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Island Thyme Cafe (Madrona Island Series Book 3)

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by Andrea Hurst

  Would she ever find love? She was almost forty years old and had given up hope before Ryan came along. Why did he have to come here to this island? Life for her had become a comfortable routine with work and friends. That had been enough. Almost. Family, she wanted most of all, and she had already almost lost Lindsey once. She’d been so hopeful this summer would bring them close again. Love, she hardly dared to long for that. But Ryan was everything she’d ever wanted in a man. Everything but completely available and totally honest, she reminded herself. She sniffled and wiped away tears with the back of her hand.

  “This might help,” a deep voice said.

  Jude turned abruptly to see Grandpa John walking up the steps holding a handkerchief in his hand. She collected herself and gave him a smile.

  “Don’t go trying to put on a happy face for me,” Grandpa John said. “I know all about sadness.” He pulled a rocker over beside her. “Mind if I join you?”

  Jude wiped the last of her tears away. “If you don’t mind joining my pity party, please do.”

  Grandpa John smiled. “I’ve always liked a good party.” He sat down in the wicker rocker beside her.

  Even at her worst, this man could always make Jude smile.

  “So, what’s going on?” he asked, tipping his hat.

  “I have a daughter who hates me, and a boyfriend who hasn’t been honest with me and who might be in love with someone else. Other than that it’s been a perfect day.”

  Grandpa John rocked back and forth, staring out at the Sound. She could tell the wheels were rolling in his head.

  “You know, Jude, I remember after my wife died, I never thought I’d find love again. I moped around, just let hope slip away, but Maggie was not not about to let that happen.”

  “Maggie was truly special,” Jude said. “I remember staying here at her bed and breakfast after Lindsey left the island as a teenager. It felt as if she saved my life. I never thought I’d be happy again.”

  “And you were,” he said. “Happy again.”

  She looked into John’s kind eyes. “I wish Maggie was still here with us. She’d be so proud of Lily too.”

  Grandpa John nodded. “It’s hard to lose someone you love, but it’s also hard sometimes to let your heart stay open to another love. Don’t let that Peyton Chandler spoil what you and Ryan have, honey.”

  “If I only knew for sure he loved me and I could trust him.”

  He patted her hand. “Nothing is for certain. There are no guarantees when it comes to love. But you have a choice to make. Is love worth the risk? Worth the fight?” He paused, “Look, if an old man like me could have a second chance at love, certainly a beautiful, kind-hearted young woman like you can!”

  A cool breeze circled the porch and wind chimes swayed making sweet melodic notes. Jude folded the handkerchief in her lap. “I never thought of love as a choice before. Fear seems to overshadow everything when it comes to my heart.”

  “You’re a fighter, Jude. Look at all you’ve accomplished. I remember when you first showed up here on the island, a young single mother all alone trying to start a business.”

  He put his hand reassuringly into hers. “And now look at you, the owner of one of the most successful businesses on Madrona Island and one of the most loved people in town to boot.”

  Jude looked out over the glistening water. She’d let herself slip away from her positive view of life. From being grateful for all she had and all she could share with others. She’d fought hard to make the café a success. When she knew what she wanted, she did whatever it took to make it happen. Did she want Ryan? She had to be honest with herself and push her fears and her past aside. Did she want him? With all her heart, yes!

  “You’re right,” Jude said. “Thank you for reminding me I don’t have to passively step aside for anyone. Not even Peyton Chandler.”

  “That’s my girl,” Grandpa John said, patting Jude’s hand. “I was just on my way to check on Betty,” he said.

  “How is she doing?” Jude asked.

  “Darn good,” he said. “She’s got to stay busy, so she’s knitting doggie vests and coats for the dogs at the shelter.”

  Jude smiled. “Glad to hear that.”

  The sound of tires kicking up the stones in the drive had both of their heads turning.

  “Well, here comes one of the posse,” Grandpa John said as Lily pulled in.

  Lily waved as she stepped out of her car and hurried to the porch. She took one look at both of them and said. “What’s going on?”

  Jude stood. “Here I am, crying on your porch swing and waiting for you to get home.”

  Lily threw her arms around Jude, squeezing her tight. Then she turned to Grandpa John. “Looks like you had some company.”

  “Oh yeah, really good company,” Jude said. “And not a minute too soon.”

  Lily sat down on the porch swing beside her. The two were as comfortable with each other as sisters. “Do you want to talk?” The chair creaked as Grandpa John rocked back and forth. “Should I leave you two ladies alone? Go relieve Mary with little Gwyn?”

  Jude let out a long sigh. “You’ve heard my sad tale so if you want to go . . .”

  He shook his head. “Think I’ll stay awhile with you girls.

  “Is everything okay?” Lily asked.

  Her sweet friend beside her put Jude at ease. “I overheard some talk in the café today about Ryan’s past. It sounded dark. And then I found out Lindsey, who was supposed to be working in the kitchen with Ryan, had been sneaking out and joining Peyton at the morning film shoots. She said Ryan knew all about her escapades, but he denies it. I don’t know what or who to believe any more.”

  “Maybe it’s time for us to call Kyla and meet for coffee and catch up,” Lily said.

  “Absolutely. Sounds wonderful.” Jude looked at her watch. She stood and motioned for Grandpa John to stay comfortably in his rocker. “I really do have to get back. I’ve skipped out on everyone during lunch, and I’d better not skip out on dinner service too.

  Lily walked Jude to her car. “Why don’t I give Kyla a call and see if we can meet early tomorrow morning at Marco’s coffee shop? We can get in a cozy table by the window, get away from our own businesses, and talk.”

  “That sounds great.” Jude hugged Lily one more time.

  “Don’t worry.” Lily smiled. “I know just what to do. During my divorce when we needed some evidence on Brad, Google was our best friend. Marco’s Café will be perfect. We’ll do a little investigating of our own.”

  Jude knew she should have looked into Ryan’s past when he first came to work for her. She’d checked his references and they were glowing. She’d done an in-person interview and had been satisfied. Now, the idea of secretly investigating his past made her a bit nervous. But what was that saying about all is fair? Besides, he’d obviously kept things from her.

  She took the main road back to the café and tried to focus on what she needed to do today. She was a lucky woman to have friends she loved, to get to live in this wonderful town, and to own Island Thyme Café. The rest, she hoped, would fall into place.

  The next morning, Jude rose extra early so she could sneak out of the house and head down to Marco’s coffee shop. Last night she’d gone to bed exhausted after a grueling dinner service. She’d avoided any discussion with Ryan until after today’s research. The town was still sleepy with most of the shops closed and only the local black cat stretching out in the sun on the sidewalk. Delivery drivers parked their trucks along the side of the road to deliver food and supplies for the day’s shoot.

  Jude didn’t want to run into anyone and have to make small talk, so she dashed head-down to Nooks, Books, & Coffee where she knew Lily and Kyla would be waiting for her. They’d all decided the earlier the better with their busy schedules, and Marco was the first one open in town. Not to mention, Jude had t
o admit he made the best coffee on the island.

  Jude walked into the newly remodeled shop and was instantly greeted by Gatsby, Marco’s new golden, long-haired dachshund. She bent to scratch him behind the ears and he thanked her with a slippery kiss on her cheek. “He is the cutest dog ever,” Jude said.

  “He is a cutie,” Marco said from behind the counter where he stood grinding fresh, locally roasted coffee beans. “You’re up early today.”

  Marco was a striking young man, who looked a bit like a rock star with coarse black hair that hung just to edge of his of his faded gray t-shirt. Jude was surprised Becca wasn’t over here before work too. She’d certainly seen her popping in frequently and sitting close to Marco at every opportunity. It was obvious they were attracted to each other, and they made a cute couple. Ah, young love, she thought.

  “I’m meeting my friends here. What brew would you suggest?”

  Marco pointed to the bag of Island Bay coffee.

  “I just got these beans in. Organic. Fresh from the local roaster. It tastes like nips of chocolate mixed with a smooth dark blend. How about I make you a wet cappuccino?”

  Jude smiled. “It’s nice to have someone else make the coffees for a change. That’s what I’ll have.” While she waited for her drink, she glanced around for a good table. She put her purse on the one by the open window overlooking the cove. The cool breeze washed over her. Seagulls screamed overhead, and the ebb tide was just working its way in and inching up the pier. She turned when the front door opened and Kyla entered. Her red hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, making her look like a kid.

  “I would say good morning, but it’s too early. I need a mocha, fast,” Kyla said. She winked at Jude. “Sorry, Jude. I’m not cheating on you with Marco’s mocha. I love yours, too.”

  Jude and Kyla hugged. It’d been a few days since they’d seen each other and Jude was happy to have her friends nearby, especially right now.

  “How’s everything out at the ranch?” Jude asked.

  “All wonderful. The grapes are coming in, the ‘tasting room’ is full every day, and we have bookings for weddings in the vineyard starting to trickle in, too.”

  “And how’s married life?” Jude asked.

  “Couldn’t be better,” Kyla said with a sly smile. She turned and looked around. “Lily isn’t here yet?”

  Jude pointed to the door. “There she is.” It was impossible to tell that Lily had recently had a baby. She was right back to her trim self.

  “Sorry to be late,” Lily said as she hurried in. “We had to make sure all the breakfasts got out to the guests. Luckily for me, Mary came in early to relieve me at the B&B so I could meet you both here. What are you two having?”

  “A cappuccino and a mocha,” Marco said over the sound of the coffee grinder.

  Lily hesitated. “I want your fresh pour-over regular coffee. I love watching you pour the water in and see it drip through to fill the cup.”

  Marco pointed to the wall.

  “These are the different roasts with the different flavor points. Let me know which one appeals to you.”

  Lily studied the board. “I’ll have the light roast. And I’m paying for all of them.”

  “All right, ladies,” he said. “Go grab your table and I’ll bring your drinks right over.”

  The three women sat down at the table Jude had picked. Jude stared out at the minus tide. The beach was smooth as fine silk. Some early foragers, probably locals, were out digging for clams. Perhaps Ryan was with them, seeing what he could harvest fresh for lunch.

  “That young man has sure done a great job decorating this place,” Kyla said. “The books look new and fresh, and I like the way he has the covers turned out. With the cozy tables, free Internet, and the heavenly aroma of fresh coffee, no wonder this place is always crowded.”

  Lily took out her laptop and put it on the table. The Internet password was on her receipt. “So, ladies,” she said. “We are here on a mission to find out all about Ryan Folger.”

  While they waited for her computer to boot up, Marco arrived with a tray of steaming drinks.

  “Here you go, ladies. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go outside and start setting up the stand for the movie folks. If you need me, just yell.”

  “Go ahead,” Lily said. “We’ll be fine.”

  Jude held her breath, not quite sure she was ready for this. “All right,” she said. “Google away.”

  Kyla watched as Lily opened the browser. “You know, I remember Googling my real name when I was on the run to make sure no one knew where I was. It was a good way to see what people were still saying about me.”

  Lily typed in Ryan’s name. “It’s amazing what you can find out about yourself just by Googling your name. I tried it once. The most exciting thing was my name next to a recipe for our special brownies on Pinterest.”

  “Maybe I should Google mine,” Jude said, “but I’m not sure that there’d be much of interest to find.”

  The others laughed, “Oh, sure there would,” Kyla said.

  Lily hit enter. “All right, let’s see what Chef Ryan Folger has in his past.”

  Jude put her head next to theirs and watched as about a hundred Google search links popped up. She took a sip of her coffee for fortification.

  “Look, and there are images, too. Let’s hit those,” Lily said.

  There were quite a few pictures of Ryan in his black chef coat. Some were from his younger days, where his hair drifted past his shoulders. Jude glanced at the headlines under them.

  “Hottest new chef. Yeah, he was hot,” Kyla said. “Should we click on some of these and see where they take us?”

  Jude bit her lip in anticipation.

  Lily clicked on a picture of a crowded room of beautiful people.

  “Oh,” Kyla said. “I remember this.”

  “What is it?” Jude and Lily leaned over.

  Kyla pointed to a picture. “I remember this scene in front of that famous private club down in San Francisco. It was a few years back. There was this giant scandal about the chef at a grand opening of some fancy restaurant, and how he stepped outside and died right on the sidewalk. They believed it was a drug overdose. He was seizing . . .”

  “Oh, my God,” Jude said. “What does that have to do with Ryan?”

  Kyla read the article aloud. “Famous chef Andrew Wakefield dies on opening night of the trendiest new restaurant in San Francisco. Many celebrity chefs were at the party, including Chef Ryan Folger and his fiancée, Peyton Chandler.”

  They all looked at each other.

  “Peyton Chandler and Ryan were engaged?” Jude said. “I don’t think I want to know more.”

  The room spun. For a moment Jude thought she was going to be sick.

  “It was a few years back,” Kyla said.

  “But still, he could have warned me before she stepped foot on the island.”

  Lily clicked to the next page. “It’s time that you know exactly who he is and what is going on.”

  The article went on to say it was the grand opening of Chef Wakefield’s upscale new restaurant, but all was not bright. There were rumors his cooking show was going to be canceled by the network due to his drug problem. The coroner’s report said he’d had a severe case of pneumonia and a lethal combination of drugs and alcohol in his system.”

  “How sad,” Jude said. “It makes me wonder if Ryan was involved with the drugs, too.”

  “Oh,” Lily said. “I didn’t think of that. That could be why he’s always seemed withdrawn.”

  “I knew there was a secret there. I knew it from the minute I saw him he was on the run,” Kyla said. “Takes one to know, I guess. But I’m sure he’s not on drugs now. I would’ve felt it. I would know.”

  Jude agreed, “I don’t think so either, but I’m certainly going to be asking hi

  Lily clicked on other links, but there was nothing about Ryan and Peyton marrying. In fact, all the articles and pictures of them at red carpet events ended suddenly close to four years ago. There was nothing on Ryan for a while after that until he was mentioned in Seattle, cooking at Land and Sea, and how lucky they were to have a chef of his caliber in their kitchen.

  “Ryan was named the most up and coming chef from Gourmet Cuisine & Spirits that year too, but not much else of interest,” Lily said. “Several high Yelp ratings wherever he was working and that’s about it.”

  The Ryan Folger who had been engaged to Peyton Chandler had just disappeared, basically changed his identity. But why, Jude wondered. Now he was here on Madrona Island. And so was Peyton.

  Chapter Eleven

  Grandpa John sat on his back porch in his favorite rocking chair, gazing out at the sunlit view before him. Summer was always his favorite season on the island. The last time he’d painted these old chairs, Maggie had been beside him, paintbrush in hand. He glanced over at the empty rocking chair and remembered Maggie sitting there, the two of them drinking fresh-squeezed lemonade in the afternoon and laughing. There was always so much laughter with Maggie. Today seem especially quiet without her. Ah, but there was Lily coming up the drive.

  Lily parked her car beside the barn and walked toward him. As she got closer, he noticed her face looked drawn.

  “What’s up, girl?” He asked.

  Maggie had always been so proud of her granddaughter. John wished she could see Lily now, a grown woman, just as beautiful inside as outside, married to his grandson Ian and the mother of sweet little baby Gwyn inside sleeping. Not all the time asleep, he laughed to himself. He was getting used to the crying. Thank goodness Mary came over sometimes and watched the baby. Mary was a wonderful helper, as she’d always been when she’d helped Maggie at the B&B.

  Lily slumped in the empty rocker and looked down at her feet. “I’m worried about, Jude. You know what Google is, right?”

  “I might be old, but you know that saying, I’m not stupid,” John said with a grin. Yes, I know Google. You guys have really had something amazing to grow up with. We were lucky if we owned encyclopedias. My family could hardly afford them. We had to buy them used.”


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