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Jock's Baby

Page 6

by Roxeanne Rolling

  I’m always heading to the law firm these days. Sometimes I wonder why I wanted to be a partner so much to begin with. I had to work so hard to beat out everyone else, especially that new guy Fred, who was devastated when I became partner. But I knew his threats were just empty. He was all talk and nothing more.

  The law firm was more than understanding about my pregnancy. Well, they still made me partner. Of course, I practically worked up until the day I went into labor, and I don’t have any maternity leave. Well, one week, but in my book that doesn’t really count.

  Without Joanne and my mother, I don’t know what I’d do.

  It’s about the most insane schedule someone might have—having a three month old baby to take care of and this insanely demanding career.

  My phone beeps at me. A new email from work.

  It’s from Witherspoon, the senior partner who I report to. New Case, reads the subject line.

  Great, another case on top of my already busy schedule. But that’s what I get for living my dream.

  I wanted so much to move on from data analysis, being a glorified paralegal, and move onto the actual courtroom.

  This sis going to be my first courtroom case.

  My heart’s fluttering from excitement as I scan the email for the information. After all, even if I’m overwhelmed and up to my neck in work already, I’m thrilled to have my first real case.

  But my heart stops when I read what the case is about.

  It’s a bar that suing none other than Jeff Tallborne, father of my child.

  And he doesn’t know anything about Mia.

  I debated telling him, sure. But I had just cut it off with him when I learned that I was pregnant. And I cut him off because he was exactly the type of person who is not suitable to be a boyfriend, let alone a father to a child.

  And now I’m supposed to be suing him in court? I’m going to be compiling evidence against him, and it’s all pertaining to that very bar fight that caused me to leave him.

  I’ve seen in a couple games on TV here and there, just in passing. It’s not like I have time to sit around watching games.

  But I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t watch more of his games if I had the time. Even though he’s an arrogant prick, and a dangerously irresponsible one at that, he’s still the hottest guy by far I’ve ever been with. I felt so desired and safe in his arms, as he was pounding his huge cock into me. The feeling still stays with me a little, and I feel a warmth running through me when I think of him.

  First thing I do when I get to he office is head into Witherspoon’s office.

  “Is there anyway I can change the case?” I say, not bothering to sit down or say a greeting.

  “Hello to you too, Lexi,” says Witherspoon, a paunchy man in his late 40s with a comb-over hair cut and two ex-wives who are suing him simultaneously for alimony—quite fitting for a lawyer.

  “I’m really excited to be on my first courtroom case,” I say. “But I don’t think this one is for me.”

  “Look, Lexi,” says Witherspoon, getting up from his desk and taking his golf club from its stand. He lines up putter with the ball that’s perpetually on its stand and takes a careful swing. He sinks it into the hole. “We were very understanding with your pregnancy. That’s the first time we’ve ever done something like that here, but you know with the new laws the way they are….”

  “Yes,” I say. “I very much appreciate the time off.”

  It was only a week, I’m thinking to myself. But this the way you’ve got to act here if you want to be anybody.

  “So I think you should be quite happy that you’re a partner despite all that…” He wants to say pregnancy, but he’s wondering if there are any legal implications. “This is a big opportunity for you. And that’s the end of the discussion.”

  “Perfect,” I say, turning on my heel and heading into my own office.

  I start reviewing the paperwork that’s been delivered by the new secretary. Fuck, how am I going to pull this off? It seems like there’s a huge conflict of interest, but then again no one knows that Jeff Tallborne is Mia’s father.

  There have been so many nights during the pregnancy where I laid awake and wondered whether or not I should contact Jeff. Sometimes I decided I should and sometimes I decided I shouldn’t.

  But each morning that I woke up, following a night I had promised myself I needed to call him, no matter what—each morning I would find some excuse. Sometimes they were good excuses, and sometimes they were bad ones. Once, Jeff was on the news for head butting a fan at a game, a fan who had apparently insulted him in some way. Another time, I ran out of instant coffee, and told myself I couldn’t call him without my morning dose of caffeine.

  And so the months continued, and he still doesn’t know.

  I have an obligation to tell him, I think to myself. Plus, I have to think of Mia. How long is she going to be able to go without knowing her father? The longer I let this go on, the worse its’ going to get.

  Well, I think to myself, trying to get my head clear of all the possibilities. The first thing I should do is at least call Jeff and let him know what’s going on with the court case, just as a sort of professional courtesy. After all, just having hooked up with him a couple times isn’t enough to bar me from the case, not under normal legal practice, at least. Giving birth to his child…well, that’s another thing.

  But what if there’s another way out of this? I really don’t want to have to deal with all these spider web tangles I’ve woven for myself. I really don’t want to call Jeff. There’s no way he’s going to handle this maturely, judging from what I know about his personality, and what I’ve seen in the news and on TV recently.

  What if I just tell Witherspoon and see what the law firm has to say about it?

  It’s a ray of hope, so I rush into Witherspoon’s office again, where he’s still playing with his little golf putter.

  “Witherspoon,” I say, slightly out of breath from rushing over here so fast. “I was just wondering… What if someone, a new partner, for instance, had conducted…well, what if she had had a relationship with someone on the other…. on the opposition…” I’m just blabbering, trying to make it clear what I’m saying, but make it so that I’m not saying it explicitly. That’s what a lot of these politics come down to, in the end.

  “Are you saying that you had or have a relationship with Jeff Tallborne, the defendant in your new case?”

  Witherspoon’s peering down his spectacles at me, a severe look on his face.

  “No,” I say. “I’m not saying that.” My heart is fluttering. I’m nervous as hell.

  “Good,” says Witherspoon. “Because if you were saying that, you’d be fired immediately, not to mention off the case, obviously. Don’t ever tell anyone what you told me. Keep it close to your chest. We all have to play this game, you know?”

  I nod, and walk out of the office.

  I’ve got to move faster. I hate to do it, but I’ve got to contact Jeff.

  But should I tell him that I’ve already had his baby?

  “Hello, Jeff?” I say, after the phone rings about twelve times. Doesn’t he have voicemail?

  “Lexi,” he says. His voice sounds rough, different, somehow more mature. Or maybe I just don’t remember what he sounds like well. It has been a year, after all.

  “I just wanted to call, and…”

  “You couldn’t say away, could you?” says Jeff, the arrogance that I hate creeping back into his voice.

  “You still are an arrogant prick, aren’t you?” I say. I can’t help myself.

  “I knew you’d come crawling back,” he says.

  “I’m not doing anything of the sort. Listen, there’s something I have to talk to you about, and it’s very serious.”

  “Great, you want my cock again. You’ve been dreaming about it for over a year and finally the urge has hit you too hard. Don’t worry, I’m used to it. This isn’t the fi
rst time this has happened to me.”

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with that,” I say. But, honestly, I have thought about him and his cock countless times over the last year. He’s just so damn hot. How could I not think about him? “But we need to meet.”

  “Great, where?”

  “It can’t be in public,” I say. “Why don’t you come to my apartment?”

  I can’t be seen in public with the man I’m going to be suing. That’s not going to work.

  “I knew you wanted me,” he says. “Should I bring any sex toys?”

  “Ew, gross,” I say. “No, listen. It’s about your upcoming legal case. I’m a lawyer, as you know, and…”

  Wait, it suddenly hits me. I can’t have him coming to my apartment. He’s going to see Mia, and even if I take her over to Joanne’s or my mother’s, there’s baby gear scattered all over the apartment.

  “Wait,” I say. “It’d better be your place, actually.”

  “That’s better anyway,” says Jeff. “The toys are already here.”

  “Ew,” I say, again. “All right, I’ll see you tonight at nine.”

  “Late at night,” says Jeff. “I like your style.”

  I hang up without saying another word. Now I remember why I didn’t want to see him again. It’s not just the legal trouble he gets into. His personality really could use a lot of work.

  It has to be late at night, because I have to pick up Mia after work from Joanne’s. Joanne and Jason are supposed to have a date night tonight, and I’m supposed to take care of their kid. I’m going to have to take both of them over to my mom’s. I hope she won’t mind. It’s probably OK, since she’s probably just going to be watching old romantic movies on the cable movie channel all night, anyway.

  I spend the rest of the workday worrying about Jeff. I’m worried about the case, but also whether or not I’m going to be able to resist him when I get close to him at nine o’clock tonight at his apartment, alone with him.



  I knew she couldn’t stay away. Fuck, I’ve dreamed about her for a whole year. I’ve jerked off to her, and I’ve looked for pictures of her online.

  The bell rings. Fuck, it’s her. I’m nervous for the first time that I can remember in a long time, and about a woman, no less. Well, there aren’t many of them that leave me first. I’m always the one to call it quits, or rather not call at all, since that’s more my style.

  Despite all my talk of toys, I realize that wouldn’t quite be appropriate for a meeting like this. Instead, I’ve gone the more romantic route, by putting roses all over the apartment.

  I’ve got the lights dimmed down low, and the fake fire place is roaring. There’s soft jazz music playing, since I remember vaguely that she liked jazz. I wasn’t sure what artist to choose, so I ended up going with Miles Davis. He’s one of the few jazz guys I like myself, and simply don’t think he can be beat.

  I open the door.

  She’s standing there, looking sexier, hotter, and more desirable than ever. Her eyes seem to shine with a cold brilliance that’s completely unlike what I remember. Her hair is up in a formal style that goes well with her clothes. She’s wearing a feminine blazer, with a skirt that doesn’t go above her knees, but try as she might, she can’t conceal her shapely figure, her incredibly sexy and perfectly shaped breasts. Her face is rounded just enough. Even her ears turn me on.

  I’m struck by a thousand emotions at once. I thought I just thought she was really hot. But now that she’s standing here in front of me, I feel something else, too. Could this be the woman I finally settle down with?

  But, wait, what the hell am I thinking? I’m just not that kind of guy. Fuck, I’ll just fuck her tonight and get her out of my system for good. I’m probably just feeling all weird because she dumped me, rather than me dumping her, and since that never happens to me, it’s got my system all screwed up.

  “Hi, Jeff,” she says, speaking softly, not moving.

  “Couldn’t wait any longer, eh, Lexi?” I say.

  “Listen, stop being a prick for once and let me in. We’ve got something important to discuss.”

  Jeez, what is this? What’s she want to talk to me so badly about?

  I thought this was going to be more like her coming over and immediately straddling me, as we walk backwards slowly while making out, falling onto the couch, where she proceeds to fuck my brains out until they’re dribbling out of my cock.

  I guess that’s show the male brain works. We can’t think of anything but cocks and fucking.

  “Is this how this place looks every night?” she says, sarcastically, eying the apartment, the dim lights, the roses.

  Well, since she wants to play rough, so will I.

  “You’re not the first woman that’s been here tonight,” I say, lying, in an attempt to get back to her. In truth, there’s no one else. For once, I’m not fucking anyone. I’ve been flying solo for a little while now, ignoring all the fan girls, for better or for worse.

  She sits on the couch and crosses her legs. I can’t help staring at the way her skirt doesn’t entirely hide her shapely thighs. It’s stretched tight, and despite covering a lot of her leg, I can make out the shape…

  “I’m going to get right to it, Jeff,” she says, interrupting my little fantasy thought spiral. “I know you’ve being sued by the bar, which is actually part of a large national chain. They have a lot of firepower behind them. This isn’t some corner bar, and the case is looking serious.”

  What’s this any of her business? She’s stopped by just to give me legal advice?

  There’s nothing in her eyes that says she wants me. Nothing in her posture. Fuck, I really thought I had this one. My dick is hard as I try to concentrate on what she’s saying and not on her body.

  “I’m representing the bar as the chief lawyer in charge of everything,” she says.


  What the hell does she mean?

  “Like I just said, I’m representing the bar that’s suing you. I’m going to be seeing you in court, Jeff.”

  “What? I thought you were like a paralegal or something.”

  “Well, I’m impressed that you even know what a paralegal is, but that’s incredibly sexist. You didn’t think I was a lawyer no matter how many times I’ve told you? I’ve been recently promoted to partner, and this is my first case.”

  “So you decided to get back at me by suing me?” I say, my face growing red. My chest feels hot. I know I’m getting angry and I can feel my spine tingling. Fuck, what did that doctor tell me to do when I get angry? Something about breathing steadily? Well, that’s not going to do me any good now. I knew those doctors weren’t good for anything.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with… That’s not how it works, Jeff. I was just promoted to partner, and I was assigned this as my first case. I really tried to get out of it. You think I want to sue my ex?”

  “So I’m your ex now? I thought what we were doing was just fucking around. It’s not like you broke up with me or anything.”

  I don’t know why I said that.

  “No…” she says, slowly, giving me a curious look. “I just thought… I just thought, well, I didn’t want to risk my career with someone who was having legal problems.”

  I nod my head slowly.

  “So what do we do?” I say.

  “I don’t know,” she says. “That’s why I’m here tonight.”

  “How are we going to handle this?”

  “I thought maybe you’d have some ideas. But the first thing is that no one can know that anything happened between us. If they get wind of it, I’m going to lose my job, and lose…. Well, everything.”

  She was about to say something else, but it seems like she thought better of it.

  “That’s fine,” I say. “I won’t breathe a word of it.”

  I don’t know why I’m saying this. I should be angry. Well, I am angry. But
I should want to get back at her, right? Just like I got back at those fans who trash talked me and Tom, right? But I just can’t do it to her. Fuck, do I care about her or something? What the hell’s going on with me. I think that visit to Tom got me all confused. He was rattling on about feelings and all that shit…

  “Really? That means so much to me, Jeff,” she says. “That really, really means so much to me. I know I can count on you now, and that takes a huge weight of my shoulders. And…well, I just want you to know that you’ll always be a big part of…of my life, I guess, is what I’m trying to say.”

  Huh? What the hell’s she talking about? We only fucked a few times.

  Does this mean she wants me?

  I feel my cock growing again from the softie she gave me when she started talking about all this legal stuff. It’s pressing into my pants, and I catch Lexi taking a glance at it.

  Is that a smile I see on her face?

  She slides over a little on the couch, and reaches around to hug me.

  I hug her back, and a warm intense feeling runs though me. Her breasts are pushed up against my shoulder. We’re kind of at an awkward angle, but that doesn’t stop my cock from continuing to grow, raging against the jeans it’s trapped inside.

  Her head turns toward me for a second.

  I take the opportunity and lean in and kiss her.

  I know that’s not what she wants. Or at least not what she thinks she wants.

  But I want it, I want her.

  And I know she wants me, somewhere, deep down. Otherwise, I don’t think she’d be at my apartment at night, no matter what she says.

  She kisses me back, and her hands move, seemingly instinctively, down towards my cock.

  My hands are on her breasts.

  In another ten seconds, we’re making out heavily. Both of us have our hands all over each other.

  “You really want to do this?” I say, breaking away from her mouth for a moment.

  “Yeah,” she says. “Fuck yeah.” She’s breathing heavily, and her hands are now both on my cock. She’s already fumbling with my belt, trying to get it undone, it but her hands are moving too frantically.


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