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Page 42

by John Evans

  "Thanks, Octavia," said Per, bending down to kiss her. "You know, I actually feel that we are back on track again. For the past month, I've felt like we were going in the wrong direction."

  "I haven't got the green shift with me, but..." inquired Octavia with a raised eyebrow.

  Within minutes, Per was groaning as Octavia, lying on top of him, stroked his cock with both hands as her tongue licked slowly over its sensitive head. In turn, she was moaning as he returned the favor by lashing his tongue over her clitoris. She shuddered as Per's tongue hit a particularly sensitive spot, and moaned around her mouth stuffed with the head of his cock. Her hands jacked up and down his hard shaft as her large breasts pressed against his stomach.

  With Octavia's legs on either side of his head, Per reached around them to gently pull her vaginal lips apart, exposing the red wet flesh and allowing his tongue better access. He flicked his tongue up and down over the bud of her clitoris, soliciting a gasp.

  "Oh, yes!" she gasped. "That's it! Oh, Gods! I'm..."

  Her body quivered and her hands tightened on his cock as she orgasmed. With a loud groan of lust, her mouth sealed back over the head of his prick and her hands pumped it even faster. As he lapped at her juices, Per felt the tension build in his balls and, with a groan to match Octavia's, he came.

  Octavia felt his muscles tighten. His cock pulsed in her hands giving her only a micro-second of notice. Even so, she was waiting and ready as his cock spewed forth its white liquid. He felt her mouth tighten, relax, and tighten again as she swallowed down his hot sperm. The sensation, along with the knowledge of what she was doing, seemed to touch off a mini-climax in Per as his balls squeezed again to shot out another load of gooey jizz.

  "Mmm, even better than I remember," said Octavia, licking her lips. "This time I was prepared for all of it." She rolled onto her back, bent her knees up and spread her legs apart. "Now, for your second time."

  Per could feel the lust begin to burn in his groin. He shifted around and moved between her open legs. He braced his weight, but more from experience than conscious thought as his hard cock touched the entrance to her pussy. She hunched her hips upwards as he pushed forward. Eight inches of his large cock slid into her hot, slick cunt causing her to gasp at the full feeling inside her. She reached down with both hands to pull at his hips.

  "All of it," Octavia moaned. "I want all of it.”

  As his lust craze took over, Perpulled back two inches and shoved forward. "Oh, Gods!" she groaned as all twelve inches of his cock pushed into her cunt and his balls slapped against her ass.

  Per felt herpussy grip his shaft tightly. With a snort, he pulled back eight inches before shoving all of it back into her. Octavia's fingernails dug into his buttocks as his balls slapped against her ass again. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" she hissed through clenched teeth.

  Her words had no meaning to Per, but the fingernails in his ass was more than sufficient to convey her message to his lust-driven mind. He banged her with fast, vigorous strokes. Their bodies shook as their hips slapped against one another.

  "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah," grunted Octavia, in time with his thrusts. Her own hips flexed upward each time to meet his downward plunge.

  Grunts, slapping flesh, and heavy breathing were the only sounds heard within the tent. Octavia matched Per thrust for thrust and her body broke out in a sweat as her sexual tension rose. She started to quiver and she knew that she was going to explode soon.

  The red haze was filming over Per's eyes. His mind had gone totally blank, except for his overpowering need to cum again. He could feel the hot, wet cunt gripping his hard cock tightly each time he shoved it in. His balls slapped again and again and again against soft skin as the pressure grew within them.

  "Auuuggh!” came the low, guttural cry from Octavia as every muscle in her body went rigid and her orgasm exploded inside her. Her fingernails dug once again into Per's butt.

  Whether it was her cunt clamping down vise-like on his cock or the painful fingernails digging into his ass, one or the other set off Per's climax. With a mighty thrust, he slammed his cock into Octavia and blasted a long, hard spurt of hot jism into her womb, which was followed by a second and third spurt. Gasping for breath, she collapsed limply on the blankets. Her cunt, overstuffed with hard cock, leaked cum out and down her ass.

  She looked up, a little light-headed, to see Per staring back down at her with concern in his eyes. His green hair was plastered to his sweaty brow. "You okay?" he panted.

  Octavia licked her dry lips. "Now, I know the meaning of raw sex."

  Per laughed. "If you want to know about raw sex, you should talk to my father."

  "Uh, not without being very, very, very drunk. You've got me stretched to the max. I couldn't imagine what his got between his legs."

  "You'll have to ask my mother," teased Per.

  Octavia laughed, but cut it short to kiss Per. "My cup overfloweth," she said. "When you're ready, pull out and move aside so I can dash out. I'll see you in the morning, love."

  The next morning, they proceeded northeast. The going was slow because of the injured people. It was early afternoon when Iona stopped them at the bottom of a long ridge.

  "I thought you'd like to see the gorge," she said as they gathered around her. "We can see it from the top of this ridge."

  "Why didn't you just head straight from here to the gorge?" asked Gedda. "You may have missed the hobgoblins by taking a more direct route."

  "The path as the crow flies from here involves a river and cliffs," replied Iona.

  "I, for one, would like to take a look, old boy," said Karlto. "Get a look at the lay of the land for our return trip, so to speak."

  Per looked around at everyone else.

  "I'd like to go up to say goodbye," said Iona. "I'm never coming back here."

  "Go ahead," Gedda told her. "I'll watch over your friends."

  The rest of them headed up the steep slope. Upon reaching the top of the ridge, the whole panoramic view opened before them. Several miles away, a V-shaped gorge was cut between two cliff faces by a turbulent river. The river wove back and forth towards the ridge where they were standing. It had cut through several hills and ridges, making cliffs and rough terrain between the ridge they were on and the gorge. The terrain, combined with heavy foliage, made it evident that the direct route was nearly impassable.

  "What's that?" asked Cendri as she saw dark, moving dots coming out of the mouth of the gorge.

  "I don't know," replied Octavia, peering hard. "It's too far away."

  "Whatever it is, it's organized," stated Cendri, becoming alarmed. "They're forming up in rank and file."

  "Wait a minute," said Pawl, taking a step forward.

  He raised his arms up and dropped what appeared to be an eyeball from his palm. The eyeball winked out of existence halfway to the ground as he muttered an incantation under his breath. He then brought his arms downward in two semi-circles and a pale blue circle of light formed in the air. The inside of the circle shimmered and coalesced into an image.

  "By Zaius's bolt!" gasped Karlto as everyone else also gasped in alarm.

  The image was a close-up view of the mouth of the gorge. The dark dots Cendri had seen were brown and black shaggy creatures wearing studded leather armor. Tufted ears sprouted from the tops of their heads and sharp canine teeth protruded over their lips. They carried morning stars and spears with the familiarity of long use. There had to be over fifty of them.

  The image also showed about twenty hobgoblins, only coming up to the shoulder of these massive and solidly built creatures. One beast stepped in front of the formation, growled something unintelligible and the entire formation started trotting away from the gorge and out of sight of Pawl's magic circle.

  "Bugbears," hissed Karlto. "Probably out searching for us. We need to get out of here and fast."

  "Let's get off this ridge," said Per. "But we won’t be able to move fast. We don't have enough horses and the injured can't stand a
lot of jostling."

  "I'm not leaving them!" declared Iona defensively. "You go, if you want to, but I'm staying with them."

  "Iona, we're not leaving you," assured Octavia.

  "No, we're not, but you are leaving us," said Per. "Take my horse. Koth can carry two and can go all day. Head towards your village."

  "What are you going to do?" asked Iona.

  "Hopefully distract them enough to lead them away from you," said Per as he took his crossbow off his saddle and took up the reins of the mule carrying his gear.

  "You can't!" cried out Iona. "You can't take them on without a horse! Come with us. We can keep ahead of them and eventually lose them."

  "I doubt it," said Cendri. "They'll find the campsite and we didn't hide our trail. They'll catch up within a day or so."

  "Iona, you also don't know Per," said Octavia. "He can go farther in a day on his legs than you can on a horse. You need to get out of here now."

  They put the wounded on Per's horse. Iona turned around as her party was ready to leave. "I'll repay you for this someday," she promised. "I never forget a debt and will always return a favor from friends.” So saying, she led her people into the woods and disappeared.

  "Look, I..." Per started to say, but was stopped by Pawl's upraised hand.

  "We've heard it all before about how you didn't mean to rope us into this," he said. "Unfortunately, this is the only way that Iona has of getting away. What's the plan?"

  "Cendri?" asked Per questioningly.


  "Any ideas?"

  "Oh! Uh, let's get out of these woods. A straight-up fight is sure defeat. We have to do a hit and run to draw them off in a different direction. We will probably only get one shot at getting a good lick at them, but we need to find a spot where we won't get trapped or pinned down.”

  * * * * *

  The first clash was perfect, leaving three bugbears dead and several wounded. Per peppered the trotting lines of bugbears with quarrels from his crossbow, while Pawl launched fiery missiles at them made from thin air. As the bugbears and hobgoblins turned to face them, the others charged out from the woods behind the enemy. The four of them rode through the forming up lines, hacking, slashing and bashing as they went. This caused enough confusion for all of them to get away and prepare for the next encounter.

  "They're as tough as they look, old boy," commented Karlto. "I swear my mace bounced off the skull of one of those beings without making a dent."

  The second encounter was not as successful. The bugbears retreated out of crossbow range and began circling around. Pawl's magic took out four hobgoblins with an exploding fireball, but they had to retreat before they were cut off.

  "They're following us," said Cendri as they headed towards their next ambush site. "They are also adapting fast. We need to watch out in case they try an ambush of their own."

  They waited at the third site. It seemed like forever to Per before he heard the sounds of footsteps and jingling armor coming towards him. The enemy then came into sight.

  "Shit!" cursed Per quietly. "Fall back." Only the hobgoblins and about five bugbears were coming towards them. Cendri's words about an ambush rang in Per's head as he signaled everyone to fall back.

  They had just left their positions and were moving back when a great shout of voices erupted to their left. A responding shout came from the group they had seen. Per barely had time to get over his surprise before the bugbears with their leader came charging in from their left. He squeezed off his crossbow and the quarrel thunked solidly into the bugbear leader's chest. "Scatter and run for it!"

  Pervikar will return in The Rescue Of The Queen.




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