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Page 6

by John Evans

  “Then let us begin.”

  The dance went badly. The girls fumbled as they tried to pick pieces off each other's costume. Melinar stumbled into Nyrandurril and almost knocked her off the table. Nyrandurril pinched Melinar's nipple painfully when she tried to pull one of the silk patches from Melinar's halter top. Finally, both women were stripped down to the frames.

  “This was a new low. You two dance like sluts,” Cedric berated them angrily. “For such a poor performance, your service is extended one month. You two will do this again tomorrow and there had better be improvement. Now, get out!"

  “Milord?" asked Melinar, timidly.


  “We would do better if we could practice. Would you please allow us to practice tomorrow during the day? All we need is someone to beat out the rhythm for us.”

  Cedric walked around the room, apparently thinking about it. The girls stood still on the table, staring at the floor.

  “I agree, but first you two will need to move into the same room,” stated Cedric. “Do this tonight and then come here tomorrow after breakfast. You can practice then.”

  Nyrandurril and Melinar got dressed and left. Per watched Cedric walk over to the bellpull and summoned a guard.

  “Go get Per, the ogre,” he told the guard.

  Per almost panicked. He quickly and quietly slipped through the door and raced down the corridor to his room. He barely had time to strip and muss the bed before the guard knocked on the door. At the summons, Per redressed and followed the guard to the audience chamber.

  “Per, can you do this?" asked Cedric, as Per entered the room. Cedric then began to beat out the rhythm of the music that they had been playing earlier.

  “Uh-huh,” Per grunted affirmatively.

  “Do so.”

  Per took the drum and beat out the time to the music. He made one or two mistakes, which Cedric corrected, but soon he had it down pat.

  “Good,” stated Cedric. “Come here. Tomorrow. After breakfast. Play for two girls. No touch girls. Understand?"


  “Good. After breakfast. Only play drum.”

  “He still thinks I'm an idiot,” thought Per after leaving Cedric. “That's it! He wants me to play! He thinks I'm too stupid to tell anyone and, if I did, they would not believe me.”

  The next morning after breakfast, Per went to the audience chamber as ordered. The two girls showed up shortly afterwards and Per shot them a warning glance before they could say anything. Melinar and Nyrandurril stayed quiet and moved to the other side of the room. Cedric then walked into the room, followed by a servant carrying a tray, which held a stirrup cup and a pewter pitcher. He was dressed for hunting.

  “Ah, we're all here," he said pouring red wine into the cup. “You girls will practice today and Per will play for you. Melinar, since I won't be here at midday, you won't have to bring me my wine. However, I would be remiss if I didn't let you taste it first.”

  With that, Cedric pulled a small silver cup out of his pocket. Per felt his anger rise and quickly damped it down. Cedric poured the wine into the small cup and handed it to Melinar. She took the cup and drank it in one swig.

  “Not so fast, my dear. Wine should be sipped, not guzzled,” admonished Cedric. “I think this is a perfect vintage. Don't you think so?"

  After a second's delay, Melinar replied, “Yes, milord. The best I've tasted.”

  “Good,” he stated. “Nyrandurril, I want my wine before dinner as usual. Don't worry about Per, he is only here to help you practice.”

  Cedric then spun around and left with the servant. Per walked over to the windows, which looked out over the courtyard. There he saw Cedric enter the courtyard, mount his horse, and leave with Felinor and a few guards.

  “He's gone,” Per said, turning away from the window. “And he has taken Felinor with him. Are you okay, Melinar?"

  “Don't worry. It couldn't be helped,” she replied. “I think I'm still a cup or two behind Nyran.”

  “He keeps talking to me,” said Nyrandurril. “I cannot talk with my mouth full. I do not know what to do.”

  “Nyrandurril, try taking his wine when he is busy,” said Per after a couple of seconds of thought. “Try to catch him when he changing clothes, meeting guests, anything that will make him want to get rid of you as fast as possible. Try bringing the wine at the very last second before dinner.” Per snapped his fingers. “Wait a minute. What if you two didn't dance well? That could buy us a couple of day’s time. He would postpone the dance for the guests.”

  “No, Per.” said Nyrandurril. “The dance is starting to become secondary. If we dance poorly, the Baron will cover the flaws with some other barbarity. We have to practice.”

  The girls went behind the screen but soon came out again. It seemed that the Baron did not leave the costumes lying around during the day. Melinar shrugged, kicked off her shoes and got up on the table, soon to be followed by Nyrandurril. Per sat on the floor with the drum and began to play the beat. Melinar began to sway to the beat but Nyrandurril stood still. Per stopped playing.

  “What is wrong?" he asked.

  “I was taught to dance by my mother. She is an elf and taught me to dance to the melody, not the beat. I... I am not sure how to dance to the beat,” Nyrandurril replied.

  “Per, start again,” directed Melinar. “Nyran, close your eyes. The beat of the music is like the beat of your heart. You have been moving in time to it for years.”

  Per played while Melinar taught Nyrandurril to dance. Soon both girls were moving together with the beat. Melinar started to embellish their movements, telling Nyrandurril that they had to pretend that they are wearing the costumes. Per could see that they were dancing better but then Nyrandurril brushed Melinar's breast with her hand while pretending to reach for a silk piece. Nyrandurril, blushing furiously, snatched her hand back and almost fell off the table.

  “What happened?" asked Melinar, confused by Nyrandurril's sudden stop.

  “I am sorry,” replied Nyrandurril, ashamedly. “I have never touched another woman there. I am afraid that I am a bit naive in these matters.”

  “You're a virgin?" asked Melinar.

  “Yes, but not by choice,” she replied. “Per, do remember what the Baron called my face. Heart-stopping beautiful. I have gone out with boys, but they were so tongue-tied and mesmerized by my face that all they could do was stare at me. No boy asked for a second date. One told me he would rather date a real girl. He told me I was an ice princess.”

  Melinar walked over to Nyrandurril and hugged her. “I'm sorry to hear that,” she said softly, moving them over to sit on the edge of the table. “I found out early that all people are sexual by nature. I didn't suppress it with one or two boys and got the name of slut… Willing to sleep with anyone. That part was not true. Once tagged with a name, it almost never goes away. Oh, by the way, Per is also a virgin and he really likes your dancing.”

  “Melinar!" shouted Per, jumping to his feet.

  “Oh, quiet down,” she said. “We're sharing secrets here and there is no reason to hide yours. Besides, you did like her dancing, didn't you?"

  “Yes and yours, too,” He answered, huffily.

  “He's such a sweet boy,” said Melinar, smiling. “I believe that all people are sexual beings. There is nothing wrong with sex as long as everyone is willing and no one gets hurt. I had a married man pursue me but I wouldn't make love to him because it would hurt his wife. Of course, if his wife was going to join in....”

  “Melinar!" cried a shocked Nyrandurril.

  “Relax. I wouldn't have anyway. He was bald, fat and had chronic bad breath. Alright, you two novices, let's get back to work.”

  Saying that, Melinar slid off the table pulling Nyrandurril after her. “Okay. Per, pay attention. This is as much for you as it is for Nyran. When you are making love to someone, use all five of your senses, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Look at your partner and see their reaction to what you a
re doing. Listen to them. Listen for breathing, moans, sighs and other sounds that tell you what they feel. Smell, this applies to both you and your lover. If you smell bad, take a bath! You will be able to smell when your lover gets aroused. Taste. I think that is self-explanatory. Touch. Most people don't know how to touch or caress. Nyran, you're afraid to touch me because it's new and you were probably taught that it was taboo. Here, take my arm. I want you to touch it and rub your hands up and down it. Per, come here. I want you to do the same to my other arm.”

  Melinar taught them how to touch: the gentle brush of the knee, a stroke of the upper arm, the caress of fingertips against a cheek. They switched off, touching each other, feeling the difference between their skins. Melinar then moved over to Nyrandurril.

  “Give me your hands,” she requested.

  Nyrandurril brought her hands up and Melinar turned them so that her palms were facing her. Melinar then pulled both hands to her large breasts. Per could only stare open-mouthed as Nyrandurril froze.

  “Nyran, we won't be able to get the silk pieces out of the frames without touching each other,” said Melinar, matter-of-factly. “We might as well get it out of the way now. Don't be afraid of your body. I want you to feel them, the weight, the softness, so you won't freeze tonight. Per? Per! Stick your eyes back in your head and please get us some lunch.”

  Per hurried to the kitchen in a daze, a multitude of emotions playing within him. He was shocked at what Melinar did. Excited to be sure, hurt because she sent him away, and in a rush to get back.

  When Per re-entered the room, both girls were seated at the table. Melinar was composed, but Nyrandurril was blushing and could not meet his eyes. Both girls were smiling, though. They quickly ate lunch and then Melinar and Nyrandurril got back up onto the table and continued to practice their dance. Per beat out the rhythm on the drum and saw that the girls’ dance now complimented each other. Nyrandurril and Melinar brushed against each other's breasts and ass two or three times, but, except for the fact that Nyrandurril blushed each time, neither one froze. They practiced for an additional two hours and then stopped.

  “We need to wash up and get ready for tonight,” said Melinar. “I'm feeling a little woozy right now."

  “Are you okay doing this?" asked Per. “We can leave if you aren't and hide in the woods.”

  “No, Per. We can not,” said Nyrandurril, sadly. “We still have time and must give Tenan every chance. If we leave, we will become fugitives under the law. The Baron will send people out to hunt us down. If we do not stop him, he will continue to do this to others.”

  “I'm afraid of what the drug is doing to you,” Per said.

  “Don't worry, Per. It is not affecting us yet.”

  Per stood up and walked to the windows. Turning sharply, he commanded, “Undress!"

  Melinar immediately reached for her blouse buttons and undid two of them before she stopped. Nyrandurril started unlacing her skirt before she too stopped.

  “The drug is affecting you,” Per said. “If you had drunk it every time, I think both of you would have been stark naked by now.”

  “But, Per, we can't stop now,” said Melinar, rebuttoning her buttons.

  The three of them left the audience chamber to get ready for supper. Cedric and his guests came back shortly before dinner, loaded with game they had killed. After supper, Georg, the steward, stopped Per.

  “You've had a pretty easy day," Georg said, with a bite to his words. “Too bad you're going to have a bad night. One of the merchant's wagons came in late because of a lame horse. Since you have had the day off, you are going to unload it before you go to bed. See to it.”

  So Per spent the next couple of hours unloading the wagon and putting the supplies away. By the time he had finished, he knew it was too late to go to the gallery. The next morning, Per saw Nyrandurril and Melinar at breakfast.

  “I didn't have to drink,” said Nyrandurril. “The Baron was in such a rush to get ready for dinner that he dismissed me right away. Do you think the dance went well? I think...”

  Nyrandurril fell silent as other people came over and sat at their table. The rest of the meal was eaten in silence. Per left the table when he had finished and went to the audience chamber. Without knocking, he opened the door and walked in on Cedric and two men he had not seen before.

  “Business is going good, but we need fresh blood if…,” said one of the men before he broke off to stare at Per.

  “What are you doing here?" asked Cedric, angrily.

  “Uhh, practice,” answered Per stupidly.

  “There is no practice today. Go to the fields! Go!" yelled Cedric.

  Per left the audience chamber and went to work in the fields. He came back with the others for supper to find Nyrandurril and Melinar sat alone at a table. Per went over and joined them.

  “It is good to see you, Per,” said Nyrandurril. “Neither of us drank any of the wine today. We talked it over and decided that we are going through with tonight. I know what tonight is. We agree that if Tenan is not here in the morning, we will run away to the woods. Do you think that is right?"

  “No, I don't. I think we should leave now.”

  “Per, if we leave now, the Baron will brand us as fugitives,” replied Melinar. “We will be painted as runaway servants fleeing their lawful duty to their lord. At that point, our battle will become impossible to win. It will be us who are punished, not the Baron; we will spend months in a prison until it comes to trial and then we will be fund guilty. No local judge will go against the Baron. We are going to give your stepfather twelve more hours.”

  Nyrandurril reached over and took Per's hand. “Per, you are a good friend,” she said. “I am scared, but I can go through with tonight as long as I know you will be in the gallery to protect us, just as you have been every night. I want you to be there for us tonight, but you have to promise not to come down unless the Baron or Felinor try something.”

  “I promise,” said Per, looking at her pleading eyes to ashamed to tell her of the one night he was not there.

  Per left the girls and went to the forge. Scavenging around, he found a four foot iron rod. “Not the best weapon, but at least it is something. I can use this to protect the girls if I have to,” he thought.

  He went to the gallery and hid in the shadows. Melinar and Nyrandurril came into the room, and went behind the screen to change. They presently came out in costume and climbed up onto the table. Cedric and Felinor soon entered the room, laughing and joking. Without a word or a single glance at the girls, they brought out the lute and drum, took their seats and began to play.

  Per watched the girls dance. No fumbling or bumping this time, their movements were fluid and graceful. Melinar and Nyrandurril slowly peeled each other's gauze off, draping it across arms, legs, breasts and faces. The dance became more erotic and Per's cock twitched to life in his pants. The girls rarely touched one another, except with the gauze strips. Finally, they removed the silk pieces, leaving them naked except for the halter and bottom frames.

  Cedric stopped playing and said, “Excellent. I want you two to remove the other's garments, then kneel facing each other.”

  When the girls had complied, he said, “Now I want you to touch and caress each other all over.”

  The silence was heavy in the room until Nyrandurril reached out to stroke Melinar's cheek. Per heard Cedric and Felinor breath in sharply before letting out in a sigh. Melinar reached out and started stroking up and down Nyrandurril's arms. Per watched as the girls touched and caressed each other's face, arms and shoulders. He was having trouble controlling his breathing and his cock was as hard as steel.

  “I said touch all over,” stated Cedric, his eyes riveted on the girls.

  Melinar grasped both of Nyrandurril's hands and bring them up to her face. Bowing her head, Melinar plants a soft kiss on the palm of both hands and then places them on each of her tits. Nyrandurril, staring at her hands, begins to move them in small circles, plying the
soft flesh underneath them. Melinar's breathing increases as Nyrandurril rubbed her fingertips over Melinar's hard nipples and caresses the underside of those large breasts.

  Melinar reached her hands to Nyrandurril's breasts. After squeezing the small globes, she tweaked both of Nyrandurril's nipples between her fingers and thumbs then began to pinch and roll the nipples. A moan escaped Nyrandurril's lips. Melinar scooted closer and soon the girls are caressing each other all over, touching backs and buttocks, stroking breasts and shoulders. Their breathing has heavier, as was that of Cedric and Felinor.

  Melinar reached for Nyrandurril's right hand then pressed it against her stomach and pushed it down between her legs. She then placed her hand over Nyrandurril's. “Yes. Follow my hand,” she whispered huskily. “You feel that... uh... nub? Oh, yes! Stroke it just like... that. Oh... mmmhhhh... yes, right there. Little circles. Gods, I'm so wet!"

  Melinar took her free hand and guided it right between Nyrandurril's legs. Nyrandurril stiffened like she had been hit by lightning bolt. Per could see Melinar's hand moving back and forth over her swollen pussy. Nyrandurril was soon gasping for breath and her body shook. Per's cock was so hard it was becoming painful.

  “Milord, she is a virgin,” gasped Melinar.

  “Don't break her maidenhead. It's your death if you do," warned Cedric, half rising out of his chair.

  Per smelled the heavy, musty scent of the girls’ sex in the air. Melinar and Nyrandurril were writhing and moaning as each one fingered the other's pussy. Nyrandurril had to use one hand for support, but Melinar could reach out with her free hand to pinch and squeeze Nyrandurril's nipples and breasts. At one point, Melinar stuck her index finger in her mouth, sucked it in and out a couple of times, and then placed it in Nyrandurril's mouth. Nyrandurril, her eyes closed, clamped her lips down on the digit and sucked on it as Melinar moved it in and out of her mouth.

  Removing her hand from Nyrandurril's mouth, Melinar reached down with her hand to cover Nyrandurril's hand over her pussy. Per watched as Melinar bent two of Nyrandurril's fingers up and then shoved them deep into her pussy. Melinar then pulled and pushed Nyrandurril's hand up and down, sliding those slick fingers in and out until Nyrandurril started finger-fucking her on her own. Melinar changed hands and brought the fingers that were shiny with Nyrandurril's juices up to Nyrandurril's face. Nyrandurril slowly sucked them one by one.


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