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Hot on Ice: A Hockey Romance Anthology

Page 110

by Avery Flynn

  Arielle pulled her phone from her pocket. "Rod, want me to take your picture?"

  "Please." He posed with his arms wrapped around the trophy, grinning for the camera.

  Edwin gestured to Arielle’s phone. "If you'd like, I can take one of you two together."

  Rod nodded. "Come on in, Ari."

  She pulled on the ends of her hair. "I look a mess."

  "Not from where I'm standing." He adjusted his hold and then held one arm open. "Please."

  Her eyes, when she melted and gave in, enchanted him. He draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into his chest. If he had to choose between Arielle and the Cup for which felt better in his arms, he'd honestly have to pick Arielle. He was so far gone it wasn't funny. He was sure the photo would capture what he felt.

  "So," Edwin rubbed his hands together. "Where to? Some of your teammates have kept me on my toes."

  "I'll bet." He thought he knew which ones, too. "Our first stop is the coffee shop."

  Edwin grinned. "Knowing you, I should have figured on that one."

  Twenty minutes later, after dropping off Arielle at Ben's house, Rod walked into Ben's coffee shop, carrying the Cup.

  The customers stared. Most of them cheered. And all of them pulled out their phones and took pictures. Rod stopped by tables to chat and let people get close enough to touch the trophy. Then he finally reached the counter.

  Ben came around to meet him. "I almost can't believe it. I mean, I know you won, but actually having it here is unreal."

  "You can hold it."

  "Yeah?" Ben's eyebrows winged up. He carefully accepted the trophy. Rod grabbed a few pictures and posted one on his social media accounts, inviting people to stop by and see the Cup and join him for coffee.

  "Where's Jacob?"

  "Watching cartoons in the break room. I'll get him. He was asking all morning if he'd see you today."

  Rod accepted the trophy back and set it on the counter, then ordered a large coffee for himself and one for Edwin.

  Jacob ran to him. "Uncle Rod. Aunt Ari painted my mask. Look." He thrust the goalie mask at Rod.

  On the side of the white helmet, a black and red coffee cup matched the one on his Rage helmet. Rod knelt beside Jacob and studied her work. Arielle had done a fantastic job. "That's really cool, buddy. Your aunt is one talented woman."

  "Yeah." Then Jacob looked up at the counter, and his eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. "Wow, the Cup is big. It's almost as big as me. Can I hold it?"

  "That might be a little heavy for you, bud, but you can stand next to it, and we'll take your picture."

  "Dad, too?"

  "Dad, too." He waved for Ben to join them.

  For the next hour, he posed for picture after picture with the patrons. Finally, a lull hit and Rod grabbed his reheated coffee and sank into a chair next to Ben.

  A bittersweet smile crossed Ben's face. "Dude. This is unreal. Remember all the times we talked about playing in the pros and winning a Cup together?"

  "Yep. With you and Dylan scoring and me guarding the net." A spot of guilt flared in Rod's gut. He'd played hockey with Ben throughout high school and college. But while he and Dylan and Matt had gone on to chase pro-hockey dreams after college, Ben had suffered back-to-back knee injuries, and all hopes of a professional hockey career had ended. He'd married his college sweetheart, had Jacob two years later and then buried his wife two years after that.

  Life wasn't fair. He patted Ben on the back. "I'm sorry, man. I wish things had turned out differently."

  "No need to feel sorry. My life is good. I have the best son in the world. Look at how happy he is." He nodded to where Jacob colored at one of the tables, chatting away at Edwin. "And I have this shop. That's enough for now."

  The space was a good size. Painted in shades of brown and cream, with large windows and small bistro tables, and paintings of coffee cups lining the walls inside and outside, the shop had been Ben's focus for the last three years. He'd needed some way to channel his grief and refocus his life, and Rod was happy to have been able to help.

  "You know I'm here if you need me. God knows you've been there for me over the years."

  "Always." Ben nodded. "I don't know what I would've done without you either. You're the main reason I have this place."

  "Well, that was selfish on my part. After all, you are helping me feed my addiction." He grinned and elbowed Ben.

  As he'd hoped, a large smile bloomed on Ben's face, and he laughed. "True. I've missed having you around. I'm really happy for you, man."

  "Thanks. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to win another one someday." Lots of guys played their whole career without ever getting a shot at the championship. Was he selfish to wish for two?

  Arielle came in the door. Her curls bounced with her walk. Rather than the shorts and tank tops and t-shirts he'd seen her in, she wore a gauzy sundress in pale pink that showed off her slim shoulders and shapely legs, and sexy, strappy sandals. Her lips were slicked with something shiny that beckoned him for a kiss.

  Arousal flamed his blood. He adjusted his position. There wasn't any time allowed in the schedule for finding a private spot for the two of them, at least not until late that night. He mentally recited the names of the league's teams in the order they'd joined, until he had himself under control.

  Rod grabbed his coffee, then nodded at Edwin. "Time for our next stop."

  Ben stood too. "We'll see you later at the high school."

  Rod hugged him goodbye, then hefted the trophy. Arielle got a great shot of him buckling the Cup into his SUV's passenger seat. And then, they were off to his parents' house. He couldn't wait to see his dad.

  He swung into his parents' driveway, and the garage door opened. His parents, brother, and sister emerged, greeting him with excited waves and smiles so broad that his own excitement boiled over.

  Rod climbed out of the car and waited for Arielle and Edwin to join him. He made the family introductions to Edwin before removing the bulky trophy from the car.

  "Okay, son. Let's see it." His dad's smile beamed as bright as the sun.

  Grinning just as big, Rod held the trophy out to his dad, but instead of taking it, his dad traced his fingers over the names engraved on the middle band. "I can't believe it. First me, and now my boy."

  Tears threatened to form, but Rod blinked them away. This was special. Not many fathers and sons shared the designation of being Cup winners. His dad took the trophy, held it for a long moment, then passed it to Dylan.

  Dylan turned the trophy slowly, studying it the way he sometimes watched a game or practice film, intense, seeking, and determined. "I'm jealous as hell. But proud of you too, Rod. Damn proud."

  Kelsey accepted it from Dylan, but instead of posing with it or studying it, she handed it to their mom. "You should see this before I do."

  Rod waited until his dad joined his mom and they both held the Cup. "You guys gave so much time and energy to all of us kids. You're the reason Dylan, Kelsey, and I are even in this sport, and why any of us were successful. We wouldn't be where we are without you. the Cup is partly yours. Thank you for everything."

  His mom hugged him hard, then his dad did the same. "We're proud of you."

  To his left, Dylan elbowed Kelsey. "Good luck with trying to be the favorite now."

  "Right?" His sister nodded. "He pretty much gave them a unicorn."

  "Hush, you two." Mom laughed. "This favorite nonsense has been going on for nearly thirty years."

  "Could've prevented it if you'd stopped after me." Dylan smiled and then ducked away from Kelsey's laughing shove.

  "Lunch now. Inside." Mom turned to Edwin. "I hope you like chicken."

  Rod let his dad carry the Cup into the house. His old man was already recounting the tales from his time with the highly coveted prize twenty-five years earlier.

  Arielle's soft hand curled into his. "He looks happy. So do you."

  "It means a lot now, you know? Seeing him with it, knowing that
we're going to be on there, together forever. It's special. I worked so hard ever since I was a kid, always looked up to him and to Dylan, and now I have this really cool thing, and it's a little more emotional than I thought it would be."

  "That's okay. It's a huge thing, and you're allowed to feel."

  "I guess. I'm supposed to be a stone-cold goalie."

  "Please." Emerald green eyes danced with her laughter. "You're known for always cracking a smile and playing the game with a range of emotion. No one looks at you and thinks heart of stone."

  "Should I change?" He held his breath for her answer. Did she want him to be different? He'd worried that she would keep quiet, that her experience with Matt would color how she approached their relationship. He needed her honesty more than anything.

  She smiled, then leaned up and brushed her lips over his. Her five-inch heels helped with their height difference, but he still had to bend down. Her hands locked at the back of his head, holding him close. "Never."

  As they kissed, her words repeated in his head. She was right. He was known for always smiling and laughing and joking around, and for being extra-friendly and accessible to the media. Ernie's statements about the other teams came back to him too. Maybe they didn't think he took his job seriously enough.

  That irked deep. After watching Ben go through what he had with his wife, Rod had vowed to live each day as optimistically as possible. If the teams thought his jocular attitude carried over to how he approached his job, he was screwed for finding another chance.


  The high school gymnasium hadn't changed a bit since she'd been a student. Not that she'd spent much time there, outside of the required gym classes. Arielle walked with Rod through the crowd of well-wishers. He carried the Cup, and Edwin followed at a discrete distance behind.

  She left Rod surrounded by some of his old teammates and his coach, all taking pictures of and with the trophy. Members of the local newspaper and television station arrived with their cameras and equipment. Organized chaos was the best way to describe the room's atmosphere.

  Stopping by a pillar, she pulled out her phone. Two missed texts. One from Ben letting her know that he and Jacob were on their way. Good. The second one—not so good. Kelsey was stuck in traffic and asked Arielle to find a way to hold up the ceremony.

  Right. Like she had that kind of power. What could she do—hide the three-foot-tall trophy?

  Laughing at herself, she sent the suggestion to Kelsey, then she looked up, seeking Rod, and instead, came face-to-face with Matt.

  Rat Bastard.

  Shock iced over her limbs. She blinked a few times, but nope, still him. Blue-eyed, blond-haired, tanned, and toned.

  Why was he here?

  And right in front of her.

  Goddamn it.

  Her back was to the wall, literally and figuratively.

  Smiling wide, he opened his arms. "Arielle."

  She side-stepped his hug. "I thought you were playing hockey in Russia."

  "One year was enough. I'll be playing for Reno this season." Reno, the Las Vegas pro-team's minor league affiliate, had been the last team Rod had played for in his minor league career, before his time with the Rage. Matt moved in closer and his lips curve in a half-smile. "How have you been?"

  "Fine." She stepped back.

  "You look fantastic. Are you free tonight?"

  "For what?"

  He put a hand against the wall and leaned in too close to her. She stepped away again, putting enough space between them that she could easily have free range of movement if she needed to punch him in the mouth or kick him in the groin. He shrugged. "I figured you'd had enough time to calm down, and we could hook up while I'm in town."

  "Calm down? Like what you did was something trivial?" Flabbergasted, she stared at him. "You've got to be kidding."

  "I was the only man in your life for years. You can't tell me you haven't thought about me."

  "Not in a good way, and definitely not in a pining for you way. Mostly in a hoping I'd never see you again way." She crossed her arms over her chest and enjoyed the shock widening his eyes.

  He recovered, and grinned that mega-watt smile she'd always considered to be manipulative and insincere. "You're still angry. Angry sex is great sex. Come to my hotel tonight, and I'll let you use me to work it out of your system."

  Bile rose in her throat. She clenched her hand into a fist. "You have three seconds before I kick—"

  "Ms. Charton. I thought that was you."

  Her stomach plummeted, and she turned to face the high school's principal, who also happened to hold the decision of whether or not he'd hired her. "Mr. Giorgio."

  He studied her through wire-rimmed glasses. "I hadn't expected to see you here today."

  "My brother was on the state champion team." She shook his hand. How much had he heard?

  He quickly pumped her hand, then turned to Matt. "Is this your brother?"

  "Nope. My brother is on his way though." Her voice faltered when Matt's arm draped over her shoulders. Arielle shook it off like it was a snake.

  Matt responded with a lewd wink. "Come on, Ari. Don't be that way."

  Her face grew hotter and the urge to punch Matt grew stronger. She needed to be seen as a competent professional who could hold herself together, and a calm professional wouldn't punch a jerk's lights out in front of her prospective new boss. Taking a deep breath, she glared at Matt, and then pitched her tone lower, "Mr. Giorgio is the principal here."

  Then she turned back to the bewildered older man and gestured to her slimy ex. "This is Matt Carter. He was also a part of the state champs."

  "Oh yes. I remember your name from the list." He smiled and shook Matt's hand. "You didn't respond to my invitation letter, but no matter now. I'm happy with the number of you who were able to be here today."

  Matt opened his mouth, and Arielle stepped forward, her mind desperately searching for a way to separate the men before he said anything else designed to embarrass her.

  A strong arm wrapped around her shoulder and then Rod stood in between her and Matt. With a smile, he shook hands with the principal. "Hi, I'm Rod Fraser. Thanks for helping to put this together. Would you like to have your picture taken with the Cup? My buddy Edwin over there is more than happy to take one for you."

  "Thank you." The older man waved and hurried toward the big trophy.

  Arielle exhaled in relief.

  Rod's hand tightened on her shoulder and bright, hot anger burned in his icy blue eyes. He bent his head, eyes intent on her face. "Are you okay?"

  "Sure." She nodded but her head spun from her run-in with Matt.

  Then Rod angled toward Matt, and his hold on her body brought Arielle closer to his side. "What the hell are you doing talking to her?"

  Matt grinned that stupid, mega-watt grin again and clapped him on the shoulder. "Rod. Hey, man. Congrats on the championship. I wouldn't have missed this for anything."

  "Get lost." The low, harsh words shot into the air like bullets.

  "I know, it's hard to believe I made the trip, right?" Matt chuckled and looked around at the television station cameras being set up. He'd always been big on taking advantage of opportunities. No wonder he'd shown up today. "This is great exposure."

  Arielle clamped hold on her anger, getting herself under control before she trusted herself to speak. Then she squared her shoulders and met his gaze. "Matt, really, get lost. We don't have anything to say to each other."

  "Dude. You better move away." Rod's glare hardened his features and his hand flexed and released and flexed and released on her shoulder.

  Matt glanced behind them, and his brows rose, and the smile fell. "Thanks for the heads up, bro. I'll catch you later."

  He spun away and disappeared into the crowd.

  "What the hell did he mean by a heads up?" Rod brought his other hand to stroke her cheek, and they both looked behind them.

  Ben rushed forward, his face painted with anger and his hand
s forming fists. "Where the hell did that little shit disappear to?"

  "Aha." Rod kissed her temple, then acknowledged Ben. "He's running scared. He thought I was warning him about you. No way would I do him any favors."

  Ben touched her arm. "Are you okay? What did he say?"

  Arielle glanced between Rod and her brother. They didn't need to worry about her or let Matt ruin their day. "He hasn't changed. And I'm fine."

  A little hand tugged on the hem of her shirt. She looked down, and Jacob smiled at her. "Isn't this cool, Aunt Ari?"

  "Sure, really cool."

  Mr. Giorgio's voice boomed out of the loudspeaker. "If I can have everyone's attention, we'd like to get started."

  Rod bent and kissed her. "I'll see you afterward."

  He stood next to the principal, the Cup between them, and Edwin standing off to the side.

  Ben joined the group of the state champs on the principal's other side. Matt moved as far from Ben as possible. That was definitely smart.

  Kelsey and Dylan and their parents arrived, and Arielle stood with them, holding onto Jacob's hand. She kept her focus on Rod and alternated between snapping photos with his phone and hers.

  The principal gave a speech about the school's commitment to excellence in academics and sports, then the old hockey coach gave a speech about how special the teams had been and how hard they'd worked, and then Rod gave a speech about playing for the school and with his teammates, about growing up in a hockey family and having the support of the community. Ben and Dylan's names came up numerous times in his stories and the entire room filled with laughs and murmurs and aww's. He captured their attention and had everyone hanging on his every word.

  Then, his jersey was raised to the rafters, hanging beside the banners for various championships. The look of happiness on his face took her breath away, and her heart swelled with pride and with love.

  After the ceremony ended, the crowd dispersed, with most rushing close to Rod to get a picture with him and the Cup. Kelsey and her parents drew into conversation with the hockey coach and a few fans.


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