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Ember's Burn: A Steel Demons MC Novel

Page 7

by Annelise Reynolds

  After calming her down, getting her pain pills, and arguing with her ass about my being in her room, she finally closed with her parting shot, “I don’t want you, and I don’t need you.” Instead of arguing with a brick wall any further about what she did and didn’t need. I just ignored her. I went to the other side of the bed and laid down.

  “Titan, you aren’t sleeping here.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “No, you aren’t”

  “There is nowhere else for me to sleep, McKenzie.”

  “The clubhouse has plenty of rooms and beds I’m sure you can fill.”

  “Oh, it does, but the only bed I’m wanting to fill is this one.”

  “Fine. Be a jerk. I’ll go sleep on the damn couch.” She moved to the door.

  “Touch that door knob and I will paddle that bare ass under that shirt.” I rolled over to look at her. “Normally, I would not be opposed to spanking your ass, but in this case, with you still recovering from your injuries, I really don’t want to, but don’t test me, McKenzie. I will paddle that sweet ass.”

  I almost laughed at the shock on her face, but then the shock seemed to turn to wariness. Shit. “Dammit, McKenzie, don’t look at me like that. I will never hurt you the way those assholes did. That’s part of the reason I want you to sleep in the bed with me.”

  “What do you mean?” Her voice was barely above a whisper when she asked the question. Fuck, it was too damn soon for me to talk about spanking. She wouldn’t understand. I seriously doubt she had ever experienced any pleasure from sex.

  I sat up against the headboard and motioned for her to come toward me. When she didn’t move, I commanded her, “Come here, McKenzie.” She moved toward me hesitantly. I motioned for her to sit down on the other side of the bed facing me. “Do you remember what I said to you about Declan after you talked to him in the apartment above the bar?”


  “I told him that he needed to learn that not all men are monsters. It’s a lesson you need, too, McKenzie. You need to learn that you can trust me. I won’t touch you. I’m going to sleep here because, honestly, after the time in the hospital, my back can’t take a couch. Key word there is sleep. I also want to be close by in case you need something. So, are you ready to lay down and get some sleep?”

  I watched as she got up from the bed and headed toward the chest of drawers. She opened the top drawer and grabbed a pair of leggings. McKenzie turned her back toward me and put the tight stretchy pants on under my shirt. The leggings did not make her attire any less sexy, it just enhanced the smooth lines of her legs. The women at the club wore very little most of the time, if anything at all, and yet McKenzie in a pair of leggings and my shirt looked sexier to me than any of them ever have.

  When she turned back toward me, she looked at me and looked at the door again. I could see the war waging in her eyes. Ink was right. If you looked close enough, her eyes spoke of what her mask covered. “Don’t test me, McKenzie, you won’t like the outcome. Come lay down, let’s get some sleep.”

  She walked to the wall and shut off the light before apprehensively approaching the bed. I rolled over and gave her my back, hoping that would make her more comfortable to lie down. I felt the bed dip beside me. She moved slowly, unsure of herself but more importantly unsure of me and if I meant what I said. “Goodnight, McKenzie.”

  I thought she was either already asleep or choosing to ignore me because I made her lie in the bed with me. I was closing my eyes again when I heard her whisper, “Please, don’t call me McKenzie.” The desperation in her whispered words spoke of the pain beneath. Somehow, I needed to show her that she was more than the shit that happened to her, that she could be free of it. I just had to figure out how to make her see that.

  I woke the next morning with her curled up next to me. She wasn’t hugging me or lying on top of me, but her body was right next to mine. Her feet were against my calves as if she was using them as her own personal foot warmer. I usually woke with a boner, but this morning my boner had blue balls attached to it. Damn, I needed to get off. My body felt like a damn coiled spring ready to fucking bust. I haven’t gone this long without pussy since being overseas. I looked down at the beautiful sleeping woman beside me. I wished I could take her into my arms, but I made the promise not to touch her. I was going to keep that promise even if my balls fell off from lack of release.

  Slowly, I got up and found my shirt on the chair. I pulled it over my head and headed toward the door. The alarm clock on the table read just after five. That’s what my ass gets for going to bed so damn early, but I couldn’t regret it because I slept in McKenzie’s bed. It was definite progress I hadn’t been sure I could make. Had she made a move to go downstairs, I wouldn’t have spanked her. Her mind and body were still recovering from trauma, so I couldn’t have done that to her. I was hoping she wouldn’t call my bluff and I lucked out. I wouldn’t have let her sleep on the couch. If she had really insisted, I would have crashed on her floor. Thank God, she didn’t insist. Two weeks sleeping on that damn couch in her hospital room or in the chair and I felt each one of my 32 years. I’m in damn good shape, but that damn couch was uncomfortable as shit and the chairs weren’t any better.

  I spent two weeks in that damn room. My only escape was watching TV and reading. I worked out doing pushups, squats, and sit ups every day in the workout room, just to expend my built up energy while I was waiting for her to wake up. This woman had wormed her way into my head from the very beginning. Her sarcasm, wit, and the way she sparred with me captured my attention. The fact that she tried to keep me at a distance had the opposite effect than what she intended. I will have her and she will be mine. It isn’t a matter of if, but of when.

  I woke up the next morning and Titan was gone. My ribs ached, but it wasn’t totally unbearable, yet. Slowly and gently, I stretched as far as my injuries would allow me. My stomach growled at me, reminding me that I had not eaten since the afternoon before. I slowly rolled out of bed. Damn, my body felt as though I’d been hit by a train. ‘Bathroom, breakfast, pills,’ I said to myself, heading out the bedroom door.

  After freshening up, I followed the voices and the delicious smells down to the kitchen. I walked in to see Titan helping his mom in the kitchen. What guy does that, really? He was irritating as hell. I needed to hurry up and heal so I could put my plan into action because this man was dangerous to me. For some reason that I can’t even begin to understand, he drew me to him. He made me want to trust him, but trusting anyone, much less a man, is something I haven’t really done, ever. Phoenix and Dotty were it. Phoenix because she was there before everything happened, and Dotty because I really had no other choice but to trust her.

  “Good morning, Ember.” Titan looked over at me when he heard his mom say my name. I was fully covered, but the heat in his eyes when he looked at me made me feel exposed.

  “Morning.” I moved toward the coffee pot. I felt his eyes follow me across the kitchen. I ignored it and reached up to get a mug out of the cabinet. When I did, I sucked in a sharp breath at the pull in my ribs. He was by my side immediately. My body acknowledged his close proximity despite my resolve to stay away.

  “McKenzie, go sit down. I’ve got it.”

  “I’m not helpless or an invalid, Titan. I can get my own damn cup of coffee.”

  He grabbed my hand before I could reach up again. Before I could stop him, he picked me up. “If your ribs were better, your ass would be over my shoulder right now. If it hurts your injury, I will do it. No smart ass comments. If it’s not the words “thank you” coming out of your sexy mouth, I don’t want to hear it.” He sat me in the tall chair at the bar rather than at the table. I didn’t have a chance to say anything before he was pouring coffee into a mug for me. I looked over at his mother who was trying not to laugh or smile.

  I imagined the scene from her viewpoint, and I couldn’t hold back the smile and soft chuckle. She burst out laughing when she heard
me and saw the look on my face. Her laughter caused me to chuckle more, but then I groaned because laughing rattled my ribs more. Titan set the mug in front of me. I expected him to move away immediately, but he stayed. When I looked up at him, our eyes met and held. “I’m not playing with you, McKenzie, if you need help ask for it. If something hurts your ribs, don’t do it, I will.”

  “I’ve taken care of myself for thirteen years, Titan. I can take care of myself now.” I looked at him head on. I didn’t need him butting into my life. I didn’t need someone looking after me. After all these years, I knew how the fuck to look after myself.

  Titan’s jaw was clenched shut, and his body held tight. He was about to speak, but Anita broke in. “Jason, I forgot potatoes at the store yesterday, and I’m making my roast. Would you go get me a bag from the store?”

  “Ma, I’m not leaving y’all unprotected.”

  “Jason Miller, you know damn well I know how to shoot a gun and you are just going to the store and back.”

  I watched as he weighed his options. I looked at Anita, and almost burst out laughing at the look she was giving him. It was the mom stare. A look that I had not seen in a long time. Dotty was the closest thing I had to a mother during those years following my own mother’s death. She helped me keep going even when I wanted to give up and when my heart was breaking for the childhood that was stolen from me and the child who was given up. Dotty had told me that she would help me raise the baby if I wanted to keep her, but I knew then that I wouldn’t be able to give a kid a life they deserved. The baby was better off in a loving, adoptive family than with a struggling mom who was just a kid herself.

  I was so lost in the memories of that time, that I didn’t hear Titan talking to me. It wasn’t until he touched my arm bringing me back to the here and now. “Where did you go off to there?”


  The look he sent me said he didn’t believe me, but I really didn’t care if he knew I was lying or not. “I’m going to the store. If anything even looks off, you call me. Ma,” he said looking toward Anita. “Anything,” he stressed, “you get your gun out. Keep it close at hand. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  As soon as Titan walked out the door, I looked toward Anita. She winked at me and went to the pantry. She came out with a bag of red potatoes. I laughed and immediately wished I hadn’t. “I have to say, I love seeing someone stand up to him and not back down. I also love seeing him look at someone that way.”

  “What way?” I shouldn’t have asked, but dammit, it was out before I could stop myself.

  “I love my son, and I have waited a long time to see him look at a woman the way he looks at you. He’s arrogant and domineering as they come, but he is also one of the most protective and caring men I’ve ever seen.” She started to wash the potatoes as she continued to talk about Titan. “He looks at you like my husband used to look at me.”

  “Oh, with murder in his eyes,” I joked, trying to get away from this subject. I really didn’t want to talk to Anita about her son. Her son made me uncomfortable and pissed me the hell off.

  “Sometimes,” she grinned. “That happens a lot in a relationship, but there is something else there, too. Look, when he comes back.”

  “I don’t want to look. I’ve seen it. I don’t want it.”

  “Who are you trying to convince, honey? Me or yourself?”

  The answer was both, but I wasn’t about to say that out loud though. Instead, I slid off the chair and headed upstairs. Anita is sweet, but she cannot possibly know what she is wanting for her son. He deserves better than what I can ever give him. They would see. I would make them both see.

  I didn’t go far. I couldn’t leave her unprotected, even with my mother there. Ma knew how to shoot. Dad made her learn so she would be able to defend herself when he wasn’t around, but leaving McKenzie at the house didn’t sit well with me. I called Chink first, but he didn’t answer, so I called Legend. “Where’s Chink?”

  “In the middle of something... someone. What’s up?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “I’m hearing that a lot lately.”

  “I know, but this one will put you at the dinner table with a certain red-head.”

  “A red-head that wants nothing to do with me. I have a willing blonde with huge tits and a mouth made for blowing cock in my lap.”

  “Fine, I’ll call Roper. He was checking Piper’s ass out the day of the party. I’m sure he will be willing to run an errand for me in exchange for dinner across the table from Piper and my mother’s cooking.”

  I was about to hang up when Legend growled into the phone. “Make that call and I’ll kick your ass.”

  I laughed. “Go to the store and pick up beer and potatoes. I’m waiting at the end of the drive, so hurry up, it’s hot as hell out here.” I hung up without saying goodbye. If McKenzie or Ma looked out the front windows, they would see me. I really didn’t give a shit. I wasn’t leaving her vulnerable, not if I could help it.

  It was just over 20 minutes before I heard the steady rumble of a bike coming toward the house. When Legend pulled up beside me, I started my bike back up and drove up the drive with him. “That damn red-head is the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met,” Legend mumbled when he got off his bike.

  “Have you met McKenzie?” I asked jokingly.

  “I think Piper would give McKenzie a run for her money on being stubborn.”

  “Why do you say-” I was cut off by the sound of Piper’s car driving up. The beat up old car was making a noise no car should ever make. The paint was rusted in places and peeling. When she braked, the squeal was ear piercing, and when she got out of the car and Declan followed, you could see them sweating from lack of air conditioner. “She needs a new damn car,” I muttered to Legend.

  “Tell me something I don’t already know. Brother, it’s part of the damn reason we were arguing, again.”

  “What was the other part?” I asked, but Legend ignored me and walked away in her direction. I watched as he tried to take the bags out of her hands and she held fast, shaking her head at him telling him no. Finally, he snatched them away and turned toward the house, leaving me to get the beer and potatoes out of his saddle bags. “Piper,” I said, nodding to her as she walked by.

  “Don’t Piper me. Did you invite that caveman to dinner?” She didn’t seem like she really wanted an answer because she just kept talking and muttering to herself as she walked toward the house. Declan stood by my side and watched her walk away. I heard the words “horse’s ass” before the front door closed with a slam.

  “Does your mom know you’re out here?”

  “I asked if I could play outside when we got home.” The little kid shrugged at his mom’s rant like it was no big deal.

  “Come with me to give these to Ma and I’ll come back out with you.” Declan walked beside me as I took the potatoes and beer inside. I walked into the kitchen to find Ma already boiling potatoes. “So much for needing me to run to the store.” I set the bag on the counter beside her.

  “I know dear, but you were already gone when I found them in the pantry. I’m sorry, but I can use those later this week.”

  I looked at her and shook my head. We both knew she was lying, but neither of us acknowledged it. “Ok, well, Declan and I are gonna go out and have a look at Piper’s car.”

  “No, you aren’t.” Piper spoke up coming into the kitchen from the laundry room.

  “I was going to teach Declan a few things like how to check the oil. Just some guy time.”

  “Fine, just teach him to check the oil, but don’t mess my car up.”

  If her face wasn’t so serious, I’d have laughed my ass off. Legend did laugh, and when I saw Piper turn toward him with that look on her face, I grabbed Declan and ran before dishes started to fly. “Come on, Little Man, let’s go check the oil.”

  When I lifted up the hood to her car, it groaned in protest. The first thing I saw w
as a familiar silver tape wrapped around the radiator hose. If Legend saw this, he would flip the fuck out. “Ok, Little Man, come here.” Before I lifted him to stand on the bumper, I checked that it was firmly attached to the car and would in fact support his weight. “This is how you check the oil in the car.” As I was explaining to him how to do this simple task, I was looking at the engine to see any obvious issues besides the damn taped radiator, but I’m not a mechanic by any means. I know the basics and that’s about it.

  When the front door slammed and a pissed off Legend came striding down the stairs, I pulled Declan back so he could look under the hood. “Tape, goddamn tape holding the radiator hose together. If she insists on keeping this ugly ass death trap, then she’s going to get the damn thing fixed.”

  “Are you going to talk her into getting the car fixed?”

  “Fuck no, I can’t talk that woman into anything, not even my bed. I’m going to steal the son of a bitch and take it to Vic’s.”

  “Why not the old place?”

  “Because I heard Vic is better. He’s got people talking about his skill and the hot piece of ass that runs his office.”

  I shook my head at him. It’s a wonder any of us ever got laid with the attitude we all had. Pussy was so damn easy to come by in the club and, hell, out of the club, you could be average looking as long as you rode a bike, the women would come easily and willingly. Maybe that’s why McKenzie held my attention so much. She didn’t want anything to do with me. Her indifference made me want her even more.

  “The hot piece of-” I cut off, remembering that Declan was listening to everything we were saying. “The woman at the shop isn’t going to fix your issues, Legend. She would be a substitute for what you really want, trust me, I know. I spent months substituting the club girls for McKenzie. I was never sated for long.”

  “Nah, brother, that’s you. That isn’t me. I only want two things from her.”


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