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Page 7

by Brandy L Rivers

  “You didn’t send the bastard after her?” Bran asked.

  Gold rimmed his blue eyes, his beast rising to the surface. “My problem is with you two, not her. Doesn’t matter how she’s related to one of you, or her history with the other, I deal with my problems directly.”

  Nate met his gaze straight on. “No one is making an accusation. You asked why we were here. He’s explaining.”

  “As long as we understand each other. Seems you two killed her mood.” His brow arched.

  “We came for food and pool. And to keep an eye on her. Take it or leave it, but until you can command us to leave, we’re staying.”

  Jay leaned down and glared into his eyes. “Leave my bar.”

  Nate smirked. “You’re not Alpha, Jay. Never will be.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Jay answered.

  Shrugging, Nate shook his head. “We didn’t come here for trouble. We came to ensure it didn’t follow Savon.”

  “Sure you aren’t the problem?” Jay countered, his brow cocked.

  Once again, Nate wrangled back the urge to reach across, grab the back of his head, and slam his face down on the counter. Shit, he hated the prick.

  * * * *

  Savon racked while sweeping her eyes through the bar. Cole, one of the basketball stars in school made his way over with a smirk. She remembered all the shit he said to her over the years and how she used to look straight through him.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he handed her an extra beer bottle. “Thirsty?”

  She slung back her mojito and took the bottle.

  The spirits murmured.

  “Don’t drink it.”

  “Something’s in it.”


  Biting her lip, she set the bottle aside and nodded to the table. She wouldn’t touch the beer again, but see if she could figure out why the bastard wanted to drug her. “Want to play?”

  “Winner gets a dance?” he prompted.

  She snorted. “Let’s see how good a sport you are.”

  * * * *

  Savon declined the dance with Cole. He didn’t like losing and was a baby.

  Bran coerced her into a game of pool, and after she barely beat him, she opted for a dance. She grabbed the first guy she saw who wasn’t staring at her tits or ass.

  One of the guys from her art class who had grown into an attractive witch smiled when she wrapped her arms around his neck. “How are you, Justin?”

  His eyes lit up, he let out a happy sigh. “You remember my name.”

  She held back the giggle. “I do, and I remember you had talent with a paintbrush. Do you still?”

  He nodded. “I sell a few paintings here and there. Nothing like you. I’ve heard your name in the art community. I must say, your work is amazing.”

  She shrugged. “I do all right. What have you been up to?”

  “I run Craft Stop now. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you.”

  She nodded. “Oh, you will. Probably enough to get tired of me.”

  “Nah. It will be a pleasure. Maybe you can help me out.”

  “Sure. I’ll need to restock soon.” She leaned closer. “Thank you, for the dance.”

  “No, thank you. You’ve made my night.”

  “You always were sweet.” She walked away as the song ended.

  Yet another wolf stumbled to her with a drink and a cocky smile.

  The warning spirit whispered, “Don’t drink it.”

  She wouldn’t. The only two she had put to her lips were the first two Jay made her while she watched. He hadn’t attempted to slip anything into her drink, and he didn’t send any over.

  The auras in Fang’n’Claw had grown too bright and mixed together in a way that made her head hurt. She needed to get away from them all.

  She needed to uncover the real story with the wolf pack in Silvertail Ridge. Maybe she could call an old friend who might give her some real answers.

  Some pretty wolf in a slinky dress swayed over to Nate. Savon walked to the counter and paid her bill.

  “You don’t have to go,” Jay said softly.

  “Too much tension in here tonight. Something will snap. I’d rather not be here when it does. But I’ll be back another night.”

  “I hope you will.” He took her money with a smile.

  She left a nice tip. “Good night, Jay.”

  “See you soon.”

  Savon ducked down the back hall and through the kitchen where she got a dirty look from the cook. She stepped out the back door and hurried to the street to get away from everyone.

  She made it to the edge of the parking lot when Jay’s hand wrapped around her bicep, pulling her to a stop.

  “Wait.” His voice was gentle and pleading. “Seems your brother and ex ruined your night.”

  Spinning, she shook her head. “More than that. Two wolves tried to slip something into drinks they brought me.”

  He lifted his hands, taking a step back, reds shooting through his aura. “Hey now, I’ll find out who attempted to drug you, but it sure as hell wasn’t me. I want my women eager and willing, not passed out.”

  She believed him. Question was, who attempted to drug her?

  “Savon, whoever tampered with your drink will pay.” He moved forward, looking into her eyes. “I swear it.”

  Anger flashed through her. “I want to know who and why. Do me a favor. I know Cole was one. Never saw the second before tonight. Don’t know if someone else slipped something into the drinks, or if they did it of their own accord. Either way, when you do find out, even if you deal with them, I want to know what you learn.”

  “You have my word. Now, since I didn’t get to make up for my previous mistake, why don’t you come by in the morning. We’ll leave town to have breakfast. We should talk. I doubt Nate or Bran will tell you everything you’ve missed while you were away. And by then, I’ll know who and why they spiked your drink.”

  She didn’t expect all the answers, but she’d have another side to the story. “All right, be ready for me at eight in the morning.”

  He reached out, gently caressing her arm. His blue eyes delved into hers. “I’ll be here, ready to go.”

  “Night, Jay.” She walked away before she was tempted to lean up for a kiss. She needed more of the story before she made any kind of decision.

  * * * *

  Heads would roll. Someone attempted to drug Savon, and that asshole was going to pay dearly. He went through every drink he served and who brought drinks to Savon. He would start there, as soon as Fang’n’Claw closed.

  He didn’t want to alarm Bran or Nate. He wanted the answers to give Savon in the morning. Without dipshit and douchebag getting in his way.

  Her trust would go a long way to breaking Nate. Beyond that, he wanted her, all of her. The more she was around, the more he craved her. The building need was dangerous. After losing his mate, May, he never expected to find the burning craving of a potential mate.

  The craving started as a smolder, but he was burning for Savon. Nate was his competition. Was it possible she was compatible with both? He’d only heard of that happening twice.

  Savon needed the whole story. The longer she went in the dark, the more danger she was in. Canagan didn’t like competition. He understood she’d hated Savon’s mother. She wasn’t fond of Bran, though he hadn’t mastered his magic.

  Savon was a force to be reckoned with. Clay had designs on taking the pack and had twice nearly beaten Killian. Savon knocked the shit out of him her first night back, and he was still trying to get information on her.

  Perhaps Canagan had put him up to challenging the Alpha. He had no doubt she told him to fuck with Savon. Jay needed to know why.

  Cole and Nolan stayed when asked. They probably thought they were doing him a favor by tampering with Savon’s drinks.

  After locking the door, he moved across the bar with lightning speed, picking up a chair to s
mash against Nolan’s face, then Cole’s.

  With both sprawled across the floor, Jay pulled on leather gloves and brought out coils of silver chain.

  Lifting Nolan by the hair, he slammed him into a chair, tore his shirt open, and chained the fucker to the seat.

  Then he turned his attention to Cole, who’d gone as far as to call Savon a frigid bitch when she didn’t dance after their game of pool. He tore the clothes from his body before winding chain around him and hanging him from the rafters by his feet.

  Cole came to with a snarl, twisting and turning as Jay slammed his fist into his gut.

  “Who put you up to drugging Savon? Or was that your stupid idea?” Jay snarled.

  “You want her. Was ensuring she didn’t wind up with Nate,” he gasped out, twisting his body to try to wriggle free of the chains burning his bare skin.

  Jay grabbed a length of chain and wrapped it around the asshole’s cock, yanking it tight. Cole’s screams rose in pitch and volume.

  “Why would you drug her?”

  “She’ll give in to Nate. You wanted a chance,” he gasped out between sobs.

  Jay released the chain and walked around the idiot before crouching down to look into Cole’s eyes. “You’ve made a grave mistake. Never presume to know what I want.”

  Cole went nuts when Jay shifted to his half-man form. Jay’s hand shot out, his claws sinking into Cole’s lower belly, then he yanked out a handful of intestines.

  Nolan struggled so hard he knocked the chair over. Dumbfuck couldn’t get free at least.

  Jay crossed the distance and kicked the ever-loving-shit out of Nolan’s gut.

  “Shut up, do it now.”

  Other than gasps and whimpers, he did.

  Cole continued to scream, but he was bleeding out while his body attempted to repair the damage.

  “Did Canagan put you up to drugging Savon?”

  Nolan nodded, his eyes wide.

  “What did she say?”

  His eyes slammed shut. Jay grabbed the nipple ring and yanked it out, and Nolan screamed.

  “Speak, now!” Jay warned.

  He stammered, “Savon needed to fall into your bed. You need to claim her to take the pack. She told me to give her the potion.”

  “What potion?” Jay growled.

  “P-p-pocket…in my p-pocket.”

  Jay pulled out a vial of clear liquid. He popped the cap and sniffed. The sweet scent of Fae flowers hit him. She’d told him about the Death’s Kiss flowers of her homeland and the toxin in the nectar. The effects were like that of a love potion initially, but soon the drinker’s cells would start attacking each other. The victim would die within forty-eight hours as their organs liquified and they bled from every orifice.

  Anger rolled through Jay. He shoved his claws through Nolan’s belly and up into his chest, gripping his heart, then yanked the beating organ out.

  Nolan screamed until the light drained from his eyes and the sound ended.

  Jay spun and twisted Cole’s head so far the spine snapped and tore his head off.

  Backing away, Jay shifted back to human, glaring at the mess. He needed to clean the bar, then decide what to do about Canagan.

  Chapter 9

  Haunting music played while Nate waltzed Savon around a twinkling ballroom. The flickering glow of a thousand candles cast a romantic tone. She wore the same elaborate lace gown from the night before.

  As always, Nate was gorgeous in a tailored tux. Sadness haunted his molten brown eyes.

  She didn’t want to fight, didn’t want to push him away. No, falling into his arms and staying seemed the right choice, but fear kept her from considering it.

  “To old times,” Nate said sweetly.

  Tears filled her eyes, even in the dream. “No, to new times. We can’t be what we were, Nate.”

  “All right, to new times, but only if you promise no more tears.”

  “I’ll try.”

  He brushed them away with a sad smile. “Why did you leave tonight?”

  “Is this a dream?” she whispered.

  Nodding, he lifted her chin until she met eyes. “Yes, but it’s more. We need to talk, Savon. Face to face, in the real world. There is so much for me to explain.”

  Stepping away, she shook her head. “More than a dream? All these years?”

  He dipped his head, staring at the ground. “I’ve tried to tell you. You always run.”

  She froze, trying to wrap her head around him actually being there, with her, in her dreams.

  Hurt, agony really, crashed over her and she ran again—past the candles, into the dark corridor.

  “Savon, wait. Please, hear me out.”

  Her shattered edges wanted to crumble and fall apart again.

  No more pain, no more hurting. No more fucking crying for the boy who broke her all those years ago.

  Shining eyes filled the darkness. Hundreds of wolves filled the night. One set glowed red as they approached her.

  Halting, she stumbled back. Nate caught her. “I’ll always be here, waiting. Please, listen to me. That’s all I’m asking.”

  She spun, staring into his eyes. Love, desperation, regret, a million other emotions that threatened to drown her.


  “Let me explain face to face. I’ll tell you everything, even the parts you don’t know.”

  Panic edged in, she pulled away. He could have sent word, an explanation, made Bran tell her. Anything to make her understand twelve fucking years ago.

  A hysteric laugh escaped. “It’s a little late. All this time, and you saw me breaking apart every damned time you came to me. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I can’t let you go. Never could.”

  “I can’t do this.” She backed away.

  His eyes closed. “Before you decide what to do with Jay, you need the whole story. I won’t stand in your way. I wasn’t trying to tonight. You said we could be friends. I have always watched out for my friends.”

  “You asshole! You’ve been in my damned head all this time. You saw the mess I became.” She raked her fingers through her hair. “You let me think I was insane all these years. How could you!”

  Savon pulled herself from sleep.

  Rolling over, she glared at the clock. Six in the fucking morning. That gave her enough time to drink coffee and get ready before an hour-long run. Then she’d meet Jay to see if he could give her any answers.

  Shit, the dream—every damned dream. Was he really there all these years? Or had she finally lost her fucking mind? Could be argued she’d lost that ages ago.

  Please just be a nightmare.

  * * * *

  Sleep wasn’t an option after Savon pulled herself out of the dream. Nate was going fucking crazy trying to figure out how to fix what he broke. He shouldn’t have admitted the dream wasn’t purely a dream in the damned dream, but he couldn’t stop the words from coming out of his mouth.

  Damned fucking fool.

  Yes, she needed to know, but not like that.

  He hurried through a shower and dressed for work. Knowing Savon, she’d go for a run. He’d seen her do that a million times after she woke up from a dream. And because they’d shared bond since they were little, he could check on her even when she was awake. She was his Sleepwalker. He couldn’t resist, he was always drawn to her.

  The agony in her eyes should have kept him away.

  It didn’t.

  If anything, he pushed harder to reach her.

  He ran out the door, across his yard, hopped the fence, and sprinted to her porch. The door opened as he lifted his fist to knock.

  Savon froze, a strangled gasp came out as anger flowed over her features.

  “Sav, please, let me explain.”

  She pushed the door, attempting to shut him out, but he slipped in and took her arms in his hands. “Damn it, Sav, five minutes. Please.”

  Her head jerked away
as tears leaked down her face. “You were there? All these years you were there?”

  “You were the one thing that pulled me out of the coma. My father threatened to destroy you if I went after you. He would have done it too. I held onto you the only way I could. In your dreams, where he never knew I was watching over you. But I couldn’t get you to listen, no matter how hard I tried.”

  She threw her hands up, pacing away. “What the hell would he have done to me if you came to me in San Francisco?”

  Nate moved in front of her, capturing her attention. “He was an ancient wolf. He would have hunted you down and ripped you apart, making sure I saw every second.”

  Sneering, she laughed harshly. “Bastard always underestimated me.”

  “Don’t you get it? I was terrified he would kill you. It was bad enough having you across the country, out of my reach. But I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you because of me. And now you’re here, and you’re thrown into the middle of the war that’s brewing.”

  “Between who?”

  He scrubbed a hand over his face, searching for an explanation.

  “Fine, keep your secrets.” She grabbed her phone and went to push past him.

  “Shit, just give me a second to gather my thoughts. I want you to hear all of it. I’m not holding it back, but let me figure out what I can say that doesn’t come out like a lovesick pup.”

  Her eyes blazed, sparks dancing in the hazel depths.

  “My father was the pack’s alpha for two hundred years. He was cruel and always got his way. Just as he did with your mother.”

  “What?” Savon asked.

  “He seduced your mother thirty-nine years ago. Thirty-four years ago she conceived Bran, but as much as my father loved her, he couldn’t resist the mate bond when my mother came along.

  Fawn wouldn’t let my father touch her again. She left town with Darron, and everyone thought Bran was his, but the truth eventually came out. Your parents came back soon after I was born to my mother and father. Then your parents had you three years later.”

  “Wait…hold on…Bran is your brother too?” A shudder rocked down her spine as she paced away.


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