He'd done this too many times before, and each time, he'd become better at what he did. He'd lost count of how many there had been. No matter how many he took out, another showed up. It was an endless cesspool of the worst monsters who ever lived. Xander enjoyed seeing them suffer for what they'd done.

  He set the file on the passenger seat, patiently waiting for the phone call that would put everything into motion. As far as he was concerned, the information he had was enough, but he worked with a team, and he wouldn't put the rest of the group in danger because he rushed things. He would do things by the book, and wait for the final verification to come in before he stepped out of his car.

  Taking another drag off his cigarette, he took in the neighborhood. It was a clean, middle to high-income area, filled with families. There were over fifty kids in a three-block radius. That fact motivated Xander to remove the danger from the community. While surveilling the house, he'd watched the perpetrator sit on his front porch and wave at the young kids who rode by on their bikes.

  The scum bag was nice to the girls, but it was the little boys that he tried to draw up the driveway to talk to him. When they wouldn't come to him, he'd grab a football and come down into the yard with them. He did everything he could to earn their trust, and Xander wouldn't be surprised if there were more than one victim in the area they didn't know about.

  Right now, he was more concerned with the victims they were aware of.

  Xander crushed out his cigarette before grabbing his phone. His team should have had verification by now. They'd worked too many hours confirming everything. The evidence was solid, not only did this creep have a file several inches thick that should have kept him locked up for life, Xander and his team were positive he was still actively victimizing others.

  The moon was high above him, but the partial cloud cover kept it from lighting up the windows of the car. He stayed in the shadows, aware that many houses on the block had security cameras, and it wouldn't take long for the police to collect them as evidence once he finished.

  He didn't worry. The car would come back as belonging to the very police force who would investigate, besides, he'd done this so many times that he covered his tracks well. The only image they would get of him would be a man dressed in solid black, and tha
t was if they could see through the tinted windows at all.

  At the sudden beep of his phone, Xander smiled. This was it. He quickly read the text message, relief flowing through him at the words on the screen.

  Confirmation. Proceed. STK

  "STK," Xander said out loud even though no one was with him. Those three letters were the code confirming the text was from his team. Without the letters, he'd abort the job. Save The Kids. It was the motto of his group. It was why they did what they did. Where the court system failed, his team succeeded.

  Pulling the drawstring tight around the neck of the solid black hoodie he wore, Xander made sure his long beard was tucked below the neckline and that as little of his face as possible was visible. He tightened the strap around his gloves, making sure that the sleeves of the hoodie were underneath them. He couldn't risk any of his tattoos showing, and he had many.

  Once he was sure that he was fully covered, he rolled up the windows on the car. He was only a few houses from the perpetrators. Some jobs, he parked right out front, but the street light sat just beside this man's driveway, and Xander wanted to avoid that. Making sure he had his tools in the front pouch of his hoodie, he grabbed the file from the passenger seat and stepped out of the car.

  The cool night air would have felt good against his skin if he wasn't so bundled to cover his identity. Maybe once this was over he'd go for a run. Work off some of the emotional stress of what he was about to do.

  He casually walked down the sidewalk, calmly crossing the street. There were no nerves. He'd done this too many times to be nervous about it. He went into each job cautious, but fully ready to do what needed to be done. He was making the world a better place, and no matter what people might say about him, he had no plans to stop doing what he did.

  As he walked up the driveway, he slowly slid the ski mask down from under his hoodie to cover his entire face. He'd spent weeks learning the layout of the house and watching the man's habits. There wasn't anything about this man he didn't know. It was his job to make sure everything happened without a snag. Mistakes wouldn't be forgiven, and one wrong move could easily cost him his life.

  He quietly opened the back gate, so he could make his way to the back door. The perp liked to sneak outside every twenty minutes, so he could smoke. It was the one door that was never locked when the man was home. It was also the closest door to where the disgusting pervert sat, staring at his computer screen all night, spreading his disease among the dark web.

  Once in the backyard, Xander pulled his gun from his pocket as he slid through the shadows. After he made his way inside, he would have seconds to take the man to the ground before the perp reached for the illegal gun he kept in the second drawer of his desk. The man was a drunken mess, so he wasn't worried. He could probably be in the house and directly behind the fool before he noticed he wasn't alone.

  Xander carefully slid the sliding glass door open, glad that for once the perp he was after didn't have a dog. That always made things harder. He wouldn't hurt an innocent animal, but there had been times he had to tranquilize a dog before he was able to take down the target.

  The sound of the TV gave him cover from the slight slide of the door. He opened it only enough to squeeze through, leaving it open as he stepped through the small dining area to the living room next to it.

  The man had his back to Xander, typing away on his computer. On the screen, Xander saw images he wished he'd never have to see again — young boys being abused by other men who bought them off the black market. Xander's grip on his gun tightened just slightly.

  Like every other time he did this, he thought about how easy it would be to put a bullet in the back of the man's head, but that wasn't what his team was about. They wanted the men and women responsible for the abuse to live. To wake up every day in pain, paying for their sins. Death was too easy. These pedophiles deserved much worse.

  Not willing to wait any longer, Xander made his move. In three strides, he stood behind the man, the barrel of the gun pressed to the back of his head. "Don't move, asshole."

  The man jerked, but Xander was ready. He quickly jabbed the needle into the man's neck before he could pull away.

  "Just relax. It's time for you to pay for your sins, Jensen. We know what you've been up to. We're not going to let the courts handle you this time. We've seen how well that worked in the past." Xander smiled as the man started to slump in his chair, but was still alert enough to understand what was going on.

  Xander tossed the thick file onto the desk, right beside the screen with all the images of children. He would leave the feed open, giving the police more evidence when they came. It was always a bonus when they caught these fools with their accounts open, giving them a trusting link to others they knew on the dark web.

  "Who?" The man's words were slurred.

  "Who am I? I'm your worst nightmare come true." Xander didn't move the gun from the man's head yet. He needed the drugs to take better effect before he could trust that the man wouldn't fight. "You've hurt a lot of people, Jensen. I'm here to make you feel pain just like you put them through and to make sure you don't hurt another child again."

  The man whimpered, but his arms and legs were like weights now. He was at Xander's mercy, and Xander had none. Moving the gun from the man's head, Xander leaned against the desk, staring at the vile scum sitting in front of him. "You and I are going to spend a little time together, Jensen. You have no idea how much I've looked forward to meeting you tonight." Xander leaned in, grasping the sides of Jensen's shirt, and pulling hard. Buttons popped and scattered as Jensen's chest was revealed.

  So drugged that he could hardly raise his gaze to look at Xander, Jensen could do nothing to stop what was about to happen to him.

  "Let's get you naked, shall we?" Xander used his foot to push against the wheeled office chair and send it flying over the floor until it tipped, dumping Jensen onto the floor.

  Jensen grunted, but couldn't move.

  "Now you know how helpless those children feel, don't you?" Xander kneeled beside him, reaching out, making sure Jensen saw the sharp scissors in his hand. "Why don't we just cut these off, so I can see what you have to work with." Sadly, Xander already knew. There were videos of Jensen abusing children all over the dark web. Xander had made sure they were downloaded and included with all the other information in the file. It took a one terabyte flash drive to contain all the videos and pictures his team had found of the man.

  Drool dripped down Jensen's chin as his eyes drooped. He wouldn't get the pleasure of falling asleep though. His team worked hard to make sure the dosage of drugs used was just enough to debilitate the perp, but allow him to still be aware of everything that was happening. It didn't matter anyway. The real pain would come long after the drugs had worn off.

  Sliding the scissors into the waistband of Jensen's pants, he cut, the blade so sharp that he hardly had to move it. The thin material of his slacks parted, revealing a simple pair of white briefs.

  Xander swallowed, remembering his own father wearing the exact same kind. He forced the memory away, refusing to let emotions get in the way of his job.

  "Mmmph." Jensen's body trembled, proof of his fear.

  Xander always found it interesting how the drugs affected people differently, this man slightly shook, but other couldn't move at all. It didn't matter, as long as they couldn't attack him. He enjoyed seeing them tremble and show how scared they were. "Oh, don't worry. I won't hurt you any worse than you did those children."

  That was probably a lie, but he didn't need to tell Jensen that.

  Once he'd pulled off the rest of Jensen's clothes, and finally had him naked, Xander stepped back. He enjoyed this part. The moments right before he attacked, the quiet minutes where the perp had to wonder exactly what was going to happen to him. Even in his worst nightmares, he wouldn't guess what was about to come.

  Taking the zip ties he had in his pocket, smiling down at Jensen, he raised his brow. "You liked to tie the boy
s up the first few times, didn't you? You didn't like it when they'd fight you." He bent down, rolling Jensen to his stomach before pulling one arm, then the other behind Jensen's back and sliding the tie around his wrists. He pulled the tie tight, probably too tight, but it didn't matter. This man didn't deserve to be comfortable once he was able to feel his body again.

  As he stood, Xander placed his boot against the man's ass, pressing hard. "Men like you make me sick. I'm going to bring you all down. Each and every one of you." He lifted his boot off him, then used the toe of it to kick Jensen over so he was forced to his back, his hands painfully held behind him by the tie.

  "Now we can have some fun." Xander pulled the rest of the items he had from his pocket.

  Tears fell down Jensen's face, but that, and the trembling body, were the only signs of his fear. It was a shame Xander couldn't do this with them fully alert and able to show their full distress, but it was safer for the team to drug them.

  "Okay, now let me explain what I'm going to do. I'm guessing you aren't a religious man. The Bible, and several other historical documents talk of eunuchs. They mostly served kings and other notable persons." Xander smiled as the trembling got stronger. "See, you were given several chances. Three times the courts had you, three times you served time for child abuse and sex trafficking. Each time you got out of prison, you went right back to what you were doing. This time, we're going to make sure you can't hurt another child."

  He kneeled between Jensen's legs. "Now don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I'm not a doctor, but I've done this enough times to do it right. I'm not going to let you die." Xander lifted the curved knife, setting it on Jensen's chest for a moment. "Let's spread those legs so I can see what I'm doing." He forced his legs wide, enjoying the sweat that was now showing on Jensen's forehead. "Nervous? Don't be. Did you know even in ancient times when this was done, only about seven of every thousand men died?" He tied a string around Jensen's cock and another around his balls. "Now this would be easier if you weren't lying down, but I'll make do."


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