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Her Healing Touch

Page 10

by April Zyon

  Nolan gave her a nod. “If that’s what you want, absolutely. We should have talked about it sooner, but we obviously were not thinking very clearly. We’re both clean. We get medical checkups every six months as is mandatory for this program we’re part of. Just so you know that, and the fact I’ve never not used a condom until you.”

  “Ditto,” Owen said softly.

  “And you both know that I’ve never been with another until the two of you.” They had taken her innocence, and she had loved every moment of it. “I don’t want children right away. I hope that you are both good with that? I want to wait until I’m in my thirties to have them. I want a lot of time to be selfish and alone with my men.” And they were hers.

  “Baby, we are more than fine with that. It is your body after all, and we’re still doing what we do, so it wouldn’t be fair to any child we did have. In time, we’ll likely slow down, shift gears, and figure out our next steps if we keep working. At which point we can reevaluate the situation and see if we’re all ready to give it a shot,” Owen told her.

  “Thank you. That sounds like an excellent plan.” She was cuddled up now between both men again and smiled. “Was it just me, or did it feel like we broke the sound barrier there when we all climaxed?” And she’d passed out. Oh, lordy. “I’m sorry I dropped off on you guys like I did. I guess it just short circuited my brain.”

  Nolan stroked her arm gently, and with a smile, then shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. That was a pretty wild ride we all went on. I have to admit to being both sorry and glad that it was a onetime deal. You had us worried when your eyes rolled back in your head like they did.”

  “Well, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again. It felt awesome, though.” She accepted another drink of the water that they gave her and leaned back once more. “I think that we should go and find something to eat now, though. What do you say? I’m starving, and food would be good.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The vehicles slowed and then made a turn. Through the window Hailey could see trees, farmland, and the stars brighter than she’d ever seen them in the night sky. They drove for a while longer before she finally caught sight of lights from a house. When they came to a halt out front, the door popped open and out dashed three women.

  Owen slid out of the SUV she was in and moved to pull her door open. “We’re here,” he said softly. It had been a long trip overall, and everyone looked as tired as she felt. He took her hand to help her down from the truck.

  She placed her hand in Owen’s and allowed him to pull her out of the vehicle. “I’m glad to be home. Thank you for talking me into coming with you, though, I was worried at first because of my patient. But I made sure to note everything, and my plans for her. It was the only case I hadn’t finished, but I trust the team of doctors, and know she’ll be fine. And because of you all, so will I.” It had been a shorter conversation than they’d likely thought it would be. In her mind, however, it made perfect sense. These men were hers, and she wouldn’t go anywhere without them.

  Chuckling, he shrugged and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “We didn’t exactly have to sell it all that much. You dove on board pretty much the moment Nolan opened his mouth to ask you. I’m still suffering the whiplash from such a quick answer.” Hugging her in close to his side, he walked her over to where the women were practically mauling some of the men.

  “Well, a girl knows a good thing when she sees it, and the two of you are a very, very good thing. Having you both in my life is something that I want and something I’m never letting go of. That’s why I said yes before you even stopped talking.”

  “Glad to hear it, Hailey,” he said. He pressed a kiss to her temple as he tightened his hold on her. “If the ladies would stop mauling the guys I could introduce you to them. Camilla, for the love of the gods, let the man up for air.”

  Hailey laughed and heard the other women laughing as well. She looked up at her guys and winked. “That would so be me. I won’t lie. I happen to love the way that it feels to have you both holding me. Add to it the fact of how long they have been gone … I don’t blame them for being so touchy-feely with their men.”

  “Yeah, well, they should be more interested in meeting you now so they can haul them off to their rooms to do whatever they plan to do. Because the longer they stand out here doing that the longer the intros will take, and the less time they’ll have in the bedroom.”

  “It’s all good,” Hailey said with a grin. “I can wait to meet them if I need to. If they would prefer some time with their men, I understand. I know if I had to go without the two of you for more than a day I would be very sad. I would be acting just like these women are.”

  “Maybe we should just hose them down,” Thomas suggested. He stopped next to Nolan and shook his head with a grin. “Let’s head inside. They’ll come in eventually, or there’ll be an orgy on the front lawn we’ll need to clean up in the morning. Personally, I’m exhausted and just want my bed.”

  Stefan strode past them. “I’m way ahead of you there, bro. I plan to crack a cold one, and then having a long hot shower before I sleep for at least twelve hours. Welcome to the Farm, Hailey. See y’all in the morning.”

  “Good night,” Hailey said to the men that were walking into the home. She looked up at Owen and Nolan and smiled. “It’s good to be home.” She felt as if she had finally come home, felt like she was finally where she needed to be. “Come on, let’s go in and put my things away then come back down for something to eat. Maybe by then everyone will be ready to meet me?” She didn’t want to intrude, but she did want to meet the women that she was going to be sharing a home with.

  “We can only hope they’ve come up for air by then,” Nolan muttered. “You’d think they’d been gone for years, not days. I hope you plan on being this enthusiastic to see us when we come back from trips, sweetheart. Frankly, I’m rather looking forward to it.” He put his hand on her back and urged her toward the house.

  “I have a feeling that I will be waiting at the end of the drive for you guys to come back to me. I might be wrong, but I doubt it. I miss you when you guys are gone from me for half an hour. I can’t imagine how bad it will be when you are gone from me for days or weeks. It won’t be longer than weeks, right?”

  “Unlikely,” Owen said. “But we can’t ever say for sure. It all depends on what the job is, and what is involved in keeping the protected safe. Some are quick fixes. Others might take a bit more work, we never truly know until we’re on site and can assess.”

  “Well, when you are gone I will miss you. Now, you promised me a walk?” she asked.

  “We’ll only do a short tour around the yard, nothing major today. We’ll take you out in one of the carts tomorrow to show you the rest of the property if Mik doesn’t have us scheduled for anything hellish.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s go and enjoy ourselves in the bedroom,” she said with a grin.

  Chapter Twelve

  An hour after they finished their meal Hailey was headed upstairs with Owen and Nolan. They had enjoyed their time outside. It had been a beautiful night, and she was happy that she asked them to take her outside to enjoy a bit of it.

  She took a shower alone, mostly so she could shower and shave. She had teased and fussed with the boys in telling them that her hair was almost as long on her legs and under her arms as it was on her head. She shaved completely and walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her body.

  She saw the guys sitting there chatting and smiled. “Okay, the bathroom is all free, my dear ones. Who gets the shower first?”

  A quick game of rock-paper-scissors had Nolan popping to his feet with a grin. Walking past her he dropped a kiss to her lips. “Mm, minty fresh,” he teased. Then he headed into the bathroom, easing the door shut behind him.

  “So, you lost Rochambeau did you?” She took her towel off and settled into Owen’s lap. “How about I help you pass the time since you lost? I will be the consolation prize. And a
s Nolan said, I’m all minty-fresh.” She leaned in and brushed her cheek against his and kissed his ear.

  He slid a hand over her thigh until his fingers lightly brushed against her pussy. “You say lost, I personally think I won,” he said with a chuckle. “I get to have you warm from the shower in my lap for the next ten to fifteen minutes. Not a bad deal in my mind.”

  “We won’t tell Nolan that you actually won then.” She moved so that she was facing Owen with a knee on each side of his legs. “Because I think that you won as well.” Her hands were on his shoulders, and she was sitting on his lap. “So, what did you have in mind for the next ten to fifteen minutes? Personally, I think you should kiss me and let me touch you.”

  “I am completely on board with that plan.” Grinning he cupped her face to pull her in for a kiss. Owen took his time to taste her and drive her a little crazy since he insisted on controlling the kiss entirely. Finally, he drew back to lick his lips and then sat back in the chair tucking his hands behind his head.

  She liked this game. She was in charge. She rubbed against his very prominent erection and let her hands move down his chest. She undid the first few buttons on Owen’s shirt and pressed kisses along the way. “You have on too many clothes. Let’s get you naked.” Once he was as undressed as she was, she bit his thigh lightly while her hands moved up his legs and her cheek against his cock. Hailey then put her hand around the base of his dick and took him into her mouth slowly. She let her tongue lick down the underside of his cock to give him extra sensation.

  “Holy fuck,” he bit out. With a low, long groan Owen pushed his fingers into her hair and took hold. His gaze got hotter when she began to bob her head. “Damn, baby, I love your fucking mouth.”

  “That’s a good thing. Because I fucking love you, too,” she told him and once more took him back into her mouth. She began to move up and down on his cock eagerly.

  He tugged on her hair until she lifted off his cock. Then he leaned in to kiss her hard. “I love all of you, Hailey Davenport.” Another quick kiss and he let her get back to what she had in her hands.

  She stopped, here and there, just to keep him from coming. She didn’t want him to come until they were all together.

  “Damn it, woman, quit trying to kill me,” he said. He was panting hard, the hand in her hair shaking slightly as he glared down at her with a glazed look in his eyes.

  She heard the shower shut off in the bathroom. Nolan was humming just loud enough for her to hear the tune through the door, although she didn’t recognize it.

  “But I love making you wiggle around.” And that’s what he was doing, too. He was squirming around on the chair he was settled on. “I think that it’s Nolan’s turn to be teased, don’t you?”

  “I hope you make him suffer as much as I am currently,” he grumbled. He tugged her up into his lap to kiss her silly before he got to his feet and set her down on hers.

  Nolan watched as Owen made his way to the bathroom. Turning he lifted a brow. “Whatever did you do to him, sweetheart? He was not looking all that relaxed.”

  “Come sit down and I’ll show you,” Hailey said with a grin. “You see, I found a video on one of your guys’ phone and watched it, and I put what I learned to the test. It seems I passed with flying colors with Owen, so now let’s see if I get an A from you as well.” The teasing she had done to Owen was exactly the same technique used from the video. It had turned her on, she wouldn’t lie.

  Nolan eyed her a moment longer before giving a shrug and headed to take a seat. Settling in he tipped his head slightly. “So, what was this video you watched? And I’m assuming it wasn’t actually on one of our phones, but you looked it up.”

  “It’s one that I looked up. You see I want to be able to give you guys as much as you give to me all the time, so I checked the Internet and found a video that essentially taught me how to give a proper blowjob. Would you like for me to show you what I learned as well?”

  Slipping his hand around her neck, he pulled her closer to give her a gentle kiss. “Have fun, and do whatever makes you happy. We’re guys. There’s really not a lot you could do to make us unhappy if you have our cocks in hand. We’re simple like that.”

  “Oh, that’s excellent. I like that idea.” She shifted so that she was between his knees and ran her hands up and down his thighs.

  “Glad you approve,” he said with a chuckle. “The toothy grin makes me a little nervous, though, especially with where you’re currently perched. Please remember we’re also tremendous wimps when it comes to our cocks. We tend to place serious value on that particular chunk of anatomy.”

  “Don’t worry, the last thing that I’d do is hurt you.” She leaned in and put her mouth over the domed shaped head of his cock and put her hand at the base of his dick so that she could hold him and move up and down on his shaft, teasing him with her tongue as she did so.

  He slammed his hands down on the arms of the chair. Nolan let out a hiss as his hips lifted closer to her mouth before he put his ass back on the seat. “Holy shit,” he wheezed out.

  She pulled back from him and looked up at him. “So far so good?” she asked and when he just looked at her she began to lick on his shaft once more, laving her tongue over the head of his cock and down the sides.

  “Mother of the gods,” he muttered. “You are never allowed on the ‘net again. Whatever you learn next might kill me,” he finished in a strangled tone. Nolan was rocking his hips trying to push his cock deeper, so she only grinned at his words.

  She pulled off of him and looked up. “Now you see why Owen looked as if he had no bones left in his body.” She teased him before she went back to licking and sucking Nolan’s cock.

  As he threw his head back, one of his hands moved to grab onto her hair. He let out a growl when he brought his head back up so he could pin her with a look. “Hum,” he ordered her, panting hard.

  She became even more wet and needy when he grabbed her hair and made demands. When he pushed her back down to his cock, she licked her way down, and as she moved up and down on his dick, she hummed, feeling the vibrations in his dick as she did so.

  “Fuck yeah,” he breathed out. Nearly identical to what Owen had said earlier. “I love the feeling of you humming around my cock.” She squeezed him again, and he jolted in her grip. Grabbing the back of the chair over his shoulder, he moved his hips faster. “Close, so damn close.”

  “You can’t come until Owen is with us.” Hailey pulled away from him, leaning back on her heels and watching him. She hadn’t let Owen come, so she wouldn’t let Nolan come either.

  “So now that I have you both all worked up, what do you say we get started making love once more?” She looked over to see Owen coming out of the shower and stopping to watch them.

  “Considering you left me aching, that’s a damn fine plan.” Scooping her up into his arms, Owen carried her over to the bed, and tossed her onto it. He followed her and caught her up trapping her under him. With a dip of his head, he found her mouth with his and kissed her silly.

  When Owen let her up for air, she licked her lips and smiled.

  “It’s a little hard to focus when all the blood in your body is throbbing in only one appendage. I was so hard in my shower that all I could think of was your lips on my dick, baby.” He shifted his hips, and his cock rubbed over her aching clit. “I think I dropped the soap at least half a dozen times. Don’t even get me started on the fiasco washing my hair ended up being.”

  “So, that’s what took you so long?” she asked and lifted a leg so that she could wrap it around his waist to pull him closer. “So, since you were unfocused and unsure, why don’t we do something about helping you to come to completion as well? I certainly want to have you inside of me again.”

  “I definitely want to be inside of you.” With a roll of his hips, he pressed the head of his cock to her pussy and then thrust in deep.

  Angling her hips slightly she took him fully into her body without any hesitation.
“God, you feel so good.” She was so wet, her pussy sopping because of the pleasure that she had given her men.

  In a quick move, Owen rolled them so she was sitting on top of his cock. The new position drove him in deeper as she adjusted over him. “I was about to say the same, Hailey.”

  “I’m glad.”

  With a flick of his thumbs to her pussy, he slid his hands up to cup her breasts, his fingers latching onto her nipples to pinch and roll the tight nubs.

  Nolan moved from being a watcher in the door to an active participant. He was suddenly on the bed behind her, stroking his hand down her spine. Dropping a kiss on her shoulder, he looked at her with a grin.

  She was rubbing against Owen while arching her back to Nolan’s touch.

  Owen gave her nipples a tug before letting his hands drop to her legs again. With his hands gone Nolan slipped his into place to toy with her nipples while she rode Owen’s cock.

  She rocked against them both and whimpered when Nolan gave her nipples a hard tug. “That feels so good.” She moaned. “I need you both again, please.” She was close to her completion but needed both men there with her.

  “Lean forward so that Nolan can lube your sweet little ass up,” Owen told her. He drew her down until she was reclined over his body. Behind her, she could feel Nolan moving around, and then applying the lubricant from the bottle Owen had passed over.

  She pushed back against Nolan as his clever fingers pushed the lube up and into her ass. “God, yes,” she was moving with the help of Nolan’s and Owen’s hands on her body. She was able to move easily with both of them.

  “Quit squirming, woman. This isn’t as easy as it sounds in theory, especially once you’re greased up.” Nolan smacked her ass before leaning over her to toss the container back into the partially open nightstand drawer. He lifted off her, and she felt his cock rubbing against her ass a moment later.


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