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Ember's Burn: A Steel Demons MC Novel

Page 28

by Annelise Reynolds

  Legend walked off without saying another word. I found McKenzie back in the kitchen sitting with Declan and Phoenix. They were talking to Chink. “Come on Chink, please?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s a family recipe.”

  “If I figure it out, will you confirm it?”

  “You won’t figure it out.”

  “What if I give you a lap dance?” She grinned at me, knowing I was listening in and winked, letting me know she was joking while reminding me of what I walked in on the night before. Chink’s eyes traced her body, especially her chest.

  “Over my dead body,” I growled.

  “I’m rather attached to my balls, Ember. Titan would castrate me if I accepted your offer, as tempting as it is.”

  “Seriously, there must be something that you want.”

  “Nothing you can give, honey. Sorry.”

  I couldn’t help but grin. She lost the bet, and I’d be having me a sex slave. “So,” I said, “guess that means I get to call in my marker.”

  “Not quite. This isn’t over yet.” She leveled her eyes at Chink. He grinned and winked at her.

  When the party started getting wild, the crowd of members started to thin, heading for the club and away from Declan’s sight. Chink took off with Lena, Dozer and Erin were right behind him. Ink, Grit, Phoenix, Legend were all that remained at the house. We were watching the sports channel while the girls were playing go fish with Declan.

  This was what life is about, this is family. I don’t know what it’s like not having a gaggle of brothers at my back because I was born into this life. Then, when I had the option to choose, I chose it. It was in my blood, and from the looks of it, McKenzie fit right in.

  After Declan yawn for the third time, Legend carried him upstairs for Ember and tucked him in. Grit and Phoenix took off, eager to get home from the looks passing between them, and I couldn’t wait to get McKenzie alone either.

  “You going to tell her about Liliana?” I asked McKenzie when we were alone.

  “Yes. I just need to find out how to do it.”

  I took her hand and pulled her down onto the couch with me. She curled into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “She won’t care how you do it. She simply wants to know that the kid is safe.”

  “I know. I’m just scared that she secretly hates me for keeping her existence from her in the first place.”

  “She doesn’t.” I kissed the top of her head. “You made the choice to survive, McKenzie. She can’t fault you for that. You did what was best for the baby and for you. Phoenix knows that, and I’m sure she would be glad to know that her maybe half-sister is doing well. Just for peace of mind.”

  “You’re right. I’ll go see her before work tomorrow. I’ll take the photos with me.”

  “Good.” I laid my head back and just enjoyed the feel of her in my arms. I didn’t realize we had fallen asleep on the couch until I heard the back door open quietly. I slipped quickly and silently out from under McKenzie, paying attention to the footfalls tiptoeing through the house.

  I went through the archway to the hall, ready to go on the attack, but Piper squeaked when she saw me. I relaxed. “Where’d you go?”

  “Nowhere.” Her chin jutted out in stubbornness.

  “Don’t turn your phone off next time. If something were to happen to you, we need to be able to track you.”

  “You can also use it against me, which is why I turned it off.”

  “Yes, you’re right, but if anything happens to you, we can get to you, so you can come home to your son.” She started to speak, but cut herself off. I watched her eyes slide shut, regret clearly sliding across her face.

  “I was looking into a job. Ember pays me well, but if I ever want to be self-sufficient, I need to bring in more money. I can’t live off them forever, and I don’t want to be a burden.” She looked defeated, and I could tell she meant what she said.

  “What kind of work are you looking for?”

  She didn’t look me in the eye, so I knew what she was about to say would only be a half-truth at best. “Just some of the work I was in before. The money was decent, helped me get through some of college.”

  “You have a degree?” I don’t remember her having a degree, but I only glanced at her past. I didn’t go too deep into it.

  “No. I got married and pregnant my junior year, but it paid the bills.”

  “What kind of work?” She looked uncomfortable, leaving only a handful of occupations open and, given the scene I witnessed the other night, I knew where she was looking. Legend was not going to be happy when he found out.

  “I’m beat,” she changed the subject and moved to go around me. “See you around, Titan.” I let her go, not telling her Legend was still upstairs. She’d find that out soon enough.

  I went back into the living room and lifted McKenzie into my arms, taking her upstairs to her room. I heard a shriek coming from Piper’s room, followed by a thud. Part of me wanted to go make sure they were ok, but Legend had his shit handled, and I wanted to handle my own, namely McKenzie.

  She woke me up trying to slide out of bed quietly. I pulled her back against my chest. “Where are you sneaking off to?”

  “I need to go see Phoenix before work.”

  “I’ll take you in.” I rolled her underneath me, ignoring our morning breath and kissed her.

  “I’m getting the sense that I may be a little late,” she said, pushing my shirt up. I sat up long enough to pull my shirt over my head.

  “You should definitely trust your instincts.”

  Titan and I sat at the table with Grit and Phoenix, drinking coffee. I handed her the envelope with the pictures of Liliana and the note that Ellen had left for me. She opened the envelope and slid the pictures out. I watched as she started shaking, holding the pictures.

  “She’s beautiful and she looks just like you.” Tears ran down her face. “What’s her name?”

  “Liliana. She’s safe, Phoenix. She’s in a good home. She’s loved and has good parents.”

  Phoenix looked to Titan. “You did this?”

  “I had some help.”

  “Thank you.” She got up and hugged Titan’s neck. “My friend found the right man for her. I’m so happy for both of you.”

  When she sat back down, she picked up the photos again. “I don’t think she’s my half-sister. I don’t see any of my family in her, but I really don’t see much of Richards or Nathan in her either. She’s just all you.”

  “Hopefully, she isn’t anything like any of them.”

  “She won’t be,” Titan said, bringing me close to him. “She will be more like you.” He kissed the side of my head, giving me comfort. His assurance gave me peace and hope for her future.

  “There’s more, Abby,” I said quietly, nodding toward the envelope. She looked inside and found the smaller white envelope. She recognized the handwriting and my name scrawled across the front. If she was shaking before, her hands were shaking even more now. Tears were already spilling from her eyes.

  “What is it?” Titan asked me quietly.

  I swallowed hard, knowing how hard it was going to be for her to read that letter. “It’s a letter from her grandmother to me.” I didn’t expect her to read it out loud, but she did.

  “My Dear McKenzie,

  Thank you for all the years you’ve been there for my granddaughter. You two were always more sisters than friends. I’ll always thank God for bringing you into our lives.

  After I found out about your stepbrother attacking Abby, I knew that you had been a victim as well. Things I had seen over the years started to make sense. I’m so sorry for what he did to you, McKenzie. You are beautiful, smart, and wonderful. You deserved so much better than the hand you were dealt.” Phoenix looked up at me. I felt the tears, but didn’t acknowledge their presence. Titan’s arm was wrapped around me tightly. I could feel hi
s body tense against mine as he sat listening to the letter.

  “I couldn’t get you out because it would have raised too many eyebrows and brought too many questions to the senator’s door, and I thought he may take it out on you if I did. I blackmailed him to protect you. I told him I was going to report him and his son to the police if he did not send you to a year-round boarding school, never bringing you back to his home, not even for holidays. He complied after I told him he would be exposed if anything happened to you, Abby, or myself.

  When I did this, I had no idea that you were pregnant. I found out later on, when you missed some school. I was an emergency contact, and I paid for your tuition, so I was given updates on you.

  I contacted your friend, Dotty, when I found out you were staying with her. I made sure you were safe from afar. If I had thought you were in any danger, I’d have brought you here to Texas, but I think you needed Dotty, and after meeting her, it was clear she needed you. I tried to help Dotty financially for helping you, but she wouldn’t take it. She said she loved you like her own, and she would take care of her own, so I left you in my will instead.

  I’m so proud of you for making the decisions you made. Money and connections can do amazing things, and I used both to my advantage. I was able to choose the family your child went to, McKenzie. I interviewed several families before I met the Greysons. They were it. I asked them if they would allow me to put a trust and college fund together for the child. They were hesitant, but I told them there were no strings attached, and I would not interfere with them raising the kid. They would be the parents. I wouldn’t be anyone to the kid. Your child is set for any life she chooses. The Greysons can’t touch the money, it’s hers when she turns twenty. They don’t even know how much is in there. Your daughter is safe and set for life.

  I love you, McKenzie, and I tried to keep you as safe as possible.



  “She didn’t even know that the baby could possibly be your sister. She did all that without knowing.” It still blew me away, all she did for me and my baby. Phoenix came over to me, hugging me tight. We were both in tears, our emotions overwhelming us. The guys were at a loss as to what to do, so they just sat there silently as we let it all out, clinging to each other. It was how we got through all these years, cry together. Move on together. Ellen was right, we were more sisters than friends.

  It was a good thing that we went to her early. We took a while to compose ourselves before we went into work together. The guys headed for the clubhouse and ranch. They were supposed to be doing the finishing touches to the house and then starting to tear down and rebuild the barn.

  Hannah showed up not long after us, and I approached her in the kitchen. “We missed you last night.”

  She looked at me with guarded eyes. “I was busy.”

  “I see.” I looked at her skeptically. ”Well, I need your help.”


  I gave her a bowl of leftover chili. “This is Chink’s chili. I need to recreate it. I figured two chef’s palates combined could figure out this recipe. Phoenix’s bachelorette party depends on it.”

  “Why does Phoenix’s bachelorette party depend on it?”

  “I got Grit and Titan to bet me on getting the recipe from Chink, apparently he hasn’t given it to anyone. If I win, we get to have Phoenix’s bachelorette party in Vegas.”

  “Oh, that would be fun.”

  “It will be. I will figure this recipe out. How good are you at recreating recipes?”

  She smiled at me mischievously, revealing her dimples. “I’m pretty good. Let’s get this.”

  “You’ll go to Vegas with us when we win, right?”

  She stiffened, and I knew her answer before she said it. “No. Somebody has to stay behind and keep the restaurant open.” She was right, but dammit, I didn’t want to leave her behind. I wanted to draw her out. I now realized Titan’s and Grit’s frustration at having us closed off from them and keeping our distance.

  “Or we could just close up shop for a weekend. People would understand.”

  “You’d lose money that way. I’ll cover it, though the hours might be reduced for those days.”

  “You don’t have to, Hannah. We’d love for you to come with us.”

  “Not my thing, Ember, but thanks. I’d rather stay here and cook.” She turned back to the chicken she was butterflying, the ingredients she was prepping, and getting a head start on the menu for the day.

  “Well, I’ll put this in the fridge for you. Maybe we can figure it out tonight?”


  I walked into the bar. Phoenix was going through her stock, “I now understand Grit’s and Titan’s aggravation with us.”

  She laughed. “Which aggravation is that?”

  I smiled. “True, but I’m talking a specific aggravation. Us keeping them at a distance.”

  “Ah, you’re having trouble reaching Hannah.”

  “Yes. Have you had any luck?”

  “No. I can’t even figure out where the hell she lives, much less get any other information out of her.”

  “I invited her to come over for chili last night, and I asked her for help figuring out the recipe to Chink’s chili, which she is happy to do, but when I told her about Vegas, she closed off again.” I didn’t tell Phoenix about her sleeves, she asked me not to, but dammit, I wanted her to find a place with us. I saw so much of Phoenix and myself in her, and I wanted her to find what we found.

  “Did you think we may not be the best ones to reach her?”

  “Who do you think could get to her?”

  “One of the guys, or maybe Philip?”

  “I don’t know. None of the guys have showed much inclination toward her.”

  “She needs to know she’s safe and wanted. Let’s just keep reaching out, maybe she will eventually open up.”

  “Alright.” I looked at my watch, noticing the time. “Piper’s not in yet. I hope she’s ok.”

  “Did she get in last night?”

  “Titan said she did, but I was asleep when she came in and then I came to see you this morning before she even got up, so I didn’t see her.”

  “She was out late, she’s probably just sleeping in a bit.”

  “Yeah. You’re probably right. I’ll call her later if she hasn’t come in.” I looked around at the bar. My chest expanded, and a sense of joy and pride filled me. It was ours. Our past was behind us, and the last tie binding me to the pain was released. “We did it, Abs.” She looked up at me, her eyes looking around us at what we did together. The life we had both made for ourselves. It is a life rebuilt from ashes, and it is completely beautiful.

  “Yeah, Mac. We did.”

  Titan stood across from me. Our best friends stood beside us as we listened to the judge talking about marriage. I stared at my future husband, taking in his military uniform. It was the first time I’d ever seen him in it, and I couldn’t wait to remove it. He looked hot, as did the men beside him, his brothers, all of them, were wearing their formal dress.

  He winked at me across the aisle, like he knew my thoughts. I grinned, knowing he probably did. Phoenix nudged me with her elbow discreetly, and I quickly suppressed the giggle that bubbled up. Titan was distracting in his uniform, but I noticed that she was pretty distracted by Grit as well.

  “Maybe we should make them wear their uniforms around the house,” I whispered out the side of my mouth.

  Phoenix didn’t catch her laughter, and we both ended up having to apologize to Gavel and Anita as they said their vows. Anita shook her head, smiling and pursing her lips to hold her laughter. Grit and Titan were both grinning broadly, knowing they were both going to get their brains fucked out tonight.

  “I’m sorry, Judge Conner. Please continue,” Anita said, holding onto Gavel’s hands. They finished exchanging their vows. Gavel took Anita into his arms and kissed her hard to the hoots and hollers of the club. The cere
mony was small, just members and a few others were invited to attend. Declan gagged as the kiss lasted, his antics causing several people to laugh.

  When Anita and Gavel walked past us down the aisle, Phoenix and Grit, followed by Titan and I, walked behind them. The reception was being held at the restaurant. Hannah insisted on doing the catering, which meant she stayed away from the ceremony. Try as I might to include her, she kept her distance.

  The party was in full force, everything was perfect; the food, the family and friends. I sat at the table beside Titan, his arm around the back of my chair, Phoenix beside me and Grit beside her. Gavel and Anita looked so happy. A love story, years in the making.

  I leaned up and whispered in his ear, “Do you think we could get away without anyone noticing?”

  “Since it’s my mother’s wedding, probably not. Why?”

  I whispered into his ear what seeing him in his uniform was doing to me, and what I wanted to do to him. I did not expect him to stand up, lift me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, and take me upstairs to the apartments. Laughter and wolf whistles followed us up the stairs. “Dammit, Chink probably got a picture of my backside as you carried me past. I saw his phone out.”

  “Don’t worry, he was texting.” Titan let me slide down his body and backed me against the wall, his leg spreading my thighs as he crowded against me. “Now, what exactly what were you going to do to me?”

  I slid down his body, his knee grazing my pussy on my way down, thrilling me. I got on my knees, and looked up at Titan who had one hand against the flat wall holding himself up as he watched me. I reached up and undid his belt and pants, pulling them open and down only enough to free his cock and balls.

  Looking into his eyes, I licked at him, kissing the tip of his cock, and then sliding him into my mouth. I was so turned on by everything; this man, his uniform, the atmosphere – I wanted him so badly. One hand wrapped around him, my mouth working up and down his shaft, I kept my eyes on him as I reached down with my other hand, raising my dress to my waist, revealing nothing but a garter belt and my bare, soaking pussy.


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