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Devil Hills: #1 Scarlet, Lexi & Lily

Page 16

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Hmm…” Lily murmured and wiggled only a little. She almost giggled shamelessly when he gripped her waist and tossed her to the side. “Hey! So much for the romance…wow…that was amazing.”

  “I had been planning romance,” Jess tossed back from the bathroom between his teeth, the sweet sound of her amusement sending ripples along his spine. He felt his cock give a lurch of approval when he came back to the bedroom.

  Lily was leaning on her elbows, head back and eyes closed. Her toes were painted a bright orange and were curling, a soft, low sound coming from deep in her throat. Her eyes opened slowly when she felt his weight on the bed at her side.

  “I think we both had something hot and sweaty to get out of our system,” Lily admitted with a contented sigh, letting herself fall flat so she could reach up and draw her slim fingers through the hair at the side of his head.

  “You really believe it’s out of our system?” Jess arched one eye brow, groaning softly when her hand trailed down his chest. Warm fingers stroked over his chest.

  “I think it’s going to be a rough Monday without much sleep,” Lily chuckled and pressed him to his back before following her fingers with hot, moist kisses.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Eli woke slowly. He’d followed Lexi into the house and didn’t say much even as she stripped and fell face down on one side of the bed with a welcoming groan. The tanned body barely moved when he slid in next to her and realized she was already asleep. For some reason, he thought there would be talking, at the very least a little shouting and then the hot make-up sex to follow.

  Accepting that she hadn’t gone to one of the two hotels they had in town was enough for now, though and he settled in, sighing thickly when she snuggled against him.


  Eli spent almost an hour going over things he had to do in the morning before he was finally able to sleep.

  A cat, his mind continued to marvel.

  He had a sexy, funny and adorable cat snuggled against him. He’d carried her pack into the house, his grin growing when she took a minute to toss a box of condoms to the nightstand before climbing into bed.

  They hadn’t argued on the way to the house. In fact, she did little else but yawn and he thought she even slipped into sleep before she made it into the house.

  Lexi opened her eyes and pulled her palms from beneath her, stretching them as far as she could reach above her head. She lay face down, not a hint of morning coming through the window.

  Amber lashes narrowed, tiny slits of summer blue taking in the unfamiliar wall she faced. Then she remembered she was in Eli’s bed and faced the huge window looking toward the north. The pane was open just barely half an inch, fresh, crisp air filling her lungs as she pushed her face into the bed.

  Her lips pursed in thought as she leaned up slightly, peering down the length of her body. She looked up to see Eli leaning against the headboard, watching her.

  “You sleep pretty solid, don’t you?”

  Lexi dragged her tongue around her lips, eyes still narrowed at the crooked grin and teasing gleam in his eyes.


  “You don’t remember coming into the house.”

  “Is that a statement or a question?” Lexi cleared her throat. “I was tired.” She paused and shrugged a little. “And I didn’t want to fight with you.”

  “I got that impression,” he returned dryly. “Why did you believe we’d fight?”

  “Hmm...I think the scowl was a dead giveaway,” Lexi murmured, pulling her hands to her head and raking through her hair. She’d seen the clock. It was barely five in the morning. “Why are you awake?”

  “Trying to figure out how I ended up crazy about a cat,” he admitted, sliding lower and letting his palm stroke over her back and onto her behind. “I think it’s that sexy little purr you have.”

  “You cause that,” she murmured, gritting her teeth to keep the mews of approval from breaking free.

  “Hmm…and it won’t happen if you believe we’re going to fight,” Eli chuckled and leaned over her shoulder, his tongue out and trailing toward her throat. “Independent women shouldn’t fear fighting.”

  “I most certainly do not…” Lexi rolled to her side and shoved against his chest, blinking in the darkness and scowling. “You aren’t going to fight,” she said as the revelation swept through her.

  “Were you careful?” He asked casually, grateful for the vision that allowed him to watch the soft, sleep filled feminine form stretched out alongside him. He could see her response in her eyes, his fingers stroking along her jaw, onto her throat and shoulder. He caressed down her arm, twining their fingers and bringing her palm to his lips.

  “We’re always careful,” Lexi answered, swallowing the urge to nuzzle against his palm.

  “It’s difficult to fight the urge to protect someone important to you. It’s part of who we are,” Eli closed his eyes when she moved her palm to the side of his face, fingers curling into his hair and against his scalp. “Full humans have it, too. Or Lily wouldn’t be as protective as she is.”

  “So then why are you awake at barely six in the morning?” Lexi nudged herself a little closer and had the answer brush against her thigh. She almost giggled. Somehow, giggling and purring were going to be her downfall, she just knew it.

  “You don’t remember coming into the house last night, do you, Lexi?” Eli groaned when her palm wrapped around his cock, stroking it from tip to base so slowly he thought he’d bite his tongue.

  “I think we can find lots of other things to do besides bring that up again,” Lexi used her fingernails, letting them traipse lightly along the veins and flesh of his cock.

  “So besides talking in your sleep…” Eli laughed when her body froze, pale lashes rising and their eyes meeting. “Yeah…it’s actually what woke me up.”

  “Do you intend to torture me or embarrass me? Or both?”

  Eli leaned closer, his mouth whispering just above her full, pouting lips.

  “I intend to thank you for going to the drug store.”

  “Oh,” she pressed her palms over his chest and around his neck, wiggling closer. “Now?”

  “In the next few minutes,” he promised before he rolled to his back and took her over him, giving his palms free reign over the softly tanned flesh.

  Light filtered into the room in soft swirls, coming through clouds and a dappling of fall rain. It hadn’t been the promise of morning that brought him awake. The captivating scent of coffee and food had been playing with his dreams. He glanced toward the window, the empty, crumpled blankets telling him he was alone.

  They hadn’t argued the night before. They hadn’t spoken at all once they were alone in the house. Lucas paced for a while after she went straight to the bedroom. He replayed the conversation outside between the six of them and knew that the women had been right. It didn’t ease the concern, but they were right. So how did a guy dig himself out of a hole he digs himself?

  He sighed when he stepped from the shower, a large towel around his waist and another rubbed briskly over his head. He kept hearing Connie’s words asking if he knew what he was doing where Scarlet was concerned and he now had the answer to her comment.

  He didn’t have a clue how to handle what he’d set into play.

  And getting Scarlet to sit down and talk was harder than pulling down a ten point buck on your own, he decided drolly, his boots echoing on the wide stairs. He made it around the archway and saw Connie setting out a plate for him, the cup of steaming liquid drawing his attention before all else.

  “What is this?” He asked after taking a long drink of the dark coffee.

  “A new blend Scarlet ground up this morning. I like it. She says it’s one of the special blends she makes for her bed and breakfast,” Connie watched him take another drink, his head nodding slowly. “It’s the hint of spice but I’m not sure which one.”

  “Where is she?” He hitched the stool over, checked his watch and began eating.r />
  “She went to meet her friends after she finished cooking. I gave her the keys to the Rover,” Connie told him, her lips curling at the expression on his face. “I like her, Lucas. In fact, I haven’t met anyone yet who hasn’t had nice things to say about her. Or her friends,” she paused thoughtfully. “Although, Lily does make a few of them nervous.”

  Lucas laughed, his head shaking. “The scary thing is, it comes natural to her. The weird thing is seeing the subtle changes to Jess because of Lily.” He paused thoughtfully. “They’ve been friends a long time. Maybe sisters in their own right,” he hastily finished the eggs and drained his cup. “I’ve got patients to see and stock to check for Eli. Bye.”

  Connie chuckled as she watched her nephew take off at a light jog, out the door and toward his office. Word of Scarlet returning had shaken up a few people. Word that the other two Daniels’ boys were smitten, had spread much, much faster and upset more than a few women in the area. It was interesting to see, she thought with a chuckle.

  Scarlet stood with Lexi outside the large piece of property that used to be a car dealership. Large plain glass windows, a nice set of double doors and plenty of floor space inside with three acres surrounding it.

  “You think she’s had enough coffee?” Lexi looked over at Lily as she wandered around the property, a large cup of something steaming in one hand and the other out to touch the building, pulling the door open and ignoring the man holding the keys.

  “I have a feeling she didn’t have enough sleep,” Scarlet said with a low chuckle.

  “She can hear you,” Lily said with a little growl. She looked up to see the man with them put a palm in front of his face and cough slightly. “Do you think you could wait outside? I’d like to talk to my friends about this whole scheme of theirs.” She accepted the slight nod and watched his lazy, long legged stride back outside where he leaned against the fender of his car.

  “It is not a scheme. It’s a great idea,” Lexi said firmly, spinning carefully on her boots and taking in the interior. “It’s huge and perfect. Been empty for a little over eighteen months.”

  “Where is your information coming from?” Lily asked, checking the various small offices.

  “Connie…the guy’s aunt. She does cooking and housekeeping for the guys and other clients in the area,” Scarlet explained easily. “This and several other properties belong to the pack and that means we can get them at a really good price. ‘Cause we got connections.”

  “You’re talking like you’re planning to settle down,” Lily looked from one to the other. “Both of you.”

  “What’s wrong, Lily?” Lexi leaned against a large desk left behind, hitching herself to the surface and sitting cross-legged on the surface.

  “Nothing is wrong,” she lied instantly, her voice echoing in the large open space. “I’m not sure this is where I want to be.” She listened to her own words spoken aloud and knew a part of her was calling her a liar so loud her head throbbed.

  “It’s bigger than Morning Star,” Scarlet commented lightly. “Amelia says all her friends travel the two hours to Seattle and other cities over the mountains for nursery products. The local FM carries a lot of stuff, but not the quality you’d carry. I guess I could open a nursery,” she turned away, winking at Lexi with a crooked grin. “Just stock it with good stuff and people buy. Seems simple to me.”

  “You’re not that slick,” Lily said dryly. “I never gave much thought to the home and hearth lines.”

  “I doubt Jess expects you to be Susie homemaker,” Lexi shook her head. “I’ve done a little scouting and they definitely need security and computer help here. Most pay a small fortune to get people to come over the mountains. And yes, I do think Eli is good for me…and believe me, when it comes to royal arguments, I’ve been having them non-stop about why I should be running for the hills.”

  “Did you argue last night?” Scarlet knew Lily had to work out things in her head before she’d talk about them.

  “I fell face down on the bed and didn’t move until morning,” Lexi confided with a laugh.

  “Same here,” Scarlet laughed with her. “I was stealthy this morning. Made breakfast and left before he could decide whether to argue or not. I figure by the time this evening arrives, it’ll be smoothed over. They’re rational once they’re not worried.”

  “Just like we would be,” Lexi nodded with a little grin. Concern flickered in her eyes, her lip pulled between her teeth as she met Scarlet’s gaze. “Not everyone dies, Lily. We’re still alive and friends with you. Maybe that’s the slot Jess fits into, too.”

  Lily Gaines listened to the echo of her boots on the smooth, tiled flooring, striding across the length and staring out into the sunlight coming at them from the east.

  That was the fear that haunted her constantly. She wasn’t sure why it angered her to hear them spoken aloud and she knew the anger was misplaced. She wasn’t even sure she should be angry. Scared. It was easier to be angry than scared, she thought absently, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply.

  “Why aren’t you scared?” Lily asked after several quiet minutes, the voice she heard far from her own.

  “I am,” Lexi answered, shrugging. “Believe me…it’s like trying to stop a bull dozer, though. The feelings you fight but the man…especially since they’re articulate enough to argue about why you shouldn’t question nature,” she rolled her eyes and laughed at the expression Lily turned toward them. “Hey…they’re guys.”

  “Yeah…yeah, they are,” Lily agreed, her smile weak and head shaking. “It’s so powerful…these feelings. He behaves so…like it’s the most natural thing in the world to be together,” she paced across the floor, hands up and dragging through the loose blonde curls. “It’s like he’s surrounded by this…this aura…it’s so strong, so positive…”

  “Not what any of us is used to,” Scarlet acknowledged with a little nod. “I’ll be the first to admit coming back here…is not what I wanted. God, I had such a crush on Lucas when I was a teenager. Then I wanted to hate him. Then I just shoved him out of my head,” she said softly. “At least I thought I did.”

  “Only he came back,” Lexi sighed. “It’s funny how things work out. My car breaks down outside Eli’s house and Lily rides to the rescue…what’s wrong?”

  “You know the local sheriff, Scarlet?” Lily moved toward the double doors, her eyes locked on the dark SUV. “That’s the car,” she shoved the doors open. “Can you smell them?”

  “Coyotes,” Lexi answered instantly, her nose twitching. “Lily!” She hissed out her name as Lily crossed the concrete and stood next to the driver.

  “Hi, guys…looking for someone?” Lily brought her foot up quickly when the man behind the wheel started to push the door open. Her boot struck the door hard.

  “Get out of here, bitch, this doesn’t have anything to do with you,” snarled the young man in the passenger seat. He hitched his head toward the road. “Just go, Curt. We’ll find him on his ranch.”

  Lily pulled her jacket open with a sigh. “How much are those new radials?”

  “We’re not here to cause trouble,” the driver said hastily. “We got a message for Daniels, that’s all.”

  “Which one?” Scarlet stepped up to the passenger side, glad they were in a parking slot and blocked in.

  “Lucas,” he answered when the driver passenger only glared.

  Scarlet held her hand in the window. “I’ll take it and see he gets it.”

  “I got orders…”

  “Do you honestly want to come between Lucas and your boss…” Lily paused effectively, the grin on her face more than a little predatory. “With us in the middle?”

  The two stared at one another before handing over a small sealed envelope.


  “Aww…” Lexi stepped forward, her hand touching the head rest next to the passenger. “Now you’ve hurt my feelings. Is this real leather?” She asked the question and raked freshly unleashed claws o
ver the surface. “Send my message to your boss. He comes near me again and he’ll look like that.” Ice blue eyes held them in place before turning and striding back to the front of the SUV.

  Lily tapped the driver lightly. “Back out and leave town…and you get to keep your shiny new radials,” she said with a wink, taking a step back and raising one eyebrow patiently.

  Scarlet held the envelope, waiting while the large vehicle backed out and headed down the road. She waved the envelope thoughtfully.

  “Guess I could give this to Lucas…” she pulled a corner of her lip between her teeth. She turned the envelope and held it up to the light.

  “Do you think he’d tell us what was in the message?”

  “Do you think it’s right to open other people’s mail?” Lily looked from one to the other.

  “There’s not stamp so it’s not in violation of any federal…” Lexi stopped when the narrowed eyes turned on her. “Well…”

  “I don’t want to be left out of this,” Scarlet returned flatly. “And I know he’ll try and lock me out completely. He wanted me here because of the pack and if I stay, it’s because I’m a partner, not a fixture.”

  Lily dropped her head and exhaled deeply.

  “We need steam. We can open it, read it and give it back,” Lily looked up to the pair of them nodding. “I agree, by the way,” She glanced over her shoulder at the building they’d left. “And I want the building.”

  Lily winced at the excited squeal and braced herself for the launching of Lexi, her hug tight and cheerful.

  “Alright, alright…back-off, cat,” Lily took hold of the taller woman and held her off, ignoring the laughter from Scarlet.

  “It was the sex, wasn’t it?” Lexi asked with a huge grin.

  Scarlet closed her eyes and shook her head. “You never know when to quit, Lex,” she inhaled and winced at the look on Lily’s face.


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