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Along For The Ride (Vamp Tales (A Short Story Series) Book 1)

Page 4

by Melony Paradise

  “Maybe I could show you sometime,” Lynn said, a bit of pink coloring his tanned cheeks.

  “I’d like that,” I said, biting my lip, and holding in a giant grin. Damn, I haven’t gotten this much attention from a guy in… well, ever!

  “You were saying.” Kat tilted her head, smirking at Lynn as he watched me.

  “Uh, yeah,” he said, tearing his gaze away from me, “we have some guys down there with your people, guarding the two entrances. I’ll write down the directions to the outer entrance, which is in the basement of a historic building outside Pioneer Square.” He scribbled on an order pad, ripping the page off and handing it to her.

  “Thank you, Lynn,” Kat murmured. “I wish we could go there now, but it’s almost morning, and Mercy isn’t strong enough to survive the sunlight yet.”

  “I’d be happy to take you there once I finish helping Bull open the bar, or I can have someone ready as soon as night falls.”

  “Would you do that, please? I’ve been separated from my clan for far too long.”

  “No problem,” he said, glancing at me, “I, uh, I’ll set it up. Maybe you can come back and visit, once you’ve settled in underground.”


  “I’d like that,” I said, grinning at Lynn, wishing I weren’t tethered to bitchy Kat.

  “Okay, well, uh, I’ll see you around.” He walked backward to the door, his eyes locked with mine as he fumbled for the knob behind his back. That’s one sexy bear I’d like to snuggle with…

  Chapter 9

  “So, I’m guessing Edgar is your sire.”

  “Yes,” Kat said, nodding her head once, “he is my sire and my lover, so don’t let the blood bond attraction lead you where you shouldn’t go.”

  “That attraction I feel when we touch happens with him too? Fuck me!”

  “There will be no fucking.” Kat stared at me with big eyes, confusing the hell out of me.

  “Are you… joking?”

  “I was, but I suppose I’ve not shown you my humor yet.”

  “Uh, no.” Flopping back on the bed, I pressed the heels of my hands against my tired eyes, remembering their amazing new color. “Tell me about the rest of the clan, please.”

  “Well, Edgar is the head of the Martis clan and is the oldest of us. He has the power of concealment and illusion, as well as some other powers he may or may not share with you. Edgar inherited the clan from Martinus, an ancient Roman warrior. Danielle Rose is our seer, and has the power of sight, receiving visions of past, present, and future events and people. She is quite kind, a bit soft-hearted if you ask me.”

  I snorted before I could stop myself. Stone would be soft-hearted compared to her. Kat narrowed her eyes at me as if she’d heard my thought.

  Turning in her seat, she stretched out on the lounge, her long legs crossing at the ankles, and I couldn’t help but admire the view.

  “Mr. Julius Hartfell is Edgar’s companion and closest friend. He isn’t a vampire, but I’ll leave him as a fun surprise for you.”

  “Intriguing,” I whispered, staring at the rafters, letting my imagination wander.

  “Yes, very. But, you must call him Mr. Julius Hartfell until he says otherwise.”

  “Why?” I peeked at Kat’s profile, my eyes following the lines of her sensual lips, over her delicate chin, and down to her graceful neck.

  “I’m not sure, honestly. It’s always been that way.”

  “How long has he been in the clan?”

  “Oh, ever since he was a young boy in the late 1800’s. Even then, he was a stickler when it came to his name. He allows me to call him Julius, but it took many years before he gave me permission. We each have our own little eccentricities.”

  “So it seems.”

  “And then there’s Benjamin Phillips. He’s been with Edgar longer than the rest of us, and was Edgar’s first fledgling.”

  “Is he, uh, involved with Edgar like you are?”

  “No, their bond is strong, but not sexual. He’s somewhat impulsive, and relies on Edgar to keep him grounded.”

  “Hmm.” My legs hung over the edge of the bed, swinging back and forth, a buzzing energy making me jittery.

  “Would you like to go dancing until sunrise?” Kat sat up, plunking her stiletto heels down in front of her.

  “Yes!” I shot up from the bed, moving faster than I’d ever moved before, the room blurring as I pushed off the bed. “Whoa…”

  “Look at that. Your speed has kicked in.” Kat crossed her arms below her breasts, her lustrous hair cascading over her shoulders as the corner of her mouth curled up. “Be careful you don’t run anyone over. Also, not everyone in the bar is a vampire, so if you feel the hunger you must find me so we can get you a donor. Don’t accidentally coerce any of the shapeshifters, they don’t appreciate that in any way, and be respectful to all vampires since nearly all of them are your elders.”

  “Fine, fine,” I said, bouncing in place. “Let’s go!”

  Wanting to take advantage of Kat’s good mood, I took her outstretched hand and let her lead me down the stairs to the bar. As we walked through the door, the music flowed around me, the soundwaves pulsing through my core.

  As we sidled up to the bar, Kat waved at Bull, grabbing his attention. He leaned forward on his elbows, waiting and watching.

  “What can I get you, ladies?”

  “Two Bloody Mary’s, hold the Mary on hers.” Kat hitched a thumb at me, and I screwed up my face at her cheesy joke.

  “So, Bull,” I said, trying to make conversation, which wasn’t my best skill, “is that your real name?”

  “Naw,” he said, pouring two glasses of blood, adding vodka and a few other ingredients to one, “my real name’s Paul Scott, but I used to charge at my littermates like a bull, so the name stuck.”


  “Werewolf,” he said with a wink, setting the glasses in front of us. “I have six siblings, two of them are out on the dancefloor somewhere. Lazy bastards never actually work when they come here.”

  Saliva started filling my mouth as I reached for my bloody drink. An involuntary snarl rose from my throat as Kat’s hand slammed down on top of my glass, holding it down easily as I tried to pull it to me.

  “Look at me!” She hissed through gnashed teeth, suppressing my hunger through our connection.

  My head turned toward her, unable to resist her command, but my eyes stayed glued to the glass.

  “Look at me, Mercy,” she said, putting all her force into our link, snapping my eyes away from the tempting sweet nectar to look into her glowing violet orbs. “You must control the hunger, don’t let it control you. Drink slowly, taking only small sips. Do you understand?”

  Unable to move, I just stared at her.

  “I’ll restrain your hunger tonight since it’s only your first night as a fledgling vampire. We’ll work on this more when we’re with our clan.”

  The pressure holding me in place loosened enough for me to move, although she hadn’t released my eyes yet. Her hand lifted from the glass, and I slid it to me, carefully lifting it to my lips as she watched.

  With a slow and deep inhale, the intoxicating scent of blood filled my nostrils, flowing through my sinuses and down my throat. I felt the blanket of Kat’s control dampening the hunger, holding in my sanity so I wouldn’t turn into a ravenous beast.

  Tipping the glass ever so slightly, the liquid oozed over my bottom lip, dripping onto my tongue, the flavor bursting over my taste buds, like smooth, creamy caramel from a chocolate bar. My eyelids fluttered as I let the thick fluid coat my entire tongue, pooling in the back of my hot mouth until my throat convulsed, swallowing the exquisite nectar, slowly draining the glass.

  Holding the glass as high as I could, I savored each and every drop, my tongue shooting out to swipe as much as I could from the inside. When I set the glass down on the bar, I realized Kat had released my mind at some point, and now she and Bull were watching me, silent as the poundi
ng metal music drowned out the thudding of my heart. Oh, hey, my heart still works, too. Yay!

  “Why do I have a heartbeat?”

  “When you’ve fed, your heart will function close to normal,” Kat said. “The rest of the time, it slows to one or two beats per minute.”

  “Oh,” I said, peering at the empty glass, “well, that’s… interesting.” Just another thing that makes me different. I sighed and slid the glass to Bull before spinning around on my bar stool, ready to take my mind off this vampire business, at least for a few minutes maybe.

  Kat slid off her stool, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the middle of the writhing horde of creatures, big and small.

  “I don’t know how to dance,” I yelled at Kat, realizing I didn’t need to be so loud with this crowd as several shining eyes turned in my direction.

  “Just let go, Mercy,” Kat whispered, her voice flowing through my mind. “Feel the music. Let your body move and touch those around you. Close your eyes, and just let yourself exist in this moment.”

  Letting my eyelids droop shut—whether by her command or my own, I couldn’t say—I released my consciousness, feeling it expand, allowing it to ebb and flow with the rhythm of the bodies around me. Hands brushed against me, caressing my arms and waist, guiding me to drift through the masses as I savored the connection with all those around me, a connection less direct but nearly as powerful as that which bonded me to my new sire.

  Bodies gyrated, slithering against me in a sensual, but not quite sexual, way. Kat pressed her heated form to mine, circling me like a prowling panther. Sparkling jewel-toned eyes swirled as I spun in place, letting the delicious sensations ride me until darkness began to flood my mind, and Kat pulled me back to our room, tossing me to the bed seconds before sleep took a firm hold on my soul.

  Chapter 10

  “Mercy.” Kat’s silky voice fluttered through my dream, interrupting a very intimate moment with a furry, cuddly Lynn.

  I rolled to my side, pulling the thick duvet around my cold body, burying my head into a plush pillow. Sinking back into Lynn’s snuggly fur, I drifted back to my fantasy, only to groan when bright violet eyes floated in front of me, breaking my concentration on the werebear who surrounded me with the strongest arms I’d ever felt.

  “Mercy, get up. We need to leave soon.”

  “Argh! You interrupted the best dream—”

  “Yes, I could see that.” Kat smirked as I peeked at her with one eye. “Go freshen up. Now.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, tossing the covers away. “Is Lynn taking us to the underground?”

  “I haven’t spoken to him yet,” she said. “We can find out after we’ve fed. You can’t leave here hungry. I don’t know how long we will be underground, or what kind of resources our clan has down there.”

  “Will I have to be strapped into the padded room again?” I asked through the bathroom doorway, combing my hair into place with my fingers. Amazing how my hair is so compliant now, not crazy and unmanageable as before.

  “No, I don’t think that’ll be necessary. You did well at the bar, and I have enough strength to keep your hunger controlled. I’ll have a couple of donors sent up.”

  With a wink at my reflection, I turned and opened the door, giving Kat a genuine smile as I shut it behind me. “That sounds good.” I meandered over and plopped down next to her, getting a brief look of ire that quickly disappeared.

  “Mercy,” she said, sitting down next to me, her back stiff, and her face looking as if she’d eaten something sour, “I wanted to tell you how much I regret having to turn you. I am deeply sor—”

  A phone hanging next to the door rang, the shrill noise piercing my eardrums. Kat practically floated to it, her shoulders slumping, relieved at the interruption. I pursed my lips, wondering if she would finish her apology after the phone call. I do deserve one. She’s been bitchy most of the time I’ve known her, although last night…

  “Are you sure?” Kat’s voice sounded strained, and a little frightened, setting me on edge. “Okay, we’ll go check on her now. Be safe.”

  “Who was that?” I asked, my anxiety edging into my mind. “What’s going on?”

  “The hunters are here. We have to check on Xandrie. Now!” Kat ripped the door open, dashing into the hallway.

  “Wait!” I ran after her, the walls of the corridor and stairwell a blur as we ran at top speed to the queen’s floor. Kat disappeared at the top as she reached the landing before I did.

  When I rushed through the blue hallway, I burst into the queen’s room, bouncing off Kat’s back where she stood just inside, her eyes fixated on the center of the curtained space.

  “What the fuck?” I followed her gaze, gawking at the scene before us.

  There, at the end of the enormous bed, hovered Queen Xandrie, two feet off the platform. In her clawed hand, a man in all black, gear strapped to his arms, legs, and waist, struggled, clutching the queen’s arm, trying to free his neck from her constricting grip. His right hand dropped to where I couldn’t see, yanking a large barreled pistol from his side and shoving it against Xandrie’s chest.

  “No!” Kat screamed, charging forward. A click echoed through the space, halting Kat in her steps as Xandrie’s eyes widened, her head dropping to see what the soldier had in his hand. A loud, muffled pop followed, and Kat spun around, racing at me, tackling me into the hallway as I saw a blinding, neon-blue light crackle in the queen’s chest, spreading across her body like lightning bolts.

  An ear-piercing screech burst from her mouth as her grip severed the man’s head from his body, cracks racing over her face, like the breaking surface of a frozen lake. Kat and I fell to the floor, her foot catching the door, slamming it shut an instant before the neon light flared into a giant, burning blue sun.

  The explosion rocked the door, knocking the sparkly crown off, and Kat snatched me up, pulling me back down the stairs. We ran down to the bar, flying over the steps. Shooting like two cannonballs out of the stairwell, Kat and I stopped in our tracks at the sight of chaos.

  Hunters and supernatural creatures fought, tearing up the place. My eyes bulged as I saw a tiger-man rip the throat out of one hunter, and a massive brown bear— Lynn! —swat another across the dance floor, knocking people over like bowling pins. Bull tossed a hunter over the bar, the body smashing against the upper shelves, crushing bottles as he slid down the mirrored wall, a shard of glass sticking out of his neck.

  “Hutchinson, Bates, Broderick! Search the upper floors!” A large man, wearing the same black clothing and gear as the rest of the hunters, yelled from the stage, several furry bodies lying slumped and broken behind him.

  Bull rushed to us, his chest heaving. “You need to leave!”

  “But, we can’t leave you like this—”

  “Go! Now!” He pushed us back towards the stairwell. “We’ll handle this!”

  Before I knew it, Kat had my hand, yanking me back to the stairs. I glanced around at the madness, spotting three hunters close behind us, angry, determined looks on their faces. I followed Kat as we took the stairs, four at a time.

  “Can we fade?”

  “Not yet!”

  Why the fuck not? Why won’t she just get us the fuck out of here?

  Reaching the top landing, Kat roared as she smashed through the metal door, crumpling it as if it were cardboard. Sliding to a stop a few feet out, I bent over to catch my breath, a wave of nausea hitting me with the edge of hunger itching at the back of my brain.

  “What about the bar?” I watched Kat turn this way and that, her violet eyes wild and glowing.

  “The bar will be fine. It’s only temporary. Bull moves it around randomly so this kind of thing doesn’t happen.”

  “So, how did it happen now? And, who the hell are the hunters?” How many times do I have to ask this same fucking question?

  “They’re hired guns. They work for Rowena King.” Kat began pacing and gnawing on her fingernail.

  “Who’s Rowena—�
� I jolted up, and Kat spun around, to face the large hunter from the stage.

  “Michael,” Kat hissed, dropping into a defensive stance.

  “It’s Commander Anderle to you, bitch.” He dove from the open door to a large heating unit a few yards away, his body rolling out of sight.

  Kat shoved me around the side of the roof access structure. She flattened her body against the concrete wall, and I followed suit. Peeking around the corner, she jumped back as a bullet whizzed past. Her hand began to glow orange, and I gaped as flickers of flame danced around her fingers.

  “You’re on fire…”

  “Quiet!” Kat hissed, raising her hand to her waist as she inched back to the corner.

  With enhanced speed, her hand shot out, the flame turning into a ball of fire as it flew out of my sight. A clattering sound echoed through the air as Kat slammed her body back against the wall.

  “Stay here!” Kat said under her breath.

  I nodded rapidly, chewing my bottom lip. Scooting over, I took her place, watching her dash out between the door and the heating unit.

  Kat thrust both hands forward, engulfed in flames. Smothering a squeak, I flinched as a small lava bomb dropped from the sky. The brief illumination exposed Michael jumping out of the way, landing near the roof’s edge.

  Spinning around, he yanked a short-barreled rifle from his back. A loud boom reverberated as a strange line shot out, heading for Kat. Her form faded from sight as movement in the doorway caught my attention.

  With a strangled cry, I tried to give warning. In the light of the stairwell, a black wire strung between two metal balls flew past my eyes, cutting the air. I flew backward as Kat collided with me, knocking me to the roof.

  Unable to look away, I watched as the wire sliced through the first man I’d been attracted to in years. Bile rose in my throat. A scream worked its way to my lips as Lynn stood in the lit stairwell. Stuck between man and bear, eyes wide with shock, the upper half of Lynn’s body slid to the side, falling to the landing floor. His knees gave way and his lower body buckled, dropping the opposite way.


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