Book Read Free

Her Healing Touch

Page 1

by April Zyon


  Copyright© 2017 April Zyon

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-428-2

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Heroes of Olympus, 4

  April Zyon

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One


  “She’s crying again,” Aphrodite murmured as she stood watch over the well.

  “She tried to date someone that wasn’t meant for her. He was not a good man, and he would never be the one that got her heart pumping the way that Scions will,” Athena said with a smile. “Just wait until they come into her life. She will then understand love.”

  “What makes you so confident that they are meant for her?”

  “When did you become such a cynic when it comes to love?”

  “When Eros pissed me off,” Aphrodite said with a huff and looked back into the well. “Wait.” Aphrodite spoke once more. “Why is that man unseen to us?” From the clothing and stance, it was obvious Hailey was talking to a man, but where his head should have been, was only a cloud of fog.

  “I don’t like this. Ares?” she called to her brother.

  “Yes, sister dear?” Ares gave Athena a kiss to her cheek and then Aphrodite. “Why are you watching Hailey? Who’s that with her?”

  “That’s what we were hoping that you could tell us. Can you see him?”

  “Of course. He looks like Thanatos, but he hasn’t walked the Earth for some years.”

  “Since we caged Hades, Thanatos has kept himself separate from us all. That explains why Aphrodite and I can’t see him.”

  Ares simply snorted. He knew that it was because the women had spurned the god, and so did they.

  “He’s still pissed off at the two of you.”

  “Yes, he is,” Aphrodite said with a shrug. “He’s just pissed because we wouldn’t fuck him at the same time.”

  “I think it’s more than that.” Ares watched the well carefully and growled. “He’s touching her. Why is he touching her?”

  “We don’t know. She just dumped another loser human, one she’d learned was out for her money. She deserves the ones created for her.”

  “She’s lonely?” Ares asked with a frown, still watching Thanatos with Hailey.

  “She’s very lonely, especially since her brother went off and joined the Peace Corps and left her alone.”

  “He was meant to be in them. He’s built to lead. Not like the Scions, but in his own human way.”

  “Is he—” Athena reached out to touch the water but held her hand just barely back from it.

  “Holy shit. He’s kissing her. Why?” Ares grumbled now. “I need to stop this. She’s needed by her men.” Ares touched the water and called. “Thanatos. Come here. Now.”

  The man lifted his head after kissing Hailey and walked away from her. They watched Hailey turn and walk back into the hospital where she worked.


  “You rang?” Thanatos said smugly as he appeared in the room with the two goddesses and the god.

  “Why did you kiss her? You know she is a Descendant and is destined for a pair of Scions.” Aphrodite spat out at Thanatos.

  “What, are you jealous, ‘Dite?” He smirked. “I kissed her because I like her. She’s a very sweet woman. She’s utterly beautiful inside and out, and she has a gift. She truly is from Aceso. She heals, but thinks that it’s modern medicine.”

  “Why are you with her?” Ares demanded.

  “Because she needs protection. The last man she went out with was a piece of shit. He owes the Russian Mafia approximately two and a half million dollars and he’s put her up for collateral. And no, I’m not kidding.”

  “Fuck, this sucks ass because it’s not like we can go down and pay it. We can’t become embroiled in the day to day with humans. Shit.” Ares ran his hands through his hair and began to pace.

  “Which is why Dr. Tom is now at her hospital. You might not be able to get involved, but I’ve never colored inside of the lines,” Thanatos said with a quirk of a grin.

  “Tom? Seriously? And a doctor? They actually believe you?” Athena asked with a frown. “And we can’t interfere with the mafia unless they come after her, and then only the Scions can ensure that she’s safe. Does she know?”

  “No. I’ve kept her as safe as I could. You are just lucky that I was down playing poker with some Irishmen and overheard them bitching about the Russians. Evidently one of the Irish, Connor, had his eye on the lovely Dr. Davenport.”

  “It’s the kindness in her soul that draws the darkness to her. Draws the men that are less than good to her.”

  “Does that mean that her Scions are less than good?” Thanatos asked with a smirk.

  “Of course not,” Ares grumbled and then shook his head. “I will get them tracking her way. Thank you for keeping her safe.”

  “I like her. She’s sweet. I had wondered just what sort of woman would come from Aceso. Now I know. She’s a pure soul. That’s why the children she cares for respond so well to her.”

  “True. This is very true. I will mobilize the men,” Ares stated again. “Watch over her, Dr. Tom?” he asked with laughter following him as he disappeared.

  “I will gladly watch over the good doctor, anytime, anyway, and any day of the week. I would just take care of how long you leave her in my care because you never know how long I can resist temptation.” Thanatos’s parting words weren’t lost on any of the gods there in the Hall of Watching on Olympus. “I do so love tweaking good ol’ Morpheus’s nose when I hang around his charge. I’ve tried to come around her before, but the old bastard kept stopping me. This time he couldn’t because this time I knew to hide myself better.”

  Chapter Two

  The Farm, somewhere in Texas

  Setting the cup of coffee down by the computer, Mikhail shook his head at the grunt that came from Owen. He picked up the folder to read through it again. Not like he didn’t already have it memorized, but he still had the feeling he was missing something.

  Gareth wandered into the computer hub of the house and took a seat with Camilla on the sofa. “Anything new?” he asked throwing an arm around their woman.

  “Owen’s still digging. We have the names of some of the lower level men of the organization, but the higher ups are a little more protected from the looks of things.” If there was one thing the Russian mafia was good at, it was keeping their most powerful members hidden.

  “Makes sense,” Nolan commented from his lounging position in one of the two recliners. “The lower level guys are pawns, fodder to be used and abused by those trying to save their own hides. They also tend to get used for when one of the others gets pinched by the cops. It’s amazing how many of the pawns do the time while the capos stay on the outside living in their big houses.”

  “Doesn’t bode well for a sense of security,” Gareth stated.

  “Not true. While the lower level guy is inside, the top-level guys keep the family of the man serving time safe, and they also put out a wad of cash to keep them all happy. The mafia boss always looks after the little guy to promote a sense of loyalty to the organization. The boss knows to keep an eye on the future. After all,
one day that lower level guy might very well be sitting at the table. And not one of them wants them on the other side with some other boss paying him. Not once they’ve been inside their own operation.” Mik tossed the folder down and began to pace the room. “It would be nice if Ares got his ass down here to explain why exactly we’re looking into this woman and how she is tied to the mob.”

  “Not her ties, Brown’s ties, the guy who went on the one date with her,” Owen piped up from in front of the computer. “I really hate the fact these assholes have their own hackers in their organizations. Be so much easier if they’d stuck with the old ways in all things.”

  “What do you know about the old ways, bro?” Nolan asked with a grin.

  Shooting him a look over his shoulder, Owen wiggled his eyebrows. “Not all of us were Boy Scouts before we joined up, bro.”

  Mik chuckled at the dumbfounded look on Nolan’s face. “He’s yanking your leg. And doing a good job, too, from where I stand.”

  “Asshole,” Nolan muttered, shaking his head. He looked at his watch and frowned. “I thought Ares said he was going to be here at nine. It’s nearly ten now.”

  “Apparently, they can’t tell time either,” Gareth said. “Really starting to wonder what being a so-called all-powerful god actually has going for it.”

  “What have you found so far about getting Hailey Davenport out of the trouble she’s in?” Ares’s tone had every single man looking his way when he walked into the room. “Fuck. Okay, yes, she’s a Descendant. There, is that what you wanted to hear?”

  “You really should lead with that sort of information,” Mikhail told him. “So, she’s a Descendant? Why didn’t you ask the guys to go for her before now?”

  “Because she has another watcher right now. One…” There was that hesitation in Ares’s voice, before he continued. “She’s a doctor. Pediatrician, actually. I didn’t ask you to take her yet because she’s tending to a young soul that needs to survive. The child will survive as long as she has Hailey. The child is bound to inspire greatness in those who lose hope, because of Hailey not giving up on her, so it’s imperative that Hailey set up a plan before she leaves. Her watcher, however.”

  Mikhail scrutinized Ares as he ran his hands through his hair and then began to pace.

  “Thanatos is looking out for her.” Ares growled. “Fucking goddamn Thanatos, and his handsy fucking self is watching over her because he’s tricked Morpheus and gained her confidence and as far as she knows Morpheus is on a business trip. He and Morpheus have a long running feud of sorts. Anytime that Thanatos can tweak Morpheus’s nose he will do it. So, the sooner you can figure out her tie to the Russians, the better. In the meantime, I would feel better if you would send a few men to watch over her as well so that I can tell that fucker to get back to Olympus.”

  “Uh, did he say Thanatos?” Nolan asked.

  Owen nodded. “Yup, he definitely did say Thanatos. I might be a little rusty on my Greek mythology, but isn’t he the guy that’s known as Death?”

  “More or less,” Nolan muttered. “He’s known as the daemon personification of Death. What the hell is he doing hanging around with one of the Descendants? Where is her regular watcher?”

  “The one watching her is Morpheus, and he’s been watching over her, but Thanatos took it upon himself to watch over Hailey right now, just to piss Morpheus off. Also, because she’s…” He hesitated. “She’s a pure soul. She’s a pediatrician, and the innocent souls are all drawn to her. That’s why Thanatos is drawn to her. She’s…” Ares turned and faced them and shrugged. “You would have to meet her to understand. It’s hard to put into words. People are drawn to her like a moth to a flame. That’s the best description I can give you.”

  “Morpheus doesn’t seem like the sort to step aside to allow anyone to watch over one of his charges. Especially when it’s someone like Thanatos,” Mikhail said.

  “He’s not. Thanatos stepped in without being asked and is refusing to walk away from her. He knows that she’s destined for a Scion pairing, but still, he’s refusing to leave her alone now that he’s met her. She’s a clean soul. Most souls are reborn, but hers wasn’t. As for the mob, the last I heard it was because of this douchebag Brown who fucking put her up as collateral. Please, tell me that I’m wrong?”

  “So, I figured out why Hailey seems to have caught the mob’s interest if anyone’s even the least bit curious.”

  Everyone looked to Owen. “He borrowed from the mob and ended up doing them a favor in return so he didn’t have to pay them back. The next time he borrowed the favor was bigger, and ended up ruining a profitable relationship. For him I mean, the chick was fucking loaded. The third time he went to them he put Hailey up as collateral in case he didn’t pay them back. He hasn’t, by the way. He also only has about six days left to pay before they snatch her up to kill her so that he can cash out on an insurance policy he’s taken out on the good doctor.”

  “Not gonna fucking happen,” Ares growled, his eyes narrowed. “She’s needed in this chain of events to keep Hades locked away. When are you going to go after her?” he demanded. “The faster you get to her the faster Thanatos can get his fucking gigolo ass back to Olympus where he belongs. If you wait too long, he’s going to hook up with her and then her Scions will never bond with her. It’s impossible to bond once a Descendant has had relations with a god.”

  “We’ll leave this afternoon,” Mik told him. They didn’t have anything else on the books anyway, so it was as good a time to go as any. “We should get there in a couple of hours, and then be able to make contact by this evening. Morpheus is going to have to prepare her for trouble so she knows why we’re there. Have him tell her about what the ex-boyfriend did, and that he’s hired us to keep her safe. It’s the same old broken record, but it seems to work.”

  “She already knows that there is trouble from the ex, just not what the trouble is. She broke things off with him when he wanted to do things to her after just one date that not even us twisted gods would do to each other. Well that, and she heard him on the phone talking about how much she was worth. To say he’s sick is an understatement. However, her Uncle Moe will pay her a visit. Oh, and I suggest none of you call him that. He’s more than a little touchy about his nickname.” Ares snickered. “He was so pissed when I filled his home with televisions all playing The Three Stooges.” And that was the last Ares said before disappearing.

  “And he wonders why he’s always in trouble,” Gareth said. “Well, at least we have an in with the little doctor. Keep digging until we head out, Owen. Any information we have at our disposal is good. Especially if we’re going up against the fucking mob.”

  “The Russian mob, no less,” Mikhail muttered. While he hadn’t grown up in the motherland, he knew all too well what the mob over there was into. Not all were bad guys, but too many had their fingers in way too many pies that ended in death. Usually horribly painful death. Shaking his head, he checked his watch. “We leave in two hours. Nolan, let the pilots know. Everyone else pack like we’re going to war.”

  They might very well be.

  Chapter Three

  Hailey accepted the file for her next patient and looked it over. “Debbie, have her meds decreased by a quarter. We need to start to wake her, but I need it to be slow. A quarter today and then a quarter tomorrow. Ensure that the plastic surgeon sees her parents and then meets with her as well. I don’t know how we did it, Debbie, but it looks like she is going to make it after all.”

  “Yes, Dr. Davenport,” Debbie said. “And you have visitors. They are waiting in your office.” She leaned in and added, “They’re all fine as wine, too, so if you need help with any of them, you can call me.”

  “I’m sure that I’ll be okay. Thank you, Debbie. Mark me out for the weekend, will you? I’m finally taking a vacation.” She turned on her heels and headed toward her office.

  Two minutes later she opened the door to a group of dangerous looking men. “Hello. I’m Dr. Davenport.
Can I help you?” she asked, sweeping a gaze over the group of them.

  “Nice to meet you, doctor. I’m Gareth Gruffyd, and these are the lads. Kind of hoping that Moe let you know we’d be coming?” The man’s lips twitched slightly when he said “Moe”, and a couple of the others snickered softly. “If not, this is going to be more than a little awkward.”

  “You’re the men that Uncle Moe hired for me?” She closed the door behind her and frowned. “He went a little over and above, didn’t he? Do I really need this many of you to keep me safe from whatever it is that Uncle Moe is worried about?”

  “Best to be safe rather than sorry, ma’am,” he told her. “We’re a unit, and always work as a group. Two will be assigned directly to you while the rest of us work backup. Now, we understand he convinced you taking a bit of a vacation was a good idea. What he didn’t have time to pass along before we were on the plane was what the exact plan might be. Care to fill us in?”

  “He said that I would be watched over and protected. He told me that I would have to do as you all said so that I would remain safe. So, I suppose my life is now in your hands?” She took a seat behind her desk and rubbed her temples. “I needed a vacation, though, so that part is good.” She glanced up. “Uncle Moe had me pack a bag in case I had to go somewhere other than home.”

  “Probably best we don’t go by your house. Given the threat against you, we don’t want to take any unnecessary chances. We won’t be leaving the city immediately, though, since we need to check a few things out before we depart. So, we’ll start your vacation off right with a stay in a very nice hotel room. You can relax with a massage, take a dip in the Jacuzzi, and even order up some room service while we tend to business.” He looked over to another man with cold gray eyes. “Right, we need to get moving.”


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