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Her Healing Touch

Page 6

by April Zyon

  “Ever get the idea that what you’re thinking is being said and what is actually being said are two different things?” Stefan commented.

  “All the time,” Lincoln said with a chuckle.

  “Good to hear,” Gareth said with a grin. “All I can say is I’m glad this place has thick walls, and I will leave it at that.”

  Nolan snorted and turned it into a cough when she looked his way. “What?” he asked her all innocent like.

  Owen shook his head and advised, “Ignore them, Hailey. Eat your dinner, and then I will get you to sign the sheets after I’ve filled them out. Once that’s done, you can pop into your bath while we send these guys back out to play at the insurance company.”

  “Sounds good.” She continued to eat and listened in as she watched the men as they interacted with each other.

  When Owen finished, he cleared his plate, and then went to the computer. Humming softly, he dug in one of the bags sitting under the desk he’d confiscated for his use and pulled out a printer. He set it up and then got to work typing away like a madman while his eyes drifted across the various screens before him.

  Hailey settled on the couch and watched Owen work. “So, what can I do for you? Heck, for that matter, what can I do, period? I’m not used to just sitting around doing nothing, and it’s driving me batty.”

  He crooked a finger at her with barely a pause in his typing. “Come on over here. You get to sign some things in a moment. Plus, I want you to keep me company while I do what I need to do so we can send these guys back for a second B&E.”

  “I happen to love keeping you company. Especially when you let me sit on your lap,” she all but purred and took a seat on his lap. “How can you be so focused and still know everything that’s happening around you as well?”

  Chuckling, he shrugged and gave her a squeeze before moving his hand back to the keyboard. “I can multitask like no one else. It’s a skill, baby. One I have honed to a fine art. I will admit that when I’m tired my reaction time is a little sluggish, but I can still make magic happen.” The printer started to spit out sheets. Owen turned them in the chair to face it, and he handed her a pen. Taking the sheets off he pointed to the spots she needed to initial or sign.

  She signed where she needed to sign and passed him the pen back. “You make magic happen all right.” He had made her scream for the first time in her life, a scream of pleasure. “Just don’t multitask when I want your full attention, or I might get all grumbly on you.”

  He looked at her and shook his head. “Never. When I’m with you it’s only you,” he said softly. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he spun them around to go back to work on his computers. A moment later he paused. “Nolan, I have the guy’s signature for you to come and forge please.”

  “Coming.” The other man wandered over and frowned at the screen. Taking the pen from Owen he did a few dry runs on a sheet of paper, and finally nodded. He then took the sheets from her with a grin and applied the signature to each where Owen pointed. “There you go.”

  “Mik, you guys are up again. These need to be put into these four locations in the office,” Owen said. He handed over a folder with the signed papers to the other man and tore a sheet off the notepad to pass over.

  “We’ll make it happen.”

  “So, now what?” She wanted to know.

  “They go off to lay the groundwork by putting the paperwork into place. While they do that, I start to mess with his accounts so that he’ll only have one working card with a minuscule balance each day. I’ll also put a few flags on his accounts so he can’t get anything fixed for at least a month. From there we get to sit and wait to see what he does next,” Owen told her.

  Nolan collapsed on the couch as the other guys finished their meals and started out the door. “My guess is, once he realizes he’s been found out on the insurance scam, he’ll start to panic.”

  “Which he will be notified of tomorrow with the letter we did up and had you and Nolan sign. He’ll have to sign for it since the receptionist only uses couriers that require a signature to prove delivery to the clients. I’ll get the tracking number from her computer in the morning when she fills out the forms. We’ll know the moment he has it in hand.”

  “You guys are scary good at this. Remind me never to cross you. Then again there are some things that I would happily allow you both to do to me. I kind of like the way that you both take control.” She felt free with these two men, and that was a pleasure to her. Being a pediatrician, she rarely was able to let go.

  “Good to know,” Nolan told her with a grin. “You should have your bath. You’re going to be stiff in the morning if you don’t. Plus, you’ll need to sleep with some warm-blooded, sexy men to stay toasty through the night. That’ll help with any aches and pains that may come.”

  “I happen to agree with that.” She rose from Owen’s lap and nodded. “I’m happy. Even with all the mess that's going on around us, I’m happy, and it’s because the two of you are in my life. I just wanted you to know that.” She told them and walked out of the room toward her temporary bedroom and the Jacuzzi tub she spied in there earlier.

  “It will get better,” he called after her. She heard the two men talking before she turned the water on. Then all she could think about was sinking into the warm water.

  Chapter Eight

  A warm hand drifted slowly up her arm. She was so warm, comfortable, and never wanted to move from where she was. At least that was the plan, until her bladder sent out the alert to get her butt up and moving.

  “You’re frowning, Hailey. What is up with that, sweetheart?” Nolan asked in a husky tone.

  “I need to pee,” she said with a blush, or at least she was sure she was blushing. “Can you move so that I don’t have to climb over you? Because if I climb over you I will want to stay there and then that will just turn out all around bad for both of us. Don’t you think?”

  He appeared to be thinking about it. “I don’t see how it could turn out bad. But I would feel horrible if you hurt yourself because of the need to pee that I thwarted with my manly self, being as irresistible as I am. So, I shall move with the understanding you will return promptly to the bed. Mainly because now I’m awake enough to realize I may also need the facilities in the very near future.” Sitting up he moved to provide her with a path off the bed behind him.

  “I’ll return quickly, promise.” She moved as fast as she could so that she could make it to the facilities without peeing on herself. After she did what she needed to do she cleaned up a bit and then walked out, back to their bed. “Okay, your turn.”

  Pressing a kiss to her cheek, Nolan rose out of the bed and walked toward the bathroom. He disappeared for a couple of moments before he came back out. When he climbed back into the bed, he gave her a proper kiss with his wonderfully fresh breath.

  “Mmm, I love freshly brushed mouths.” Fortunately, she had brushed hers as well, so she had minty breath. “So, since Owen is still sound asleep what do you say you shower with me and then we will go and order room service for all of us?”

  “Owen isn’t asleep,” Owen grumbled from under the pillow he had over his head. “Hasn’t been since someone kicked him in the leg a little too close to the family jewels for comfort. Go and shower, I’ll put in the call for all the breakfast goodies.”

  “Well sorry, but I had to pee.” She turned and kissed Owen’s chest and then nodded. “Okay, sounds like a plan. Are you going to come and join me in the shower as well? It’s large enough for all three of us, you know.”

  “I’m going to attempt twenty more minutes of sleep, maybe thirty. Unlike someone, I was up when the guys got back so I could finish some of the stuff I needed to. I’ll get the next one, baby. Go, do your thing. I will ensure you have lots of bacon and pancakes.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed Owen’s cheek and then patted his chest again. “Later we will have a shower together. Are you going to come wash my back for me?”

  “I was think
ing of doing a lot more than just washing your back,” he told her. Bending, he scooped her up into his arms and headed back for the bathroom. “I plan to wash your back, your front, and a whole bunch of other parts. If you don’t mind, that is.”

  Once they were in the shower Nolan told her, “Have a seat on the bench, Hailey.”

  She did just that. She sat on the edge of the seat and looked up at him. Licking her lips, she watched him. “So, what is it that you are going to do?”

  Moving closer, he lifted her legs up over his shoulders. After pressing a kiss to her inner thigh, he moved his mouth to slowly tease her. With two fingers, he pulled her wet folds. A flick of his tongue had her gripping the edge of the seat tight to keep from bucking off. “So wet, and all for me.” He didn’t say anything more before sucking her clit into his mouth and pressing a finger deep inside her pussy.

  He pushed a second finger into her body and then began to thrust them in and out slowly. At the same time, he flicked her clit with his tongue while alternating to press the flat of his tongue to the tight nub. With his free hand, he rubbed a finger to her pussy, and then down to her anus to tease the tight bud.

  Hailey leaned back and moaned. She shuddered in appreciation and bit her lower lip. “God, yes. Right there.” She began to move her body, with his help, so that she could get the most from his touches and loving.

  The tip of his finger slipped into her ass to stretch the outer muscles. Nolan didn’t push further. She knew he was letting her body decide what it wanted. His other fingers were busy pumping in and out of her body while his mouth continued to tease her clit without mercy.

  She felt his teeth brush her clit lightly, providing a new sensation. His finger in her ass slid in further when she pressed closer to him, stretching her more. He gave a little wiggle to that single digit while curling the fingers in her pussy to send her body into overdrive.

  Nolan drew his fingers out gently, his tongue moving to stroke her swollen flesh, slowly easing her down from the high. Only when she slumped back against the wall did he lift his head from between her thighs. Licking his lips, he pushed up from the floor and moved to collect a condom from the shelf where she’d dropped them. He tore into one and rolled it onto his hard cock. “More?” he asked lifting a brow.

  “Yes, please. More. Everything, anything. Just fuck me,” she begged as she pulled him closer to her body. Once he was close enough, she leaned in and kissed him. That kiss held all the hunger she was feeling, all the need and desire.

  His lips curved against hers, and she felt the chuckle in his chest when he drew her in closer. Then he switched their positions so he was the one sitting, and she was standing over him. Pulling her in until she straddled his lap, he looked up at her while holding his cock steady for her to sit on.

  Bracing her knees on the bench at each side of his thighs she looked down at him and smiled. “I have never been in this position before.” Not in a shower, not riding a hot man that was all hers.

  “There will be a lot of firsts in our lives, Hailey. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them all, and want more as we go.” Nolan put a hand on her hip to steady her as she began to ease down. “Let your instincts guide you, sweetheart.”

  “That sounds good.” She slowly took Nolan’s cock into her body, biting her lips as she did so. Nolan moved his hands to cup her ass, giving the muscles a squeeze. “Kiss me, Hailey,” he told her. She gave him what he wanted, never thinking to deny him. Her lips met his, and he took full control of the kiss. His hands slid up her back to her arms and moved them so they were looped around his neck. Then he dropped his hands to her ass again and encouraged her to move.

  She moved with his help, her lips against his and kissing him with as much desperation and desire as he was feeling. She nipped his lips as they kissed and moaned when he squeezed her ass tighter. She began to ride him harder. Pulling back from him, she put her forehead to his and gasped. “I love when you squeeze my butt.”

  “You have a sweet ass, Hailey. One I love to have my hands on.” He gave her a small, sharp slap to her rump, and grinned when she went wide-eyed.

  “Keep moving, sweetheart.” He gave another smack to her ass. It was a little harder than the others and jolted her into action. “That’s it, by the gods, you feel good.” When he put his mouth to her throat, she felt him suck on her flesh before giving her a little love bite.

  She was going faster now, her actions jerky and uncertain. All she knew was she was so close. “I’m going to come. Please, be with me.” His hands moved to her hips to help her move faster. Moving his mouth on her throat, he settled over the curve of her neck and shoulder. Then he bit down again, nice and hard. It sent her body into the stratosphere as he pushed her down onto his cock harder.

  “There,” she said with a sob, and after pumping up and down on him several times she was soon crying his name. Her pussy clenched his dick as she began to come hard, her juices coating his latex-covered cock.

  Nolan tightened his hold on her hips as he pulled her down over him once more. Hailey felt the shudder that tore through him before he gave a yell against her skin. He slid his arms around her as his body loosened, and he slouched back against the wall of the shower.

  Hailey was completely loose against Nolan, her body slumped against his and a smile on her lips. She moved her head to lay on his shoulder and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “Freaking amazing.”

  “Yes, you were, my dear.” He pressed a kiss to her neck and gave her a squeeze. For a few minutes, they sat like they were before he finally heaved a breath. They got out of the shower and began to dry off.

  He had made an offhanded comment about pleasure and pain without more pain afterwards, so she had to ask, “Are you both going to show me those ways? Will you both teach me how to accept the pain without hurting afterward?”

  “Of course, we will. You liked when I smacked you on your ass, right?” At her nod, he smiled. “It was a sharp sting at first, but after that initial pain what did you feel?”

  “Pleasure that radiated from where you spanked me to my clit and back again. I felt like liquid nitrogen just waiting to go off.” She felt sensations she hadn’t felt before and wanted more of them. “It felt good. Magnificent. Same with when you bit my neck and shoulder, I liked that.”

  Chuckling, he finished drying off and hung up the towel once more. “There are some ways to have that same sensation when we pleasure you in the bedroom. We can spank with our hand, a paddle, or even step it up to something like a riding crop. There are other ways to heighten the sensations with something as simple as a blindfold. Because without one sense, all the others adjust for the loss, making everything more intense. But it’s something we can talk about as we progress in our relationship.”

  She had wrapped the towel around her body to cover herself but bit her lower lip at the mention of a riding crop. “That one, can we do the riding crop and the blindfold? I would trust you and Owen, no one else.”

  “We can do whatever you want to do, sweetheart.” Stepping in close to her, he slid his arms around her waist. He lowered his head to brush a kiss to her lips gently.

  Her arms lifted and wrapped around his neck. She tugged him closer and kissed him right back. When they pulled apart, she licked her lips and grinned. “Right, food.”

  “Definitely, food,” he told her with a nod. He gave her another kiss before letting out a groan. Lifting his head, he spun her around and with a smack to her towel covered ass ushered her out of the bathroom. “Throw on some clothing so I have a prayer of not jumping your sexy body until I’ve eaten.”

  “What, the towel isn’t enough?” she teased over her shoulder. Once he gave her that too sexy growl again she laughed and nodded. “Okay, clothes. Can I put on one of your t-shirts?” She wanted to wear his or Owen’s t-shirts, so it felt like they were hugging her when she wore them.

  “You know where they are. Go right ahead and help yourself to whatever you want.” He padded over to the dres
ser where his bag sat and rifled through for a pair of jeans. After pulling them on he dug out a shirt for himself, and waved a hand at the open bag for her to have a go.

  She pulled out one of his old and well-worn tees. She pulled that on and then a pair of shorts that she had packed as well. Braiding her hair, she pushed it behind her and then reached out for him. “Come on, let’s go and see if they have food all ready for us, shall we?”

  He slipped his hand into hers and gave it a squeeze. “As long as they remembered lots of coffee.” Grinning, he swung their joined hands as they left the room.

  Chapter Nine

  Hailey was humming after breakfast and had a seemingly permanent smile on her face. It was just after lunch when Mikhail approached her wearing a serious expression and a phone in his hand.

  “Hey there. What’s up?” She looked back at Mikhail once more. “Where are Owen and Nolan?” She was feeling a little shakier as she watched Mikhail watching her.

  “Nolan is in the bedroom, and Owen’s right there,” he pointed slightly to her right, and behind her. She felt Owen’s hand on her neck a moment later. Mikhail gave her the phone, and then backed off a couple of steps.

  Pulling the phone to her ear, Hailey said hello and listened.

  “Oh my God, Hailey. I don’t know what to do. I can’t lose him. He’s everything to me. You have to help me.”

  “Sharon, calm down.” The woman was in hysterics, but the second she mentioned Dale, Hailey felt her knees go just a little weak.

  “He’s gone. I don’t know where he is, if he’s hurting right now. He’s probably so frightened without me. You know how he is with his routine. I’m so scared, Hay!”

  “What do you mean he’s gone?” Dale was Sharon’s six-year-old son. He had Down’s Syndrome, but was he was so full of life. His laugh always made everyone around him smile. And if someone was having an off day, he would just sit next to them, offer them a hug. He was the sweetest boy she had ever met. Hailey would do anything for him.


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