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Page 3

by Brandy L Rivers

  Turning, she continued on her way.

  “Later then,” Nate promised. “Be careful. There are dangerous people in Silvertail Ridge.”

  Savon tossed him the bird and kept going, wishing she had the strength to hear him out. Nope, she didn’t. A few more of the right words and she might shatter.

  Besides, she knew what lurked in town. Werewolves, witches, and other casters. All of which she knew how to handle.

  A new sign caught her attention. Fang’n’Claw. The bar hadn’t been there when she left town. Considering Silvertail held the second largest werewolf pack in the Pacific Northwest, she had to assume one owned the bar. Perhaps a new one.

  In need of a drink, she moved through the room, taking in the wild energy. Mostly werewolves and a few casters sprinkled throughout, but the spirits were feistier inside the building.

  A gorgeous statue of a man tended the bar in a white tank top that molded to one impressive chest. His sun-kissed hair was tied back in a ponytail. Scruff adorned his chiseled face. Brilliant blue eyes latched onto hers as a devilish smile pulled at his full mouth.

  Talk about a gorgeous distraction.

  “Haven’t seen your stunning self around here. I’m assuming you’re Savon Roantree, the sheriff’s sister. Now, there’s a wager that needs satisfying. Are you still hung up on some douchebag doctor?” His voice was low, deep, and rolled with an Australian accent.

  Licking her lips, Savon leaned forward. “Oh, I was over him long before he became a doctor.”

  He nodded slowly, one corner of that full mouth quirking. “Good to hear. One more question. You here on your brother’s behalf, looking for trouble?”

  “Oh, I’d rather be starting trouble than scouting it.”

  Brilliant red desire swirled through the orange of curiosity as his gaze traveled down her dress and caught on her cleavage. He held out a hand. “I’m Jay Walker.”

  “Hello, Jay.”

  “What are you drinking, gorgeous?”

  She scanned the shelf and tipped her head. “Chase.”

  “Vodka. Ice?”


  Grinning, he whipped out a tall glass and started pouring. “You look like you could use a bit more.”

  “That’s what happens when you come face to face with a ghost. I was starting to think moving back here was a really bad idea.” Taking the glass, she leaned forward and took a long sip while watching Jay. “Not so much now.”

  He leaned closer. “Moved today, didn’t you?”

  Fuck, that accent was sexy.

  “Mmm, which means I shouldn’t stay long. The movers are coming bright and early to unload all my stuff.” She motioned around the place. “Now which one told you about me?”

  He nodded down the bar. Three guys from high school stared her way. The jock-cocks. Name a sport, and they played it. They taught her to ignore most of the assholes and they’d lose interest.

  They couldn’t stare hard enough now.

  “You can tell John, Tommy, and Brad that karma’s a bitch.”

  One golden brow arched. “Oh, I really like you.”

  Savon laughed and drank the rest down. “You new in town?”

  “Moved in five years ago. Built the bar. Stirred up a little trouble.” He filled her glass.

  “My kind of guy.” She took another swig.

  “Your brother doesn’t like me much.”

  She shrugged. “He landed himself on my shit list tonight.”

  “Why is that?”

  After another long drink, she blew out a breath. “Seems he has an ulterior motive to want me back in town.”

  “What happened?”

  “Ran into the asshole doctor.” Leaning back, she gulped the rest of the glass down.

  He moved to fill it, and she covered the glass with a raised brow. “No?” Jay asked.

  “Tempting, but I’m not a morning person and I expect the movers at seven. Last thing I need is a hangover.” Not to mention, she was a lightweight and the buzz had already set in, making auras burn brighter. Too much more and the spirits she could usually only hear would start to appear. Not a ghost, but an entity caught between realms. Most didn’t look anything like humans. Spirits were generally benign, sometimes good. The evil version were typically called demons. They all spoke to her, sometimes even helped. She’d learned to be careful which she listened to.

  “Then come back tomorrow night,” he purred.

  “You got it. Now, how much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing,” he answered as Savon stood. He took her hand. “It’s been a pleasure. Sweet dreams, gorgeous.” He placed a kiss on her knuckles, and she laid down a twenty.

  “Good night, Jay.” She started for the door.

  Halfway there a hand wrapped around her waist as he pulled her back against his chest. His lips brushed the spot below her ear, his breath fanning the sensitized skin. “I mean it, Savon. I don’t want a dime.” He pushed the bill into her purse and caught the lobe of her ear between his teeth. “Just come back tomorrow night.”

  Desire pulsed through her, and she was tempted to play with fire. Maybe if she hadn’t been burned too recently. Still, she couldn’t completely resist.

  “I’ll be here,” she promised, then pulled away, walking through the door without looking back.

  The streetlights blurred and stretched, colors seeped off the rooftops, as she made her way down the street. It had been a long time since she’d drunk that much away from home. Inebriation always released her hold on her Other senses. She preferred to be alone when her powers came out that strong.

  “Someone’s coming,” a friendly spirit whispered. This one had been with her since childhood. Oftentimes, she offered energy when she needed a boost in power. Other times, she was an extra set of eyes.

  The glow of deep orange brown wafted in front of her. Savon smirked. A threat loomed from the man behind her. “Hmm, another wolf. This one’s mean.” She spun around and shot a pulse of energy at a man who was easily twice her size.

  A growl erupted from the beast as he landed on his ass.

  “Word of warning,” Savon calmly stated, “don’t keep following me. I’ll do a lot worse than put you on your back.” She sent another pulse of energy, this one knocking him end over end before she turned and swayed onto her street.

  Warmth washed over Savon as someone’s eyes caressed over every inch of her body while she walked to the door.


  His nearness made her skin tingle with anticipation. She wanted to turn, to confront him, but she pushed on, digging around in her tiny purse to find her keys. Then she tried to open the door.

  Her fingers fumbled. The keys fell.

  They didn’t hit the ground as someone caught them. She spun to find Nate inches away. So many emotions played over his regal features. Her heart thumped harder as she reached out with her senses, trying to discern what he wanted, or what he felt.

  Dancing colors surrounded him, too many to read his aura.

  His hand landed on the door behind her as he leaned closer, running his nose millimeters from the column of her throat. The heat of his body provided a sensual tease.

  Red burst through his aura. “Mmm, you smell of magic, arousal, and alcohol.” His breath danced over her ear and she held back the whimper.

  “Why do you care?” she whispered in a harsh tone.

  “Never stopped caring.”

  “You’re full of shit,” she hissed.

  Pushing back, he searched her face. He breathed in, his nose wrinkling. The agony in those brown eyes twisted a knife through her. “Where were you?” His voice cracked.

  She let out a frustrated huff. “None of your damned business.”

  “Sav, you don’t understand. The pack is shifting without a leader. It’s dangerous right now. You have no idea what the worst of them would do to you.”

  Her eyes closed as she leaned back against the door. “T
he most terrifying werewolves don’t scare me. You don’t understand what I am, what I’m capable of. I’m not afraid of a few stray dogs—or you.”

  “Never want to scare you. Never wanted to hurt you.”

  A cry escaped. “You broke me, Nate. You shattered every last bit of me.”

  His fingers drifted across her cheek, into her hair as he pulled her face up. “Look at me, Sav.” His voice vibrated with a low growl.

  Savon got her eyes opened and stared up into molten chocolate orbs ringed in bronze. “What?”

  “Did he drug you?”

  She blinked. “Who?”

  “Jay. I smell traces of him on you.”

  “I had a couple drinks. Needed to get you out of my head.” Sighing, she reached for her keys.

  He moved them away while closing the distance. Heat radiated from his body, making her far too cozy. She wanted to press tight, rub her face against his neck, breathe in his scent.

  He leaned down to whisper against her ear. “I worried when you didn’t come straight home. Jay is trouble. I need you safe.”

  A bitter laugh escaped. “Jealous another man wants me?”

  “Yes,” he growled, his hands curling around her sides, millimeters below her breasts. “I need you to listen to me. I tried a million times to tell you what happened, and you always ran from me.”

  A short laugh burst free. “You never came to me.”

  “Not in person, but I was still there, in your head. You always run, just like you want to now.” His voice was a purr that washed over her.

  “Damn you, Nate. You’re so full of shit.” She slammed her hands against his chest.

  He caught her wrists, dragging them over her head as he pinned her against the door.

  “I reach out to you every single night, Savon. I can’t stop myself. The pull is too damned strong. And having you here, in the flesh,” he groaned, his lips pressing below her ear.

  Her breath caught. “Nate,” she gasped.

  One hand dragged down her arm and along her neck, his other fingers delving into her hair. “Have to find a way to right this.” His mouth closed over hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, teasing her senses.

  The other colors melted away, leaving the red of passion and blue of sadness to fuse into purple as he stole her breath. His other hand caressed down, over the side of her breast.

  Her hands dropped to his hair, her fingers combing through the silken mess.

  He kissed down her throat, and she forgot everything but the feel of his touch. His mouth closed over the fabric of her dress, finding her tight peak.

  Reality snapped back and she shoved at him. “No, get away from me!” she screamed.

  He stumbled backward, falling on his ass at the other end of the porch. “Shit, I’m sorry, Savon. Damn it, I’m sorry. I needed to make sure you were all right and I got carried away.”

  She slid down the door, dropping her head into her hands. “I can’t do this.” Her heart splintered, pain throbbing through her.

  “You don’t know what you feel for me, do you?” His voice broke several times getting the question out.

  “No. Every time I close my eyes, you’re there, taunting me, chasing me, driving me fucking crazy.” She pushed her way up the door.

  Nate moved closer, holding out her keys. “I’m sorry. I’ll make this right.”

  Snatching them from his hand, she spun and tried to jam the key into the lock. She dropped them again with a curse.

  He caught them, placing one hand on the door in front of her, caging her in. The other slid the key in and turned. “Let me help tonight.”

  A sniffle escaped as she started for her room. “Go to hell,” she whispered.

  She tripped on the second stair, and he scooped her into his arms. His warmth enveloped her, his scent comforting her. She gave in to the exhaustion that came with too much alcohol.

  Chapter 4

  The pain in Savon’s hazel eyes nearly tore him in half. Shit, Nate wanted to go to her but that would have cost her life. Twelve long years ago, his father tore apart any chance to have Savon with one threat.

  He could still see the rage in Dad’s eyes when Nate told him he needed to find Savon. Shit, he’d never been so scared in his life.

  Nate bolted upright, finally waking up from the coma.

  Savon, he’d seen her with his own eyes, in the shower. Her hands covering her stomach, a smile on her lips. She saw him and the color drained from her face before he woke up, his consciousness slammed firmly back in his body.

  “Savon!” he cried out.

  His father leaned down, hatred in his deep brown eyes. “You seek her out, and I will tear her apart and gnaw on her bones. I’ll make sure she doesn’t live through the shift. No more Sylvan Fae will be turned. You will not fall victim to the little bitch.”

  “I’m going to marry her.”

  His laugh was cruel. “No, you won’t. I will go to her in my half-beast form and rip her open, pull out every organ, feeding on her heart and ribs. You will not touch her again, you will not go to her. If you love her, you will let her go, or you sign her death warrant.

  Nate seethed, “She’s my whole world.”

  “No, you’re a werewolf now. And a werewolf in my pack will never take a Sylvan Fae for a mate.”

  “Not a fucking werewolf,” Nate growled, anger vibrating down his spine as his body started to shift.

  An evil smile spread on his father’s face. “Yes, you are. I had to change you to save your life when your bitch of a mother ran you off the road. You’ve been in a coma for two months, Nathan. I thought I’d lost you.”

  “No. Not a wolf!” Nate screamed even as his body shifted to something caught between man and wolf.

  “Get used to it. You can’t have Savon now. Her kind do nothing but destroy wereanimals. She won’t want a monster.”

  “I don’t care. I love her. She’s everything.”

  “Remember, go to her, even call her, and I will destroy her while you watch.”

  He looked down at his hands, the monstrous claws. He hadn’t shifted to full wolf. No, he managed to shift to half-man which wasn’t supposed to happen the first shift if it ever happened at all.

  Shaking off the memory, he focused on the present. With his father dead and gone he finally had a chance to prove he’d never stopped loving Savon. Thanks to Bran, who somehow convinced her to move back. Nate had every intention of telling her everything, in person. If she’d finally listen. Chasing her in dreams sure as hell hadn’t worked.

  Savon had always been a magnet for trouble. Back less than a day and she had already gained attention from Nate’s biggest problem.

  Then again, he came back after he had his own run-in with trouble three months prior. Someone from the Dark Templar attacked him, trying to pry information about something he called the Wolfssengen Pendant.

  First, the Wolfssengen Pendant was something he’d only heard his father mention twice in hushed tones when he thought Nate wasn’t there. He had no clue what it was supposed to do or where it was.

  Second, the dark mage was part of the Silver Council, which would have been bad enough, but this one claimed to be a Dark Templar. The Council policed Others and protected all of them from humans learning about magic and monsters. The Dark Templar could be considered a dark ops branch that the Council claimed didn’t exist. Everyone believed they did. And the mage had definitely been dark, meaning he lived off the magic that resided in Others, draining them to empower themselves.

  Third, the New York Alpha exiled Nate because he didn’t want to endanger the pack.

  Nate came home to get answers only his father could provide. Then he planned to challenge his father and go after Savon.

  Before he got a chance, Jay challenged Killian Taggert and killed his father. Something strange happened—a lot of strange things actually.

  Killian never shifted back to human, though his wolf was certa
inly dead.

  Jay didn’t become Alpha.

  The pack hung in a sort of limbo with no Alpha present.

  Nothing made a damned bit of sense.

  And if Jay hurt Savon in any way, shape, or form, Nate would dismantle him and put him back together in such a way he’d live in pain for the rest of his life. He had the knowledge to do it, and with the way werewolves healed, he could cause some serious damage.

  The cell phone buzzed again, but Savon stumbled on her stairs, and he stepped inside, scooped her into his arms, and carried her to the master bedroom. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she snuggled closer.

  His heart expanded as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Her scent enveloped him. Lilacs and roses. Every instinct pushed him to claim her, but he pushed that down. Instead, he planned to take care of her, earn her trust.

  Nate had watched her blast Clay for trying to sneak up on her. He wouldn’t have blamed her for doing the same when he pushed too far.

  Shit, he’d been an asshole, and he deserved worse for a million reasons. Bran and Evangeline were right. He should have found a way to tell her outside of dreams. A way she could understand and not think she was batshit crazy.

  At least some part of her still trusted him. As mad as Savon was, she curled into his embrace.

  Somehow, he would mend what he broke the day of the accident. He never meant to stay away from her, but he was unable to break free of his mind for so damned long he thought he’d never resurface.

  Nate laid her down, but her hand twisted in his shirt, holding on. He joined her on the bed, holding her to his chest. She murmured, pressing her whole body against his.

  Shit, he was hard, and he had to ignore his dick. Drunk, and not fully aware, there was no way he’d do more than hold her. The moment he was inside her, she’d be his forever. The one thing he wanted, but she needed to make that choice. He wouldn’t force it. He’d already done enough damage with the way he followed her through dreams.


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