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The Lady's Maid

Page 21

by Dilly Court

  ‘Aren’t you forgetting something?’ Kate sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees. ‘We haven’t got the money for the train fare. We’ve just about sufficient to buy a loaf of bread for breakfast and not a penny more.’

  Josie opened her eyes, staring up at Kate. ‘Really? I thought you sold your bonnet. That cost a guinea when new.’

  ‘And it fetched half a crown in the pawnshop. I was lucky to get that.’

  ‘I wish I’d packed one of my ball gowns. As it is I suppose I could get some money for some of my clothes. We could sell them and then we’d have enough money to get to Dorset. Maybe even enough to hire a carriage and pair.’

  ‘And what would you wear? You could hardly arrive looking like me, for instance.’

  ‘Heavens no. What a thought.’ Josie turned on her side. ‘I’m exhausted. I’ll think of something in the morning.’

  Kate lay down, but sleep evaded her. She could hear Josie’s rhythmic breathing and she marvelled at her friend’s ability to ignore what to most people would be pressing problems. She herself was only too well aware of their desperate situation. The sensible solution for both of them would be to return home. Josie might not relish living under the same roof as her profligate uncle, but she had very little choice. As to her own situation, Kate knew she must face the inevitable. She would have to suffer her father’s wrath and live with Honoria’s whims and tempers, or she could accept Squire Westwood’s offer of a position as companion to his daughters. Neither prospect filled her with enthusiasm, but at least she had come to terms with the fact that Harry was not for her – almost. She huddled down, pulling the blanket up to her chin. At least she had a proper bed at home. The hard floor beneath her was a constant reminder of their sorry plight. The chill penetrated her bones, making sleep seem like a welcome escape, but it eluded her until she was finally overcome by mental and physical exhaustion.

  Next morning she awoke early, determined to make Josie see sense. She stretched her cramped limbs, stifling a groan as every muscle in her body ached. Josie was still sleeping soundly. Kate scrambled to her feet and set about the business of clearing the grate and lighting a fire. She went out into the yard and filled the kettle at the pump, returning to hang it on a hook over the flames. Whilst waiting for it to boil she took stock of their supplies, which were meagre enough for one person let alone three. A heel of cheese, half a loaf of bread and a tiny pat of butter were all the food they had, and perhaps enough tea to last until evening, so long as the leaves were dried and reused. She checked Josie’s purse and tipped out the copper coins – tuppence three farthings would not go far. She glanced at Josie’s sleeping form and sighed. Josie was noted for her stubbornness, but surely even she must see that their situation was hopeless.

  Kate looked up as the door to the narrow staircase opened and Nanny Barnes appeared, still wearing her nightgown with her hair tied up in rags. ‘Today is the day I have luncheon with Miss Spalding who lives in a big house in Cassland Crescent,’ she announced with a triumphant smile. ‘She was lady’s maid to a very important personage, and they look after her extremely well.’

  Kate slipped the coins back in the purse. ‘Why don’t you sit down, Miss Barnes? I’ve made a pot of tea.’

  ‘That would be lovely, dear. But as soon as breakfast is over I’d like you to help me dress. I have to look my very best when I visit Miss Spalding.’

  ‘Of course,’ Kate said, pouring tea into two cups. ‘Would you like some bread and butter?’

  ‘Oh, no, dear. I don’t want to spoil my appetite. Miss Spalding’s luncheons are always quite substantial. She has her own personal maid, you know.’

  Thinking that this was one of Nanny’s flights of fancy, like having Fortnum’s deliver cucumber sandwiches and walnut cake, Kate nodded and smiled. Let the old lady keep her dreams; they were far nicer than the reality the poor soul must face every day of her life.

  Josie yawned and sat up, her dark hair cascading around her shoulders like a lustrous velvet cape. ‘Tea, please, with two spoonfuls of sugar. I’m famished. Is there any toast?’

  Nanny Barnes shook her finger at her. ‘Get up, you lazy girl. I see you haven’t mended your ways, Miss Josephine. You were always hard to rouse, even as a small child.’

  Josie rose to her feet, stretching her arms above her head and smiling as though she had just risen from a feather bed. ‘I haven’t slept so well for months. Now what will we do today?’ She turned to Kate with an eager smile. ‘Have you thought of a plan?’

  ‘Plan? What plan?’ Nanny Barnes put her cup down on the saucer, staring at Josie in apparent amazement. ‘It’s my day for lunch with Miss Spalding. Naturally you will be included in the invitation. I’ll have living proof that I was nanny to a baronet’s daughter. Sometimes I think that Millicent doesn’t believe me when I tell her about Bedford House and Damerell Manor.’

  Kate dared not look at Josie. She knew if their eyes met they would both dissolve in a fit of giggles. It was small wonder that Miss Spalding did not believe Nanny’s tall tales, if she existed at all. Perhaps Millicent was also a figment of Nanny’s imagination.

  ‘Yes, Nanny,’ Josie said, helping herself to a cup of tea. ‘I would love to meet your friend.’ She winked at Kate. ‘But I expect you have better things to do today. We need to increase our funds. Have you thought of anything, Kate?’

  ‘We must find work. We can’t exist on air.’

  ‘Perhaps Miss Spalding might be able to help,’ Nanny Barnes said thoughtfully. ‘There are several retired gentlefolk living in the neighbouring houses; maybe one of them is in need of a maidservant.’

  Humouring her, Kate and Josie went along with Nanny’s determination to put on her one and only best gown, and yellowed lace cap. At midday precisely they walked the short distance to the crescent where Nanny insisted that her friend had rooms in one of the large houses. Still in a state of disbelief, Kate and Josie followed her into the building and up a flight of stairs to the first floor. Nanny Barnes led the way down a long landing and was about to knock on a door at the far end when it opened and a young girl carrying a bundle wrapped in brown paper flew out. She paused, glaring at Nanny Barnes. ‘You’re welcome to the old bitch,’ she cried angrily. ‘That’s the last she’ll see of me. I’d rather starve in the gutter than work for her.’ She raced off, disappearing down the stairs with a clatter of booted feet on the bare treads.

  ‘Dearie me. Whatever next?’ Nanny Barnes marched into the room, with Kate and Josie following her. ‘Millicent, are you all right?’

  A tall, lean woman in her mid-sixties rose from a chair by the fire. Her gaunt features were set in what appeared to be a permanent frown. ‘You’re two minutes late, Dora.’

  ‘I – I’m so sorry. I know how you value punctuality, Millicent.’

  Josie stepped forward. ‘You must blame me, Miss Spalding. I’m afraid it was my fault that Miss Barnes kept you waiting.’

  ‘And who may you be?’ Millicent glanced at Josie and allowed her gaze to travel to Kate. ‘And who is this? I didn’t extend my invitation to luncheon to half the town, Dora.’

  Nanny Barnes squared her shoulders. ‘Allow me to introduce my one-time charge, Miss Josephine Damerell, daughter of the late Sir Hector Damerell, Baronet.’

  Josie inclined her head graciously. ‘Good afternoon, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet any friend of Nanny Barnes.’

  Miss Spalding twitched visibly, her arrogant demeanour momentarily shaken, but she made a quick recovery. ‘Welcome to my home, Miss Damerell.’

  Josie smiled graciously. ‘And this is Coggins, my maidservant. We’re staying with Nanny for a while.’

  ‘Yes, Millicent. They’re staying with me.’ Nanny Barnes nodded emphatically.

  Miss Spalding raised an eyebrow. ‘You must be very cramped in that tiny house.’ She waved her hand towards a small sofa and two rather uncomfortable-looking chairs upholstered in faded damask. ‘Do take a seat, although I’m afraid luncheon is out of the ques
tion. That stupid girl has just left without so much as giving a week’s notice. I don’t know what young people are coming to these days.’ She resumed her seat by the fire.

  ‘My maid will be happy to take over in the kitchen. She is perfectly capable of preparing food, aren’t you, Coggins?’ Josie nudged Kate in the ribs. ‘We can’t turn down the offer of a free meal,’ she added in a whisper.

  ‘Of course,’ Kate said, taking her cue. ‘I’d be glad to help out.’

  ‘She’s a dear girl.’ Nanny Barnes smiled and nodded. ‘They’ve been such a comfort to me, Millicent, and I am rather peckish.’

  ‘The kitchen is below stairs.’ Miss Spalding’s tone implied that it might as well be in a foreign country. ‘I’ve no doubt that silly girl will have left everything in a dreadful mess, but there should be someone there to tell you what’s what. You may go, but remember I want luncheon on the table at half past twelve on the dot. I hate unpunctuality.’

  Josie flashed a smile at Kate. ‘Hurry up then, Coggins. Don’t keep us waiting.’

  Ignoring the fact that Josie was making the most of the situation, Kate made her way down two flights of stairs. Even if she had not seen the green baize door at the rear of the entrance hall when they came in, she would only have had to follow her nose in order to find the kitchen. A variety of smells filled the air, rancid cooking fat being the most powerful, run a close second by sour milk and rotting cabbage. She wrinkled her nose and held her breath as she entered the dimly lit room. A large range occupied most of the far wall and various soot-blackened pots and pans hung from a beam above the fireplace. A rectangular pine table occupied the centre of the room, its surface smothered in dirty crockery, half-eaten meals and vegetable peelings which spilt over onto the flagstone floor.

  A small misshapen creature emerged from the shadows brandishing a ladle. ‘Get out of my kitchen.’

  Kate leapt backwards uttering a cry of alarm.

  ‘Get out.’ The voice was high-pitched but the face scowling at her was wizened like that of an old man. ‘You got no right to be here.’

  As he shambled towards her Kate could see that the creature she had mistaken for a malignant dwarf was little more than a child. Beneath the dirt the youth’s face was lined with suffering and his eyes were clouded with pain. His clothes were ragged and he had a wary look as if expecting nothing other than kicks and blows. Kate felt a sudden surge of pity for the odd looking creature and she smiled, holding out her hand. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. May I come in?’

  He stared at her open-mouthed. ‘Who are you?’

  ‘My name is Kate. What’s yours?’


  ‘I can see that you’re a boy, but what do they call you?’

  ‘Boy. That’s all.’ He backed away from her. ‘What d’you want? Where’s the daft girl?’

  Taking him to mean the unfortunate female who had worked for Miss Spalding, Kate shook her head. ‘She ran away. Perhaps she didn’t like working here.’

  ‘No one lasts long, except me, and I got nowhere to go.’ He limped over to the range and picked up a wooden spoon. He stirred the pan bubbling away on the hob. ‘I live here.’ He pointed to a pile of rags in one corner of the room. ‘That’s where I sleeps. This is my kitchen.’

  ‘Then perhaps you can help me. I have to take Miss Spalding’s luncheon up to her room.’ Kate stared at the mess on the table. ‘But I don’t know what to do. Can you help me, please, Boy?’

  ‘Why should I?’

  He turned his back on her and she stifled a gasp of dismay as she saw the full extent of his deformity. His crooked spine formed a huge hump, which gave him the lop-sided gait and accounted for his stunted growth. Kate had seen plenty of crippled children begging on the streets, but there was something about the boy that touched her heart. She knew instinctively that any show of sympathy would be met with hostility and she made her tone brisk. ‘I’d help someone if they asked me nicely. I’m sorry if I’m in your way but I was sent down here to do a job.’

  He lifted the spoon to his lips and tasted. A slow smile spread across his face. ‘That’s good. I may be a cripple but I’m a good cook.’ He stared at her for a moment and then held out the spoon. ‘Try some?’

  It was a challenge as much as an offer and Kate realised that to refuse would only confirm his suspicions that she was just another person who either condemned or ridiculed him because he was different. She crossed the floor and took the spoon from him, dipping it in the pot and tasting. She did not have to pretend. ‘That is delicious. You are a very good cook.’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, grinning. ‘I know.’

  She licked her lips, savouring the tasty dish. She could have eaten a bowlful of the stew with ease. ‘I can cook, but not like that.’

  He thrust a ladle into her hand. ‘Have some more.’

  ‘You don’t know how tempting that is, but I must take Miss Spalding’s food up to her.’

  ‘There ain’t none. That girl couldn’t butter a slice of bread without making a mess of it.’ He put his head on one side, giving her a calculating look. ‘You can give the old besom some of mine. The master won’t be home until this evening. He don’t eat much and there’s plenty in the pot.’

  ‘I can’t take his food. It wouldn’t be right.’

  ‘You ain’t taking – I’m giving. It’s me who’ll get the whipping if he finds out, which he won’t. I’m too fly to be caught out by the likes of him. I learned the hard way in the workhouse. There’s nothing that frightens me now. Help yourself.’ Boy shuffled off leaving Kate standing by the range with a ladle in her hand. She struggled with her conscience but hunger won.

  * * *

  ‘This is excellent, Coggins,’ Miss Spalding said, wiping her lips on a damask napkin. ‘I don’t know what you did to make this palatable but you’ve worked wonders.’

  ‘It is very good.’ Nanny Barnes scraped her plate, licking the spoon and receiving a withering look from Miss Spalding. ‘I know it’s not done, Millicent, but I haven’t had a meal like this for years.’

  Josie beckoned to Kate, who had eaten her food at a separate table. ‘You may clear now, Coggins.’ She lowered her voice as Kate was about to take her plate. ‘How did you do that?’

  Kate smiled. ‘Magic.’

  Miss Spalding nodded as Kate picked up her plate. ‘Very well done, Coggins.’ She leaned back in her chair, eyeing Nanny Barnes keenly. ‘Now are you going to tell me the real reason why these young people are staying with you, Dora?’

  Josie held up her hand. ‘I’ll tell you the truth, Miss Spalding. I’m sure it will go no further since you were a trusted employee in a great house.’

  Miss Spalding’s sallow skin flushed delicately. ‘You can rely on my discretion, Miss Damerell.’

  ‘I’m escaping from an arranged marriage. My uncle has chosen my future husband, whom I cannot abide. I was on my way to stay with a wealthy aunt but my purse was stolen and I am temporarily without funds. It’s necessary for Coggins to find work to enable us to live until my aunt sends money for our fare to – er – Scotland.’

  Kate almost dropped the pile of plates she was holding. She glared at Josie but Josie merely smiled, turning her lambent gaze on their hostess.

  Nanny Barnes frowned. ‘That doesn’t sound quite right, Miss Josephine.’

  Josie patted her hand. ‘You get a bit confused sometimes, Nanny dear. I’m sure Miss Spalding understands, and maybe she could help. Perhaps someone in the house is in need of a maidservant, or a cook.’

  Miss Spalding pursed her lips. ‘I can see that you are in need of food and shelter, Miss Damerell, but to be perfectly frank I don’t believe a word of your cock and bull tale.’

  Josie rose to her feet. ‘How dare you, ma’am?’

  ‘I’m too old to fall for every tale of woe I hear, Miss Damerell. Moreover, I don’t believe that you are who you say you are. I have a nose for quality and you don’t fit in.’

  ‘That’s outr
ageous. Tell her, Nanny. Tell her who I am.’

  Nanny Barnes covered her face with her hands. ‘I do get confused at times. Don’t tell me that I’m losing my mind.’

  Kate put the plates down with a thud and wrapped her arms around Nanny’s heaving shoulders. ‘Of course you’re not, Nanny. Miss Spalding is mistaken.’ She shot an angry glance at her. ‘I grew up with Miss Josephine. She is Sir Hector’s daughter and you ought to know better than to question a lady.’

  ‘Hoity toity.’ Miss Spalding’s face cracked into a semblance of a smile. ‘Whatever the truth of the matter, I know that my good friend Dora has brought you both here because you need my help. I may be getting on in years, but I’m not stupid and I’ve seen a great deal more of the world than either of you young things. Now, do you need my help or don’t you?’

  Nanny Barnes sniffed and raised her head. ‘They do, Millicent. Money is a problem …’

  ‘All right, then I’ll tell you what I’ll do.’ Miss Spalding looked from one to the other, obviously enjoying her moment of power. ‘Miss Josephine can stay here with me as my maidservant. She’ll get her bed and board, that’s all. Coggins can come in daily and see to my meals. I will pay her four shillings a week, which I consider to be very generous in the circumstances. It will come out of my meagre pension and the small annuity which I received on the death of my father, but if Coggins continues to provide meals like that it will be worth the expense.’

  Josephine leapt to her feet. ‘That’s a preposterous suggestion. How dare you ask me to be lady’s maid to someone who spent their life in service?’

  Miss Spalding eyed her with contempt. ‘I’ve spent my entire life being looked down on by my so-called betters. I’ve seen them behave like trollops and libertines and get away with such behaviour because they are the landed gentry. Now it’s my turn.’


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