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Kiss and Make Up

Page 13

by Serenity Woods

  Eli met Tabby’s gaze again. His eyes were warm. “You look divine.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Funny, though, how all I can think about is what you’ve got on underneath that dress.”

  “No surprises there,” she said without flinching. “That’s why I’m not wearing any underwear.”

  Eli’s eyes nearly fell out of his head. “You’re what?”

  “I wanted to give you something to think about while we had dinner.”

  “Well, I can guarantee it’s not going to be the chicken.” He pulled her toward him and nuzzled her ear. “Do you like dancing?”

  “I love it.”

  “Good. I’m marking your card. For the whole evening.”

  “Marking my…? Eli, this isn’t the nineteenth century.”

  “You know what I mean. This evening, you’re with me. Got it?” His eyes were challenging, playful, and a little bit reckless, daring her to say no.

  Her lips curved. “Sure. But there’s a price for my exclusivity. I expect you to drag me off at some point to a broom closet and screw me senseless while you’re wearing that suit.”

  “Oh yeah.” His lips brushed hers, making her shiver.

  She pulled back and gave him a hot look. “And I think you’re all talk. I want to end the magnificent month we’ve had on a high, Black. Can you deliver?”

  He let his hand slide down her shoulder and arm, trailing light fingertips on her bare skin as he went. “I’ll do my very best. Never let it be said I left a lady unfulfilled.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Eli had trouble keeping his eyes off Tabby during the meal. He’d loved her jeans and tight T-shirts, but in her red ball gown and with her hair swept off her neck she looked stunning.

  He also had trouble trying not to think about the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything under the gown.

  Occasionally she caught him staring and laughed, obviously realizing his train of thought, and he had to content himself with a smile, knowing she’d played him well.

  The dinner was fun, if a little too haute-cuisine for his tastes, as posh food usually meant small portions, but he promised himself he’d get a burger on the way home. Tabby gave him her roll with the soup, half of her chicken, and her entire chocolate mousse dessert (minus one spoonful), saying if she ate any more she’d burst right out of the dress. As they were in company, he refrained from telling her how he wouldn’t be complaining if her clothes fell off, but he thought she probably knew what was going through his mind, judging by her smile.

  The company was great, too, with several other actors around the large table. All in all, it was an enjoyable evening, and that was before he got his hands on Tabby in the gown.

  After the dinner, elegantly dressed waiters cleared the tables and served coffee, and the music began at the far end of the lounge, where they’d set up a dance floor.

  “Come on,” Eli said, jumping to his feet and holding his hand out to Tabby.

  She looked at the dance floor in alarm. “First up? I don’t think so.”

  He beckoned to her, already beginning to move to the music. “Everyone’s going to be staring at you in that gown whether you’re first up or last. Come on, Rogers. Get your dancing shoes on.”

  “You can’t sit still for a minute, can you?” she grumbled, but she accepted his hand and let him lead her to the floor. “If I fall flat on my face, you’re dead.”

  “I won’t let go of you long enough for you to fall over.” And, true to his word, he kept a tight hold on her hand, or a hand on her waist, as he spun her around to the music.

  Tabby was a great dancer, which thrilled him, because he knew one thing he could do was dance, and it was wonderful to have a partner who had as much rhythm as he did. She was tireless, too, and it wasn’t until about an hour later, when the floor was starting to get busy, that she admitted she needed a drink and five minutes to recover.

  “Slacker,” he said. But he escorted her back to their table with Mick and Madeleine and poured her a glass of wine. “I’ll be back in a minute.”


  In the end, it took him more like ten, and his heart swelled to see her face light up as he threaded his way through the tables back to her.

  Nobody would have guessed this was supposed to be the last time they were seeing each other, he thought. If he had his way, it wouldn’t be, but there was no guarantee she’d agree to his plan. The thought that when the night ended he might never see her again made him stop for a moment, dizzy with panic. Her eyebrows rose, so he forced a smile onto his face and walked up to her.

  “I thought you’d gone home,” she said, rising as he held out his hand.

  “Before I’ve had a chance to see what you’ve got on under that dress? I don’t think so.”

  As he went to turn away, Mick mouthed, “Have you asked her yet?”

  Eli gave a slight shake of his head and frowned. He wasn’t even sure if he was going to, yet. The last thing he wanted was for Tabby to find out what Mick and Madeleine were planning before he’d given them the green light.

  He had other things on his mind for the moment. As he banked to the right and led her out the door, he heard her say, “Oh!” She’d thought they were going dancing again, but he had other ideas. He chuckled, enjoying the misdirection, and led her down the large staircase to the ground floor and across to the main auditorium. Checking to make sure nobody was watching, he pushed open the doors and they snuck inside.

  “Wow,” Tabby said. “I haven’t been in here before.”

  “It is pretty impressive.”

  They walked along the central aisle. The auditorium seated several thousand in wooden tiered seats, with an impressive stage hung with red drapes. The main lights were off, but sidelights lit the way, casting their long shadows on the floor.

  “What are we doing here?”

  He said nothing, leading her to the front and then up the steps onto the stage. Going up to the red velvet curtains, he found the center and slipped through, pulling her with him.

  “What are you doing?”

  He turned her in his arms, looking around briefly. He’d already scouted out the site and checked to ensure that it was deserted. The only light came through the sliver between the curtains, cutting through the darkness like a white blade.

  He backed her up to a table, his hands on her hips. “I’m delivering.”

  He could see her lips curve in the semi-darkness, and as she looked up at him, her eyes glittered in the fragment of light. “I see.”

  “I can’t help it.” He didn’t try to hide how hopeless he felt. “You drive me crazy, Tabatha Rogers. I’m sitting at the table, or watching you dance, and all I can think about is taking you in my arms and holding you, and kissing you.” He slipped his arms around her and nuzzled her ear. “And making you hot and wet, and sliding deep inside you.”

  “Oh God.” She threaded a hand through his hair and met his lips urgently, and he kissed her with all the hunger and desire he’d been holding back all evening. She smelled sweet and tasted sweeter, of chocolate mousse and sauvignon, and his tongue played with hers, his blood thundering through his veins.

  His hand found the zip at the back of her dress, and he lowered it enough to be able to slip his hand into her bodice and cup her pale, soft breast. Tabby gasped as he brushed her nipple and turned the velvet tip into a hard peak, and he played with it for a while before lowering his mouth and replacing his fingers with his lips. She leaned back on the table, arching her back, and moaned as he sucked her nipples into his mouth, first one, then the other, then back again.

  Unable to bear it any longer, he pulled back and slipped his jacket off, throwing it on the table. Her eyes glazed over, so he left the vest on. “I’ve thought about doing this since you told me you weren’t wearing any underwear.”

  He disappeared beneath her gown and kissed from her knee up to the soft skin of her thigh. She smelled heavenly, warm and earthy, and he buried his mouth b
etween her legs. Her long sigh of appreciation reached his ears as he slid his tongue into the part of her that was already soft and swollen, the taste of her better than any dessert they’d served that evening.

  He aroused her with his lips and tongue, but even though he would have loved to make her come with his mouth, eventually he could take no more. He lifted the skirt of her gown back over his head and stood, unzipping his fly. “Sorry. I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Don’t apologize.” She released him from his boxers as he unwrapped a condom, and helped him to apply it. He lifted her onto the edge of the table and raised her skirt at the front so he could move between her legs. Slowly, he slid into her.

  Holding her tightly, he looked into her eyes, reveling in the feel of being deep inside her. He’d meant this to be fun, a hot, fast session snatched between dances, but suddenly he wanted to prolong it. He kissed her cheeks and eyelids, nuzzled her ear as he told her how beautiful she was, how much he enjoyed loving her like this. Tabby wrapped her legs around him, and he began to move in and out of her as he continued to kiss her.

  He could hardly see her in the semi-darkness, so the first time he realized she was crying was when he kissed her cheek and found it wet.

  “Tabbs?” He stopped moving and wiped beneath her eyes with his thumbs.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered, widening her legs so he could thrust more deeply into her. “Please.”

  So he continued, even though her sadness broke his heart. This couldn’t be the end. Love like this didn’t appear very often, and it seemed a crime to ignore it when it did. He couldn’t let her go, he just couldn’t. His thoughts spun even as his body became more aroused. London. LA. The baby. He closed his eyes, torn in two at the decision he may have to make. What was he going to do?

  Tabby’s breathing had quickened, so he slipped his hand between them and stroked her with his thumb. And as he felt the exquisite throbbing in his groin, she arched her back and tightened around him. They came together in a glorious sexual supernova, and he kissed her to stop her cries from echoing around the auditorium.

  He didn’t want it to stop. Ever. But of course it did, and they drifted back down to earth.

  Eli wrapped his arms around her and hugged her for a while, stroking her back. But he couldn’t make the moment last forever. Eventually he withdrew, disposed of the condom in a tissue he’d brought, handed her another tissue, then when they were both ready, hugged her again.

  She leaned her head on his chest, arms around him. He kissed her hair.

  Shit. How had he gotten himself into this fucking situation? This was exactly what he’d wanted to avoid before he went to LA. Mick was going to be fuming if he didn’t ask her about the weekend, but how could it be the right thing to do? They were already in too deep—what was the point of prolonging it?

  On the other hand, if they were already in too deep, what did it matter if they had another couple of days?

  He cleared his throat. “You want to go back? Or do you want me to take you home?”

  “No, I’m okay, I’d rather go back. I might send you to get my bag, though, so I can make myself look presentable.”

  He chuckled. “You look gorgeous, but yes, of course I will.”

  He pulled on his jacket and they straightened their clothes, and he held her hand as they sneaked back through the curtains and down the stage. He glanced at her as they walked through the auditorium. He’d kissed off her lipstick and her eye makeup had run very slightly. But she looked beautiful, so beautiful it made his heart ache.

  When they got to the second floor, he left her for a moment and went to their table to get her bag.

  “Where have you two been?” Mick asked, and beside him, Madeleine raised an eyebrow.

  “Out for a walk. She was feeling a bit lightheaded with the drink and the dancing.”

  “Yeah, yeah. So that’s why your shirt’s caught in your zipper?”

  Eli resisted the urge to check his pants, knowing he’d checked for that very scenario before they exited, stage left. “Hah. Very funny. Back in a minute.” He took Tabby’s bag and walked away.

  “Eli?” Madeleine called after him. “Have you asked her yet?”

  “No.” He hesitated and turned to them briefly. “I shouldn’t.”

  Something in his face must have made them realize his predicament, because instead of teasing him, Madeleine just nodded, and Mick frowned. Eli walked away toward Tabby, his head spinning.

  He rounded the corner and stopped. Tabby was standing there talking to Will Daniells.


  Eli hesitated. He’d hardly spoken to Daniells since he hit him while they were on location. Will wasn’t touching her, and they were just talking quietly. He decided to wait until they’d finished, even though he still didn’t like to see Will anywhere near her.

  At that moment, however, she glanced across, saw him, and held out her hand toward him. He walked over and took it.

  “Hey, Daniells.”

  “Black.” Will nodded. He met Eli’s eyes. “I was just apologizing for the night at the bar. I’d had a few too many.”


  Will looked down at their linked hands. “You two a thing now?”

  Tabby opened her mouth, but Eli said even quicker, “Yes.” She didn’t look at him, and he suddenly wished he hadn’t said anything. They really weren’t a thing, and tomorrow she’d be single and available.

  Will glanced at the bag in Eli’s hand. “Nice handbag, Black.”

  Eli gave a wry smile and handed it to Tabby.

  Will grinned. “Oh well. All the best. No hard feelings, eh?”

  “Not at all,” Eli said. He extended his hand and shook Will’s.

  Will smiled at Tabby. “Bye, Tabby. Take care.”

  “You, too.”

  Will walked off.

  Tabby let out a shaky sigh, and they both gave a little laugh. “I won’t be long,” she said, turning to go into the ladies’ room.

  He held onto her hand, forcing her to stop and look up at him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I think you can safely say you delivered.”

  He watched as she disappeared into the bathroom, his smile fading. He should go as soon as she came out. Make his excuses and run. Time to finish it, Black.


  Tabby visited the restroom, came out, and stood in front of the mirror in the powder room. Picking up a tissue, she looked at her reflection for a moment.

  There were black smudges under her eyes, so she carefully wiped them away. Then she repowdered and luckily, she’d brought her mascara, so she tidied that up, too. A slick of lipstick, and she was ready to go.

  She didn’t, though. It was a large, fancy ladies’ room, and there were a couple of seats over to one side, so she sat and looked at the floor for a moment, and tried not to catch the eyes of the other women.

  Damn it. This was completely the opposite of what she’d wanted to do when she first kissed Eli in the makeup room. She’d meant it to be fun. She’d meant to keep her emotions well out of it.

  She leaned forward and put her head in her hands. This was so not going to end well. And she couldn’t even blame Eli for it, because he’d never led her under any false pretense. He’d made it quite clear from the beginning that he was going to LA, just as she’d told him she was going to England. Neither of them had expected this to happen. It had crept up on them, like a flower planted outside the window, and at first it had seemed beautiful, but now it was in danger of blocking out the sunlight.

  Damn the party and his freaking tuxedo. She didn’t think there’d ever been such a glorious moment as when Eli had taken her behind the curtains, still dressed in the vest with his white shirt and black bow tie. She’d nearly fainted with lust. But she had to end it now. Perhaps she would go home. She’d ask him to call her a taxi.

  Tabby walked out of the ladies’ room to see him leaning against the wall outside. She hadn’t realized he was going to wait. He
was staring at the dance floor, and she took the opportunity to study him for a moment. He wore his suit well—she hadn’t expected that. She’d thought he’d be one of those men, a bit like Mick, who constantly fingered his collar and complained about feeling restricted in the strange clothing. But Eli looked relaxed, at ease in whatever surroundings life happened to throw at him at that particular moment.

  He also seemed sad. What a shame they’d met at this stage in their lives, when they were both in the process of organizing their futures. Would he stay in touch with her? She supposed that was pointless. Even if she were only away for a year, he would likely be in LA for a few years, and the longer they were apart, the more their wonderful time together would fade in their memories. And he’d meet someone else and think his brief fling with Tabby Rogers couldn’t possibly have been as exciting as he remembered.

  The thought of him with another girl made her cheeks grow hot with fury. Mine, she wanted to yell across the lounge…but of course, he wasn’t hers. She’d known that in the beginning—he would never belong to her. She’d borrowed him for a brief period—that was all. And now his due date was up, and she had to return him like a library book she’d read from cover to cover a hundred times but finally had to replace on the shelf.

  Eli looked around and saw her, and she felt a brief thrill as he smiled, his face lighting up. She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn’t know you were still out here.”

  “It’s okay.” His hand lingered on the small of her back. “Are you feeling all right?”

  She swallowed. “Actually, I think I might go home. It’s been a lovely evening, but…” She couldn’t look at him and fumbled with her handbag. “I’m tired.”

  He said nothing for a moment. His hand remained on her back, his thumb stroking the silky material.

  Finally, she glanced up at him. She could almost see his thoughts churning behind his eyes, like stormy waves in the ocean. The moment stretched out, and she realized he was trying to decide something, frown lines appearing on his brow.


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