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Bad Boy Prospect (Alpha Bad Boy Book 2)

Page 4

by Howell, Sloane

  "You gonna come for me, Doc?"

  I nod as I try to buck my hips on his face against the hold he has on me. I look down and see his eyes staring at mine and his tongue lowered to me. I lose all self control. My vision gets hazy and my whole body is electric, shocking pulses into my core. He moves lightning quick, his mouth suddenly in my ear as his fingers pound me to the hilt and the palm of his hand smacks against my clit. My nails claw into the hard ridges of his back through his shirt.

  "Oh God—"

  My voice cracks and my hips arch to the ceiling, nothing but air between my ass and the desk as I go up on the balls of my heels that make their way to the edge of the desk somehow amidst his fingers plowing into me. His mouth kisses me hard and deep, and his fingers move with my hips and lodge themselves deep inside as his tongue sinks into my mouth.

  "G-gavin!" I come on a scream of his name, into his mouth as he kisses me hot and hard. Waves of intense pleasure rip through my limbs and somehow leave my body. I'm floating on a cloud as my hips slowly lower back to the desk, my ass flattening on the hard oak.

  He brushes some sweaty hair behind my ear and stares at me with a look of confusion as he smiles. "Well, that was fun, Doc."

  "Yeah." My word comes out with a sigh. I can't believe I just did that.

  He starts to say something else, and I find myself drawn to him like a schoolgirl crush. A smile is permanently fixed on my face. The intercom on my phone goes off and we both jump.

  "Doctor Heller? Your 10:45 is here."

  "Be right there." I have sex voice and it sounds like a high pitched squeal akin to a hyena mating call. I'm assuming their mating calls are high pitched, anyway.

  "Jesus. You have to get going."

  "Yeah." He looks disappointed. I would be too, considering the inequality of sexual favors received just now. "Hey Doc?"

  "Yes." I sound needy and answer him way too quickly but he doesn't seem to notice.

  "Nevermind. It's nothing."

  "No, what is it?" I'm so insistent it's bordering on desperation. No, it is desperation. I am desperate for his cock already. How can this even be possible? How did he do that to me?

  "Can I see you again? Outside of the office?"

  "Yes." Christ, Liz. I don't even know who I am right now. I've probably broken a number of laws. At the least, I've broken every one of my own personal rules. Oh well, too bad for me that I already said yes. I crack a smile at the thoughts in my mind. And because Gavin is staring and I can see the happiness in his bright pink cheeks from my response. I'm still panting, struggling to get words out. "Just take one of my cards on the way out, okay babe?" Babe? I am going to hell for liking this guy. "I have to meet with this client."

  "You sure? I could probably get you off again before he gets down the hall." He brushes a knuckle over my clit and I damn near lose it on the desk. I shudder like a crazy person as a chill rips through my body. He giggles.

  "Go! You goddamned beautiful bastard."

  "Okay. But I'm gonna call you soon. Or should you call me? Or should we just meet up and tie some string to tin cans from each side of this door right here?”

  He's about to die. I give him a death stare.

  "I'll just call you."

  He smiles. I take off one of my heels and hurl it at the door as he closes it behind him. I hear his laugh from the other side when my shoe hits the door with a thud. Oh, I am so screwed. No, no, actually I'm not. But I have a pretty good feeling I will be, very soon.


  I am still flabbergasted at what just took place in the shrink's office. When Coach told me he wanted me to meet with a counselor that specialized in professional athletes, I nearly laughed in his face. I always picture them as these weathered, literary types who sit around having circular, philosophical arguments with one another.

  Elizabeth is crazy hot. Thick brunette hair, tall, legs for miles, and my personal favorite is the fact she isn't thin as a rail. I can dig my fingers into her soft flesh without worrying I'll break her in half. She is perfect. My God, her tits. I'm still kicking myself for not having a peek at them. Her smile sends heat rushing through me, and her hazel eyes cut through all of my layers. The only thing I regret was showing her who I really was. I should've kept it hidden. It's my weapon. Many people think athletes are stupid, and that because they play a game for a living they're uneducated.

  Baseball is chess, especially pitching. It's all physics. The way particles interact on the field. Angles, geometry, pitch selection, rotation, drag forces — it's constant analysis. I lead people to believe I just throw hard and that's why I am effective. The hypocrisy of how I revealed my true self to Elizabeth is that psychology actually has merit. I use it every time I take the mound. Knocking people out, fucking girls on the side, and my bad boy image is the result of careful calculation. Not that I mind having fun with it. I have to get in a hitter's brain, and throw the pitch he least expects. The pitch he's most likely to miss. If a hitter fears me, is intimidated by me, well, it works to my advantage. It's a game decided by millimeters and fractions of a second. Any advantage I can get helps my cause.

  But I think I have fallen for this woman, hard and fast. I can't explain it and she's all I'm thinking about as I stroll into Coach's office.

  "Coach." I nod, making sure it's okay to come in.

  "Gavin. Have a seat, son."

  I sit down across the desk from him while he clears a stack of papers to the side and rests his elbows on top of it. "How'd it go?"

  "C'mon Coach. Seriously? A counselor?"

  "Look. I'm not saying you have to make any type of progress. It just looks good to the media. For you and the club. I've been racking my brain about this. It's tough because I like your style of play. It's just not meshing."

  I shrug.

  "I think it'll do you some good. She's bright."

  Yes, she is. And fucking hot. I grin. Too much of a grin and Coach belts out a laugh.

  "Forget about it, kid. She is way, way, way out of your league. Just leave any ideas like that at home."

  I smirk. "Yeah, you're probably right. Can't fault a guy for trying."

  "Get your head in the game alright? Let's just see how it goes. Just give it one more go and actually try. Can you do that?"

  "Yeah Coach. I can definitely give it a go. Whatever is best for the team." I grin wide.

  "Alright then. Get the fuck out." He smiles.

  "Yes sir."

  I have to see her again. Soon.


  I open the door from inside my office and Coach is waiting on the other side. I sigh. "Come on in, Coach."

  "So how'd it go with the boy?" He hasn't even sat down yet and he's already wanting answers.

  My face gets flushed and I try to tamp the feelings deep down inside of me. He's usually a pretty keen observer and I can't be found out. "It went well. I think. He's young and smart, much smarter than I gave him credit for."

  "You're basically my last option. The kid has the liveliest arm I've seen in forty years. He could be in the Hall of Fame one day. No bullshit, Doc. I can't fail this kid."

  "I think he'll be fine. He's very, umm, mature for his age. Give me some more time to work with him. I'll try to get him to mellow."

  "We need him to help us get to the postseason."

  His words strike a nerve with me as I think about what Gavin told me. Not to mention my loyalty switched from Coach to Gavin the second his fingers went deep inside of me while he growled naughty things in my ear. "Coach, you need to look at things from his point of view. I think it would help." I try to remain objective, and I tell myself that's what I'm doing. I have a hard time convincing myself it's the truth.

  The vein in his neck starts to bulge. That's the problem with men sometimes, especially the older they get. Their pride.

  "I am looking out for what's best for him." His voice is sharp and his usually cordial nature has left the building.

  "You just told me you need him to make the p
layoffs. Now, I'm not saying that isn't important. But, the purpose of the minor leagues is to develop major league baseball players, correct?"

  "Yes." He looks away, and I assume it's to avoid my stare.

  "Does the bad boy image, the fighting, the girls—" I swallow hard, a bit of jealousy creeping up through me that I didn't realize was there. Gavin didn't mention the girls, but it's tough not to notice things in this town. "—he says that maintaining that image helps him on the mound. Makes him more intimidating toward hitters."

  "Sure, but—"

  "Nuh, uh, uh. You have to be in this for him. The need must be reciprocated for you two to come to a mutual understanding. You need to find a way that you both get what you want, and work from there on a resolution to your problems."

  He lets out an exasperated breath. "What do you want me to do? What can I do?"

  "For starters, I would suggest listening to him. Try to get him to open up to you. Explain why he is the way he is. Perhaps you can tell him there are ways to be intimidating that still work toward the common goals. That punching out opposing players hurts both of you, not just you. He needs to know you're looking out for him, and not yourself. You have his respect. I could see it. Use it to get what both of you want."

  His arms go up in the air, before settling back in his lap. He looks at the wall. "Fine. It's not a half bad idea. I guess." He flashes me a partial smile. "You're too damn smart for your own good. You know that?"

  His compliment sends a bit of warmth into my cheeks and the corners of my mouth curl to a grin. He moves to his feet and heads toward the door before turning around to face me. "One other thing, Doc. The boy has a goddamned libido like Ron Jeremy. He's probably going to make a move on you. So just be prepared."

  My thighs scissor together under my desk and I try not to think about Gavin and the dirty things he did to me in my office. Right between Coach and myself. On this very desk. "No worries, Coach. I'm sure I can handle it."

  "I'm sure you can. Thanks again."

  I gasp when the door closes behind him. I can't get Gavin off my mind. He was all over me in my sleep last night, his fingers touching me, sometimes rough and sometimes soft and gentle. How am I going to deal with this?


  I walk through the door to my office after running down the street to grab a quick bite. My schedule is packed so tight every day I usually just end up shoveling food in my mouth whenever an opportunity provides itself. When I walk in there are a dozen pink roses in a vase sitting on the side table in the reception area. The arrangement is gorgeous. I'm actually a little jealous of Louise. Her husband is always doing the nicest things for her.

  "Did you get flowers Louise? I forgot some special occasion didn't I? Jesus, I'm so sorry—"

  "They're for you."

  I freeze in my tracks on the way back to my office. "I'm sorry. Come again?"

  Her smile grows and I realize she is going to ask questions. This causes anxiety to swirl like water in a drain to the center of my stomach. I know who they're from. Well, I'm ninety-nine percent certain. Occam's Razor and all that. What will I say? How will I explain this? I hate lying. I won't do it. Someone lied to me long ago and I almost didn't recover.

  I shake from the thoughts of my past and walk over to the flowers. There is a small card attached to a plastic stick in the middle. My heart is pounding in my chest, in my ears, in my clit. I run my hands down my skirt as I near the vase. The sound of my heels clacking on the tiles beneath me seems louder than usual. All my senses are heightened.

  I lean in and the bouquet wafts into my nose. It's earthy and sweet, and plays with my emotions more than I'd like to admit. I take the card and flip it over.

  'Turn to your receptionist. Tell her to cancel the rest of your appointments. Give her the day off. Then come to my apartment. I'm going to turn your ass the color of those flowers. - G'

  His address is written underneath. I think my bottom lip might bleed I bite it so hard. My heart is now threatening to burst from my chest and my legs are like jelly.

  "Well, are you going to tell me who they're from?"

  "L-later." I can't believe what I do next. "C-c-cancel my appointments." I suck in as much air as humanly possible because all of it has left my lungs. "Take the rest of the day off. I have something I need to do."

  "Are you sure?"

  I'm already walking out the front door as the words escape her lips. My pussy is threatening to drown my thighs. I can't remember ever being so aroused. His hands are already on me in my mind, his cock thrusting into me. He could breathe on my clit right now and I'd come for him.


  Slowly, I stride up to the door, holding onto any semblance of self control that is left in me. I knock and there is a moment of silence.

  "It's open."

  His voice is loud and rough. I turn the handle and push the door open. He's leaning against the framed archway in his hall across the living room. My chest tightens. Holy shit. He fills the hallway the way he did the door frame of my office, in nothing but his baseball pants. The shadows highlight every curve of his ripped upper body and I want to sink my fingernails into his broad chest. His abs look like they don't end as they disappear into his pants.

  Good thing I have a trick up my sleeve. I walk in and close the door. Time freezes for a moment as I stand there, both of us staring at each other. Sexual tension so thick a knife couldn't cut through it fills the room, heavy enough it feels like it might blow out the windows. I shrug off my overcoat, exposing my bare body covered only by the black lace bra and panties I wore to the office, in case he showed up again. I wore high black stilettos so I could get as close to his face as possible at all times.

  He tries not to react, but his neck muscles tighten on top of his shoulders. I want — no, I need his hands on me. His eyes move down my body and then back up, taking in all of me. Then he grins.

  I turn and splay my fingers across the door. My black stilettos force my ass up as an offering to him, and my black thong calls him out on his promise in the card. I stare straight ahead at the door and then close my eyes. And I wait.

  I hear him stalk toward me and a shiver rips up my spine into the back of my neck. I can feel my arms pebbling, waiting for him to take me, have his way with me. My body is on fire, electricity coursing under my skin.

  It reacts with his touch as a single finger teases up the length of my back.

  "You didn't waste any time, did you?" His voice is heavy in my ear and his hand plays with my hair, teasing it in soft circles as it wraps around his fingers. He clenches them into a fist and the sting in my scalp sends my ass flying back into him. His large cock presses into me and his mouth is in my ear.

  I slide my ass up and down him and a light groan escapes his lips. I will make him work for any power he holds over me.

  "You don't think that will work do you?" I can practically feel him smiling through his words, his breath in my ear.

  My eyes are still closed and I grind my ass on him harder and faster. "Thought you boys wore protection?"

  "The only one who needs protection is you."

  His free hand whistles through the air and connects with my ass, jarring my breasts into the door. I moan, loud. His big strong hand slides up my ass to my hip and his fingers dig into me, stilling me as he presses his cock harder against me. My entrance quivers as the side of my head presses against the door.

  "You little fucking tease."

  His fingers pull back on the thong that I wore, exposing me to the air for a split second before he lets it snap back against me. Oh my God! The light sting sends a current through me that rushes straight to my clit. I shudder beneath his fingers. "That's what I thought." His hand leaves my hair and wraps around me, gripping one of my breasts firmly. My breath is heavy and I pant.

  "You want it rough don't you? You want this buried in your tight cunt. Been a while, Doc?"

  He thrusts his cock harder against my ass and I moan louder, my pussy controlling
my actions at this point. I push back into him with everything I have but his hands hold me in place. I reach back and dig into his legs with my fingernails, through the thin material of his tight baseball pants. God I love baseball player asses in their pants.

  His hand smacks my right cheek once more and my hand falls from his leg to my side as I shudder and squeal. Holy shit! I've never been spanked before and I'm realizing more and more — that I just happen to love it.

  In a whirl, he scoops me under my legs and lifts me high from the ground. My arms wrap around his neck and his mouth is on mine, our tongues intertwining, soft and warm. I moan into his mouth and dig my claws into the back of his neck, goading him to take me. The way I need it.

  He carries me down the hall, our lips still locked onto each other. It's a rough kiss, but yet soft and gentle at the same time. He kicks open his bedroom door and my eyes dart to the side. Pictures of his family hang all around and a huge bed sits in the center up against the back wall. He sets me down on it and his tongue sinks farther into my mouth, before our lips part and he raises his head. There is a full body mirror in the corner and I catch a view of him from behind in it. I ogle the muscles in his back as they flex and contract and stare at his ass in his pants. I dig my heels into it and I'm on the edge of an intense orgasm already. Not yet though. I'm going to make him earn it.

  "This where you bring all the girls?"

  It gets a different reaction than I expect as he leans down into my ear. "You're the only woman who's ever seen this room." Butterflies swarm my stomach as I recognize the truth in his eyes. He really does have feelings for me.

  I reach up and grip the back of his head and pull him to my lips, kissing him hard and long once more as his hand snakes from my cheek down my neck and to my breast. He yanks down my bra, giving him access to my hardened nipple as he moves down and sucks on it. His teeth graze it as it pearls in his mouth and my legs part for him. I gasp and look to the mirror, wanting him to drop his pants and shove himself deep inside of me. His baseball pants half down his ass, taking me rough from every angle possible.


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