April Loves Black Coffee: First Impressions

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April Loves Black Coffee: First Impressions Page 11

by Solangel, T. B.

  I expect a violent blowout to follow Danny’s threatening remark. Instead, Sangwoo remains poised and refined. He doesn’t dignify Danny’s jab. Instead, Sangwoo makes it point to look at Mayhem expectantly. Clearly, Danny is Mayhem’s responsibility.

  “Like kids fighting over candy, Sangwoo. Fine. We stay out of Busan. You scamper out of Seoul. We’ll call it a deal,” Mayhem consents with reserved contention. The look in his eyes is dark and dangerous, similar to lightning and thunder.

  Without waiting for Sangwoo to answer, Mayhem moves toward his awaiting SUV. He makes a motion for his men to step aside. Evidently, Mayhem doesn’t feel the need to be protected from Sangwoo. Most of Mayhem’s members, as aggressive as they are, walk around Choi Sangwoo to their accompanying vehicles. Only Danny and Mohawk have no qualms walking through Sangwoo.

  “By the way, I had the pleasure of meeting one of your associates in the house. I hope to see her more often.” Mayhem holds up a hand in the air before he disappears into his awaiting vehicle. Like a phantom of the night, Mayhem marks his exit with his brigade of dark vehicles.

  Sangwoo remains in his place. He doesn’t move an inch as Mayhem’s parade of cars peel out of the neighborhood.

  I have been so mesmerized in watching that I don’t see Lina and Spyder standing behind me.

  “They finally left?” Lina is helping Spyder hold a handful of napkins to his bleeding cheek.

  “Lina, shhh.” I try to signal to my cousin, but it is too late.

  From the bottom of the steps, Choi Sangwoo sees me. “May?” he calls out in absolute surprise. Shades of revelation color his facial expression. I am the last person Sangwoo expects to see here. Frankly, it is the other way around; he is the last person I want to see right now.

  With no other choice, I face Sangwoo. Fortunately, the sun is setting and he can’t see how red my face is. My conscience is fanning herself. I should run back inside the house. Seeing Sangwoo evokes such a surreal feeling. The domino effect of everything happening all at once is increasingly difficult for me to internalize. “Hi,” is all I can manage to say to him.

  “May, you’re bleeding a lot.” Sangwoo invites himself through Spyder’s gates and up the steps. When he reaches the final landing where I am standing, Sangwoo reaches for my finger. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay.” I blink furiously, trying to gather my thoughts together. He has my finger in his hand. I attempt to take my finger back. I can’t stand the electric underpinning that travels from his hands to mine. “It’s just a small cut. It’s nothing.”

  “Hi.” The traces of the vividly upset and tense expressions are gone. Instead, a smile spreads across Sangwoo’s face. Sangwoo’s overall complexion is healthier today. “I meet you under some of the worst circumstances, don’t I?”

  “Depending on how you define it,” my reply is above a whisper. I am well aware that Lina and Spyder are staring at us curiously. I only have a matter of seconds before they intervene.

  “You’re the leader of Crist?” Before I can stop myself, I blurt out.

  “Yes,” Sangwoo replies shortly. An understanding comes over us.

  It has been approximately a week ago since I have seen him– seven days, one-hundred and sixty-eight hours, and fourteen seconds. But who is keeping count now that Sangwoo’s here as though he’s never left.

  Sangwoo’s lingering eyes yield to a more concerned look. “What are you doing here? Were you inside when Mayhem was here?” He is catching on to Mayhem’s comment about an associate.

  Fortunately, I don’t have to answer. My cousin, acting like my guardian angel, interrupts our short reunion with, “How do you know Mayhem?” With dry tears on her cheeks, Lina’s eyes are large and alert as she surveys Sangwoo.

  Sangwoo draws his attention away from me to look at my cousin. His gaze moves from Lina to Spyder in a simultaneous manner. Sangwoo chooses not to answer Lina’s question. “I’m Sangwoo. I’m a friend of May’s,” Sangwoo introduces himself shortly,

  “Friend?” Lina’s eyebrows come together as she looks at me. I can read Lina’s mind without her having to ask me verbally. She wants to know why I haven’t mentioned him before. Boy, am I going to get the investigation later.

  Sangwoo waits expectantly for me to add, so I muster something weak. “Yes. He’s my friend.” I quickly divert the conversation to Spyder’s cheek. “Spyder, are you okay?”

  Sensing my discomfort, Sangwoo joins me in the diversion. “Are you okay? That wound on your cheek is going to get infected and bleed out if you don’t get to a hospital soon.”

  Spyder has his hands against his bleeding cheek. He nods with tears brimming in his eyes. I still can’t say he doesn’t deserve the pain. But right now, I am too engrossed in the fact that Choi Sangwoo has magically appeared in my life yet again.

  “Come on. I’ll take you all.” Without waiting for us to agree, Sangwoo reaches for my left hand. His quick and rapid touch makes my heart race. Whoa, he’s super forward. My intuition winces; she has no experience with good-looking gang lords.

  I had the best intentions to turn back inside the house before Choi Sangwoo could recognize me. I know after meeting Mayhem and observing the encounter with Sangwoo that my world and theirs should never collide.


  “Please. Order anything you would like to eat.”

  The restaurant is bustling with commotion. People are sitting in a number of groups, chattering and laughing at their respective tables. Dishes, plates, and silverware clink and clash into one another. The servers move through the sea of chaos to seat customers and ring up orders.

  Although Chopsticks is one of the trendiest restaurants in Seoul, the food speaks for itself. With a varied menu that serves dishes ranging from sushi to kimchi to pizza, the restaurant has no trouble bringing in the locals as well as tourists. Choi Sangwoo chooses a sleek, granite table near the back of the restaurant with a beautiful view of the city. The evening sunlight casts a hue of orange, yellow, and purple streaks in the sky. It should be a fun and relaxing setting, but under the current circumstances, it is a safe haven more than anything–especially for Spyder and Lina who are sitting across from Sangwoo and me.

  As I watch Lina rag on Spyder about his idiocy, I allow myself to peek at Choi Sangwoo. My thoughts travel back to when Sangwoo offered to take us to the hospital for Spyder’s injury and the bloody cut on my finger. Initially I refused, but Lina convinced me for Spyder’s sake. Sangwoo insisted that he wanted to return the favor last week. When he put that charm of his to convincing, I couldn’t find any grounds to rebuff Sangwoo’s good intentions.


  “I KNOW A DOCTOR HERE.” As soon as we get to the hospital, the mysterious gang leader takes charge and directs help to us. Sangwoo arranges it so that Lina and Spyder are taken care at the hospital wing for external injuries. Spyder ends up with six stitches on his cheek and a generous dose of morphine in his system. Lina gets an antiseptic for her abrasions and bruises.

  My fate is on the other side of the hospital wing for minor cuts. My finger is throbbing like a severe paper cut. The sensation is similar to having a hundred ants biting in one concentrated area. When we are in the examination room waiting for a doctor, Sangwoo asks me the one question I have been trying to avoid. I am not ready to tell him the truth about my lie to save Lina, Spyder, and myself from Mayhem’s wrath.

  “Are you the associate Mayhem mentioned?” Sangwoo observes me with intense scrutiny. I cannot tell if he finds it funny or not. “What happened inside that house?”

  I look up at him with a guilty expression on my face. I can’t help it; I wear my emotions on my sleeves. “Can I tell you later? I’m trying to digest everything still. It doesn’t help my finger is bleeding.” I hold up my index finger for him to see that the blood continues to seep through the emergency gauze. Weak sauce! My conscience taunts me.

  Sangwoo tries to cover his laugh at my childish gesture. Before he can retort
, the good doctor knocks on the door and enters the room. He turns out to be an older man with kind eyes behind green spectacles.

  When the doctor tells me, “This isn’t going to hurt much. You’ll feel a bit of pressure. There’s blood embedded underneath the cut itself. Once I relieve the pressure, the pain will subside and it can heal,” I close my eyes tightly and breathe out of my mouth.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” I mumble to Sangwoo who is chuckling at my childlike response. “Can you do it quickly, doctor, please.”

  “I will try,” the doctor responds.

  I glance back at Choi Sangwoo again. He looks like he would enjoy a bag of popcorn and soda to go along with this scene.

  “Are you still laughing at me?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re smiling.”

  “I can’t smile?”

  “No, this is serious. My finger is bleeding,” I reason with him.

  “You’re right. This is life and death. No smiling.” Sangwoo shakes his head, taking the chance to turn away and let out another wide grin. Deep down, I appreciate his humor. Gangsters do have a sense of humor. But he’s not a gangster. He’s a gang leader! my intuition hisses. I want to lock her away and close the door. I don’t need any more wayward thoughts to make the situation worse. I am in too much pain.

  From outside of the room, any random passerby can hear my long and drawn out, “ouchhhhh doctor oucchhh!” Sangwoo’s soft and entertained laughter quickly follows my bouts of self-expression.

  After treatment of our wounds, as though we are his longtime friends, Sangwoo offers to take Lina, Spyder, and me to dinner. Sangwoo’s generosity appears to have no bounds. The situation should have been awkward, but it is next to impossible to be awkward when the leader of a notorious gang is orchestrating the entire situation.

  Sangwoo has quite the charm to him. He is completely different from the drunken straggler last Saturday. Now that he’s sober and focused, it is easy to gauge his true personality. Sangwoo has a way of making the people he engages with feel as though they have his undivided attention, care, and understanding. He has that special tendency of moving people as if they are under water with him. It becomes apparent that Sangwoo is a natural social butterfly and conversationalist; he makes everyone who encounters him feel as though they have known him for a long time. I don’t know what to do with this larger-than-life presence. In all honesty, I am beyond intimidated. Most of all, I swear I know him from somewhere.


  NOW THAT I AM SITTING next to Choi Sangwoo, it is hard to dwell on what happened earlier, especially since Lina has taken a special liking to him already. Even Spyder, who has a large band around his right cheek now, expresses no emotional doubts about going to dinner with my new friend. Even the confrontation with Mayhem seems worlds away at the moment.

  “So, how do you know May?” Lina has the menu prop open against her chest when she starts bombarding Choi Sangwoo with questions.

  I try to signal to Lina that her staring is borderline rude, but my cousin appears completely oblivious. It is hard to deem her as the same Lina who cried, begged, and thrown a fit in front Mayhem a couple of hours ago. Now, Lina is tearless and full of questions for Sangwoo, who I introduced as a co-worker at The Trax. My cousin wants to hear it from his own mouth; she is not entirely convinced about Sangwoo’s origins yet.

  “At The Trax. I just recently started working,” Sangwoo answers Lina’s question with the same ease he had with my mother last week. “May doesn’t talk about me, I’m guessing.”

  I wonder if Sangwoo’s statement is an implied assumption that I haven’t told anyone in my life about his true identity either.

  “No, she hasn’t at all.” Lina flashes me an unforgiving look. “I’ve met all of May’s co-workers at The Trax. I have to say, you’re the best looking one.”

  Really? Are you going to be that embarrassing family member? I want to face palm at Lina’s blunt responses. If only my cousin is aware she’s having a conversation with the gang leader of Crist. Choi Sangwoo, on the other hand, takes her compliment with greater ease than I deem for someone of his caliber. Perhaps in his line of work Sangwoo is used to the comments and critiques. Even Spyder, who is still riding out his pain, doesn’t seem to mind Lina’s straightforward comment.

  “Lina,” I mumble as a feeble attempt to control her inquisition.

  She turns to me momentarily. “I’m already in a relationship, so I can say he’s handsome. Handsome enough for you, I mean.”

  The corners of Sangwoo’s mouth lift into a smile and it triggers the heat in my cheeks. I yearn to reach under the table and pinch Lina’s leg for her inability to censor her thoughts.

  “The waiter’s here.”

  For the sake of social balance, at the same moment, our waiter returns with a harried expression on his face. The hustle and bustle of the restaurant is evident in the dark purple bags under his eyes. His long, shaggy hair hangs over a white name tag with the word Nam etched on it. “Are you ready to order?” He extracts a fashionable blue notepad from the left side of his slacks.

  Sangwoo turns to me first. “Order first, May.” A kind smile appears on Sangwoo’s face as he encourages me.

  “Uh, well.” I immediately become flustered at his attention. Keep it together, May. Bored, my intuition is taping her feet. “I’ll have the autumn salad with the chicken. Dressing on the side please.”

  I have never felt such thrill in successfully ordering food before. Sangwoo nods his head inconspicuously as though he agrees. Then, he motions for Lina to order next.

  Lina beams at him for being such a gentleman. “I’ll have the teriyaki chicken noodle bowl.” Then, Lina turns to Spyder who has his hands under his chin. “Maybe you can share some with me?”

  Spyder can only nod his head in reply.

  “The doctor ordered him to not have any food,” Sangwoo reminds Lina gently.

  “Oh yeah,” Lina mutters as the memories of what happened to Spyder’s cheek come back to her. “Maybe just a glass of water for now.”

  Spyder looks less than happy with the idea of nursing a glass of water while we eat solid food. But when he winces at the throbbing pain in his cheek, Spyder’s facial expression subsides to subtle agreement. I want to roll my eyes at his feigned act. The cut on his cheek holds Spyder back from being his usual overbearing and overzealous personality.

  “And I’ll have the tour of Japan,” Sangwoo states when he turns back to the waiter. “Thank you, Nam.”

  Although the waiter is furiously writing down our orders, Nam looks up from his notepad with a quick smile on his lips. Perhaps being recognized by his name reminds Nam that he isn’t just an expendable employee, but also a human being who deserves to be commended. I empathize with Nam. Choi Sangwoo had the same effect on me when I waited on his table two weeks ago. I begin to question if there isn’t anything or anyone that Choi Sangwoo doesn’t affect. The only other person who always told me to be mindful of others, especially with social manners is Eunhye. I suppose Sangwoo is more proficient at certain social scripts I cannot imagine.

  When Nam finishes jotting down on his notepad, he finalizes the orders by sending out another round of water.

  “So, you live around here?” Lina’s inquisitive voice draws me back to reality. She’s adamant about more information.

  Sangwoo nods his head lightly. His brown eyes remain passive. It is hard to tell if he is enjoying this twenty-one questions game with Lina. “Actually, I split my time between Seoul and Busan.”

  At the same time, I glance at Spyder to see that he is staring at me intently. I am quiet by choice while he is quiet because of pain. He has a lot to say behind those sad eyes of his, but I know that his deepened silence is the direct result of his earlier traumatic experience. Otherwise, Spyder would probably have no problem asking how Sangwoo and I really met. I don’t like Spyder and he knows it. When I first met him, my intuition warned Lina abou
t his shady ways. Now, the warnings are coming to fruition.

  Meanwhile, my cousin and Sangwoo are carrying on with their conversation.

  “Wow. Homes in Seoul and Busan. Are you working somewhere else besides The Trax?” Lina marvels at Sangwoo’s revelation. She is all eyes and ears now that he has real estate.

  “I’m also in sales as a customer service representative for a company,” Sangwoo replies without hesitation. “The Trax is just a night job.”

  I clear my throat and pretend to look at the silverware in front of me. From my peripheral view, I can see the small smile on Sangwoo’s lips. He inclines his head towards me as though we are privy to an inside joke.

  Wow. I am breathless underneath his gaze. Will I ever be immune to this man? My intuition shakes her head and then changes her mind to lackluster nods. The pattern continues.

  “Wow,” Lina states with wonder. “How old are you?” Lina obviously doesn’t have a stop button on her train of questions.

  “I’ll be turning twenty-nine soon.” Both Lina and I are surprised at Sangwoo’s disclosure.

  Sangwoo is seven years older than me, I make a mental note. How can someone only seven years older than me be so refined and successful in his own terms? That’s because he’s a gangster, and you are a lowly college student. My conscience has a dull look on her face.

  “But enough about me. What about you two?” Sangwoo changes the subject easily and steers it back to Lina and Spyder.

  “Us?” Lina looks at Spyder and then back at me. “Well, May and I are cousins. My mom is her dad’s sister. May’s been working her little butt off this summer to prepare for college in the fall. She has one more year to go before she graduates. College isn’t for me, so I opted out.”

  Sangwoo leans with interest towards me. “College?”

  Why is Lina only talking about me? I feel slightly insulted by the surprised tone in Sangwoo’s voice. “Yes, college.”


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