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Alien Conquest

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by Carter, Sadie

  Alien Conquest

  Sadie Carter

  Sadie Carter

  Alien Conquest

  © 2020, Sadie Carter

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Cover Design: Sweet n Spicy Designs

  Editor: Christie Giraud: EbookEditingPro

  Proofreading: BZ Hercules

  Created with Vellum


  Books by Sadie Carter

  Let’s keep in touch!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Books by Sadie Carter

  Zerconian Warriors Series

  Alien Warrior

  Alien Lover

  Alien Mate

  Sweet Alien Savage

  Alien Savior

  Alien Morsels

  Alien Mine

  All I Want for Christmas is my Alien

  Alien Sacrifice

  An Alien to Die For

  Alien Commander

  A Christmas Most Alien

  Alien Explosions

  Alien Retribution

  Alien Charmer

  Alien Healer

  An Alien for Christmas

  An Alien Easter

  Alien Conquest

  Joyadan Mates


  Sky Warriors



  A Sky Warrior Christmas novella



  Fairy Godmother Gone Bad

  Let’s keep in touch!

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  Sadie Carter Reader Warriors


  French toast.

  Oh my God. Seriously. They were serving up French toast. Georgie took a discreet look around to see if anyone else was freaking out about this. The women standing with her in line just looked like they always did.

  Slightly bored. A little blasé. Mostly bitchy.

  Okay, maybe that last one was a bit mean of her. Not everyone on board was blasé or a bitch.

  But how could they not be super excited over French toast? She couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten it. When had she last been able to afford eggs or sugar?

  Probably that time she’d snuck some off the back of a supply truck. Ah, those had been a good few weeks. She’d been what, sixteen? She picked up a plate off the pile, practically dancing around on her feet in anticipation. With how well they’d been fed on the transporter so far, she might even be able to gain some much-needed weight.

  “French toast? Are they serious? Do they know how many calories there are in one serving?” a slightly nasally voice complained behind her.

  Hopefully thousands and thousands of the little suckers. She licked her lips.

  Yum-yum-yum. She didn’t care if she was acting like a kid at Christmas. This was better than Christmas. All that day did was remind her of how little she had. Right now, she felt like she’d hit the jackpot.

  “Urgh, bad enough they make us line up for food like we’re back in school, but now they serve us this rubbish,” another voice complained.

  Jesus. If she hadn’t been in such a good mood, she might have been tempted to say something to the silly cows behind her.

  But she was too happy to care about their crappy attitude.

  She gave the older woman serving up the food a big smile. “Please tell me there’s syrup. I’ll be your slave for a week if there is syrup.”

  The dour-faced woman actually gave her a small smile. “At the end of the line. Here have another slice, lovie. You look like you could use it.” The woman ran her gaze appraisingly over Georgie’s body. Not that she cared. Georgie knew she was skin and bones. If it meant she got an extra piece of toast, the woman could judge all she liked.

  “Look how much she has on her plate,” one of the bitches said from behind her.

  “She’s going to regret that when she packs on ten pounds,” another one pointed out.

  “She does have the tiniest waist, though,” the first one said with a sigh of longing.

  Georgie added syrup to her plate.

  “Wonder what diet she’s on.”

  “She’s so thin, she can’t eat like that all the time,” another one said.

  “Maybe she throws it all up.”

  Finally, unable to stop herself, she turned. She gave the three women a big, fake smile. “Actually, it’s called poverty and starvation. Does wonders for the waistline.”

  The three women froze, staring at her with a mix of disgust, horror, and even a tinge of envy on their faces. Seriously?

  These women were idiots. She rolled her eyes at them and their plates, which only contained rehydrated fruit pieces. She licked a drop of syrup off her finger with a hum of delight.

  The whispers started up again, but she ignored them as she turned to look for a table filled with actual, real people and not superficial twits. She spotted a lone woman at one table, her hair falling over her face as she cut up a piece of French toast on a plate that sat in front of a gorgeous little boy.


  She made her way over to the table and sat across from her. “Hi there!”

  The woman started, making Georgie feel bad for frightening her. She’d seen that look on other women’s faces before. She knew what it meant. She immediately softened her approach. Not the easiest thing to do; Georgie wasn’t exactly known for her soft and subtle ways.

  “H-hi,” the woman said quietly.

  “I’m Georgia, but my friends call me Georgie.” She started cutting up her French toast. “And who might you be, big man?”

  The little boy puffed up his chest adorably. “I’m Hunter.”

  “Hey, Hunter. Pretty exciting being on this big ship, huh?”

  “Yeah. We’re going to another planet. With big alien warriors.” He was practically bouncing around on his seat, and Georgie couldn’t help but giggle. Then she looked at the pale woman who was smiling down at her son. She glanced up at Georgie, a guarded look coming over her face.

  It was okay, Georgie got it. She had her own guards in place. At the end of the day, you had to look out for yourself because no one else was going to do it.

  “Hi, I’m Elise,” the woman said hesitantly.

  “Hope you don’t mind if I sit with you,” Georgie told them around a mouthful of toast. Yeah, she wasn’t the prettiest eater. Manners didn’t factor much in her life. “I thought this looked like the fun table.”

  “It is!” Hunter grinned at her, syrup running down his chin. Elise tried valiantly to clean it all off, but that shit was everywhere. On his top, on his hands; she even thought she saw a glistening patch of it in his hair.

  Elise sighed. “I’m fighting a losing battle, aren’t I

  Georgie snorted out a laugh.

  “Georgie, do you want to come to our room and play?” Hunter asked.

  She wondered how hard it was to keep a kid entertained while they traveled through space to Zerconia. She also wondered how desperate you had to be to take a kid on a spaceship to an unknown planet in the hopes of meeting your alien mate.

  Pretty fucking desperate, she figured.

  “Hunter, I’m sure that Georgia has better things to do than—”

  “I’d totally love to, big man.”

  Hunter let out an excited squeal, which had people turning to stare at them. The bitches at the table next to them gave them disapproving looks.

  “Hunter, shh,” Elise warned her son.

  “I wouldn’t worry about them,” Georgie told her. “I don’t think they’ve eaten real food in ten years. It makes them extra grouchy.”

  Georgie finished the last of her French toast off with a sigh. Then she looked down at the syrup on the plate longingly.

  Could she get away with licking it clean? Probably not the best example to set for the kid. That sucked.

  She settled for running her finger over the sticky remains and popping it into her mouth to lick it clean. Then she noticed the way Elise was staring at her, slightly shocked. Hunter pointed at her.

  “Mom, how come she gets to do that and I don’t?”

  She gave Elise an apologetic look and, grabbing her plate, stood. “Sorry about that. Big man, I might come by later and play with you, okay?”

  Georgie quickly made her escape. Whoops. Way to teach the kid bad manners, Georgie.

  She walked past the table holding the stares of the women who’d been behind her in line. Their faces all looked pinched and disapproving.

  “I cannot believe they allow children on here,” one said. Georgie was going to name her Boobs. Because they were definitely impressive.

  “Who is going to want a woman with a kid anyway? These Zerconians only want their own babies,” another added. Her name was going to be Shallow.

  She turned back to see Elise’s face pale.

  “Hopefully, she keeps it away from us,” the third bitch sneered. And her name was Fred. Because Georgie just knew she’d hate to be called Fred.

  Boobs and Shallow both sniffed in agreement as Fred raised her hand, the light glinting off the ring on her finger.


  “What are you looking at?” Fred snapped at her.

  “Me? Nothing. Nothing at all.” She grinned big, watching as Fred’s eyes narrowed at her insult.

  She whistled as she walked away.

  She plopped the empty plate down to be washed and made her way out of the dining area towards her room. She had a room to herself. And her own cleaning chamber. With hot water.

  Fucking bliss.

  Even if she didn’t find a Zerconian mate, this trip alone was worth it. Food three times a day, hot water to bathe in. No one trying to kill or rape her.

  Life was looking up for Georgie.

  Suddenly, an alert blasted across the speakers.

  “All passengers must please return to their quarters immediately. All passengers are to return to their quarters immediately. There is no need to be alarmed, however, this is not a drill. All passengers must now return to their quarters.”

  She frowned. What was going on? A group of panicked women moved swiftly along the passage, accompanied by some of the men who worked on the transporter. The men’s faces were grim but not alarmed. They couldn’t be under attack, surely. Wouldn’t an alarm sound? And they would feel the ship rocking from any incoming fire, right?

  Curious, she looked around, spotting an alcove, which she ducked into, hiding in the shadows as the group passed. The ship grew quiet a few minutes later.

  All the sheep were in their pens.

  She winced at that thought, but her suspicious nature made it hard for her to trust anyone. This lockdown roused her curiosity.

  If she hadn’t been so desperate, if she hadn’t figured that staying on Earth was just going to end in her gruesome and violent death, she wouldn’t have jumped on this transporter. The promise of a clean planet, where there was no poverty or hunger or even much crime, seemed too good to be true. This was her ticket off Earth. If Zerconia didn’t turn out to be utopia, if she didn’t find her mate, then she’d deal.

  She was resourceful and smart. She’d figure this out as she went along.

  She peered out of the alcove, wondering if there were cameras. Most likely. Should she just go to her room? Hmm, that held no appeal. What would they actually do if they caught her? She decided to wait it out for a little longer. After a few minutes, her patience paid off.

  She heard footsteps coming towards her. Several of them. She strained to hear any other noise, but no one spoke. She waited as patiently as she could, the steps getting closer. Her gaze narrowed as two guards walked towards her, but they weren’t what caught her attention. No, they paled in comparison to the big guy striding along between them. He was at least a head taller than the tallest guard. The male walked slowly, carefully. She nearly gasped as she saw the blood dripping down his face from a gaping head wound.

  What had happened to him?

  His dark hair was in twists down to his shoulders. Who was he? And why didn’t they want anyone to see him? As they moved past her, his head turned and he seemed to stare right at her. He couldn’t see her, could he? She held his enigmatic gaze for a few seconds as they strode past.

  He couldn’t be a prisoner. Two guards couldn’t control this guy. Besides, he hadn’t been secured. So why would they make everyone go back to their rooms? It made no sense.

  Oh, screw it. She’d already gone this far. She slipped out of the alcove and attempted to move stealthily along the passage. She was pretty good at going unnoticed. She wondered how long they intended to keep everyone shut in their rooms. Had everyone else just done as they were told? Had they been locked in?

  She crept along until she grew close enough to see the backs of the guards and the goliath. She didn’t think he was human. If he was, he was by far the biggest man she’d ever seen. They stopped outside the medical rooms. Perhaps he was ill. She darted back around the corner as they all disappeared inside.

  More footfalls sounded behind her. Crap. She looked around for somewhere to hide. Crap. Crap. Crap.

  Moving along, she raced down the corridor and darted around another corner, looking back. Wasn’t that the captain of the ship? He was flanked by two guards who remained outside in the corridor as he made his way into the medical rooms.

  Damn it. What should she do?

  Probably going back to your room would be the smartest idea, Georgie.

  Yeah, but being out here was far more interesting. Finally, her patience was rewarded when the medical doors opened. The captain walked out. He had a strange look on his face. One of disgust and excitement? What the fuck was that about? Thankfully, he didn’t walk towards her, but turned away and strode off, those same two guards moving with him.

  More guards exited and there he was again. Her breath caught. She didn’t know what it was about him that caught her attention. He wasn’t the most gorgeous guy she’d ever seen. His features were a bit too hard. Rugged. He had a scar running from the middle of his forehead down towards his right eye. Whatever cut him must have just missed his eye. The blood from earlier was gone and she guessed they must have a regen chamber on board.

  He barely looked around, his gaze centered forward, seemingly uncaring about his surroundings. He looked detached. Scary. And also a little sad.

  She shook off that thought. Getting morose in your old age, Georgie. She suddenly realized that while she’d been eyeing the big guy up, the three of them had started moving towards her.

  Shit. Idiot. Why did she let herself get distracted by an interesting face? She darted back and raced forward, around the next corner and into another alcove. She took long, slow breaths, attempting to get her raging heartbeat
under control.

  The group never passed her, though, and she peered out with a frown. She noticed them all getting in the elevator she’d raced past. Hmm, where were they going? Was that guy staying on board?

  “We have given you quarters on the floor below,” one of the guards stated, sounding nervous. He was using Standard. A language used by many races for trade.

  Goliath didn’t say a word.

  “The captain said you’re free to move around, of course,” the guard continued. “Or we can have meals brought to you if you’d rather.”

  Nothing. Bit rude of him, really. Then again, he didn’t look like a communicative sort of guy. The doors to the elevator slid open before she could hear anything more and the three of them stepped inside.

  She’d bet that guy was a Zerconian. He was definitely big enough. But what was he doing onboard?

  Hmm. Curious.


  The gossip mill was working overtime.

  Georgie stood in line for dinner. Please be actual meat. Please be actual meat.

  Okay, so maybe she was a little food obsessed. Hard not to be when it felt like she’d been starving most of her life. And she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had actual meat. Like, from an actual animal.


  She bet the guy she saw yesterday would like meat. The bloodier the better. She shuddered to think of how much food he’d have to consume to fuel that big body.

  “I can’t find it anywhere. Someone must have stolen it,” a voice said frantically from behind her.

  Oh, it was Fred. Goodie.

  “It must be in your room,” Boobs or Shallow told her in a fake-sympathetic voice.


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