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by John Evans


  The Adventures Of Pervikar: Volume One

  John Evans

  Uruk Press

  Great Britain

  © John Evans 2013

  All rights reserved.

  The right of John Evans to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Cover by Jason Barton

  Prologue: Origins

  Chapter 1: Serving Baron Cedric

  Chapter 2: The Dance Of Their Lives

  Chapter 3: Justice And Reward

  Chapter 4: Per Sets Out

  Chapter 5: Dorthea

  Chapter 6: A Fellow Adventurer

  Chapter 7: Queen Of The Orcs

  Chapter 8: The Erotic Elf And The Ogling Orc

  Chapter 9: Amongst The Burgassi

  Chapter 10: A Scaly Adversary

  Chapter 11: The Temple Of Adelpha

  Chapter 12: Companions On The Road

  Chapter 13: Rest And Recuperation

  Chapter 14: An Experiment In Lust

  Chapter 15: The Haunted Manor

  Chapter 16: Laying Old Ghosts To Rest

  Chapter 17: Unfinished Business

  Chapter 18: Journey’s End

  Prologue: Origins

  Pervikar was born on a remote farm outside the town of Dosser and his beginning in this world was not exactly kind. When the midwife got a good look at his violet eyes and green hair, she let out a scream and dropped him on the floor. The blanket cushioned the fall, but the babe started squawking. The ranger scooped up the crying baby and put him in the arms of his mother, seventeen-year-old Karina Devon. With coaxes, threats and finally a large bribe, Tenan calmed down the midwife and sent her on her way.

  “You know she’s on her way to tell to the whole village about the demon that was just born,” sighed Tenan as he watched from the open door as the midwife scurried away. “The two men I brought to help you work the farm know the truth and will stay. I also know what the villagers will do when they hear of this. I’m going to have to go and talk with the elders.”

  Closing the door, Tenan turned around to look at Karina, laying on the birthing bed. Despite the hard labor, Karina looked like she was ready to get up and start in on her chores. Big-hipped and big-busted with her ash-blond hair plastered down with sweat, Karina put out the image of strength and vitality. Sitting up, she cradled the baby and pulled open her robe exposing her large right breast. Instinctively, the baby clamped right down on the nipple and started sucking, like a man dying of thirst who has just been given water.

  “Oh! I didn’t know he’d be this strong.” exclaimed Karina, startled by the baby’s strength.

  “Just wait until he gets older,” said Tenan, smiling. “What is his name?”

  “Pervikar Devon,” she replied. “You'd better get going. We’ll be fine here.”

  Karina watched Tenan leave, knowing that he would stop to tell Rolph and Dagmar what has happened so that they would guard the house. Daydreaming, Karina thought back to the events that brought her here today.

  * * * * *

  Ten months ago, Karina worked and lived on a large farm in the neighboring kingdom. It would take her almost a month to travel back to that farm on horseback. Employed as an apprentice to a herbalist, she had been sent many times into the nearby fields and forests to gather plants. One day, while looking for a rare plant, Karina strayed too far away and ran right into trouble. Before she had time to scream, the four goblins tackled her and gagged her.

  Tying her hands behind her, the goblins dragged her deeper into the forest toward the mountains. Karina soon realized that these four goblins were scouts out to gather information about the surrounding countryside for their tribe. The goblins only removed her gag to feed her and give her water. Karina tried to scream the first time they removed it, but a blow to the head and no food or water that day taught her the futility of that.

  Several days passed and, as the mountains got closer, the goblins began to relax. The forest had stopped being the woods she had known and was now the wild wilderness, dark and foreboding. Now, at the base of the mountains, the goblins seemed more at ease and on their familiar territory. Karina caught the goblins eyeing her lush body instead of concentrating on their surroundings. She was certain that, at the end of the day, they would all take turns raping her. As the sun descended and Karina’s dread increased, they reached the forest edge and the beginning of the mountain range. The goblins had started to argue among themselves.

  “Probably over who takes me first,” thought Karina, frightened by the thought. She gasped when a shadow moved over her.

  Suddenly, a huge shape appeared in front of all of them. Karina, trying to scream through the gag, backed up, and tripped over a root knocking her to the ground. Since her arms were still tied, she could not catch herself and her breath was knocked out of her by the hard fall. The four goblins froze in shock as a nine foot tall, yellow-skinned, green-haired ogre in studded leather armor stepped forward.

  Before the goblins could even react, the ogre grabbed one by the throat with his left hand and swung his club around to smash the head of another. Brain and blood splattered everywhere as the goblin's head turned to pulp. Karina watched as the ogre, with negligent ease, crushed the goblin’s throat with his left hand as his club caught another in the chest. The last goblin, finally shaking off his shock, turned to run but was hit at the base of his skull by the club, which tore his head off and sent it flying into the forest. To Karina, the fight seemed to last no more than a second or two.

  Looking around quickly, the ogre searched the bodies and then dragged them off the trail into the forest. Karina remembered trying to scream as the ogre walked toward her with the bloody club in his hand. Grasping her roughly, the ogre pulled her up off the ground.

  “Quiet. Me help,” came the gravely, raspy voice.

  Karina stopped her struggle, startled that the ogre was talking to her. Setting her down, the ogre pulled a knife from one of the scabbards he had taken off the goblins and cut her bonds. Karina gasped at the pain of being released.

  “Quiet,” commanded the ogre handing her the knife and scabbard. “Come.”

  Karina pulled off her gag as she followed the ogre, not knowing her fate, but certain that she would die in the forest without him. The ogre set off at a brutal pace, eager to be away from the killing site. Even at five-foot ten-inches tall, Karina could not match the stride of the nine-foot ogre. Finally, she crashed to the ground in sheer exhaustion, gasping for breath and unable to rise. Karina was dimly aware of the ogre trying to prod her to get up, but she couldn't move. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted up and cradled in the ogre’s arms.

  “Funny,” she thought groggily as she rapped on the ogre's chest. “His arms and chest feel as hard as bricks.”

  Exhausted beyond comprehension, Karina fell asleep. Her consciousness slowly came back from the dark abyss of oblivion as she heard birds singing and felt the sun shining on her face. Then, the events with the goblins hit her like a bucket of cold water and she sat up suddenly, only to find herself staring at the broad back of the ogre who was sitting ten feet away. Looking around, Karina found that she was sleeping on a pine bough bed covered with a blanket. Before she could move, the ogre slowly turned around to face her.

  “How long have I slept?” she asked, only to get a look of incomprehension.

  “Sleep… Me?” Karina asked again putting her hands together like a pillow and putting her head down on them as if sleeping.

  “Moon,” the ogre rasped, with an arm gesture like half of a circle. “Sun,” with another arm gesture for a quarter circle.

  “A day and a half,” thought Karina. "Carry. Me?” she asked holding her a
rms in a cradle and the pointing to herself.

  “Moon,” with the half circle. “Sun,” with one eighth of a circle.

  “By the Gods! He carried me all night long and half the morning!” Karina thought. “His strength is phenomenal.”

  “Our language… How?” questioned Karina, pointing to her mouth.

  The ogre reached into his pouch and pulled out a couple strips of dried meat. He handed them to her along with the water bag.

  “This is not going to work,” she thought, chewing on the meat and standing up. “I wonder how hard it is to learn ogre. I still have to know what his plans are for me.”

  “Where?” she asked as she mimicked walking and pointed in many directions. The ogre stood and pointed to the northwest.

  “Friend,” growled the gravely voice.

  “How long?” with an answering look of puzzlement on the ogre’s face. “Sun?” The ogre's answer was a shrug of his shoulders. He then picked up their belongings and started off down the trail into the forest. Karina followed and then tapped the ogre on the arm.

  As the ogre looked at her, she pointed to herself and said, “Karina.” The resulting growl sounded like “Arenna” but it was close enough for a start.

  Karina spent the rest of the day picking up items off the ground and coaxing words out of the ogre. After a couple of hours, the ogre caught on that she was trying to learn his language. He would point out things and have her repeat the words over and over again until she got the correct guttural growl. By the end of the day, Karina’s throat was raw and her jaw felt like it had been dislocated.

  After a couple of days, still heading northwest and away from the mountains, Karina had learned a lot of the language and had discovered aspects of ogre society. Though low in intelligence - any type of mathematics confused and irritated an ogre (and you don’t want an irritated ogre beside you) - she found that the ogres had an instinctive understanding of nature. The language was easy to learn, being limited but brutal in its intent. The problem was all the variations on plant and animal life.

  Five days after being freed from the goblins, Karina was walking behind the ogre following a game trail when a gust of wind blew up the ravine behind her and billowed her skirt out in front of her. The forest was still primal and wild to Karina, but it had lost that air of danger and menace. The air carried the promise of a warm summer day and the rich, earthy smell of the woods. The ogre stopped, turned around, and lumbered back to her. Karina, unsure of what was going on, stood still as the ogre bent down. She wondered what was happening as he sniffed her right shoulder and then her left.

  (Your irata is here. Come,) rumbled the ogre in his language, leading her down the trail again.

  Karina, baffled, followed the ogre. She had learned not to ask questions, but to conserve her strength for walking. However, she did notice the ogre was searching more intently than usual as if he was looking for something special.

  Several hours passed before the ogre stopped at a small clearing. The clearing was lit by the sunlight and had a stream at the far side. A tree had fallen across the stream creating a clear blue pool to form. The ogre went around the entire clearing, checking the ground, touching the trees and even checking the depth of the pool.

  (We will camp. Stay here,) intoned the ogre. (I will hunt.)

  Karina shook her head. This was the first time the ogre had stopped to camp while there was still a couple of hours left of daylight. “I guess he needs to hunt for food,” she thought as the ogre moved off into the woods. Karina spent the next couple of hours setting up the camp. She filled the waterskins and made a fire, preparing for the ogre’s return.

  At dusk, the ogre came back with a killed deer that he had skinned and gutted. Hanging the carcass from a tree bough, he cut off a leg and walked towards Karina holding it in both hands.

  (I bring meat. Do you take?) asked the ogre with a strange kind of formality.

  (Yes,) replied Karina, still uncertain of what was going on.

  The ogre spitted the leg and began to cook it over the fire. Unlike other dinners, where the ogre taught Karina his language, this dinner was served silently. At its end, the ogre looked up to the sky. Karina, following his gaze, saw a full moon rising over the treetops. The ogre then stood and put out the fire.

  (Come,) commanded the ogre.

  Karina followed him to the center of the clearing and looked around. She could see the entire clearing and the pool bathed in the bluish-gray moonlight. The ogre then led her over to the pool.

  (Come. In,) rumbled the ogre.

  The ogre then turned his back on Karina to face the pool. He took off his weapons, armor and loincloth and walked naked into the pool. Karina froze, her mind awhirl, uncertain of what to do.

  (In. In,) insisted the ogre in a strangely gentle growl.

  “He’s had five days to kill or hurt me,” she thought, shaking her head clear. “Everything he has done has been to help me so far. I can’t begin to doubt him now.”

  Karina kicked off her boots and started to unfasten her skirt. The ogre, seeing her start to undress, turned around and began splashing water over himself. Karina took off her skirt, blouse, and undergarments. Now naked, Karina self-consciously looked at the ogre and saw that he was more interested in bathing than in her. Karina plucked up her courage and waded into the pool, gasping as the cold water hit her skin.

  “By the Gods, I thought I’d never be clean again,” she thought as she dove underwater. “I feel like I’ve been reborn.”

  Standing up, Karina felt the cool night air harden her nipples. Bending over, she washed out her long blond hair before flipping it behind her to slap against her back. Karina splashed water against her body and began rubbing off the accumulated dirt. Clean at last, she leaned back in the pool to float. Lost in the sensations, she closed her eyes and drifted.

  Unexpectedly, her head bumped into something hard. Karina's eyes flew open and she found herself staring up the torso of the ogre, who was staring down at her. Startled, Karina sank and inhaled a mouthful of water. Choking and gasping, Karina felt the ogre pick her up and carry her out of the pool. He took her over to the blankets where he set her down. The ogre then stepped back and squatted on his heels as she caught her breath. Karina, finally able to breathe, looked over to the ogre and said, (Thank you.)

  (Your irata is here. I brought meat. We are cleansed. You take me as Shappa?) rumbled the ogre as he stood with his arms and legs spread wide apart.

  Karina stared wide-eyed at the huge erection jutting out between the ogre’s legs. All she could do was stare at his cock, which was pointing straight at her. “By the Gods!” she thought as she continued to stare.

  A rumbling boom broke through her fascination, (You take me as Shappa?)

  Insight flashed in her mind as Karina looked up into the ogre’s violet eyes.

  (You take me as Shappa? Yes? No?)

  “He’s asking me if I choose him to be my mate,” she thought as her mind raced. “Animals in nature don’t force themselves on one another. He’s asking me to choose. The whole day has been a ritual. I do care for him and owe him more than I can repay.”

  Karina was not a stranger to sex. Working on a farm she had seen the animals fucking and, when she blossomed at age fifteen, she and a farm boy she had a crush on, went to the hayloft several times to complete her education. Looking up into the ogre’s eyes again, Karina quit wavering and decided.

  (Me take you how?) she asked, wanting to complete the ritual.

  Karina could almost swear that the ogre smiled and puffed out his chest as he looked straight ahead.

  (Grab Ahhspah. Say - Me Take You. Me name,) stated the ogre.


  The ogre did not move except to look down at his hard penis sticking straight out. He then looked up again staring out into space. Karina stood up, breathless, weak-kneed and trembling. “I don’t know if I’m excited or terrified. Probably both,” she thought as she approached the ogre.

bsp; Reaching out with both hands, Karina grasped the huge erection and pointed it upward as she snuggled close, trapping his cock between their two bodies. Her fingers couldn't circle the circumference of his cock and she guessed she would need another pair of hands to grip its entire length.

  (Me take you,) she said.


  “That’s his name,” thought Karina.

  (Me take you, Pervigar.)

  Pervigar dropped his rigid pose and now appeared to be confused.

  “He knows what to do with an ogress,but not with a human,” thought Karina. “I’m going to have to be very, very careful of his strength.” Letting go of his cock, Karina grabbed his hand and took him over to the blankets. (Come. Lie down. I show,) she told him.

  Pervigar laid down, face up, on the blankets. Karina knelt down beside him and began rubbing his chest and stomach. His rock-hard muscles rippled under her touch. Karina felt her skin flush and become hot as her hands moved further down his body. She could feel the moisture seep into her cunt and her pussy lips engorge. Karina ran a hand up his inner thigh and gently cupped his balls. His sack was heavy, low-hanging and each testicle felt bigger than an egg. A growl of approval arose from Pervigar’s throat as his legs instinctively widened to allow her better access. Moving her hand up from his balls, Karina grasped the base of his cock and pointed it straight up toward the sky.

  His cock was a full fifteen inches long, about three inches in diameter and as hard as the muscles of his chest and arms. Karina stared at it as her hands began to pump it up and down. Pre-cum oozed out of the tip and down its shaft making it slick and slippery. This evoked another growl from Pervigar and caused his hips to arch upward. His seminal fluids oozed continuously from its tip coating his whole erection. Karina smiled from the pleasure she was giving him and impulsively leaned forward to plant soft kisses on its tip.

  As she leaned forward, Karina felt one of Pervigar's hands touch her gently between the shoulder blades. She shivered as she felt it glide over her back, sending chills up her spine. His hand slowly moved down her back and she then felt each large finger slide between her asscheeks. Gulping hard, Karina concentrated on pumping Pervigar's cock and brought it over towards her face to start licking its head and shaft.


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