Coffee in Common

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Coffee in Common Page 20

by Dee Mann

  "I've wanted to do this from the moment I first met you," he said in a throaty whisper.

  "Then stop talking and do it," she whispered back, closing her eyes.

  She felt his lips, warm and moist, touch hers softly, moving gently as they tested her response. Then they pressed closer, more firmly against hers, always in motion, tasting her, thrilling her with their tender urgency. Her fingers began to caress the back of his head as his lips continued to fire her passions. A scent mingled with the salt air. Not cologne, but him. It made her head spin as if she'd had too much wine. His hand moved from her shoulder, slid lower, caressing her back as it moved, pulling her body closer to him. Velvety pleasure coursed through her, centering in her loins, as his tongue toyed expertly with her own. Her passion grew and grew until the whole universe became centered on her desire for him.

  She felt his passion, too, growing, pressing against her with its need. This proof of his desire for her was intoxicating, enhancing her pleasure until she could hardly bear it.

  They remained locked in their rapturous embrace for long, luscious minutes, until their passion grew so intense it fairly exploded, driving their lips apart and leaving them gasping for air.

  It had been the most amazing first kiss either of them had ever experienced. It had been perfect.

  Although their lips parted, their bodies remained fused, as if their molecules had intertwined. Both were panting, the heat between them so intense Jillian felt small beads of perspiration gliding down between her breasts.

  Her legs were weak and she clung to him as much for support as to feel his hard maleness against her delicate femininity.

  Paul was virtually paralyzed by the experience. He could not believe one kiss could contain so much passion, so much raw pleasure, and at the same time, so much tenderness.

  He lightly stroked her hair as they swayed placidly, aware only of the surf, the breeze, and each other.

  Eventually, he found his voice. "That was…" He couldn't think of the right word.

  "Amazing? Fantastic? Unbelievable? Magical?" she whispered.

  "Yes. Yes. All that. But so much more. I'm not sure they've invented a word for it."

  He felt her head nod against his chest.

  "So what are the chances a girl like you would care to spend more time with a guy like me?"

  "Pretty good, I think. Pretty good."

  Jillian smiled. Her eyes were growing heavy. The activities of the night, coupled with the intensity of the emotions she'd experienced seemed to have drained her.

  I think I could fall asleep right here in his arms if he'd agree to stand and support me for the next eight hours.

  Paul felt her settling in against him and realized she must be giving in to exhaustion. He looked around and saw they were not far from the ramp that led back to the sidewalk.

  "Hold on tight," he whispered as he bent at the knees and lifted her into his arms.

  Oh my.

  Through a growing haze of sleepiness, she snuggled against him.

  Could this evening have possibly ended any more romantically?

  3:10 AM

  When the limousine stopped in front of Jillian's building, her head was resting on Paul's shoulder, her hands clasped between his. She was so tired, but what a wonderful tired it was. The night had been perfect, almost enchanted from the moment he had arrived to pick her up.

  She watched him open the car door and extend a hand to help her out. Safely on the sidewalk, he asked her to wait a moment and walked around to the driver's window. A minute later, the car pulled away and he was next to her, again.

  She took his arm and they strolled to the entry.

  "I had such a wonderful time tonight, Paul." She pressed her shoulder against his as they walked. "It really was the most romantic evening of my life. Thank you so much."

  "Me, too. It was…" Again he was lost for words.

  "Yes, I know," she sighed.

  When they reached the front door, Paul drew her aside, out of the glare of the entry light and pulled her close for one last kiss.

  As before, Jillian could feel the heat radiating from his body, warming her. She also felt a different heat inside her, the beating of her heart, the dizzying passion. Her lips tingled, desperately wanting to taste him again, but savoring the anticipation. His hand caressed her hair, her cheek. His fingertips brushed across her neck and throat, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

  Then he took her in his arms.

  Their second kiss was everything the first had been, only better. His lips seemed to remember the things that thrilled her the first time and she responded with a fierceness that surprised her.

  She pressed herself into him, fusing their bodies, allowing the passion to take control. Again he grew hard against her.

  She moved her thigh, sliding it gently against his arousal causing it to throb. She felt as much as heard the low, soft moan vibrate the lips that continued to devour her own. She rubbed her breasts against him and felt him sway, then lean back against the building for support, drawing her with him, never allowing an inch of their bodies to lose contact.

  His lips moved down to her chin then further down to her neck, searching for the special spot they seemed to know was there. She almost swooned when they found it, sending sharp sparks of pleasure through her as she moved more urgently against him, her body throbbing with desire.

  When his lips found hers again, all hope of restraint had been abandoned. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, insistent, demanding more of him. She could feel his entire body responding, as she was sure he could feel hers wanting him.

  After what seemed like an hour, their lips parted but their bodies remained glued together. They were breathless, mindless of anything but each other and their arousal.

  Her body warm against his, she lay her head on his shoulder. Her hand reached up to caress his cheek.

  "Would you like to come up?" she asked softly, feeling safe in his arms, sure of his answer.

  "Yes, I would," he replied, just as softly.

  Releasing her, he cupped her face with his hands and leaned back in to kiss her. Again, they reveled in the kiss. Then it was over, and he released her head, his hands moving down to her shoulders, his eyes meeting hers.

  She could see his desire and was sure he could see hers as well. But she saw something else as well.

  He held her eyes for a few more seconds, then said, "There's nothing in this world I want more than to come up, but I don't think I will."

  Jillian was confused and hurt by the rejection. She thought everything had gone so well. They'd connected, really connected. She felt it. She knew it.

  "Jillian, something special happened tonight. I know you felt it, too. I know you understand now what I meant Wednesday when we first met and I said something clicked."

  The intensity of his gaze grew with each word. She nodded. She did understand.

  "You know how much I want to come up. A few minutes ago you could feel how much I want to."

  She blushed at the memory of his arousal and of her wanton reaction to it. But she was still confused. He wanted her, so why was he rejecting her?

  She let his arms enfold her, drawing her gently to him and heard the tenderness in his voice as he continued.

  "Jilli, this isn't the first time I've been invited up after a first date. And the thing is, every one of those relationships ended badly. Some ended quickly, some took a while, but…"

  He sighed. He'd seen the hurt on her face when he'd declined her invitation.

  I have to make her understand, but how can I explain this so she won't feel rejected and won't think I'm a wuss?

  He released her again, then took her hands in his, kissing them. "Jilli, every one of those relationships that started out in bed never seemed to get beyond the bed. The sex was great, but let's face it, after sex you still have to spend time together, you still have to have something to talk about.

  "When my last relationship ended, I realiz
ed that all those women…well, I shouldn't say ‘all those.' There were only five. But none of them ever really got to know me. And I never got to know them. We never really formed a bond outside of bed, I guess, is the best way to put it. And Jillian, I so do not want that to happen with us.

  "Despite everything we've experienced tonight, despite everything we've shared and learned about each other, we've only known each other three days. We've had one lunch, some pretty interesting drama, and one incredible fantasy of a date.

  "But I want more. More of you, more of us. And to get more will take time. I want to take that time, Jillian, so when we do share that one, final part of ourselves, we'll know it's because it's right and because it's time, and not just because we're horny as all hell."

  The hurt drained away as he spoke. Jillian nodded. She did understand. As soon as he'd said it, she realized the same thing happened to her both times she'd issued that first date invitation.

  "Look," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I'm a twenty-first century guy. I know women have, ah, needs and desires like men do, which makes me feel bad that I'm leaving you in the lurch, so to speak. So if you really need something, I know this all-night place where we can get you an excellent vibrator."

  She burst out laughing and smacked him on the chest with the palm of her hand. "You jerk. I do not need a vibrator, thank you very much."

  She threw her arms around him again and he held her close.

  "But I have the feeling I'm going to find I need you. A lot."

  She tilted her head up to kiss him. She wanted this man so much right now she'd have traded anything, everything to have him. And, once again, she could feel that he was feeling the same way.

  After a while she broke the kiss and stared into his eyes, into his soul. She had expected to see the longing and desire. And she was happy when she saw the joy, the admiration, and the respect. But she was startled to see something else, something she'd hoped to see in his eyes someday, something she knew would remain unacknowledged and unspoken for now.

  She saw the love.



  11:30 AM

  A muffled groan drifted from beneath the pale pink satin sheet that covered all but a shock of the dark auburn hair splayed wildly across the matching pillowcase. The alarm's buzzer droned on until a hand crept out from beneath the covers to turn it off. The soft curves outlined by the satin lay motionless once the noise stopped.

  After about four minutes, another low groan signaled that the owner of the arm had not fallen asleep again.

  Jillian rolled onto her back and stretched. A peaceful, happy smile grew as thoughts of her date last night drifted through the still sleepy haze.

  "Paul," she whispered. The thought of him, of how he'd treated her last night, of their first kiss and their last kiss before parting made her tingle.

  She checked the clock on the nightstand. Eleven thirty-five. She would have preferred to remain right where she was for another hour or two, thinking about last night, and him, but she promised she would meet her sisters later and she knew Liz and Jenna would be dying for her to call with the details of what happened after they said goodbye last night.

  She kicked back the covers. The tingle focused itself as she tried to imagine Paul's reaction were he to see her in this thin white nightie that left little to the imagination. "Enough!" she muttered and slid out of bed.

  After a quick stop in the bathroom, she took her cellphone from her purse and checked it as she walked back to the alcove.

  Huh. Nothing. Not even a message from Liz. That's curious.

  She sat on the bed next to the nightstand that held the alarm clock, a small lamp, and her phone with the answering machine. The light was blinking. Six messages.

  Good thing I turned the ringer off or I'd never have gotten any sleep.

  The first message was from Paul, left not half-an hour after he said goodbye at her front door.

  "I wanted to hear your voice one more time before I fell asleep but I guess the machine will have to do. Sweet dreams." There was a long silence before he continued. "A part of me really wishes I had accepted your invitation. And no, not that part. But my head knows it was better I didn't. For now. Call me when you get up. If I can't go to sleep to the sound of your voice, at least I can wake up to it. Bye."

  Jillian pressed the pause button before the next message could play. She closed her eyes, and recalled Paul's face.

  How many times had he said just the right thing at just the right time? It's like he's known me all my life instead of only three days.

  She reached for the phone to call him, but changed her mind and pressed the play button in case he left another message later.

  He had not. There were two messages from Liz and one each from Julia and Joanne reminding her about their shopping date today. The last was from Jenna, who let her know she'd be at Liz's place awaiting her call, and if she didn't call pretty damned soon to relieve their suspense they would come over and break down her door. She laughed at that. Jenna would do it, too!

  She picked up the phone and dialed Paul's number. After three rings, a groggy voice answered.

  "Mmmmm, ah, hello?"

  "Good morning."

  "Oh, it's you! Good morning. Mmmmm, I was right. It is nice waking up to the sound of your voice.

  "Did you sleep well?" His voice was clearer now.

  "Wonderful. How about you?"

  "Not so well. I kept having these dreams about a beautiful black dress and what wasn't being worn underneath it."

  Jillian's cheeks flushed as she giggled. "I'm sorry. We could have stayed on the sidewalk."

  "No, it was worth it. The walk was worth it. And the kiss." She heard a long sigh. "That was worth a thousand sleepless nights."

  His words filled her with pleasure.

  Always the right thing.

  "Any chance you can get out of shopping today?"

  "I'm sorry, but I promised. We all have to get dresses for my cousin's wedding in a few weeks."

  "What time will you be leaving?"

  "Julie's picking up Jo and Jessie and then they'll come here to get me. Knowing Jessie, she'll keep them waiting at my parent's house, so it'll probably be around one when they get here." She glanced at the clock. "And I have to get going or I won't be ready."

  She heard him sigh again. "Oh well." He sounded disappointed. "I had thoughts of getting coffee and muffins for us, but I can see that's not a plan today. How long will you be shopping?"

  Jillian started to laugh. "Let's see, four women need dresses and accessories. There's a gazillion places to look for them in town. What are the chances we'll be back before late next week?"

  Paul joined in the laughter. "I hadn't thought of it that way."

  "That's because you're a guy," she teased. "Actually, it's not just the shopping. We haven't had a sisters' day in a while, so we'll probably have dinner, maybe do something afterward. We sort of play it by ear."

  "What about your brother? Doesn't he get included in these outings?"

  "James? Sure, that's exactly what a 20 year old guy wants to do. Go shopping for dresses with his four sisters. Wouldn't you?"

  "Hey, I'd go shopping with you if you asked."

  "You mean you like shopping for women's dresses?"

  "I didn't say I'd like it. I said I'd go."

  "Well then what good would you be?"

  "I could help you try them on."

  Jillian laughed. "I should have known. Bye Paul."

  "Wait. Do you have a cell phone?"

  "Well, I usually only give my cell number to special people, never to anyone who might turn out to be someone I might not want calling all the time. And strange guys who yell in my ear in coffee shops sort of fall into that category."

  Paul laughed. "I kind of figured that was why I got your land line Wednesday. So, am I still in that category?"

  "Hmmm…I don't know. You were kind of nice last night. And you did save
me from Patrick. Decisions, decisions…"

  After they exchanged numbers, Paul said, "Please, call me in case you get done early or something. I'm not sure where I'll be, but if it's not too late, maybe we can do something. Or if you're too tired, I'll be more than happy to just sit somewhere and look at your face."

  "Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Liz cried without even a hello. She must have been hovering over the phone with caller ID. Jillian heard a click and figured she was now on speakerphone.

  Jenna's anxious, "Yah, tell us!" confirmed it.

  But Jillian was feeling mischievous. "Oh, we went for a walk on the beach then he took me home. So what did you two do after you left the lounge? Did…"

  Liz and Jenna were having none of that game. They peppered her with questions so fast Jillian couldn't have wedged in a word had she tried.

  "A walk on the beach!"

  "Took you home where?"

  "What beach?"

  "Did you kiss him?"

  "What did he say about us?"

  "Yah, did he like us?

  "When did you get home?"

  "Is he a good kisser?"

  "What else is he good at?"

  "Did you go swimming?"

  "Oooo! Skinny dipping!"

  "Did you do it?"

  "Does he have a big one?"

  "Come on, girl, tell us!"

  "Ya, tell us. We're dying here!"

  Jillian's hand covered her mouth, holding in the laughter until her friends paused for a breath. "Okay, okay." She gave them all the details of the ride to the beach and what happened once they arrived.

  "Oh wow, that is so romantic," sighed Jenna after hearing about their first kiss and how he'd carried her back to the limousine.

  "Is he still there?" Liz assumed they had spent the morning in bed together.

  "He never was here." She explained what had happened when she'd invited him in.

  "I don't believe this guy. He's cute, he works, he's thoughtful, he dances, he's romantic, he treats you like a frigging queen, and now you're telling us he turns down sex because he wants to get to know you first? Either this boy is seriously deranged somehow or…"


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