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Gabe’s Fortune (Prospect Springs Shifters Book 3)

Page 4

by Mandy M. Roth

  Adeline yelped but stayed in place, staring up at him.

  Betsy smirked. “So you said more than once, Mr. MacSweeny.”

  “Claim if I ever heard one,” said an older man.


  What were they talking about? Gabriel hadn’t claimed Adeline, had he? He stopped and realized what he’d shouted more than once.


  What in tarnation had he done?

  Marvin stood and dusted his backside off, his gaze hard as he glared at Gabriel. He softened his expression and reached for Adeline, who stiffened and plastered herself to Gabriel’s front. Had she not, Gabriel was sure he would have probably killed Marvin then and there.

  “Adeline, you’re sidin’ with him?” asked Marvin, accusation riding his voice. “I’ve known you for years. I’d never hurt you.”

  The lie flowed from him with such ease that Gabriel wanted to tear out the man’s tongue. Marvin wisely backed up, falling over a tie-down for a tent as he did. Scrambling to his feet, he glanced around wildly before running off. If he thought himself safe, he was wrong. Gabriel would hunt the man and make him pay.

  “Whoa, boss,” said the fiddler who Gabriel thought might be named Pete, but he wasn’t sure. “Take it easy.”

  Adeline slid her hands up and stopped at his neck. “He’s gone.”

  Realizing what he’d done in front of everyone, Gabriel cast a pensive look over the gathered crowd. He expected fear, anger, surprise. What he didn’t expect was nods of approval he got from the others and a thumbs up from Betsy.

  He cleared his throat.

  Pete grinned. “Looks like the boss is a freak too. Good.”

  Gusto approached with several men near him. The strong man looked to Adeline. “Are you okay?”

  “I am. Thank you.”

  Betsy rushed to Gusto’s side, bent and looped her arm through the man’s, putting her head on top of his, as lovers would. Gabriel hadn’t realized they were a couple, but now that he saw them together, it made sense. They clicked.

  “Oh, Gusto,” exclaimed Betsy. “You should have seen him with our girl there. MacSweeny swept in and got Marvin away from her. Then he did the shifter version of putting his name on her back. Guessin’ that means she’s his, in his mind.”

  Gusto’s expression hardened. “Marvin was near you again, Adeline?”

  “I’m fine, really,” Adeline protested. “Gabriel made sure of it.”

  Betsy’s brow quirked. “Gabriel?”

  Gabriel took hold of Adeline’s hands and brought them higher, planting kisses on her palms, ignoring the question in Betsy’s voice. He focused on Adeline instead. “He hurt you.”

  “He never hit me,” she said, but they both knew that wasn’t what he meant. She took a deep breath, letting him continue to hold her hands to his face. “When I’m not in my own tent or wagon, people’s thoughts assail me. Sometimes, they aren’t thinking good things.”

  “Like Marvin?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

  She glanced away.

  Pete patted his back. “Good job, Mr. MacSweeny. Adeline is precious to us.”

  “It would seem she is to our new owner as well,” added Betsy. “How many times was it did he shout mine? Three? More?”

  Damn woman. She reminded him of his mother and aunts—the type of woman who saw everything, never missing a beat. He inhaled deeply and considered denying the verbal claim. It was pointless. And he was a smart enough man to know what that meant.

  Ms. Adeline Carpenter was his mate.

  Everything made sense now.

  He exhaled calmly and locked gazes with Betsy. “How much do you know of my kind?”

  Betsy squared her shoulders. “Enough to know you’ll kill anythin’ that threatens Adeline. And that you’ll do right by her, no matter what.”

  “Do right by me?” asked Adeline. “I’m not following.”

  Betsy grinned at her friend. “Sweetie, Mr. MacSweeny is sweet on you in more ways than one, and we all think that is for the best. Stay close to him.”

  Adeline stiffened and yelped. “But I want to kiss him. It’s really hard to avoid doing so.”

  Gabriel laughed. “Feelin’ is mutual.”

  She blushed. “I didn’t mean to say that in front of you. Weren’t you going somewhere? I thought you had matters that needed your attention.”

  “I suspect you’re the only matter his attention is gonna be on,” said Betsy, pushing at them, encouraging them to walk in the direction of Adeline’s tent. “Go on in there now and have a long talk. Mr. MacSweeny, I’ll expect you to be on your best behavior with her.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter Five

  Adeline let Gabriel lead her to her tent and hold the flap open. Once inside, he paused and glanced around, soaking in the sights. He smiled. “This suits you. Eclectic.”

  She lowered her gaze. “What happened out there? With your eyes and your voice?”

  He swallowed hard. “You’re familiar with shifters?”

  She was, though she didn’t know any personally. She’d heard of them and even seen a few in her travels. “You’re one? You’re a shifter?”

  “My animal form is a wolf,” he confessed and then touched a scarf she had over a small oil lamp to dull the light. “But I’m more than just a shifter.”

  She eyed him, knowing without being told this wasn’t something he shared readily. “Okay, before you say anything else, can I read you?”

  “Read me?” he asked, his green gaze on her.

  “Skin-to-skin contact is needed.”

  He shook his head. “No. I watched that Marvin character cause you pain by touchin’ you. I won’t have you in pain touchin’ me. Ask me anythin’ and I’ll tell you straight.”

  She removed her gloves and set his jacket over the back her chair. She went to Gabriel and stood just before him. “You won’t hurt me.”

  “You don’t know that,” he said, his voice just a whisper.

  “I do. When you touch me, everything else falls away. I get peace and order in my head. I normally can only find that here, in my warded tent.”

  He watched her for a brief moment and then nodded. “Read me.”

  Unable to help herself, Adeline touched the small scar on his chin. Her eyelids fluttered as visions swam through her mind. She jerked and then tipped her head as the memories played out for her to see with her mind. There he was, shifting forms into the most magnificent wolf she’d ever seen. He was large, as dark as night and oozing power as he ran free in the woods, the wind whipping at his face, the smells of nature all around him. He was free. He was wild.

  He was hers.

  Her breath caught.

  A specific memory from his youth popped into her head. “Parker? A hunting trip gone wrong? He ran for help. He thought he’d killed you. Who is Parker?”

  Gabriel caught her wrist and held it firmly. He narrowed his gaze on her. Then released her wrist and stood tall.

  Adeline stood as well, fear pulsing through her. She’d never gotten visions with that much raw emotion attached to them. “I’m sorry.”

  The drain of it was too much. Swaying, she nearly went down.

  Gabriel twisted fast, his reflexes quicker than any human she’d ever encountered. He caught hold of her and steadied her. Their gazes collided. Additional emotions assaulted her. He wanted her in a carnal way. He didn’t want to just use her body. He wanted to possess her body and soul. He wanted to join with her in a way that left no room for error or question. It was too much. Too soon.

  She whimpered at the grip he had on her.

  He held her tighter, as if sensing she’d go down hard should he release her. “You saw all that when you touched me?”

  Gulping, she nodded. “I did, and I felt more.”

  “Tell me what you felt.”

  She licked her lips. “You know how you shouted mine?”

  He nodded, his movements stiff.

  “I felt like I wanted to sho
ut it back just now.”

  He drew her even closer to him and dipped his head. His lips hovered near hers, and she half thought he’d kiss her. She wasn’t sure she could muster up a slap like a lady should. In fact, being ladylike was the last thing on her mind.

  That was scary itself.

  She pushed on his bare chest, impure thoughts for him circling the edges of her mind. “Please stop touching me.”

  A question formed on his face as he loosened his hold on her only slightly. “Do you fear me?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I fear the way you make me feel.”

  “I sort of fear the way you make me feel too,” he admitted, and that oddly made her feel better. “I know I should go and leave you be, but I can’t walk away from you, Addy.”

  “What now?”

  He lowered his head more, his lips meeting hers. It was as if someone set off fireworks behind her lids. Warmth radiated through her body at their point of contact, and she opened her mouth to him, letting his tongue inside. Her tongue met his head on and she was instantly lost in the kiss. He growled, lifting her off the ground and holding her up as he ravished her mouth. She moaned, and her hands wandered all over his upper neck and shoulders.

  He was so big.

  So powerful.

  And so kissing her like a man who knew exactly how to please a woman. She worried that his thoughts would overwhelm her again, but they didn’t. There was nothing but the moment—the raw need of it all. And she felt as if she’d never needed anything more in her life than this man’s touch.

  He walked with her, still holding her off the ground, their lips locked. The moment she felt the hard press of her wagon at her back, Adeline tensed. Gabriel paused the kiss, his lips still on hers.

  He put his forehead to hers. “Shit. Sorry.”

  Unable to stop the edges of her lips from drawing up into a lazy smile, Adeline grinned and nuzzled her face against Gabriel’s. She turned her head, her cheek moving over his lips, and the next thing she knew, he was kissing down her neck, inching her higher, her back pressed to the wagon. It felt right to lift her legs and wrap them around his waist, so she did. Her long skirts felt heavy between them. She yanked at his shirt and vest, wanting to touch his bare chest, not with all the fabric in her way.

  Gabriel cupped her right breast in his hand and pleasure raced through her, centering between her legs. Cream flooded the apex of her thighs, and Gabriel nipped at her neck, growling low and deep from the back of his throat, leaving no room for error—he was alpha and he wanted her.

  She wanted him too, and that scared her. She froze, and a second later, he did too, his teeth sharper than they should be as they dragged against her neck.


  “What is it about you that makes me want to bite you?” he asked, talking more to himself than her.

  She wasn’t sure how to answer, so she didn’t. There was no point. Whatever was happening between them was intense and went both ways. She ran her hand into his hair, accidentally knocking his hat off. He didn’t seem to mind. He was even sexier with his long hair free. There was a certain wildness about him. A primal vibe she wanted to submit to. She sighed. The man was going to have her naked if they kept going at this rate. “I should tell you this isn’t what I normally do with men.”

  He leveled his green gaze on her, heating her again. “Any man touches you, and I’ll kill him.”

  She ran her thumb over his bottom lip. She wanted to kiss him again, and the wanton side of her wanted to know what those lips would feel like slinking over her body—lower and lower. “You have a lot of pent-up rage.”

  He nibbled at her finger and laughed as he caught it. He sucked gently and then released it. “So I’ve been told.”

  Adeline couldn’t remember a time she’d felt more at ease with someone. She put her arms behind his neck and laced her fingers. “I started the day not liking you.”

  “I started it wantin’ to fuck you, and that hasn’t changed,” he said, his candor surprising her.

  She shifted in his arms, uncomfortable with the frankness. “You’re rude.”

  “I’m honest. You’re mixin’ the two up.”

  She sensed it then, his need to erect something of an emotional wall, as if he was afraid of rejection. Caressing the back of his neck with her thumbs, Adeline stayed in place. “I need you to understand something.”

  He sighed. “I know. You want me to leave. I took liberties with you.”

  “I’d like it if we figured out why we’re so drawn to each other,” she said softly. “I know I should want you to go, but I don’t. That is alarming.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I do know some folks who might be able to shed more light on it all.”

  Intrigued, she watched him. “Who?”

  He sighed. “My family. I’m from Prospect Springs. I figure my momma and my aunts will be a wealth of information on what is happenin’ between us. Though I think I might already know what they’re fixin’ to tell me.”

  She grinned, liking when he didn’t school his speech patterns. He was a cowboy under all the gentleman clothing. “What do you think they’ll say?”

  He set her down gently, his body still close to hers. “Somethin’ I don’t think you’re ready to hear.”

  Her gut said to trust him. A smiled formed on her face, and she nodded. “I’d like to meet your family at some point.”

  “No better time than the present,” he said, taking her hand in his.

  She gasped. “The sun has set. It’s not safe to travel at night alone.”

  He tipped his head. “Adeline, you did catch the part about me bein’ a shifter, right?”

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean you’re bulletproof. And Marvin and his friends aren’t ones to push like you did. They’ll cause trouble yet.”

  “I’m not afraid of the likes of them,” he said, his nostrils flaring as if she’d just called him a yellow belly.

  “I never said you were.”

  He took a step back from her and raised his head, looking up and exhaling loudly. “You set me on edge, Addy. My wolf and I end up warrin’ over what we should and shouldn’t be doin’.”

  “You confuse me too,” she admitted. “We should take our leave of one another and reassess in the morning.”

  “I ain’t leavin’ you alone,” he said, the cowboy in him shining through. “No way. No how.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “I think you do,” he countered, getting her dander up.

  “I will see you in the morning,” she snapped.

  He walked to the seat her patrons sat in when she was doing a reading. He sat and kicked his feet up on a small chest near it. Adeline glanced around, wondering what Gabriel was doing. When it hit her that he intended to get comfy for the rest of the night in the chair, her jaw dropped.

  “You cannot possibly think to stay in here for the night. People will talk.”

  He snatched hold of his top hat, leaned his head back and put it over his eyes, not bothering with a response. Adeline went to him and lifted the hat. He peeked out of one eye at her. “Yes?”


  “Adeline,” he shot back, grinning. “I’m not leavin’ you alone. You said it yourself, Marvin and his friends won’t leave well enough alone. Either you get right by me stayin’ in here or you’re comin’ to my tent. Bet they all talk a lot then. You pick.”

  Annoyed, she crossed her arms under her breasts, and his gaze snapped to the action. She realized what she’d done a second too late. With a huff, she dropped her arms and stormed to her wagon, where her bed was. She entered and slammed the door shut behind her, earning her a deep laugh from Gabriel as she did.

  The man was insufferable.

  Highly attractive, a great kisser and solid as a rock, but insufferable all the same.

  She gritted her teeth in frustration. A man had never stayed in her tent, her personal space, for a night before. Drawing back one of
her deep-red curtains on her wagon window, she looked out to see him still in the chair, looking far too big for the space, his feet still propped, his hat back over his eyes. A sly grin was on his face, and she grunted, pulling the curtains shut once more.

  She thought of yelling at him, but why? His goal was to protect her. It was an admirable one even if she didn’t agree with his tactics. She tried to go about her nightly routine as if an incredibly sexy man wasn’t sitting only a few feet away, protecting her. It was hard to do.

  She dressed in her nightgown and carefully placed Gabriel’s jacket on the end of her bed. It smelled like him. Grinning, she touched it and found herself drawing it closer to her, holding it as a small child would a doll. Sleep, normally elusive for her, came quickly.

  Chapter Six

  Gabriel kept his feet propped, his eyes closed and his hands folded on his lap. But his ears were wide open. He knew enough men like Marvin and his buddies. They were assholes looking for trouble. They’d make some if they couldn’t find it. Gabriel had humiliated the man in front of his peers. Marvin would seek revenge. He was welcome to try. Gabriel wouldn’t be so kind and forgiving this go round. The people in the carnival knew of Adeline’s condition, that meant Marvin did too, and he’d upset her more than once.

  He’d kill the man.

  Wouldn’t be the first life he’d taken.

  Wouldn’t be the last.

  He sat, his dick still throbbing from his make-out session with Adeline. He wanted to open his trews and relieve the ache, but he didn’t dare. Adeline was already unsure enough of him, he didn’t need her thinking even worse of him. But fuck, he needed to jerk off and soon.

  He listened as the party outside finally died down. The smell of smoldering embers reached him, and he knew someone had poured water on the fire. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there before he sensed it.

  Another wolf in the area.

  A shifter to be exact.

  And the scent was one he knew well.

  The sound of a commotion followed next, and Gabriel cursed softly, leaping to his feet and rushing from Adeline’s tent and in the direction of the other shifter. It didn’t take him long to find Betsy, Gusto and several other carny folk surrounding a man he’d known from birth.


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