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The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10)

Page 8

by A. M. Van Dorn

  “The thing is, due to the custom work, it took Ybarra longer than expected to finish it. We need to start the run in a few days!” Jasper said breathlessly. Honor laughed looking back at Quillan.

  "What is it with you?! Do you recall how we met when you had to get your stage to Carlyle Springs by sundown or lose your contract?" Honor reminded him.

  "There ain't nothing funny about this, Honor Elizabeth. Quillan and I was gonna go down there to pay the coach makers and bring it back while Jasper covered the runs here. Now, with Quillan's injuries, he not fit to ride a horse or a stage!" Katie sputtered frustrated. Jasper stepped up.

  "That's exactly why I done sent word to Miss Honor. Quillan told me the story about your pappy and you goin' down there before. I figured you could go down with Miss Katie who's gonna take care of business with Mr. Ybarra and you could drive the coach, Miss Honor. That's another thing I knows, you mighty fine behind a team of horses, mighty fine!" Jasper said nicely.

  “You are right about that, Jasper. I have been driving my daddy’s coach for him for years. That is where I got the knack for it,” Honor beamed.

  “Doing the driving for him, huh? Is he your pappy or your massuh?” Bessie mocked insultingly.

  “It is my pleasure to drive Daddy!” Honor snarled at the abusive woman.

  “Anyway, Miss Katie don’t know how to get to this place in Mexico. Like I said, Quillan can’t go, and we just got to get that stage and be ready to start the runs!” Jasper said. He seemed to be the only one thinking about the problem. Quillan must be more out of it than she thought. She looked at his new girlfriend and couldn’t resist needling Bessie.

  “Well, now, Miss Bessie knows the way. She just went down there within the last couple months, yes?” Her taunt masked in sweetness had the desired effect.

  “I don’t … I don’t rightly remember the way.” Bessie scowled. Honor glanced at Katie and gritted her teeth. The idea of a long ride with her former friend did not sound like fun. Still, helping Quillan outweighed the grim prospect. She turned back to her one-time love.

  “I will absolutely help you out. We shall set out for Mexico in the morning,” She declared with the familiar bob of her head up and down.

  “Bless you, Miss Honor,” Jasper said, and Quillan sighed and looked embarrassed.

  “Jasper, you didn’t have no right to involve Miss Honor in this without discussing it with me first. With that said though, I reckon I would welcome your help, Honor Elizabeth,” he told her as Honor smiled.

  "It will be my pleasure, Quillan." Behind her, Katie rolled her eyes and Bessie looked exasperated.


  Later Honor stretched out on the couch in the living room trying to get to sleep. She was envious of her sisters and their ability to get the sleep they needed. Lijuan was almost supernatural the way she could curl up and immediately go to sleep. Cassie never seemed to require the same amount of sleep as everyone else and was always bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning. Cattie eschewed the fancy, heavy traditional nightgowns and just stripped down and slept in the nude. Honor missed her nightgown since she was stuck wearing flannels that Katie had reluctantly loaned her. Honor sighed and turned on the couch trying to get comfortable when she heard the door to Quillans's room open. For an instant, she thought maybe it was Quillan coming out to join her, but then she realized he wasn’t in any shape to do so. So that meant it was Bessie coming out of the room. Honor rolled back and saw Bessie kneeling beside her.

  “How you sleeping, girl?” the woman asked Honor.

  "Obviously not well if I am having this conversation with you at this ungodly hour," Honor said and propped herself up on one elbow. "Which begs the question as to why I am having this conversation,” Honor finished.

  "I'm here to give you a word of warning. When you get back from all this, I knows, just knows, how appreciative Quillan is gonna be towards you. I knows the history between you two. I don't want you to get any ideas that he's ever going back to you," Bessie said firmly.

  “Now you listen here!” Honor said.

  “No, you listen. I know your type. While I was out in the fields pickin’ cotton till my hands bled, you light-skinned hussies was up in that big house lookin’ down on us field hands. Thinkin’ you was better than the rest of us darkies …” Bessie explained to her. Honor sighed. She had been through this before.

  There it was again, she thought. One of the things she did not miss about coming to Godspell after she and Quillan broke up was that while to some in Alamieda her creamy mocha skin meant nothing, she was black and that was that. To a portion of Godspell populous, she wasn't black enough. Honor knew she would forever be trapped between two worlds where she would never fully be accepted by either side.

  She knew in her heart that it was why she clung to her family’s love. It was unconditional and caused her to prefer the company of her own blood. The total acceptance that came when everyone was different meant that no one was. Unfortunately, it seemed that Bessie was one of those who branded her an outcast. Honor had deep sympathy for those who had suffered in bondage. Still, whatever the dynamic had been between the house slaves and field slaves on some old plantation, she wasn’t going to take the fallout from it.

  “How dare you …” Honor began but was interrupted.

  "Your kind with that white blood running through you had some sense of … what's the big word—entitlement—from being a high yellow house nigrah. Still, them whites ain't never gonna look at you as equal. I'll tell you something, girl. Take away your money, your big ranch, and that white pappy, then dump you in the Deep South and that light skin of yours won't mean a thing because you'll just be another nigrah. Anyhow, everything I've heard about you tells me you are just like them back in the big house, thinking you can get anything you want. So, if you got any plans a trying to get Quillan back by doing him this favor, then you are gonna answer to me girl, and, I will snap your ass back so fast that …" Honor had had enough of the woman's words.

  Bessie never finished her sentence because Honor whipped out her blade that she had under the blankets. Keeping it close by when she slept in places other than her own bed was an old habit that had served her well on more than one occasion. To Bessie's astonishment Honor twirled the knife in front of the woman's eyes, bringing it to a stop with the point directly between those eyes. They went as wide as saucers when Honor placed the palm of her left hand against the butt of the hilt as if to shove it into her brain instantly.

  “I told you before to listen, and now you are going to listen, girl!” Honor began in a dangerous, soft voice. “You truly have no idea who you are messing with. As for dumping me in the Deep South without any trappings, no matter what I would still be a Wilde! We tell everyone that we are a special breed of woman and not to be trifled with. That is the gospel truth. Now you take your imagined grievances with me and go slip back into Quillans’s bed. He is your man, and I respect that. I am going to Mexico to help him as a friend. No ulterior motives. Now go. Next time I surely hope you will think with some conviction before threatening a daughter of Half Breed Haven,” Honor finished grimly. Bessie stood when Honor made the knife disappear under the blanket.

  "He be my man, Honor Elizabeth. He be my man!" Bessie stammered and retreated to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. When she was sure she was gone, Honor smiled to herself and got settled back on the couch comfortably. She thought to herself humorously; indeed he is Bessie, but if I were to choose otherwise, it would be otherwise. The familiar feeling of excitement would have kept most people awake but it had the opposite effect on Honor, and she fell asleep almost instantly.

  Once up the next morning, things moved quickly. Honor had gone over the plans with Quillan and Katie while Bessie sat quiet and angry in the corner. Katie packed a light travel bag while Honor said an awkward goodbye to Quillan with Bessie watching them carefully. When they were leaving, Honor insisted they roust the clothing store owner out of bed so that she could get some spar
e clothes. That way she wouldn't have to waste time circling back to Cedar Ledge for her own.

  At first, the store owner was not inclined to open for her, at least until she offered some extra cash for him. She always carried an extra pouch, just in case she needed it. Katie was put off by Honor essentially bribing the store owner, but it worked, and Honor picked up some trousers and durable blouses, as well as some sturdy boots. She always preferred her skirts and dresses but knew with such a long ride ahead it would be better to wear pants. Then she recommended they eat before riding out of Godspell.

  The restaurant that the colored folk used was open by then, so they went in and found a table. It was crowded with people, mostly the colored men employed at the rock quarry in nearby Table Rock. Honor smiled to herself at the appreciative glances she and Katie received from many of the men. It had been her experience that colored men were far more accepting of a mixed woman like herself than women were. Honor also thought a pretty face and hourglass figure like she had easily trumped her split racial background. The only empty table was next to one with two Mexican women and a Mexican man. She figured they were probably more comfortable eating there than at a restaurant dominated by whites. Honor smiled and nodded to one of the Mexican women.

  The woman had the same shiny black hair as Catalina. Honor smiled more at the thought of Cattie. She was such a fun-loving person and surely the wildest of all the Wilde women. She found herself resolving that she needed to spend more time with Catalina. It had been a long while since they had paired up for an evening out at Gabriella’s Cantina in Alamieda to see who could out drink who. Cattie always won of course, but the fun was in the trying. The waitress handed them menus, and Katie had an animated discussion with the waitress, obviously knowing her well. After some laughter, the waitress hurried off promising to be back to take their order soon.

  “Just so you know, I’m gonna be paying for this meal, Honor Elizabeth. We’ve had a really good year in our coaching business,” Katie said loudly. Honor glanced around and noticed Katie had gotten the attention of some others from surrounding tables. Honor decided to borrow one of Lijuan’s habits and rolled her eyes at Katie.

  “You do not really have to announce that, do you Katie? I know how well you and Quillan have been doing. You need not attempt to impress me,” Honor told her.

  “Is that what you think I’m doing Honor? I just wanted you to know you aren’t the hen with money around here,” Katie said proudly.

  “Will you please keep your voice down? Not everyone needs to know our business,” Honor pointed out.

  “And this is coming from someone who used to live for gossip,” Katie responded. Honor smiled remembering the days she used to exchange a healthy dose of gossip with Katie.

  "As I recall, I met my match in you, Katie," Honor told her. Despite herself, Katie smiled in remembrance. They did use to go on forever when Honor would visit Godspell and her brother. The waitress returned and took their order. Katie was still trying to make a good impression, so she watched her former friend order the most expensive thing on the menu. Since it was breakfast at a rundown little eatery, Honor didn't see that price would make a difference in the food. Honor also noticed the cool attitude the waitress had towards her. She had little doubt that Katie had shared some choice words about her with her friend at some point. They ate mostly in silence other than a few questions Honor had about the coach Quillan had ordered. When they finished, and it was time to pay up, Katie made another show about the process.

  Katie reached into the satchel she was carrying the money for the coach in and pulled out a roll of bills and started peeling off a couple of bills for it. Honor noticed it had the desired effect on the waitress, but she also observed that it was garnering the attention of those jam-packed around their table. She quickly clamped hold of Katie's wrist and brought it down on the table.

  “Enough, Katie. I strongly suggest you not be flashing that roll about the way you are. It is certainly fat enough to be tempting,” she warned her.

  “What’s good for the ol’ goose is good for the gander. You sure didn’t have no problem flashing your cash around when you were buying your slick new duds over at Carruthers’s store,” Katie returned with flashing eyes. Honor let go of her wrist, and Katie paid the waitress who gave Honor an unfriendly look.

  "Yes but …" Honor began, but Katie ignored her.

  “You keep the rest for yourself, Marcy, and I’ll see you when we get back from our trip. We are fixing to ride to the Verde Abundante Valley, down Mexico way. When I get back, though, let’s plan to go to the barn dance at the Carvers’ horse farm Saturday night!” she told her waitress friend.

  “Thanks, Katie, sounds like a fun weekend. I’ll see ya when ya get back.” Marcy said as Katie put her money away.

  "As I was saying, at the store, there was no one around. You simply do not draw attention to that much money. That is how I got robbed in New York a few years back," Honor told her. Katie crossed her arms, unconvinced.

  “You got robbed?” she asked.

  “It was before Cassandra took us all under her wing and trained us to defend ourselves. In fact, it was the reason I wanted to master knives because the thief had pulled a big old knife on me and took my purse,” she explained.

  “I think you is just resentful because you isn’t the only one with money of their own,” Katie said, disregarding Honors explanation.

  “Think what you like; let’s go,” Honor said, disgusted with Katie’s attitude. It was going to be a long ride, she thought. They got up, and as they left, Honor could almost feel all the eyes following them out of the eatery. It was only a brief time later that they were mounted and ready to ride south.

  "Wait! Amigos. I have a proposition for you!" A voice called, and Honor turned in the saddle, patting Nina's neck. Two women were approaching. The two Mexican women from the adjoining table. One had shorter straight hair while the other was about Katie's height with long curly hair. They looked fit and cheerful.

  "I could not help but overhear that you are riding south." The longer haired woman said. Honor shot Katie an annoyed glance. "I am Marquita Melendez, and this is my sister Valencia. We are merchants from San Sidero in the Verde Abundante Valley. We are returning home, and we too carry mucho pesos," Marquita said holding up a roll of bills. Honor rolled her eyes like Lijuan again.

  “See, I’m not the only one flashin’ money around,” Katie said with a snicker.

  “It still does not legitimize it as wise,” she told Katie and then answered the woman. “Anyway, that is your affair.” The woman held up a free hand after putting the money away.

  "Señoritas, I suggest that it is both of our affairs. My sister and I, as well as our hired man, Alvarez, need to cross the badlands between the border and Los Valles de Trese the same as you do. It would be safer if we joined forces, si?" she asked them reasonably. Honor considered the idea. She knew that whenever Cattie, her father, and Lijuan went down to San Lupe Pedro on cattle business, they were always armed and vigilant passing through the bandit territory. That area seemed to attract the worst of the worst when it came to Mexican outlaws or Americans who decided to break the law and fled for safety on the soil of another land. Even so, she was not really looking to lead a caravan.

  "We ride alone. I do thank you for your concern, however," Honor said respectfully.

  “Five people are better against any bandits that may wish to prey on us, no?” Valencia asked.

  “She’s right. These sisters are starting to make a whole lot of sense to me. I think we should take them up on their offer,” Katie said.

  “I strongly disagree,” Honor said firmly.

  "You can disagree all you want, but this is Dodge business, and I say yes!" Katie said and reached her hand down to Marquita. "Agreed, Miss Melendez. We travel together for our safety,” Katie told her, and Honor sighed and rolled her eyes again.

  It really was going to be a long trip. She could tell Katie was going to be heads
trong about it, and there was no amount of arguing that would change her mind. Honor herself was wary of strangers. Her adventures with Cassie and her other sisters had taught her much about that. She knew there was one way to get Katie to change her mind and that would be to refuse to go with her. Katie would figure out she was bluffing though. She’d know that Honor would do anything to help Quillan.

  Honor wondered if Katie was doing it to spite her or if it was so they would not have to talk to one another the whole trip to Mexico exclusively. Honor smiled slightly at that thought. She was not warming much to the idea of the company but did like the extra people to talk to. As they rode along, they were reaching the edge of Godspell when a lovely young woman with brown hair came running up to the group. Honor vaguely recognized her. She just couldn't place from where.

  “Howdy there, Melinda! Here to see us off to Mexico?” Katie asked the newcomer. The young woman smiled.

  "Yes, of course. That and I heard Miss Wilde was in town," Melinda said. Honor studied her a moment and realized where she knew her from. She was the sister of a man named Novack that Cassandra had enlisted her sister's aid in freeing from the Claymore Prison. More than that, she had been one of Catalina's flings. She knew what the woman wanted as soon as she realized who she was.

  “Good day to you, Melinda.” Honor told her.

  “And to you. I was, I was fixin to ask you, well, I don’t see her, but did Catalina come with you?” Melinda asked in a confused rush.

  "I am dreadfully sorry to tell you that, no, she did not. This was a spur of the moment trip, and I did not see her before I left. I came alone."


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