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Into Death's Arms

Page 12

by Mary Milligan

  I jerked away from him. “I’m fine,” I wasn’t so sure. “You’re my brother,” I asked he nodded in agreement. No way, I screamed mentally. This was just too farfetched. Did this Shifter really think I was going to buy this? I looked again at that blond hair just like my mothers. Oh God…“Does my father know?” What was wrong with me? My vision began to fade in and out. I felt like hell.

  “I don’t think so, Macyn...?” my name was the last thing I heard before I fell toward the floor.

  Chapter 11

  I woke in my own bed, wondering how I got there, until I heard voices outside my room.

  “You don’t have to leave,” Laurna said.

  “I really think I should, I’ve obviously upset her so much she had some sort of seizure,” Laith answered her.

  “Pshaw… vain much,” she asked. “I doubt very much it was you. I heard Father Mike give her very strict orders about her diet. She is supposed to eat four large meals every day and I am willing to bet she hasn’t been. You don’t know her like I do. She worries about everyone else all the time and never takes the time to take care of herself.”

  He laughed it echoed down the hall reverberating around the house making it sound full. “Mom was like that. I just didn’t expect it from an AoD.” No, I thought my mom. He couldn’t have her she was mine, only he kept talking, “You know, she hated my father, but never failed to take care of me. I’ve known my whole life how I was conceived but she never made me feel unwanted, not once.” His voice was rough with emotion. My mom, I thought again this time a little less vehemently.

  “She is always telling me I have to stay away from her because the Shadow-born are after her but if I go who will make sure she’s taken care of,” she sighed. “I’m gonna heat up her food and make sure she eats. You stay,” She stated firmly. As well as I knew Laurna, I bet she had shoved him into a chair and was shaking a finger at him.

  He sighed roughly, I heard him rise, yep, she chaired him, then I heard him lean against the wall. The sigh as the clothing he wore slid across the wall.

  “I can hear you out there,” I announced.

  The door opened and he came in. I almost laughed who would have thought I would have a Shifter in my bedroom. I’d never thought to ever have any Shadow-born in my bedroom. Okay maybe Tameron once or twice but that was just hormonal, my reaction to his power which was way out of my league.

  Laith stalked across the room. I have to say stalked because there is no other way to describe it. To say walked just isn’t adequate he moved with a predatorily grace that made me think of the lions at the zoo. He opened one of the shades so sunlight could filter into the room it fell across my bed making me feel safe and warm. “Do you need water,” he asked softly concern filled his black eyes. He wasn’t supposed to be concerned about me.

  This was just too weird. I had a beautiful Shifter in my bedroom. Leaning over my bed, all filled up with concern for me? It was surreal. Shifter’s no matter what their relation did not care what happened to Ao. I nodded my head, water sounded good, really good. He shook his head in agreement spilling blond hair over his face. “I’ll be right back,” he moved through the door and peeked just his head back in. “Laurna’s not wrong AoD you should take better care of yourself, because if you don’t some Shadow-born is gonna snatch up that best friend of yours.” He licked his lips in a very exaggerated motion, then he was off again. I wondered briefly if all Shifters were that graceful.

  A soft growling sound filled my head. I blinked several times before I realized it was Dayton Tameron again. I thought I had gotten rid of you. I stated.

  Not hardly, I was giving you some time to develop your powers. Why is there a Shifter in your bedroom? Anger laced his voice. The feel of it in my head caused me to break out in goose bumps all down my arms and back.

  I rubbed my arms vigorously. Why the hell are you so mad? I wanted to add that he was making me shivery but I didn’t think it was the best idea to announce to a Vampire he had a distinct advantage over you.

  He sent anger again this time hot enough to make me gasp aloud. It felt like a fire poker against my skin, why is there a Shifter in your room? What the hell? Was he jealous? Wait no that is just too funny, I was being cared for by my brother, who was also a Shifter while a Vampire was getting all mad because aforementioned brother happens to be on the good-looking side.

  I laughed I couldn’t help it the thought was just too funny. Tameron wanted me dead. He screwed with my hormones because he could it was within his power and it made me an easier kill. All the rest was just nonsense. He felt my merriment through the link though I hadn’t given him a verbal response and I was getting much better at shielding my thoughts from him.

  I stopped laughing when all hell broke loose. I felt his anger like a palpable force in the room. The shade slammed shut of its own accord. The bedroom door slammed shut and locked. Dayton Tameron stepped from the shadows. I started to shake; I was too weak to defend myself. He was wearing blue jeans and a white button up that wasn’t buttoned up much. It covered his arms, shoulders, and his navel that was about it. I take it back, I thought. I don’t want him to add color to his wardrobe because when he did he was devastating. His eyes glowed that terrifying neon color. His fangs were fully extended; claws hung at his sides held ready should he have to defend himself. His black hair fell around him. I was terrified and yet that hair. I wanted to sink my hands into that silken mass.

  God he was using his power on me even in his immense anger. He strode forward, you know that stalking thing Laith had done it was nothing compared to the way Dayton walked. I threw off the blanket and tried to rise. I didn’t get very far. I slid back down into the softness of my comforter. I held out my hand trying to keep him from coming any closer. He stopped cocked his head to one side and looked at me quizzically. “You are hurt,” his voice was a deep rumble like thunder through the room.

  I nodded, not trusting my voice. Oh, God he knew I was hurt; he was going to kill me. I thought about screaming for help, it would bring Laith but it would bring Laurna too and I wasn’t about to do that. He moved to the bed so fast I did scream a little despite all my good intentions. I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep it from reaching the two in the kitchen downstairs. His eyes were still glowing but they had returned to that amber color that was uniquely his. He leaned over me. I was having a hard time breathing. Fear ran rampant through my system. I was hot and cold at the same time. I shivered uncontrollably. I resisted the urge to beg him not to hurt me. AoD did not beg, not even new AoD. He leaned in closer and scented me. His eyes rolled up in his head and he let out a soft sound, it wasn’t frightening, it was carnal, whoa, it sounded like a plea. “You smell so good,” He growled as he slid his arm under my legs. Oh, crap, if he was going to kill me, I knew how to deal. This I did not know how to deal with.

  He lifted me gently off the comforter and slid my body back beneath it. Some of that hair I had been dying to touch since our first meeting snaked down over my shoulder it was just as soft as it looked.

  I reached out and caressed it. I don’t know what I was thinking, I wasn’t really. He sucked in a sharp breath. “You mustn’t tease me Macyn. It is bad for your well being,” he whispered. I nodded agreeing with him but couldn’t seem to retract my hand. “You haven’t been eating properly have you,” he asked. I shrugged still petting his hair. What was wrong with me? The scent of his cologne filled the room I took a deep breath. He shook his head in a chastising gesture. “You must eat four times a day. Protein and Vitamin C must make up a good part of your diet. Do you have fresh fruit? ” I took one of those soft strands and brought it to my lips. I wanted to feel that softness on more sensitive skin. His eyes widened to something that looked a great deal like panic. “Damn it, Macyn,” he snatched the hair back from me and stepped back away from the bed. “If you continue to use your power and not take the proper steps to insure your body’s health you… will… die.”

  Was the big bad Vampire running fro
m me it certainly looked that way? I almost smiled. I took a deep breath that wonderful smell filled my lungs. “How would you know?” I asked amused that a Vampire was trying to explain to me how to take care of myself. He smiled again that seductive movement of his lips. Oh, God, Macyn, stop checking out the Vampire! He placed his hand on his chest and allowed it to slide down his shirt until he reached the place where the buttons were still done.

  I vaguely thought I should not be watching this, but my gaze was riveted to his hands, his fingers graceful as they slid the button free and moved down to the next button. The air in the room was suddenly too thin. “Umm, you probably shouldn’t…” I started.

  He laughed, “Probably AoD, you aren’t sure,” his gaze met mine and burned, no I wasn’t sure at all. I heard the movement of cloth and was able to break my gaze free just so I could lower it and see the flesh he had exposed. My jaw dropped again. Across his belly lay the tree of life set between a set of angels wings.

  The mark of an AoLi.

  Despite my weakness, I reached out toward that mark. I looked back up at his eyes. My hand shook wildly. “What, how is that possible,” he stepped forward and my hand connected with the hard plane of his belly. I ran my hand over the texture of his tattoo. I felt an almost electrical current as my fingers traced the mystical ink.

  He leaned in closer, his head fell back, and he groaned as if savoring the feeling. “Have you never wondered how I have gained so much power Macyn,” I nodded. I had wondered several times. “Let me heal you,” it was a question. A Vampire healing, the thought was just too unreal. If you continue to stoke me in such a fashion Macyn, I will not be responsible for my actions. I snatched my hand back as if it had been burned.

  “Explain how this is possible to me,” I asked.

  He shook his head no. “Let me heal you,” he asked again. An AoLi could not heal a conscious person without first gaining their permission. Did that rule apply to AoLi-Vampires? What was I saying? There was no such thing as AoLi- Vampires. How had such a thing happened in the first place? I nodded. I was weak, I needed to get better, if he could heal me, I would allow it. He smiled; it was a brilliant thing showing off all those perfect white teeth. His hands started to glow with the soft white healing light I had seen before. I thought you would resist. I could feel the surprise rushing through me.

  I felt surprise and lust. Ha, well at least I wasn’t the only one who seemed to be affected. Power rushed through me. My body buckled up off the bed, Oh. My. God. So much power, it felt like I’d been plugged into a giant battery and coated in healing salve at the same time. I took a deep shuddering breath. I do not sense another Shadow-born. Why did you say you had one in your room? His voice was like a caress across my mind.

  I laughed I couldn’t help it too much power. Were you jealous? I asked his power coursing through me made me bold.

  He growled again. Had there been another Shadow-born male in your room I would have torn him to pieces, he admitted. The words thrilled me I knew they shouldn’t but they did.

  I don’t know why I did it but I felt the need to poke at it. There was another here. I fought not to smile.

  His hands clenched my arms tightly. Do not play with me Macyn. I am an AoLi but I am also a Vampire. I can be extremely violent when pushed to it. There, that thrilling feeling again I closed my eyes and let it course through me. Suddenly there were lips pressed against mine. I tried to protest but it was useless. The need to protest only lasted about two seconds then I found myself kissing him back. His mouth felt divine hot and soft. I reached up and ran my fingers through that silken hair again. He crushed me to him and moaned into my mouth. One of his hands snaked under my t-shirt. Tiny electric shocks ran through my belly as his fingers moved over my AoD mark.

  We devoured one another. I shuddered beneath his touch. I tried to tell myself he was a Vampire but my brain wasn’t working anymore. His lips left mine and slid down my throat. I had to be crazy necking with a Vampire. It certainly wasn’t the smartest thing I’d ever done. I arched my neck, my body reaching out to his. “Dayton,” his name left me in a soft moan.

  He chuckled against my shoulder. “So eager my pet,” he whispered against my skin.

  A loud banging brought me back to my senses. “Macyn,” Laurna’s voice was shrill with worry.

  “Macyn,” Laith’s voice was louder and almost threatening. The door came off the hinges. Laith burst through the empty space he was larger than before massive limbs swung away from his torso, his body covered in a tawny fur, his fingers ended in deadly cat-like claws. His massive head complete with lion-like main and fierce feline canines, swung toward Dayton. “Get away from my sister bloodsucker or I will rend you into large chunks.” He flexed his fingers as if he could feel flesh tearing beneath them.

  Sister? Dayton lunged away from me toward the shadows. I assume this means you would prefer I not kill him? He barred his fangs at Laith. Power coursed through the room making my skin crawl.

  Please… Great not only had I just made out with a Vampire now I was begging him not to kill my half Shifter half brother. What was happening to my life?

  He was laughing again. “Easy, Shifter, I was healing her.” He held up his hands in a placating gesture.

  “You’re a Vampire, healing was the very last thing you were doing,” Laith growled. He moved toward Dayton again. His massive canines mashed together in a biting gesture.

  Okay this was going to get messy. “He’s an AoLi, Laith.” I said as I climbed out of bed. I was steady on my feet, more steady than I had really been in days. “He was healing me,” I assured him as I put my body between him and Dayton.

  He growled that lion sound again. “We all know that wasn’t all he was doing Macyn.”

  I blushed a very crimson color. Yeah, I knew that wasn’t all he was doing but I had completely forgotten about a Shifters superior sense of smell. He knew exactly what had been going on in this room. “Well he wasn’t hurting me,” I said feeling like a complete ass. I had just been caught making serious time with a Vamp.

  Laurna laughed uproariously. “What was it she asked me with such horror earlier? Oh yeah, Laurna are you…” she blushed herself, “sleeping with Bouncer-Vamp?” I grimaced; she avoided the language I reveled in. She was giggling like mad. She fell against the wall and gasped for breath. “I see I’m not the only one attracted to Vampires.”

  I felt the color drain from my face. She was sleeping with Bouncer-Vamp? Did I really have any room to say anything? I could protect myself she couldn’t. Yeah, Mace keep telling yourself that, Dayton could have killed you seconds after entering your room if he had wanted to. You underestimate yourself my sweet. His voice slid through me again.

  I doubt it. I replied. Laith moved forward again.

  I am going Macyn. I will return to you later. I felt Dayton move behind me. Laurna gasped. Laith growled. I knew he was gone.

  I sighed, “Let’s go get something to eat.” I moved past the giant angry lion Shifter growling at the spot the Vampire had just vacated. Laurna laughed again and touched Laith’s shoulder. He flinched like she’d slapped him.

  Her voice was soft, “he’s gone, come on Laith lets go eat. Macyn needs food and if you’re anything like her shifting and using up that power is going to leave you hungry too.” He looked down at her. Those predatorily eyes raking her she just continued to smile at him. I was amazed at her bravery. I was shaking in my boots and I had always known Shifters existed. He watched her closely, he took a deep breath through his nose and let it back out.

  Then nodded once and shifted back to human. “Go ahead I’ll be down in a moment. I need to breathe a little first,” Laurna nodded. We went down stairs leaving a rather angry looking werelion in my bedroom. Have I mentioned my life was falling apart?

  Laurna had prepared enough food to feed an army. I dug in. “So you are involved with Bouncer Vamp?” I asked using nicer language than I had used earlier.

  “Ashley and yes I am,” that was
Ashley, who had named him? Well no wonder I didn’t remember Ashley she had deliberately mislead me. Well at least she was being honest now. “I’m in love with him Macy,” she sighed. “I know you don’t like this but I really do love him and he loves me.” I managed not to snort at her.

  “Laurna they don’t,” I had to stop, how could I say they didn’t think like us? I could feel what Dayton Tameron had been feeling. He certainly wasn’t the cold emotionless psychopath my father had lead me to believe they were. Tameron had been jealous, he had been angry, and he had been aroused. Suddenly I couldn’t spout the rhetoric I had been told my entire life.

  I am still aroused my sweet. His voice made me shiver. Send the Shifter and your friend away and I will return to you. We could spend hours concentrating on my various emotions. Oh how I was tempted.

  Stop it, I hissed mentally. I am confused and you’re not helping. That laughter filled me up again it was so soft and seductive. I could almost feel his lips on my throat again.

  “Tell him I can smell his power and he needs to leave you alone.” Laith came down the stairs. “It’s been a long time since I hunted anything let alone something as challenging as a Vampire.”

  Huh, he could smell his power. How was that possible? “What are you doing here anyway Laith,” I asked. I was confused by all this and needed some answers.

  He sat down next to me and piled his plate with food. “I promised Iris I would protect you. Kinsley is trying to kill you. I came to do what I promised.” He filled his mouth. “I know this is hard for you but I have known you were my sister since before your birth. I remember the first time Mom brought the ultrasound pictures with her to lunch.” His smile was brilliant. I was really starting to see Iris in him.

  I nodded, well hell what else was I going to do. “How old are you?” I asked I knew Shifters lived long lives.

  He chewed thoroughly. “I’m a little under a century, a baby by our standards really.”


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