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Love in Washington (American Boyfriend Book 2)

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by Chance Carter

  American Boyfriend

  Love in Washington

  Chance Carter



  Personal Invitation

  Also by Chance Carter


  After a long voyage, we finally pull into the naval base at Everett, Washington. The officers around me are all cheering, excited to dock and have a night on the town. They couldn’t he happier.

  I don’t know how they can be so happy after the grueling training exercise we just went through. I can’t bring myself to join the celebrating.

  I’m still heartbroken.

  It happened so many years ago, but still, I keep waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. I can’t shake what happened from my mind.

  We were out on the ocean and a high seas storm rolled in from what felt like nowhere. It completely blindsided us. We were going through our exercises and there was a crack from the sky like God coming to whip us, to punish us, but only He knew what for.

  The ship rocked wildly and there was water everywhere. I never saw so many hardened sailors lose their shit. As the boat finally started to settle, a rogue wave crashed right over the deck.

  Everything became utter darkness and the roaring weather was replaced with a deafening silence. Icy water shocked my body.

  I grabbed onto the nearest thing I could find but my buddy Erik wasn’t so lucky. I watched as the black waves stole him away.

  No way was I letting them keep him. No way was he going down, not on my watch.

  I let go of the rail and let the crashing water take me into the ocean after him. It was utterly hopeless. I tried my damnedest to swim, to get my bearings, to find Erik, but I might as well have been searching for a leaf in a hurricane.

  I gasped for breath, struggled to get to the surface. If it wasn’t for my crew mates, I’d have drowned too. It took ten men to pull me out of the water.

  Loosing Erik hit me hard. We’d signed up together and now I’m an officer, and still, I feel the pain. I’m almost ashamed of how devastated I am. There are men on our ship who have seen so many good friends go down and they manage to push it out of their head. I just keep seeing Erik’s face. The years pass but the pain of losing him never gets any less.

  He wasn’t ready to die. He had a sweetheart back home, a girl he’d been with since high school. He was going to buy her a little white house with pretty trim and they were going to live a good life together. He had the girl, the dream. He didn’t deserve to lose that dream, and I was certain his girl didn’t deserve the pain of losing him.

  I, on the other hand, had nothing to live for. No one would have missed me if I disappeared into the depths of the ocean. It should have been me.

  Why that piece-of-shit wave couldn’t have taken me instead, I’ll never know.

  What I do know, is I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to find it out.

  “Barr. Barr. Yo, Barr. Hey guys, check him out. He ain’t hearing a word I’m saying.”

  “Barr. Barr!”

  I hear the guys calling me but I don’t turn. My mind doesn’t want to listen. Finally one of them punches me in the arm.

  Lopez says, “Bryon. Are you coming or what? We’re docked and good to go, man.”

  Carl says, “We’re all going to head into town, grab some grub, and find us some good Washington girls to have some, uh, fun with.”

  “Hey!” Lopez says, “Speak for yourself! Some of us have girls at home.”

  “Oohhhh, Lopez is in loooove.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “So what do you say, Bryon? Will you join us for a rollicking good time this evening?”

  “Oh man, he’s still not listening!”


  “Yeah, I’m listening. You go have fun, I have other things I need to take care of here.”

  “Your loss, bro.”

  Erik is gone. We couldn’t even bring his body back to his family, back to his girl. To have someone ripped from you so suddenly like that, there’s no words for how you feel. Erik was my best buddy in the Navy. Right from day one we were there for each other. We always backed each other up. Looked out for each other. Him dying was like losing a piece of myself.

  For four years he’s been lost at sea, and I feel like I have been too.

  Let those other guys have fun. I don’t begrudge them. I’m glad they’re able to go on living their lives. You’ve got to do all the living you can while you can. It’s just, I’m not ready for it.

  There’s a war memorial here in Everett that I know of, not too far from the base. You can see the ocean from it, too. I’ll head there and pay tribute to Erik, the best man I ever had the honor of knowing.

  Once everyone’s cleared out, I hop on a bus and head toward the war memorial. It goes a couple blocks and I spot a flower shop on the hill on the way up. I pull the yellow rope. We’re not at a stop but the driver sees my officer’s uniform and stops.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  He nods.

  I hop off the bus and cross the street to the flower shop. I want to pay my respects properly, for Erik and for all the other guys who never got to come home. For the people they left behind too. They deserve it. Those men died defending our country, their families made the ultimate sacrifice. The least I can while I’m on shore leave is lay some flowers on a memorial.

  I peek in the window of the shop. It looks empty, maybe even closed. I try the door anyway and a little bell chimes.

  I step inside and that’s when I see you for the first time. For as long as I live, I’ll never forget the sight of you popping up from behind the counter.

  You’re fun and perky and holy shit, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  Your smile is bright and so big, a perfect shade of red lipstick. I notice your pink cheeks and your perky … hmm, how should I put this … you’re perky attitude.

  My heart does a flip in my chest. I take a deep breath. All that time at sea, away from the comforts of a woman, it puts a need in you. A craving.

  I feel something happening in my trousers. An erection forming at the most inconvenient time possible. This is honestly the last thing I was expecting this afternoon. Luckily my uniform is doing a decent job of hiding it.

  You speak to me cheerfully, kindly, like we’re old friends.

  “Well hello, stranger,” you say. “Back so soon?”

  “Huh? Back so soon? I’ve never been here before.”

  You laugh. “Oh, sorry. That was my attempt at a joke. I mean back to shore. You’re obviously a sailor, right?”

  “Right,” I say, uncertain how to respond.

  I’ve always been awkward around pretty girls.

  You pluck a little blue flower from beside your register and lean forward across the counter. I can’t stop myself from starting at your tits, which push up against each other between your arms. They look like they’re going to pop right out of your dress.

  My cock throbs in my pants and I imagine what they would look like if they did.

  Your elbows are pinched in to make them stand out even more.

  Is it on purpose?

  Are you flirting with me?

  You look like such a sweet and innocent girl. My cock grows even longer, even harder, at the thought of all the naughty things I could get you to do for me.

  You pop the little flower behind my ear.

  “That’s just a little thank you for your service,” you say. “Now what can I get for you?”

  You’re still leaning against the counter and I can’t take my eyes off your perfectly delicious, delightfully delectable breasts. Blam
e it on my being away at sea for so long. I swear I’m not always this horny. It’s just … you, the way you are, it’s making my cock throb with each pulse of my heartbeat.

  I feel like I could cum just by looking at you.

  I want to put your breasts in my mouth. I want to take your nipples between my teeth and suck them so hard you gasp. I want to slide my cock between them, pushing it back and forth until I cum all over your chest and neck.

  I’m sorry. I swear I’m not always this dirty in my mind. It’s your fault. You shouldn’t go looking so tempting so close to a naval base. I mean, that should be obvious, shouldn’t it?

  I look into your eyes and try to read your mind.

  Are you flirting with me? Are you giving me this raging boner on purpose?

  You know it’s cruel if you are, don’t you?

  You’re so warm and friendly. You seem so sweet, but it’s always the sweet ones who are naughtiest, isn’t it?

  My cock is giving you a full military salute!

  I’m fully erect and all my attention is on you and your figure. There’s no way my white uniform is hiding this very well, and the way you’re bent over the counter, I’m sure your sparkling eyes have noticed it by now.

  I want so badly to come up behind you, to keep you bent over that counter, hike that pretty little skirt up over your sexy ass, and slide right inside you.

  I’d cum so hard you’d think I was some sort of stallion or something.

  “Did you just come in to look?” you say, your voice alluring and sexy.

  I must have zoned out longer than I realized. It’s been a tough couple of months and you’re just the kind of shore leave my body has been craving.

  You’re beautiful.

  “I apologize, miss. Thank you for the flower. The crew just came back in from a training exercise and …”

  “And you want to buy some flowers for a lady here in town?”

  “Yes, miss. I mean, no, miss.”

  You let out a little laugh.

  “I want to buy some flowers, but not for a lady.”

  “Oh, for a man?”

  It’s my turn to blush. “Yes. Well, no. For a buddy. My best buddy.”

  “Your buddy?”

  “A crew mate. He died.”

  You look at me, your eyes full of sympathy.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t gush. It’s just, I want to do something for him.”

  “No, not at all. You tell me anything you like,” you say, and as I look into your eyes I know you mean it.

  I feel I can say anything to you. Tell you anything. Unburden my heart.

  “He had a girl,” I say, “and his mom.”

  I see tears welling up in your eyes. I’m such a blabbering idiot.

  “I’m really sorry,” I say again.

  “Stop apologizing.”

  My hands are on the counter and you reach out and touch them. Your hand is soft and warm and I feel like I never want to be without your touch again.

  “There’s a hole in my heart now. I just … I just wish I could have saved him,” I say.

  I clear my throat.

  “I’m heading up to the memorial now to pay my respects. That’s what I need flowers for.”

  You’re looking at me, completely mesmerized. You’re a sympathetic person, I can tell that much already. I’d never have said so much if I thought you didn’t care.

  “Flowers?” you say.

  “He told me his mother’s favorite flowers once.” I shake my head. “Trouble is I don’t remember it. Maybe it was lilies. Or carnations. Or roses maybe? Shit. I’m such an idiot.”

  “You’re not an idiot.”

  “I just wanted this to be nice.”

  “That’s a sad story,” you say.

  “Yes, miss,” I say. “I’m sorry to burden you with it.”

  I really should have known better. You’re a good listener and I couldn’t help saying what I did, but you’re so young, so happy.

  So pretty.

  The last thing you need is to be listening to the pain of a guy like me.

  You gracefully sway out from behind the counter, and move about the shop as if you’re floating. Your skirt twirls in some imaginary wind, and I keep hoping a gust will come and lift it a little higher to give me a peek of what sweetness is hiding inside. It’s not helping my erection situation, that’s for certain. My cock’s throbbing so hard against my pants now, begging to be set free, only to be recaptured by you. Recaptured by the sweet, tight lips of your delicious pussy.

  You’re so beautiful, so angelic, so perfect. I crave to hold those hips in my hands and just ...

  I let out a soft sigh.

  “All set!” you say.

  You lean back against the front of the counter this time. I can see your whole body in front of me, presented like the most beautiful bouquet, but you present to me a full and perfect arrangement of lilies, roses, and carnations. You made it all work out perfectly.

  You’re magical.

  You amaze me.

  “It’s perfect,” I say.

  Then something comes over me. Some wave of emotion. Of desire. All the longing I’d built up during my years at sea overcome me in an instant.

  “You’re perfect,” I say.

  My heart is racing and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything else. I’ve already said too much. You’re in here trying to do your job, trying to be a nice girl, a nice woman. You’re not looking for all this.

  I shouldn’t be making a move on you.

  But I can’t help it. You have something I need, and I crave it so badly. I look at you in a way that a man oughtn’t to look at a woman unless he knows her intimately.

  Your eyes drop to the ground. You know what I’m thinking.

  The thought crosses your mind to run. To get back behind that counter and ring up the price of the flowers. To get me the hell out of your sweet little store.

  But then it’s like something changes in your eyes.

  You look up at me, your eyes bright and full of tenderness.

  “So tell me, when does your shore leave end, sailor?”

  My heart pounds. I can’t believe you just said that.

  You are so cute, so lovely, and I can tell you don’t act this way with every sailor that steps off a boat.

  I want you.

  In this moment, I want you more than I want to breathe.

  I want to make you mine. I want to overpower you. I want to feel your body surrendering itself to my lust.

  I want to possess you.

  There’s no one in the world at that moment but you and me.

  “I have to be back onboard tonight,” I say.

  Your soft, pretty face is so full of emotion. You look like you’re going to cry. You’re so beautiful, so honest with your feelings. You lay them right out for all to take in.

  I feel like God has brought me before an angel.

  It sounds rude to admit this, because I really do feel like this moment is a gift from God, but I want to fuck you so badly. I never craved anyone like I crave you.

  I want to cum hard in you, to pour myself into you without any protection, to make you feel the force of my explosion crashing against your cervix.

  I want you to be mine like you’ve never been anyone’s. I want you to remember me after I ship out. I want you to wait for me to come back. If I could put my child in you, I would. That would make this forever. That would tie you to me for life. And that’s what I want.

  You are the port I want to call home.

  Our eyes lock and I can feel what you’re feeling.

  This has never happened to me before. I’ve never felt this sort of connection, this kind of chemistry.

  I wonder if you’re feeling it too. I wonder what panties you’re wearing, if any. I wonder if they’re getting wet as you look at me, as you notice the bulge in my uniform, as you look at the raging desire in my eyes.

  I wonder if you want to feel my stiff cock slide inside
you and fill you up like you’ve never been filled before in your life. I wonder if you want to be claimed. If you want to be possessed, completely and utterly.

  I wonder do you want to be my girl, to wait for me while I’m at sea, to be the one person in the world who would care about me if I never came home.

  From the second you walk in the door of my flower shop, I feel like I’m face to face with my own destiny. You walk in all dashing and handsome in your crisp, white, Navy uniform but with a sadness on your face and something dark behind your deep brown eyes.

  I can tell you’ve been through something, some great pain, and I want to make it better if I can, even if only for a little while.

  Something about you makes me feel like it’s my responsibility to make sure you never felt this sad again. It isn’t right for you to feel this way and it was destiny that you walked into my shop and found me.

  I want to make you feel good. I want to take care of you. Not just emotionally, but physically. You seem so alone in the world.

  As I make my way around the shop, you never take your eyes off me for one second. It makes me feel wanted and desired. It makes me feel special.

  I notice what I can only assume is your huge rod begging to be let out of your pants. I know you want me. The thought thrills me.

  I lick my bottom lip and hope you don’t notice how hungry I am for you.

  I haven’t had sex in years, not since senior year of high school, prom night. I know it sounds so cliché, prom night, but that’s the way it happened.

  He and I had been together since ninth grade. He was my high school sweetheart and we were going to be together forever. We’d even picked out a house. It was only after he took my flower that he told me he’d signed up for the Navy.

  Maybe that’s why I opened this flower shop. Maybe I thought he would come back for more of my flowers.

  I know it’s a crazy thought.

  So, my sweetheart joined the Navy. He left right after graduation. I waited all summer for him and he never came home. I was devastated. I thought he’d forgotten all about me. And then the letter came from the government and the very core of my soul died.


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