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Blyssfully Undone: The Blyss Trilogy - book 3

Page 27

by CLIFF, J. C.

  A special mention to some pretty special people close to my heart: Laurie Szoka, Mary Brown, Kayla Robichaux, Theresa Alberts, Rosie Snowdon, Tanya Drummond, Heather Lane and her impressive movie trailers and teasers, Sommer Stein and her awesome cover design talents, Jamie Zishka, Katherine Mazur, Sandra Hearn, Pauline Digaletos, Dawn Nicole, Costiera, Terra Oenning, Jo Turner, Jess Peterson, Clare Flack, Kiki Amit, AC Bextor, Jennifer Juers ~ Please forgive me if your name is not here. It is not intentional by any means, ‘cuz you all know I’m blonde. :-). I adore you all.

  Becky Johnson with Hot Tree Editing, I want to thank you for creating and providing a quality service to your clients. Your skills and professionalism will always keep me coming back.

  Everything I have mentioned about my faithful supporters in my acknowledgments from my previous books still stand. I am thankful for the lasting friendships which have transpired over the course of the last seven months.

  Regardless of me repeating myself I have to give special mention to these most wonderful people.

  To my ever-faithful right-hand man beta reader, Theresa Alberts. You’ve gone above and beyond each and every time without complaint, and you’ve stuck with me through thick and thin since before the release of Blyss. I seriously never want to write a book without your two cents.

  Tanya Drummond, you have been with me through thick and thin. We’ve had a slew of laughs, and I grin just thinking about your quick witted humor. Rosie Snowden, I love our growing friendship, and despite the Atlantic ocean separating us, it’s nice to know you are just a “message” away. You both are amazing women and are very dear to my heart.

  To my faithful cheerleaders: Rosie Snowden, Katherine Mazur, Sandra Hearn, Terra Oenning, Heather Lane, Jo Turner, Clare flack, Keeana Porter, Chantel P. McKinley, Kathy Newton…to wake up to scads of Facebook notifications every morning that you’ve posted about this trilogy to the world, humbles me. Your friendship and support went above and beyond, and when I became tired and burnt out on social media, you guys kept the momentum going. I am forever grateful. All of you are priceless people in which I am blessed to call friends.

  A huge thank you goes out to all of the blogs who have supported me and suffered through all of the horrendous cliffhangers with patience….okay maybe not so much patience. I still have a silly grin on my face from some of the off the cuff messages I’ve received upon them finishing each book, and then dying to have the next installment. To receive a message that only says WTF…still makes me giggle. You’ve brought me many laughs and a camaraderie in which I will always cherish.

  Submit and Devour, For the Love of Books, Sassy Divas, I love Story Time, Ms. ME28, Reading is my Superpower, Book Happiness, Book Lovers Obsession, Crazy a Daisy Book Whore, Kinky Girls Book Obsessions, Elaine and Tami’s JB3 Blackbirds, Hooked on Books, Isalovesbooks, Summers Book Blog, Whispered Thoughts, She Hearts Books, Books and the Big Screen, Lustful Literature, My Book Filled Life, Naughty Book Eden, Nice and Naughty Book club, Reading Diva’s Blog, Renee Entress’s Blog, Undercover Book Reviews, Sassy Moms Say Read Romance, Short and Sassy Book Blurbs, Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls, Who Picked This?, Mommy’s Naughty Playground, Teetee’s Book Blog, Paperback Junkie Book Review, Bound by Books Book Review, Stephanie’s Book Reports, Naughty Nympho’s Book Promotions, All Romance Reviews, KinkyGirlsBookObsessions, The Art of Romance.

  The Blogger Diaries Trilogy

  By K.D. Robichaux

  The Blogger Diaries Trilogy is the true story of how I met, fell for, lost, and got a second chance at love with my soul mate. The names of everyone EXCEPT me, Jason, my family, and my best friend have been changed to protect their identities. Full of youthful stupidity, leading to bad decisions and lots of angst, it is a real life story, where inevitably things are messy.

  No one can look back at their late teens and early twenties and not think of moments that make them ask, What the hell was I thinking? Every second of this trilogy is true, exactly as it happened.

  The first book, ‘Wished For You’, is a tale of finding ‘the one’ too early, and then having to let them go.

  PLEASE NOTE: This is a true trilogy, meaning the first two books END ON CLIFFHANGERS. But if you take the journey with me, in the end, I promise you a happily ever after you will never forget.

  I know I won’t.

  Kayla’s Chick Rant & Book Blog Blog Post 1/23/2007

  I'm a happy person, damn it! I'm happy sober; I'm a happy drunk, and I smile until my cheeks hurt. I'm so freakin' perky all the time. I always get invited to everyone's parties; I never get scrolled over when people are looking through their phones to see what's going on. Everyone loves for me to be around because I bring no drama. I'm shameless, and will make a fool of myself to make everyone laugh. I don't say these things to be conceited; I say it to show you how unlike me it is when I tell you...

  I cried myself to sleep again last night. I cradled my swollen belly in my hands and rocked myself back and forth praying in a whisper, "Please, God, make him love me. I know you put us here to be together. Just make him realize it. Please!" The last word came out on a sob. I swear I'm not a horrible person, as I laid there crying over another man while I'm six months pregnant with my husband's baby.

  I will never say what happened was a mistake. I believe everything happens for a reason. I also believe in soul mates. But what if one person finds their soulmate and the other one just refuses to acknowledge it? Can you be happy with anyone else? Or if once your soul finds its other half, are you doomed to long for them?

  These are all questions I've asked myself since I left Texas a year and a half ago, since I left the man I know I'm supposed to share my life with. No, I didn't leave him. He told me to go. He told me there was no reason for me to stay since my semester of school ended. That's when happy, perky, shameless Kayla snapped.

  January 7, 2005

  I’m in my 2002 Chevy Malibu, with its cherry-patterned seats, steering wheel cover, and CD holder hooked to the visor. My big brother Mark is in the driver’s seat while I sit next to him with my turtle's 10 gallon aquarium at my feet and my lovebird’s giant-ass, castle-shaped cage in the backseat. The rest of the car is stuffed to the gills with my TV, clothes, and books. Couldn't leave home without every last one of my Sherrilyn Kenyon’s, Julie Kenner’s, and the rest of my paranormal romances.

  I'm a book blogger, you see. I use my AOL profile website as a sort of scrapbook to keep all my reviews and notes about my favorite authors. It’s not just for books though. It’s kind of like a diary too. That’s why I named it Kayla’s Chick Rant & Book Blog. My mom thinks I put too much of myself on the internet, but I tell her, “I’m not the only one thinking this stuff. I just may be the only one with the balls to say it aloud.” I'm from a small town in North Carolina called Fayetteville. Affectionately nicknamed Fayettenam since it's right next door to Ft. Bragg Army Base. I'm on 95 South about to jump on I-10 West, moving to Texas for a semester of school.

  Mark flew in to Raleigh and is driving me to his house in Houston, where I'm going to see what it's like to "live outside that shithole vortex" as he put it. I love my big brother. He's the oldest out of the three I've got. I'm the baby and the only girl. Our relationship is different from most siblings, I suppose, because he was 17 when I was born. Yep, I was an accident. I was born the year Daddy retired from the Navy. But Momma finally got her girl!

  I think Mark feels like it was up to him to get me out of Fayetteville. Everyone there seems to either marry a soldier and live the military life, or work at a dead-end job. There's nothing in Fayetteville, really, except for restaurants and stores. A shit-ton of them, mind you, but still.

  I’m moving in with Mark and his wife, Kim. She’s seriously the most hilarious chick you could possibly imagine. I couldn’t have picked a better woman for my brother. Kim and I share a love of paranormal romances, so we’ll call each other up and talk for an hour about what’s going on in some of our favorite series. I’m looking forward
to having her around. In a couple of days, I'll be registering at Kingwood College to work toward my degree in English. I want to be a writer, but until then, I took it upon myself to pimp out the authors I'm addicted to, spreading their stories so everyone else can enjoy the escape they bring.

  It’s not a bad deal. As I sit here, wearing my “Authors Are My Rockstars” t-shirt, you can tell I absolutely love what I do, because a lot of my wardrobe is book-themed. I even have a nightshirt that says “I Sleep with a Different Book Boyfriend Every Night”. I get to talk daily with people I adore, like others would their favorite singer. Or even like I used to over Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys in the 6th grade. Only it’s even better because instead of loving them from afar, knowing you’ll never actually get to tell them how much you love them (and marry them in my case with Brian…sigh), I actually hold conversations with them! Any time I want, I can email my favorite author just to see how their day is going, how their next book is coming along, and with a select few, I’ve really gotten close to, check on how that argument with their hubby worked out. I’ll never have to worry about one of my authors not knowing how much I appreciate them…unlike Brian. I was so upset when he got married when I was in the 7th grade that my mom let me stay home from school…true story.

  Turtle’s cage is taking up the entire floor on my side of the car, so my feet are up on the dashboard, swinging back and forth to the “Disturbed” song playing on the radio. Turtle never got a real name because when I got him in Myrtle Beach, the guy on The Strip told me they only usually live for a couple of months. He was about the size of a fifty-cent coin at the time. Well, five years later and that asshole is still kicking and is about the size of a baseball. Not that I wanted my pet to keel over, but I didn’t sign up for this! But when Daddy suggested I just let Turtle free into our lake behind our house, all I could imagine was one of the giant snapping turtles making a midday snack out of the little guy. I just couldn’t do it.

  So now I get to ride over 1600 miles with nowhere to put my long-ass legs. I’m 5’6, pretty tall for a chick I think, going by the fact I was always one of the tallest girls at my school. All my big brothers are over six-feet tall, one’s even 6’5. I have super dark brown hair that hits the middle of my back, and the only green eyes in my family, everyone else has blue. My mom told me that her dad and sister had green eyes, but they both passed away before I was born. I glance over at Mark as he reaches for his fourth Diet Mountain Dew of the day, “Liquid Gold” he calls it. “You know that stuff is just as bad, if not worse than regular Mountain Dew, right?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, but it helps me keep my girlish figure, Wench.” I don’t remember exactly why he started calling me Wench; he’s done it since I can remember. But it probably has something to do with all my big brothers bribing me with hide-and-seek to go fetch them drinks and sandwiches while they played video games when I was little.

  “You getting tired, Marky? You want me to take over for a while?” I ask.

  “Hell no! I didn’t fly all the way out to NC to get your ass to just ride all the way back to Texas. You coulda driven yourself if that was the case. Plus, Mom would kill me if I let you drive and something happened. It’s up to me to keep the princess safe.” He smirks at me. He loves to tease me about being the only girl in the family. “Not to mention, I’m more than a little afraid that your turtle would jump up and bite my legs. You don’t look comfortable at all.”

  “I’m fine. All those years of dance class made me pretty bendy. I’ll make sure to walk around next time you stop for gas,” I say as I poke him in the ribs when he takes another swig of his Liquid Gold. “You’re gonna have to pee soon anyways the way you’re sucking those things down.”

  Wished For You by K.D. Robichaux

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