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Fooled Around and Fell in Love (A New Beginning Book 2)

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by Connie Stephany

Peter walked around the table, and stopped in front of Colleen. He took out three cups from his red velvet bag of tricks, along with a small ball. He set them up in front of Colleen, putting the small white ball under the middle red cup. She looked up at Peter in surprise.

  “Your turn. It’s a new one for you.”

  She smiled and said, “Alright.”

  “The white ball is in the middle cup, correct?” Peter directed his question towards Colleen.


  “Now keep your eye on the cup with the ball. I want you to tell me which cup it’s under. I’ll move it slowly,” Peter told her, as moved the cups around.

  It was pretty easy for Colleen to keep track of the ball, or so she thought. She was positive she knew where the ball was when he finally stopped moving the cups.

  “Well, which cup has the white ball?”

  Colleen answered quickly, pointing to the cup on the right. “That one.”

  Peter lifted it up and the ball was not under the cup. Colleen’s mouth dropped.

  What the hell?

  He proceeded to try it again, moving the cups a little faster.

  Again, she attempted to keep track of the ball and guessed when he quit moving the cups, and again she guessed wrong.

  Even Jan looked astonished. “How are you doing that?”

  “It’s magic,” Peter replied, his blank face showing no emotion.

  Tom’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing,”

  “Okay, one more time, Colleen. This time, try to actually keep track of the ball.”

  Colleen giggled. “I’m trying!”

  Peter again moved the cups, this time even faster. He finally stopped moving them. “Well, which one is it under this time?”

  Colleen looked at the cups, and guessed the one in the middle.

  This time, Peter decided to show them the cups Colleen hadn’t guessed. He picked up the left cup, and it was empty.

  “Nice. Now, let’s check the right cup.” He picked up the right cup, and again, the ball wasn’t there. “Looks like you got it this time.”

  After a few seconds, Peter lifted the final cup and she was expecting the little white ball to be underneath.

  It wasn’t clear if the gasps around the table were due to the magician’s amazing talent or the fact that in its place was Tom’s great-grandmother’s beautiful diamond ring.

  Perfectly timed with the cup being lifted, Tom had gotten on one knee in front of Colleen. He looked directly into Colleen’s bright blue eyes and said, “You’re my best friend and the love of my life. Colleen Toogood, will you marry me?”

  Colleen sat there with a shocked look on her face, while Jan yelped in joy and the others around the table had their mouths wide open in surprise. Colleen hadn’t expected the fake proposal to feel so real or that he was going to say it in a way to absolutely melt her heart.

  Her eyes stung.

  As Colleen looked at Tom, kneeling before her, her heart sank into her chest, knowing this was fake.

  But she agreed to it, so she forced a smile on her face.

  “I love you, too. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  His smile lit his face as he slipped the ring on her finger.

  Colleen’s eyes filled with tears. His smile faltered, so she quickly smiled.

  She should get actress of the year for this performance.

  “Kiss her, Tom!”

  Jan was grinning wide and clapping her hands loudly as Peter slowly backed away.

  She hadn’t thought of him having to kiss her!

  She looked at Tom, who seemed to be silently asking for her permission.

  Oh, what the hell. My heart is already shattered.

  She gave him a slight nod.

  Tom grabbed her with both hands and pulled her in close for their first kiss.

  How awkward for it to be in front of his family and how sad for it to be fake.

  She didn’t intend to allow it to be more than a peck, but the kiss began, she couldn’t seem to pull away.

  Tom’s lips were pressed softly against hers, but then he tilted his head and the kiss deepened.

  She tried to push against his chest but he held on and she wound up instead putting her arms around his neck.

  She felt that kiss all the way to her little toe.

  Tom finally pulled back and looked into Colleen’s eyes. She stared back.

  He seemed almost as affected by their kiss as she did, and had a look of surprise on his face.

  Their stare was interrupted by Tom’s dad, saying, “It’s about time, son.”

  He turned to Colleen and said, “You’ve always been part of our family. Now it’s just official.”

  Colleen was swirling with so many emotions – shock, desire, guilt and fear – and the questions were buzzing through her mind.

  How could Tom kiss me that way as a joke?

  She knew she loved him, but the electricity between them was still flowing as they continued to stare at each other. The guilt and regret flashed through her mind.

  How would they tell Tom’s parents this was all just the ultimate April fool’s joke?

  What would happen to their relationship?

  Could he possibly feel more than just friendship for her?

  Nah, I’m letting emotion get in the way of reality.

  Colleen blinked a few times and tried to look away from Tom, but his eyes were still glued to hers. She picked up her wine and took a huge gulp, staring back.

  “You two didn’t tell us you were actually dating. Although, I’m not exactly surprised.” Jan was still smiling widely.

  Colleen couldn’t speak, so she just shrugged her shoulders and looked over at Tom, willing him silently to be the one to explain.

  “Yeah, we didn’t really tell anyone.” Tom answered for them. “We wanted to see where it would go first.”

  “Well, it’s about time!” Jan directed that towards Tom, and then she turned to Colleen. “Call your mom and dad to tell them the great news!”

  Colleen almost spit out the drink she had taken, and choked it down instead. “Um, I think I’ll call her later.”

  She gulped down more wine.

  What the hell am I doing?

  “What? Why?” Jan was shaking her head. “Of course they’d want to know.”

  “I want to be able to tell her all about it privately.” Colleen thought fast. “It’s too loud in here.”

  Jan narrowed her eyes. “I insist.”

  “Mom, leave her be. She’ll call later on tonight when she isn’t in a loud bar, okay?”

  “Okay, but if I was her, I’d want to know immediately.”

  Colleen gave a small smile but inside she was starting to panic.

  What have we done?

  To get back at her was one thing but this was going a little too far.

  Colleen felt Tom put his hand under her chin and he gently lifted her face to him, a questioning look on his face. She smiled at him, hopefully to give him reassurance that she was fine, all the while she felt like her heart would pound out of her chest.

  Congratulations went around the entire bar once everyone heard what had happened and the restaurant owner, who they were friends with, brought over champagne on the house. There were even a few of their friends in the bar, all of whom were congratulating them.

  No one even seem all that surprised, which was a little unexpected to Colleen.

  Through her guilt, Colleen continued to play along and act happy since she didn’t know what in the hell else to do. She certainly wasn’t going to break the news that it was just a joke.


  Tom was toast.

  One kiss and he knew the feelings he had for Colleen were the real deal.

  He always knew it but the kiss sealed the deal for him.

  He hadn’t wanted to let her go, but he ended the kiss before people told them to get a room.

  Was he crazy to believe she seemed just as affected as he did? He wanted to kiss her again, but if he did
they would have to get a room.

  After what his mom had pulled on him tonight, he didn’t feel bad at all about tricking her. Unfortunately, the joke seemed to be on him because he wanted it to be real.

  He looked at Colleen for the hundredth time since the kiss that knocked him off his feet. She was acting a little strange, so he reached over before he had a chance to think twice and lifted her chin to make her look at him.

  Colleen gave him a smile but her eyes looked a million miles away.

  “You okay?”

  He willed himself not to let his drop to her mouth.

  She stared back at him for a few seconds and said in a whisper, “I’m fine.”

  Okay, what did that mean?

  And what the hell was he supposed to do now?


  They kept up the ruse for the rest of the night and it just about killed Colleen.

  The weight of the new ring was weighing heavily on her mind.

  Tom stayed by her the entire time – wouldn’t leave her side. He’d grab her hand and hold it once in a while, and occasionally even give her a soft kiss.

  She wasn’t sure how much longer she could take it.

  She wanted to grab his face and show him just how much she wanted this whole thing to be real.

  It was finally time to call it a night and her stomach was swirling, thinking about what they would say to his parents and family.

  She decided to leave it up to Tom.

  “Well, this has been the best birthday ever!” Jan was smiling, her eyes shining. “I am so happy for you, Tom and Colleen. Thank you all so much for the amazing night. I love you all.”

  They all got up and started to say their goodbyes, which in Minnesota takes at least ten minutes.

  You have to hug multiple times and tell every single person goodbye.

  Then you hug again.

  Just. One. Last. Time.

  As they started to walk away, Colleen wondered if he’d just tell them all later. She hoped that were the case, because she didn’t really want to be part of it any longer.

  Tom finally stopped half-way to the door and turned back around, snapping his fingers.

  “Oh, mom. Just one last thing.”

  She smiled. “What’s is it?”

  “April fools!”

  Jan tiled her head. “What do you mean?”

  “Colleen and I aren’t actually engaged. April fool’s! We got you!” He started dancing around the bar floor.

  Colleen watched as realization sank in on all of their faces, one by one.

  His mom’s face went from confused, to shock and finally to anger.

  His dad just went from confused straight to being mad as hell and his brother and sister in law just shook their heads in silence.

  The kids didn’t get it and Colleen heard Jason tell them they’d explain in the car on the way home. She could hear him say that uncle Tom was in big trouble with grandma and grandpa.

  The last thing Colleen thought before Tom’s mom stormed out of the restaurant was, oh crap.


  As they drove home, Tom was trying to talk to her, asking a million questions.

  Colleen wanted to crawl in a hole.

  “So, that was crazy. My mom can sure dish it out but she can’t take it, huh?”

  Colleen saw Tom glance at her out of the corner of her eye.

  She remained silent.

  “Don’t feel bad. She’ll get over it.”

  She looked over at him. “Right.”

  “Peter’s trick sure was something, wasn’t it? How in the hell does he do that?” Tom shook his head. “So impressive!”

  “Yeah,” she replied, barely a whisper.

  The drive back to her house took forever, but at least it gave her time to think.

  Tom’s mom was acting a little silly after pulling her own stunt, but still, she hated the reaction from all of them, especially Tom’s dad.

  Most of all, her heart was felt like it was shattered and she was trying to hold herself together.

  They finally pulled up into her driveway.

  Tom turned to her. “Hey, you’re awfully quiet. You okay?”

  No, I’m not okay, you idiot!

  She felt tummy swirl and the food she ate earlier was at risk of coming up.

  She knew in that moment she had to tell him her true feelings.

  After that proposal and especially after that kiss, she knew it was finally time to take a chance. If he didn’t feel the same way, she knew it would put a huge strain on their relationship and she hated the thought of losing her best friend.

  “No,” Colleen said, turning to him, tears in her eyes. “I’m really not.”

  A look of panic crossed over his handsome face. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re my best friend, I know, but I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, Tom. I’ve watched you have girlfriends who didn’t deserve you and I’ve seen you get your heart broken and I’ve been there to help pick up the pieces. It hurt every time you went out with someone new. But none of that compared to what I feel like tonight. Having you FAKE being in love with me.”

  Once Colleen began, she couldn’t stop. She choked down a sob. “All of the boyfriends I’ve had, I wished was you, every single one of them! Tonight was awful. Seeing your family get so excited. And that kiss. What was that?”

  She finally dared to look at Tom, whose eyes and mouth were wide open. Colleen took a breath and felt her chin quiver.

  “I was stupid to think I could do this and not get hurt.” She poured her heart out to Tom, slipping the ring off her finger and holding it up. “I want this to be real! I don’t want to give this back, but I have to and it’s breaking my heart.”

  Colleen’s eyes filled, threatening to spill over as she placed the ring in Tom’s hand.

  Ho looked down at the ring, and then back up at Colleen. He remained silent, just sat and stared at her, shock apparent on his face.

  She waited an uncomfortably long time for him to say something.

  He didn’t.

  Colleen took his silence to mean he didn’t feel the same way.

  She choked down a sob, and before he could say a word, she opened the door and flew inside her house.

  As soon as she was safely inside, Colleen collapsed on her couch and let the tears fall.


  Tom looked at the clock.

  It was 11:57.

  Still April Fool’s Day.

  If this was a joke on him, it would be a very cruel one, and he probably deserved it.

  But if she really loved him, then this entire night would have been worth it.

  The three minutes Tom waited felt like an eternity.

  He slowly got out of his car, ring clutched in his fist, and walked quickly up to Colleen’s door.

  He stood on her doorstep, took a deep breath and rang her doorbell.

  It took Colleen a minute to answer and when she did she just stared at him, with her beautiful, tear-streaked face.

  Tom took one look at her and with relief knew she wasn’t joking about her feelings.

  He didn’t know how to tell her how he felt, so he decided to show her instead. He grabbed Colleen, both hands cradling her face, and kissed her with everything he felt.

  When he finally ended the kiss, he held up the ring and said, “You forgot this. It’s yours. I don’t want it back.”

  “What are you saying?” Her voice was so quiet he could barely hear her.

  “I love you, Colleen. I have always loved you. Marry me. For real this time.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Is this your idea of a joke?”

  “Do I have to show you?”

  He didn’t wait for her answer. Instead, he grabbed her again and kissed her even longer this time. He backed her into the house, kicked the door shut and kept kissing her until she had no doubt in her crazy beautiful mind.

  “Do you believe me now?” He paused as his body pressed even cl
oser to hers. “I love you. Please say you’ll marry me.”

  Colleen had tears still falling down her cheeks as she finally replied in a whisper, “Yes.”

  “Thank God.” Tom told her. “I was starting to wonder.”

  After he kissed her again to seal the deal, she asked “Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

  Tom brushed a tear from her cheek and said, “I was too scared. I didn’t want to ruin what we had. Why didn’t you?”

  She gave him a shy smile. “Ditto.”

  “God, you’re so beautiful. Every moment I’ve spent with you I just wanted to kiss you, but I always held back. But you know what?” He smiled at her and touched his forehead to hers. “I now realize that we can be even better as a couple. A husband and wife should be best friends. We have nailed. And now we know we definitely have chemistry.”

  Colleen nodded her head. “Yeah, I’ve always wondered how it would feel to kiss you. I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  Tom laughed and said, “Ditto. When I proposed, those words were all true and I meant everything I said. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  When they finally took a breath, Colleen asked him, “Should we call your mom and dad and tell them that we really are engaged?”

  “I think we’ll let my mom sweat it out a little longer. Let’s tell them tomorrow.”

  Tom grinned and at that answer, Colleen jumped up and kissed him. He lifted her up and then made his way to her bedroom, a place he’d wanted to visit for as long as he could remember.

  The End (Or Really, The Beginning)


  This book is dedicated to the one and only love of my life, Bob Stephany. We’ve been married 17 years and I love you more each day. Thank you for your support and always believing in me.

  I also want to say thank you to Peter Hiltner, the magician who inspired this trick for the proposal. You’re awesome!

  Author Bio

  Connie Stephany lives in Minnesota. She’s a wife, a mother of 3 amazing children, and full-time Solution Architect. She’s also working on a children’s book with her 10-year-old daughter who has dyslexia. It’s a series about a dyslexic 4th grader who has to solve mysteries while trying to hide her dyslexia from even her best friends. It’s meant to uplift the 1 in 5 kids with dyslexia and to educate students and teachers who don’t know what it’s like to have it. The book, called the Dyslexic Detective, is expected to be released in late 2016.


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