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Into Death's Arms

Page 10

by Mary Milligan

I almost laughed at her. She was so excited. “My face hurts and you’re amused. My day is complete.” The server asked what we wanted to drink. I thought coffee duh, hence the coffee in front of me, but I was nice and told her I was good. Laurna asked for more coffee. We ordered our food and the girl went away. She was also to cheerful for words. I wondered if the hostess was thinking about killing the waitress just like I was contemplating drowning Laurna in syrup.

  The morning light shined in through the windows lighting up the entire area we were sitting in. All that bright shiny sunlight comforted me. “Come on, give me a break, tell me what happened to you.” She drank her coffee. Her blond hair floated around her like a halo. Funny she looked like an angel. I looked like a thug who’d lost a fight.

  I decided it couldn’t hurt to tell her about it here in the sun. It’s not like anything could get to us in this much sunlight. “I got in a fist fight with a Dream-walker then remembered a sword worked better,” I told her. I was trivializing what had happened. I didn’t want to go into detail. What could I say he beat me bloody with just two hits and I had a sword? Nah, I’d pass.

  She scrunched her face up. “What’s a Dream-walker?”

  I sighed, “A demon that walks in your nightmares and feeds off your fear. If he does it long enough you either die or get stuck in the nightmare. The ones that die are the lucky ones can you imagine getting stuck in a nightmare and never waking up? Any way this one was after a little girl. Now he’s dead.” I sipped my coffee.

  Her eyes had widened. “Oh my God that is so cool. You saved that little girls life! I am so proud of you,” she bubbled. Then she stopped abruptly liked she’d just remembered something, “You’re sure their all bad. I mean there’s no such thing as a good Dream-walker or Vampire or whatever?” She bit her bottom lip.

  I shook my head no, “I told you they are demons what can be good about a demon? Think about it they feed on fear. How can that be good? They drink human blood sure it’s good for them but not so hot for us, how is that good,” I huffed. I didn’t understand why I had to keep explaining this to her. I was having enough trouble keeping my own mind focused on the evils of Vampires because I was having a hard time not thinking sexual thoughts about a certain dark haired bloodsucker myself.

  She sighed, “I guess you’re right.” She drank her coffee. Good I was glad she understood.

  We ate, she was quiet which wasn’t much like her but I guessed she was thinking about what I’d said. Which was good but I was worried anyway. “Laurna, I am, I am being hunted right now. I’m really worried about what would happen if one of those demons gets his hands on you. I mean, this is what I look like,” I gestured to my messed up face and down my bruised torso, “I heal at 10 times the normal human rate, and I have been trained my whole life to do this. If they get their hands on you,” I broke off; it was too much to think about. Laurna all bloody and broken, the lovely fire that seemed to fill her up quenched. I never wanted to see that.

  She smiled a sad little smile, “You don’t think one of them would try to manipulate me to get at you, do you?” Good she was scared too. That meant she’d be careful.

  I smiled back a little brighter. “You would never fall for that. You’re smarter than that. Don’t worry,” The server brought us the check and Laurna paid.

  “Okay, I’ll be as careful as I can be and if I even think something is off I’ll call you right away. You’re going to call me and let me know how things are going right,” she picked up her purse.

  I nodded, “Yeah, we always talk. I won’t let this change anything.” She was the only normal thing I had. I wasn’t letting go of that, not for anything. There had been times as a kid I’m not sure I would have made it without Laurna.

  She raised an eyebrow. “This is why your dad got so ticked every time I spent the night when we were kids isn’t it?” I was happy I had told her my secret finally. I seemed a whole heck of a lot less weird with the knowledge she now had to fortify her.

  I nodded, “I never really understood until last night. I always thought we’d be safe at home, but I’m not willing to bet your life on it.” I know my expression must have shown my discomfort it is no fun learning you are truly going to die one day. Realizing that your friends are all going to grow old and die long before you and that you are the greatest danger to them sucks, but right then all I wanted in the world was for my angel haired best friend to have the chance to grow old. I sighed. “I’ll call later okay?”

  She nodded, “You have to tip the waitress. I’m out,” she swaggered out. Men watched her move as she exited the building. I shook my head, man, she was still too damn cheerful for this early in the morning. I drank another three cups of coffee. Then I left myself. I decided I should go by SFAI and pick up the things I had missed lately. I didn’t know if I was going to continue in college but I figured I had better keep up until I made a real decision. I kind of wanted that degree but at the same time. I knew what I was going to be when I grew up so what was the point. Did I need something to do when I grew old? No, AoD don’t age.

  I was going to hunt the Shadow-born until one day hundreds of years from now one of them was going to kill me. God I was tired, I wondered if taking a nap was an option.

  Chapter 9

  I got home about three hours later with a stack of missed assignments and four lectures on responsibility. Thanks for that. I decided taking a nap was not an option but a necessity. I lay down and slipped into sleep easily.

  I was so tired I didn’t even dream which was good. I’d had enough nightmares in the last couple of days for an entire lifetime.

  I woke before dark. I was hungry but wasn’t going to call for pizza not wanting to endanger the pizza guy. Then I remembered Father Mike had made me some stuff and froze it. I loved Father Mike.

  I popped some kind of casserole with ham and lots of potatoes in the microwave and waited impatiently for it to cook. Mmmmm, food good, I ate at the counter I didn’t feel like sitting at the table I didn’t really feel like sitting at all. Then I got out my books and tried to study. Every noise had me on edge. I would close my eyes and imaginary Shifters moved on the house. I extended my senses but didn’t feel anything moving my way actually the night was decidedly quiet.

  I caught up on my reading list and wrote two papers. I knew I should read them again later to look for errors. I was tired, I was scared, what I had written probably didn’t make any sense. Around three a.m. I decided I was all worked up for nothing. I guess that Laith guy really had told his father he wasn’t going to come after me, yay, for me, not so good for the Shifter. Whoa was I feeling bad for a Shifter, no, not me. Okay maybe a little. Ahh, I had a headache.

  You are not resting as you should AoD, said a soft seductive voice in my mind.

  Not again, no more yappy Vampires whispering in my mind I didn’t need yappy Vampires tonight.

  I felt his laughter, Yappy Vampires as in plural? He asked, are there many Vampires running around in here AoD? I got the vague impression of him looking around my mind for other Vampires. I growled great, yappy mouthy, Vampires I so didn’t need this. I could feel his amusement coursing through me. It was not unpleasant. Ewe, did I just say think that!

  I could be very pleasant to you, AoD. Tell me where you are? His tone was thick with just how pleasant he thought he could be.

  I’m not into necrophilia. I answered. Why was I bantering with him? I didn’t know. I was scared and arguing with the Vampire was more pleasant than waiting for a pack of Shifters to show.

  Shifters? Are you expecting Shifters AoD? I take that back he wasn’t a yappy Vampire he was a nosy Vampire.

  None ya, I answered him.

  Where has Caden gone Macyn? Man, his voice was just wicked. Are you alone? He sounded concerned. I bit my lip I so didn’t care if he was concerned. A woman such as yourself shouldn’t be alone Macyn, I don’t like it, he grumbled. Yeah, I was sure he had lots of ideas about who should be keeping me company too.

  Like I
care, I answered checking the windows again. Nope no Shifters in the bushes, I couldn’t sense anything but I was worried my senses would be all wonky with a Vampire floating around in my mind.

  You are frightened Macyn I can almost smell it, he growled. Are you really expecting a pack of Shifters? Like he really cared, maybe he did, maybe he didn’t want some other Shadow-born snuffing me before he got his shot.

  Why, you looking for some flunkies, I returned.

  He laughed again this time it held the feel of derision to it, even I would not take on a pack of Shifters by myself Macyn are you suicidal? Where is your father?

  Don’t think about him… monkeys… I interrupted myself, monkeys… monkeys… monkeys…

  His laugh was like a blast against my skin. You have an interesting way of distracting yourself from my questions, Macyn. He said my name like a caress. He so had to quit this. He was getting me worked up I felt hot all over. I thought you weren’t into necrophilia Macyn.

  You’re not actually dead; I thought then immediately regretted it. I could actually feel his self-satisfied smile. I hate self-satisfied men. Go away, I hissed.

  This would not be so easy for me if you were well rested AoD. You really should get a decent night’s sleep. I could help you sleep. The suggestion had a very sexual feel to it and he had the nerve to sound even more smug than he had before.

  Bite me, I growled, unfortunately that came with a mental image that left me hot. I could actually see that perfect mouth; feel his warm breath against my throat, no, I told myself, not thinking about that.

  He growled low and frightening but then he was gone, what the hell?

  Okay that has to go on my bizarre conversations list, top ten easy. I still had two hours until dawn. Damn, I didn’t want to read anymore my brain was tired. So, I decided to hop on the computer, nothing like a little digital mayhem to help pass the time. At eight, I realized it had been daylight for about two hours and I had to go to bed.

  I got up much later showered, ate and clicked on the TV it’d been awhile since I checked the news sure enough there is something I should see but really don’t want to. Ms. Hawthorn standing outside Deception it was early morning in the background. I turn up the volume. “The girl, Nina Remus, died shortly before 4 am according to the M.E. The police won’t give us any further information at this time, but this reporter’s inside source says the young lady seems to have died of blood loss.” She paused for dramatic effect. I rolled my eyes. Even I could see this was a set up. Come on Vampires have existed since the beginning of time in secrecy, you don’t do that by killing people in your home. “Unfortunately the police are unable to interviews any of the Vampires involved at this time as they are all sleeping…” Liars, I hissed mentally.

  Who? Came that mild silky voice in my mind, he really had to quit this.

  You! I growled back, how was he doing this? I swear the parasite had latched on to my brain waves and wasn’t letting go.

  That’s an offensive comparison. He responded he didn’t sound offended he sounded sleepy and sexy, and umm yeah, I’m not going there not even in thought.

  So, I thought back.

  A soft mental sigh like silk against bare skin brushed me. Very well, why am I liar now AoD? He had the nerve to sound long-suffering.

  You know you wouldn’t know you were being insulted if you’d stay out of my head. I suggested helpfully, and you’re a liar because you could speak to the police now you’re just as awake as I am. Maybe more I thought self-consciously, you are avoiding them. I accused sharply.

  Very well, I will speak to them now; I will explain I can’t possibly have killed that girl as I was with you at the time. You will of course be happy to alibi me? He was such a sarcastic ass.

  I was not! I mean you were not! I haven’t seen you since you tried to choke the life out of me outside of your club! I screamed into his mind. I was babbling but I was not going to alibi a Vampire. I mean really. Protect the killer just because he didn’t do a particular killing I don’t think so.

  I was just as I am now. He sounded smug, again, I hated smug. Do you truly think I could harm someone while in mental communication with you without your sensing it AoD? How little you think of yourself. He sounded like he felt sorry for me I hated that even more than I hated smug Vampires.

  He had a point did I suck so bad at what I was that I thought I couldn’t sense a Vampire murdering someone while I was in mental contact with him? Perhaps I just have an overinflated image of you. I responded, angry that he knew I wasn’t sure I would sense it. I could feel the pleasure he felt at what he thought was a compliment. I was not complimenting a Vampire well at least not on purpose. Do you know who did it? I asked wanting to change the subject. Or at least veer it away from the idea of me giving an alibi to the undead.

  I am not undead! He huffed loudly. All the delight he’d felt at the compliment melted away. He was pissed I could feel it like the heat coming off a fire.

  I remembered the interview on TV he hadn’t liked it then either. You don’t like being referred to as undead do you? It was almost funny, vain Vampires who’d a thunk it.

  He growled again. I laughed aloud I couldn’t help it. I believe I will summon the police now and give them my alibi. He threatened me.

  No, no don’t resort to blackmail I’ll play nice, I swear. I continued to chuckle but I didn’t need to be blackmailed by a Vampire.

  I like the idea of you playing nice, he purred. I wasn’t sure I was supposed to get that thought from him but hell he picked up my stray thoughts all the time it was only fair that I start picking up some of his.

  I decided to ignore it. How is it that you invade my mind so easily? I asked concerned that if it was this easy for him I might be getting a bunch of unwanted mental visits.

  Am I not an unwanted mental visitor? He asked softly, expectantly. That was a good question was he still unwanted? Oh, God yes he was unwanted he was a Vampire. He was unwanted. If I kept telling myself that, I’d start to believe it.

  Answer the question and maybe you won’t be. I lied, he wasn’t unwanted. Being unwanted would be ideal, but we don’t live in an ideal world do we? The truth was I liked this. Oh, I was in trouble. He was laughing at me again, stupid Vampire. Well? I asked.

  He sighed; I don’t wish to tell you. You won’t like it. He answered quietly as if truly concerned I would be angry with him.

  Don’t be a chicken, just tell me, I demanded. He was being too personable. If he kept this up I might actually start to like him and then where would I be? Oh yeah, dead.

  I took some of your hair the night we met. I use it to focus my otherwise substantial skill. Without it I could not, I tried. He actually sounded impressed. I liked that. In time, I believe that even with the focus you will be able to block me as your father does.

  My father said you can still invade his mind. He had my father’s hair? Wait a minute he took my hair? Oh, you…I want it back! I yelled. I was pissed. I was really pissed. I believe the word wroth fit rather well.

  Of course, I will return it to you immediately, he answered in that calm way that was really starting to wind me up but it is midday, I cannot come to you. You can however, come to me. Anticipation it was there in his voice, yeah, I was not going to him.

  We’ll meet somewhere tonight somewhere heavily populated. I suggested. The thought of meeting him somewhere terrified me. The thought of meeting him somewhere alone, I fought hard not to shiver and I wasn’t entirely sure it was because I was scared. I hated not being sure.

  No, he said succinctly. I have something you want. In return, you will have to give me something I want. In my mind’s eye I saw his eyes glowing, fangs extended as he leaned towards my throat, I felt hot. I looked down at my hands, which were trembling. Um not gonna happen. That’s not what I want naughty AoD. Where do these images come from? Not that I am complaining they are quiet entertaining. I could feel him smiling I swear I could. I want you to confirm my alibi. Oh, hell no I was not g
oing to tell the police he was with me when that girl had died. I could see how that would run, ‘of course I know he didn’t do it, officer, he was talking to me at the time no, no, not on the phone in my head.’ If I didn’t end up in the loony bin, I’d be thought of as in his thrall so not good for an AoD’s rep. What was I going to do? Simple I was going to learn to shield better.

  Keep the damn hair then! I growled and slammed up my shields.

  Chapter 10

  Three days, it had been three days since I kicked Dayton Tameron out of my mind. He had found someone else to alibi him. Some blond bimbo, I knew I shouldn’t be mad about that after all what right did I have, but I thought about him almost constantly, which was fucked up. Bastard invaded my mind now at all hours of the night and day and he wasn’t even speaking to me. Sometimes I wasn’t even sure if I was thinking my own thoughts or they were his.

  I had decided to leave school I couldn’t focus right now I would go back later, if I survived.

  I had also decided I wasn’t going to wait around for the Shifters to come for me. I was actively seeking them. Last night I’d found another Dream-walker this time I wasn’t sporting so many bruises.

  I was waiting for Laurna at a little Italian place within walking distance of Fisherman’s Warf. The old woman who owned the place had announced I was too skinny and plied me with enough breadsticks to feed a starving nation. I was reading a small handwritten journal one of my great-grandfathers had written, the man thought entirely too much of himself considering in the end the Shifters had finished him off, it was dull stuff but it was the best thing I had on Shifters. It was rare for an Ao to actually commit anything to print. We didn’t want the humans to know we existed. So, a lot of our lore was written in the form of fairytale or just forgotten.

  The chair across from me scraped the ground as it was pulled out. “I ordered the veal for you. I don’t know why poor baby cow.” I said I did feel sorry for the calf the making of veal seemed cruel to me.


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