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Page 6

by Jane Henry

  Fucking douchebags. For a minute I wish the asshole who attacked me would come back. I’d teach him to leave me and my place alone.

  With a scream of fury, I lift the sneaker from the pile of shoes I was going to pack and whip it against the wall. A black smear of rubber mars the white wall, but my fury doesn’t abate. I grab the second shoe and whip that to meet its mate, a second smear joining the first. Nothing’s broken so I don’t much care. I need to throw things. I want to break things.

  “Zoe, stop.” Brax’s deep voice bellows from the doorway. I pause, mid-throw, shoe number three still grasped in my hand.

  “They touched my fucking things,” I growl, but I don’t throw the shoe. Now that he’s here, I’m a little embarrassed. I don’t really want to appear childish to him. “My computer’s gone. My shit’s all over the place. They were looking for something, but I don’t know what the hell they want from me.”

  His eyes soften a little, and he prowls closer, palms outstretched.

  “Anything important on that computer?”

  “Of course there is.” I wiped everything clean, but someone with any knowledge of computers would be able to lift things. I know better than to be careless when I contacted Myers and his company, and up until today, I’ve never told anyone what I know.

  “Well, nothing that would implicate me,” I say. “But of course, I have stuff on that computer.”

  “You don’t back up externally?”

  I cross my arms on my chest and roll my eyes. “Really?” I ask, fighting the desire to toss the shoe in my hand at him. “I just realized someone’s stolen my shit, invaded my home, and you think now’s a good time to lecture me about precautionary measures one might use with important information? God!”

  His eyes narrow, a muscle ticking in his jaw as he eyes me in silence, as if weighing the options of his response. “Pack your bags,” he says with finality. “We leave in five minutes.”

  And with that, he stalks out. I stare at him before I realize the time is ticking and now I have four minutes. Swearing under my breath and cursing my luck, I toss everything I think I might need in a bag. I have no choice. I’ll follow him to Verge. I’ll contact Zack. But I’m the one that’ll sort this out.

  Chapter 5

  Zack’s on his way while Zoe finishes packing.

  If she were a guy, I’d say she has cast-iron balls. Nerves of steel. I can’t believe Zoe’s tenacity, and if I’m honest, I have to admit, watching her take down that guy, then the way she flipped me over and pinned me down, even though she totally undermined me and was kind of a brat about it, was hot as hell. I love how she can kick ass. Some people might want a date at a restaurant or club but hell, I want to take Zoe to a shooting range. Seeing a gun in her hands, I think I’d have to fuck her up against the wall.

  She’s tough, and there’s something deep in her eyes she’s managed to hide so far with snarky comments and evasion. As a dominant, I’ve learned to read people, though, and I can see that there’s a lot more to Zoe than meets the eye. There’s fear in her eyes. I want to know why.

  I’m no stranger to having shit you want buried. I fucked my life up knocking up Nichole, and even though I love Devin to pieces and would never call her a mistake, being shackled to Nichole is something I’d wish on no one. Her dad’s a preacher and he hates my guts, thinks I wrecked his girl, and her mother, some high member of society, heads up the garden club and church book club, thinks I’m part-devil or something. I don’t really care what they think about me, but I’d give anything to wipe my past clean and start over.

  I still remember the day her father found out I’d gotten her pregnant, the way his holier-than-thou eyes narrowed on me with barely-controlled hatred. “You were a bastard child,” he said, venom in his voice. “Your mother was a whore and you’re no better.”

  With people like him preaching the gospel and the good news of salvation, I’ll take my place in line with the sinners.

  My mother had me out of wedlock, yeah, and to old-fashioned people like him, that’s akin to prostitution. I never knew my dad, and never will. When I was old enough to know better, I figured things out. I knew she hated what she did so we’d have food on the table, and Nichole’s dad might call that prostitution but I call it survival.

  You grow up, you shake that shit off and make your life your own, but you don’t forget.

  And I can’t bury my past. Every time I pick up Devin or answer a fucking text from Nichole trying to dick around with me again, every time I have to bring Devin to her grandparents’ house for holidays and look at those people, I’m that useless bastard child they scorned.

  As if I’ve muttered some kinda incantation to conjure up my demons, my phone buzzes with a message from Nichole.

  You need to come and get Devin.

  I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly, while I hear Zoe fumbling around in her room.

  “You almost ready?” I bark out. God, a part of me hopes this woman has kink in her blood. I need to feel control. I long to tie my ropes around her, to mete out measured, delicious pain and pleasure. I never feel more powerful than when I have a submissive quivering beneath my utter control.

  “Yeah,” she says. “Take a chill pill!”

  I stifle a snort. Chill pill? What is this, 1997?

  She’s snarky as fuck and hell if that doesn’t turn me on.

  With a frown, I reply to Nichole’s message.

  What the hell are you talking about? This isn’t my weekend with Devin. You know I love spending time with her, but I haven’t made arrangements to have her this weekend. I’m working.

  I haven’t even told Zoe I’m dungeon monitor tonight. I’ll get her sorted back at Verge first, and then explain to her what my role is and how I’ll be handling things.

  Nice. What a fantastic father you are.

  She baits me like I’m a fish on a line. Jesus. I decide the best action is not to respond, but a part of me can’t help but wonder why she’s telling me I’m taking Devin. Is she planning on taking some low-life back to her place tonight? Has she gotten back in bed with the dealer she met over the border in Canada, and now she’s going to put out for him again?

  The better question is: does my kid need me?


  I tap my foot impatiently, waiting to see if Nichole will text me again, but instead I decide to go straight to Devin. I dial Nichole’s number.

  “Hi,” she says with guarded friendliness.

  “Put Devin on the line.” There’s no civility between us.

  “Fine. Just a minute.” She loves to dick around with me, but when she wants something she’s a bit more compliant.


  “Hey, baby. Is everything okay?”

  “Well I think so. Can I go to your place tonight?”

  I swear under my breath so she doesn’t hear. “Well you’re always welcome with me. Can you tell me why you’re asking, though? You sure everything’s okay?”

  There’s a muffle of voices, then a door clicking shut, and I surmise Devin’s left the room to speak to me privately.

  “Mom told me she was going to text you to come get me. She has a date with the loser guy with the scar on his chest, and she doesn’t want me around in case he wants to kiss her again. Gah-ross.”

  Again? She’s had him over before?

  “Yeah. But I heard him tell her last time he doesn’t like brats underfoot. He’s a jerk.”

  I close my eyes briefly, because the anger I feel is clouding my vision. I’ll give him brats underfoot, the motherfucker.

  “So daddy, can I please stay with you tonight?”

  I don’t have to think twice. I’ll figure out what to do with Zoe, and I’ll get her situated. I’ll have to.

  “Of course, Devin. You let me know if anyone does anything they shouldn’t. You hear me?”

  “Yes. Pinky swear.”

  “Good job. I’ll see you tonight, okay? Bye, honey.”

  I hear a door slam, a
nd then Zoe’s standing in front of me, her bag over her shoulder. She’s glaring, and I fight rolling my eyes.

  “Packed?” I ask.

  “No,” she snaps. “Decided I’d clean my closet out instead.” She rolls her eyes heavenward.

  “You know,” I say nonchalantly, reaching for her bag, but she pulls away. “If we weren’t getting the hell out of here and making sure you were safe, you and I would have a talk about a few things.”

  She huffs out a laugh. “Is that right?” she snaps.

  I reach a second time for her bag and this time pry it out of her hands. “Give me that,” I order, giving it a firm tug and ushering her out the door. “Yeah, babe. We would. I didn’t do anything to deserve you giving me attitude, and in case you haven’t gotten the memo, I’m not the kinda guy who puts up with brats.”

  She glares at me and doesn’t reply at first as we make our way to the exit.

  “Yeah,” she says. “So who’s the ‘honey’ you’re talking to on the phone? After you kissed me this morning?” She crosses her arms on her chest and her narrowed eyes zone in on me.

  Jesus. Seriously?

  “My daughter.”

  She blinks. “Oh. I—I’ll hail a cab,” she says.

  “Don’t bother. Zack’s on his way.”

  Her lips are pursed, her jaw clenched. To my surprise, instead of complaining, she sighs, and her voice softens. “Look, I’m sorry,” she says. “I know I’m being a bitch. I just can’t seem to stop myself sometimes. When I’m afraid, it comes out.”

  I don’t expect her to apologize, so I’m not exactly sure how to respond at first, but before I can say anything, Zack pulls up curbside. I can see his light brown hair and tats from where I stand, even though the car is unfamiliar. He rolls down the window. “You rang?” He smiles, though his gaze is somewhat wary as he looks from me to Zoe. He wants to know why we’re together, but he’ll have to wait.

  “Thanks, man,” I say, putting Zoe’s bag in the trunk. “Take us to Verge, and it’s important you make sure we’re not being followed. Got it?”

  “Got it,” he says. Zoe folds into the passenger seat, and I sit in the back. When the doors are shut, and the windows rolled up, he looks at both of us briefly before pulling into the road. He glances in the rearview mirrors. “No one followed me here,” he says. “And I took the fastest car we own in case I need to move.” He inhales then exhales slowly, driving through the busy streets with his eyes trained on the mirrors. “But I don’t do this for fun, kids. You need to tell me what the fuck is going on here.”

  Zoe clenches her jaw and looks out the window.

  “Zoe,” I say warningly. I haven’t known her for long at all, but I already recognize her “stonewall” face.

  “I’ll pull this car over,” Zack says. “Honest to God, I’m not being your getaway man without knowing what the fuck’s going on.”

  “It’s not that I don’t trust you,” Zoe finally says, a note of desperation in her voice. “But this isn’t playtime, guys. The more people that know about what’s going on, the more people are in danger.”

  “They’ll find Beatrice, Zack,” she says, turning to him, her voice pleading. “I know they will.” I know then it isn’t about her not trusting him, but her own need to protect the people she cares about. She doesn’t want Zack hurt.

  He swallows hard, takes a right, and accelerates.

  Why’s he going so quickly?

  “Someone trailing us?” God, I hate this.

  “No. I just want to get to Verge.” He looks briefly at Zoe before looking back at the road. “It’s too late to keep me out of this,” he says. “Your ass is in my car, and I’m taking you to Verge. You’re in some way, and I swear to God I do not want details, hooked up with one of my best friends, heading to a club which you may or may not know is a kink club where Beatrice and I spend most of our free time.” His jaw tightens. “So spill, Zoe.”

  Accepting the inevitable, she nods. “Alright then. There are people on the force involved with covering up, and even being responsible, for the death of an old professor of mine, Daniel Zandetti. From what I know, that’s only the tip of the iceberg.”

  He nods, but his face doesn’t register surprise.

  She blows out a breath. “A few months ago, I was enrolled at the Academy taking a few more courses.”

  He nods.

  “You remember how Professor Zandetti was murdered? And shortly after that, his wife went missing, and no one’s seen her since?”

  He nods again.

  She crosses her arms on her chest, and her brows knit together. She’s getting angry again, I can tell by her posture and tone. “The night before Zandetti went missing, I was with Ben Hoffman. He worked closely with Zandetti. He got a text, he was in the shower, and I read it by accident. It was a directive to take Zandetti’s life. I feigned ignorance of this, and that night he went out and Zandetti went missing. His body was found in Central Park Lake.”

  Zack whistles softly. “I knew you wanted help from a P.I, but had no idea it involved the force. You have any more contact with Hoffman?”

  “No. I broke it off with him, but even before that happened, he was always weird around me. Like he was hiding something.”

  Zack nods. “What do you know about Zandetti?”

  “Well, he was one of the most renowned professors in the grad program, mostly known for the grants he administered totaling like five million dollars in competitive grants from the DHS.”

  “DHS?” I ask.

  “U.S. Department of Homeland Security,” she supplies.

  “Got it.”

  “And he published in some seriously reputable paper that upheld massive reform for Homeland Security. He was a public voice of reform for illegal drug trafficking, and I suspect he made some enemies.”

  “Jesus. Did these people have a death wish?” I ask. Why the hell would they put themselves at risk like that?

  Zoe shakes her head. “Sometimes, people get so far into intellectual headspace and the recognition they get for groundbreaking research, they negate the very real risk they take on by outing those they’re after.”

  We’re just down the street from Verge now.

  “And how do you two know each other?” Zack asks warily, eyeing me in the mirror.

  “Met at your wedding reception, man,” I say with a grin. He shakes his head but smiles back.

  “And you’re working with Myers, and got roped into this case?”

  Before he can continue, my phone buzzes, so I take it out of my pocket and glance at it.

  Goddamned Nichole again.

  Are you getting her or what? You’ve got important plans that take precedence over your daughter?

  I breathe out, trying to keep calm. She knows how to goad me.

  You know I’d take Devin every single day if I could. It isn’t my weekend, though, so I have to take care of things to make sure I’m home. Sounds to me like I’m not the one whose plans take precedence over his daughter.


  I shove my phone back in my pocket just as Zack pulls up in front of Verge.

  “Thanks, man. I’m bringing her to the green room. You sure we weren’t followed?”

  Zack shakes his head. “Nope. Clear.”

  I take Zoe’s bag out of the back, then come around to her side. I don’t trust her not to pull something stupid when she’s wound up like this, so I take her by the elbow and lead her into the main entryway door. Verge isn’t open yet so there is no bouncer at the door, but I’m dungeon monitor tonight. God, I never even made it home yesterday from my night out, and I still have to get to my place to make sure everything’s ready for Devin coming tonight.

  We move straight past the entryway then past the bar room. Tobias is at the bar, stocking shelves, and he eyes me curiously as I march Zoe past him.

  “Tobias. Meet you in your office in ten?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he says, crossing his arms on his chest. We keep moving.

bsp; “Let go of me,” Zoe says. I release her, and she pulls away from me, shooting me a glare. “You can stop manhandling now, you know.”

  “Not gonna run or try any heroics?” I ask her.

  “Of course not.” She’s frowning, but I ignore her as I take her to the green room.

  “So far the only people who know you’re here are Zack, Tobias, the owner, and me. You can trust us.”

  I push open the door, hold it for her to enter, then let it shut with a bang behind us. The room has been cleaned since we left this morning. God, it seems so long ago now.

  “I need to get back to my place,” I explain. “I have company tonight.”

  She sits on the edge of the bed and looks around the room, then she looks back at me as if she’s just understood what I said.

  “Company tonight?” The anger’s gone now, and there’s a look in her eyes I can’t identify.

  “Yeah,” I say. “My daughter’s coming to stay with me.”

  “Okay. How old is your daughter?”


  “So it seems I’m not the only one with secrets.”

  I laugh, as I walk over to the bureau up against the wall, near the bathroom. “Yeah, it’s no secret. We’ve only known each other for hours, though, so there might be a few things about each other we don’t know yet.”


  I ignore the sarcasm in her tone. “So you can leave your clothes here in the dresser, and I’ll make sure you get toiletries in the bathroom. I’ll get you food, and whatever else you need.”

  She nods. “I can’t hide in here all the time, you know. I mean, I’ve got a job to do.”

  I turn around and face her. I knew this was coming. “Zoe, as we said, you’re going to take a leave of absence. Zack will process it. It’s too risky for you to go to work until we find who’s behind what happened today.”


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