Ember's Burn: A Steel Demons MC Novel

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Ember's Burn: A Steel Demons MC Novel Page 18

by Annelise Reynolds

  “Anything else to the table?” When nobody answered, I slammed the gavel against the table. “Let’s welcome the new brothers with a ride.” It had been a while since we had all ridden together, since before everything went down with Phoenix.

  Everybody filed out of the meeting toward the kitchen. Chink was greeted with hugs and grins by all. “Two new members for Belle and two temporary brothers,” I heard Grit filling him in. I saw McKenzie standing against the counter, shrinking in on herself with all the new faces. She was wearing my father’s shirt that hung loose on her and some tight pants that displayed all her curves.

  I went to her and pulled her in my arms, kissing the breath out of her. She clung to me as the hoots and hollers filled the kitchen.

  “You’re going with me for a ride,” I commanded against her lips. I wanted to feel her thighs around my hips, her hands on my waist, and the vibration of the bike beneath us.

  “I don’t know, I might already have plans.”

  “Change them. I need to get you on my bike.”

  She rolled her eyes playfully, the green vibrant and alive as she smiled. “Well, when you put it that way.”

  I winked at her and looked across the room. “Chink, did you get Declan to school?”

  “Yeah, brother, and I dropped Piper off at the bar. She wanted to get there early for some reason. Not sure why, but I made sure she was in and the door was locked when I left.”

  Legend walked out of the kitchen when he heard Piper was at the bar. “Legend,” I yelled after him. He stopped inside the doorway and looked back. “You coming for the ride?”

  “Which way are y’all headed?”

  “Toward Beauford.”

  “I’ll catch up.” He turned and went into the office.

  “What’s he doing?” Su asked.

  “Pulling a hack job I’d imagine.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” McKenzie asked, looking up at me with questioning eyes.

  “He’s seeing what Piper is up to at the bar this early.”

  An impish grin spread across her face. “Oh, in that case, I doubt he’ll be catching up.” She tried to change the subject fast. “Am I dressed ok for a ride?”

  “For now, yes. Eventually we will need to get you leathers. Why will Legend not be catching up?” She just smiled and winked at me before turning her back to my front and leaning against me, looking out at the new faces. My cock reacted without any other provocation. This woman was going to be the death of me, but what a way to go! Death by desire.

  “You’re trying to distract me with that ass,” I whispered into her ear. Her response was to wiggle her hips against mine, subtly. She didn’t want to draw that kind of attention to herself, especially in a room full of people she didn’t know. “Behave woman,” I growled and bracketed her hips with my hands.

  Stone came over to us and looked down at McKenzie. “Leave it to the giant to find a woman so tiny.” He winked at McKenzie. “Hey Darlin’.” He smiled at her, taking her hand. “I’m Stone.”

  “You’re Legend’s dad.”


  “Nice to meet you. Is Legend heading back with you?”

  “No, Legend transferred. He’s here for good now.”

  “Why are you asking about Legend?” I whispered into her ear. “You aren’t thinking of leaving me for his pompous ass are you?”

  “I’m not asking for me.” She looked back at the room.

  “I see you’re wearing Bourbon’s old shirt.”

  “Bourbon? That was your dad’s name.” It was more a statement than a question.

  “Yeah, they said dad used to drink everybody under the table like he had Bourbon in his veins. That was before I was born though.” She nodded, and I pointed out the rest of the guys staying on in Belle. “That’s Gig, Su, and Hunter, they’ll be staying here too. Gig transferred. Su and Hunter will only be here temporarily.” I left out that I wanted more patches around because we were about to take out the last of her abusers. “Rip, Barbell, Peanut, 2x4, Mardi Gras, Socket, Gimp, and Hiss.” I pointed out the guys as I said their names.

  “Is this everybody?”

  “No. Hack is away on club business, and a few more brothers stayed behind in Arlington so the businesses don’t get too far behind. Ok, let’s roll.” I knew she had talked to Hack, and I didn’t want her asking any more questions. The less she knew, the better.

  “Let’s get going.”

  We all filed out of the kitchen to where the bikes were parked. My beast was gleaming in the sunlight. I’d bought her when we got out, paid cash for her. The classic Panhead was my baby. No woman had ever ridden her with me. McKenzie would be her first mistress, and her last.

  Titan handed me one of the spare helmets from the locker on the back porch. “We’ll get you your own later. Does this one feel ok?”

  “Yes.” Getting my hair cut was probably sparing me a lot of room in the snug helmet. If I had tried it on with my long, wavy, uncontrollable mess, I’m not sure I’d have fit in the helmet.

  “Why are you making me wear a helmet this time?”

  “Because we’re going further than a few blocks.”

  I climbed on the bike behind him, melded my body against his. The roar of engines cranking up around us filled my ears like rolling thunder. I looked over to see Becky speaking with one of the riders, a helmet in her hand. She, and the helmet he wore, kept me from seeing who it was, then she moved away from his bike with a defeated look in her eyes. I looked back at the biker and was shocked to see who it was watching her walk away. He turned when she climbed on the back of Dozer’s bike.

  The ride toward Beauford was uneventful. We didn’t have a real destination in mind, we were just killing time until we went to the restaurant later. We were all eating at Phoenix Grill. A quick text to Piper let her know we were going to be there in a few hours.

  My prediction was right. Legend never did catch up with us. Part of me wondered if he went to the bar or if he stayed at the clubhouse. We stopped for gas, and I saw that Chink had broken off somewhere along the way. Lena had been on his bike, but was now cozied up against Gig. “Where did Chink go?”

  “Don’t know. He’s been coming to Beauford a lot lately. My guess is it’s a woman, but he’s not saying.”

  “But the other night, he and Dozer were with-” I let the sentence trail off, embarrassed by the part I played in that scene. Voyeur.

  “His love life, honey. His choice.” Titan shrugged at me, and it infuriated me. I liked the club girls, well mostly. I didn’t judge them for the life they lived, but if Chink was involved with someone outside the club that had no idea what went on inside, the thought pissed me off.

  “I’ve been the girl on the outside. It sucks.” I couldn’t help the anger and hurt that came through my words. I couldn’t pretend that night never happened, and that I didn’t see what I saw.

  Titan clenched his jaw tight. I know it pissed him off that I brought it up, but at the same time, Chink’s going to one woman on the outside while still sleeping with women on the inside brought all those feelings back.

  “We’ll catch up.” Titan lifted his chin to Stone, for him to head back. When they were all gone from sight, he said, “Get on.” He held the helmet back out to me. Instead of heading toward Belle like everybody else, we headed in the opposite direction. The anger, hurt, and silence between us stretched out as did the sunset and still we rode. Beauford was far behind us. I felt Titan’s phone vibrate in his pocket against my inner thigh, but he ignored it.

  I tapped him on the shoulder when I saw a gas station on the outskirts of Amarillo. He pulled over and sat on his bike. I climbed off and stretched my sore legs. I’d never ridden that far, so I was feeling it.

  “What are we doing Titan?”

  “Did you need to pee or something?” He ignored my question completely and pulled his phone out of his pocket, not looking at me.

  “No, I jus
t want to know what we’re doing.”

  “Getting away,” he said. His voice sounded cold and distant.

  I climbed back on behind him after walking for a few minutes and held on tight as he took us to whatever destination he had in mind. Titan surprised me when he pulled into the nicest hotel in Amarillo. He got us a suite for the night. The room was huge, with a separate room that held a couch, a dining table, TV, desk. The bedroom had a huge bed that looked bigger than a king size and a dresser with a TV and Minibar. There was a set of double doors that led to a huge bathroom with both a shower and a Jacuzzi tub. The AC was on, but the first thing Titan did was set it as low as it would go.

  “Titan, what are we doing here?”

  “Are you hungry?” My stomach growled, answering his question for me. Without asking, or saying another word to me, he dialed room service and gave them an order for far more than just something to eat.


  “I’ll get you a bath going.” He turned toward the double doors to do just that.

  “JASON!” I raised my voice, getting his attention. He looked at me, his blue eyes held no fire like they normally did when he gazed at me. They were frigid and aloof. Whatever was going on, I didn’t want it. I wanted the man I made love to the night before. The warmth and tenderness that made my heart melt. “What are you doing?”

  “I thought you would be happy, Ember,” he said. For the first time he didn’t call me McKenzie, and I hated it. “We weren’t together when I slept with Becky and Erin. If we had been together, there is no way I would have touched them or let them touch me, but you kept pushing me away. You want the man they got, here I am.”

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. His mouth slanted down over mine, I pushed at his solid chest, but the taste of him was still familiar even if the kiss itself was foreign. It was rage instead of passion, hurt instead of heat. This was Titan, not Jason. Like McKenzie and Ember are one and the same, yet different, so is he. This man was the President of a motorcycle club, the ruthless danger beneath the surface that I’d instinctively known was there, but had never seen.

  I threaded my fingers in his hair and held him close, trying to reach the man inside him that I had come to know and love. My tongue dueled with his as we both fought for control of the kiss. I craved his taste. Titan or Jason, he tasted the same, and I craved it. He bit my lip hard enough to send a zip of pain and pleasure to my core.

  A knock on the door brought Titan back to the surface. “Get undressed and wrap a towel around yourself.” He walked away into the sitting room, shutting the door between us. I heard him talking to someone at the door, but I couldn’t hear what was said.

  I stood there, unsure of what was going on, or what was going to happen. This was the first time since he and I started sleeping together that I felt so much insecurity. When he came back into the room and saw that I was still dressed, he stood in the doorway, arms crossed, massive and imposing.

  “Get undressed, Ember. Now.”

  I shivered at the dangerous undertone in his voice. This was Jason, under it all, he was the man I loved – that loved me. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I kept saying these words to myself, needing to believe that they were true, so I would remain calm.

  Taking a deep breath, I toed off my shoes and socks, then hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my borrowed leggings and pulled them both down slowly. All that was left was his oversized Van Halen shirt. Nervously, I fiddled with the soft hem of the shirt, twisting and twirling it with my fingers. I peeked up at Titan through my lashes and he was still there, watching, waiting.

  “Are you getting undressed too?” I asked him, sure he would say no or ignore me as he had been doing since we left the gas station in Beauford.

  “Not right now.” He surprised me by answering. “Finish so we can eat.”

  “If all we’re doing is eating, Titan, I’ll leave my clothes on.”

  “I want you naked, Ember, and those clothes are not yours. Take off my shirt.”

  Irritated, I ripped the shirt off over my head, and threw it at him. It was a tantrum, I know, but I couldn’t help it. He was being an ass. Instead of hitting him in the face like I had hoped it would, he caught the shirt in midair and threw it on the dresser. “Now your bra.” I growled at his calm, cold tone. My anger and frustration was climbing.

  I reached behind me and unhooked the four clasps and stomped toward him. I shoved the bra at his chest and stomped by toward the bathroom for a towel.

  “You won’t be needing that any more. I changed my mind.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me from the bedroom into the main room. “Go sit on the table.”

  There was a cart with covered dishes sitting beside the table, I didn’t miss the neckties tied to each of the legs or the sleeping mask that sat on top of one of the domed dishes. I swallowed hard, figuring out some of what his plans were.

  “I don’t play games, Ember. You have been in charge way too much. This is my turn to show you what I want and what you need.” His voice was gruff as he spoke in my ear. I didn’t realize he was that close, I was freezing cold and the fear of what was going to happen had me frozen in place, oblivious to his close proximity. “Now, get on the table, and don’t make me tell you again.”

  I did as he commanded, laying out the length of the table. My head rested at one end and my legs hung over at the other.

  “Bend your knees up and rest them flat on the table.”

  Quickly, Titan slipped the blindfold over my eyes and tied me down with the neckties. I had very little movement in my arms or legs. Each limb was tied to a leg of the table. My arms were at either side of my head, and my legs were up and open, exposing my pussy to him and the cold air of the room.

  My breathing was shallow and erratic, fear and excitement warred within me. “Jason.” I couldn’t mask the worry in my voice as I said his name.

  “Shhhhh,” he whispered close to my ear. I could feel his breath against the shell of my ear. “I’m here, I’ve got you. Just enjoy.” I heard him moving about. The television clicked on, and he was flipping channels. He found what he wanted on a smooth jazz station. The wail of a saxophone broke the silence of the room.

  I could no longer hear him, but it wasn’t long before I felt the heat of his body next to me. He rubbed something wet along my lips. Reflexively, I licked it up and tasted the burn of tequila.

  “Don’t talk unless you are telling me to stop, McKenzie. Nod your head if you understand me.” I nodded quickly, my eyes misted behind the mask, he called me McKenzie again. I didn’t realize how much that meant to me. “Good girl. Open your mouth.”

  He slipped a piece of ice into my mouth followed by a stream of tequila. Some dribbled out the side of my lips running down to my neck below my ear. Jason licked it up. “Mmmmmm delicious.” I swallowed the liquid and sucked on the ice, goosebumps rose on my flesh.

  “Take a bite.” He held something to my lips, and I bit down. The soft, fleshy shrimp was cooked just right. The flavor was light lemon butter. I chewed slowly, and swallowed.


  Titan gave me no warning that the next thing I’d be tasting was freezing, so when the cold margarita was scooped into my mouth, I shuddered. I drank it, savoring the burn as it made its way down, warming me from the inside out. I gasped and arched my back as much as I could when the cold drink was put on my pointed nipples. Titan’s tongue lapped at the stiff peaks, sucking the frozen liquid from my body. He bit down on my frozen nipple and heat coursed through me. My core ignited.

  “Jason!” I cried out, as my blood pounded heavily through my veins.

  “No talking, McKenzie.” He kissed me hard. I could taste the shrimp and margarita on his lips and tongue. When he pulled away, Titan continued to feed me; shrimp, veggies, fruit, and margarita. He tasted and touched every part of me as he fed me and fed off me.

  I was on fire. The cold of the room was nothing compared to the
wanton, hot desire flooding my core and heating my body. I felt the evidence on the inside of my thighs and running down to my butt. I needed relief and soon. He was toying with me, teaching me a lesson. He’d take me up to the peak, but wouldn’t let me go over. Each time I’d reach the top and felt myself getting close, he’d back off or add a new sensation, distracting my body from going over.

  “Jason!” I pleaded when he took me up again, my breasts rising and falling fast as I tried to catch my breath.

  “It’s different with you, McKenzie. It always has been. If you want me to treat you like the other girls, I will, but I’d prefer to give you this. The painful pleasure that will make you wild.” He flicked my clit with his fingers and I groaned, wanting more.

  I felt the ties on my legs slacken, then the ones on my wrists.

  “Turn over, McKenzie.” I did and he re-tied my hands to the table legs. I was bent over the hard wood, my full breasts flattened against it – the hard wood, my nipples hard, aching, and flattened against the unyielding surface. He spread my legs again and tied them tightly to the other legs.

  “Fuck, that’s sexy,” he said, running his fingers through my wet pussy, circling my clit and wringing pleasure from my body.

  “Titan, please,” I begged. I needed him inside me.

  His hand landed across my ass, hard. I yelped at the sting of the blow. “What did you call me?” he growled, massaging my ass to take away the sting, the pain melding into pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  “Jason,” I moaned, thrusting my hips back against his hand as much as I could. Everything felt sharper and more intense. He pushed two fingers into my tight, wet channel, stretching me and finding that place deep inside that made me shudder. I felt him change his grip on my body as he leaned over me, kissing my back and gripping my hair in a fist. The sensation hurt so good, my pussy quivered, responding to every kiss, every touch. My body, trembling with need for more. His fingers moving in and out hard, carrying me closer to orgasm.

  “You’re going to come on my fingers, baby, then you’re going to come on my tongue. After that, my cock.” His words, the hand in my hair, the lack of sight and movement, all had my body sensitized, primed to go over. He ground his fingers against my g-spot, at the same time he slipped the tip of his thumb inside the tight muscled ring of my ass.


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