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Love's Changes

Page 8

by LaQuette

  “Let me get what we need,” Justice winked before quickly stepping away and praying they had enough supplies. A hurried pass of his hand at the bottom of the nightstand drawer yielded Justice exactly what they needed. Lube in hand, he headed back to the treasure waiting for him, spread out for his delight.

  A few rapid moves and he was just as naked as Bryan. Too eager to be inside Bryan’s heat, he poured an ample amount of the cool gel on his fingers, immediately touching it to Bryan’s puckered flesh.

  Bryan’s sharp intake of breath brought a familiar smile to Justice’s face.

  “Dude, we’ve been using this shit for how long? You still can’t find the time to warm that shit up before you touch me?” Bryan’s total body shiver made Justice laugh. This was a fall back to the normal, back when they weren’t burdened with so much tension and conflict. Back to when they connected without thought.

  “How many years have I not warmed the lube? Don’t you think you should be used to it by now? Stop bitching and let me in.”

  Justice made quick work of stretching Bryan, preparing him for their lovemaking. If he weren’t in such need to be inside of his husband, Justice would take the time to…he had to stop lying right there. Long torture was Bryan’s strong point. He’d build the fire between them in slow, almost painful ways. Justice was all about fire, guns blazing and blasting. Twenty-one years later and that shit hadn’t changed.

  Why fuck with a good thing?

  He pressed the tip of his cock inside Bryan’s opening and waited for what seemed like an eternity for Bryan to adjust. Once he felt Bryan’s hands on his ass pulling him toward his goal, Justice slid inside Bryan’s slick hole until balls met ass and he felt Bryan squeeze the ever-loving-fuck out of his dick with a series of tight spasms.

  Cock pulsing, he buried deep in an ass molded to the ridges of his dick. Justice pulled back slowly, breath hissing between clenched teeth as he marveled at how good it felt to be inside Bryan again.

  He glanced down and watched Bryan wrap his fingers around his own weeping cock. That was it for his restraint. He leaned over, positioning himself over Bryan. Arms locked, hips canted, he snapped forward, loving the lost-in-ecstasy look Bryan was wallowing in right now.

  Hooking one of Bryan’s legs over his meaty arm, he went to work. The pull and slide of Bryan’s ass down his cock had his blood on fire. The love Bryan wove around his heart kept him tied to this man in ways he’d never be able to explain.

  He’d hurt for and because of Bryan, and still, there was no one on the planet he’d rather give his heart to than the man moaning beneath him. Bryan had owned him from the first moment he smiled. He lived for that smile, ached to see it in its full splendor through the worst of their trying times.

  “I’m close, Jussy. I just need…please,” Bryan’s moaning sending shocks of pleasure through Justice’s system.

  God that sound. It sparked fire in Justice’s balls, tightening them, drawing them up. The electric zing of his climax was crashing down on him, he had to give them both what they needed. He slapped Bryan’s hand out of the way and matched the long pulls on Bryan’s dick with a piston like stroke of his hips.

  The deep howl that poured out of Bryan let Justice know he was hitting his lover’s prostate at just the right angle. A handful of strokes later and wet heat erupted from Bryan, hitting his chin and chest.

  The sight of Bryan’s spunk was the last of Justice’s resolve. He planted both hands on Bryan’s shoulders and pounded until liquid heat exploded from his balls, through his cock, and emptied into the latex covering his sputtering dick.

  He fell directly on Bryan. Partly because that nut had robbed him of his control over his motor skills at that point, partly because he wanted nothing between them, not even air.

  They rested there quietly, their breathing in perfect rhythm, their hearts in perfect synchronization. Justice was nearly lulled into rejuvenating sleep when he heard Bryan call his name.

  “You know this isn’t going to fix things?” Bryan’s soft words were bathed in concern, not rejection, a fact Justice was more than grateful for.

  Justice nodded. It wouldn’t, no matter how much he wished it could, sex would never sustain them. But if this crazy connection between them couldn’t keep them eternally linked Justice was afraid to ask the question lingering in his mind.

  What would?

  Chapter 13

  He pulled Bryan into the enclosure of his arms. After going so long without Bryan, Justice needed to feel him, have him as near as possible.

  “No, the sex won’t fix anything; it’s just a reminder of what we stand to lose if we don’t work on this. I’m willing to put in the work if you are,” Justice offered. “Don’t know about you, but I need what we have in my life. I need to come home to this, to you. Not just for the sex, but all of it.”

  “Two conditions,” Bryan’s ultimatum briefly knocking Justice out of the comfort their embrace had gifted him. “The department assigned me a shrink when I was shot on the job. I want us to start going to couples therapy while you’re home. If we have a chance at making us work, that’s our best weapon.”

  Soothing relief poured over Justice, making him reach for Bryan again, pulling him closer into his chest. Justice wasn’t opposed to therapy. He didn’t exactly relish the idea of spilling his secrets to a complete stranger either, but he definitely saw the value in seeking help.

  He’d been in the military long enough to witness firsthand what happened when service men and women didn’t have a healthy outlet for all of the pain, torment, and ugliness they witnessed during their service. He wasn’t about to let that kind of darkness consume either Bryan or himself.

  “Fine, let me know when and where and I’ll be there. What’s your next condition?” Justice relaxed a little. The first stipulation hadn’t been so bad. The second would probably be more of the same.

  “You apologize to your sister and to Martin,” Bryan’s straight face and squinting eyes told Justice his husband wasn’t joking.

  Justice rolled his eyes. “Come on, man. Anything but that. You know if I apologize to True I will never live that shit down. And that fucking Herrera had anything I gave him coming. He had his fucking hands on my man. He was trying to kick it to my man in my face, in front of my damn family. He’s lucky I didn’t slit his fucking throat for his trouble.”

  Bryan pinched the bridge of his nose, a clear sign his patience was slipping away from him.

  “That man was not trying to get at me, Justice. He’s straight. The only thing he was doing was helping me get through the last leg of my rehab to get back to my job. He was being a friend while my husband was being an asshole.”

  “Fine,” Justice felt his lips sink into a full pout. Yes he was a grown man, a Marine even, lying in his bed pouting over his husband’s recriminations. His sister was always right. Telling her so wasn’t going to do much for sucking the air out of her already over-inflated ego. “I’ll apologize to him, but not True. She goaded me into this bullshit.”

  Bryan’s body shook next to him in laughter. “She really did. I was convinced you’d see right through her plan, but you walked right into it full steam ahead.”

  “Trust me,” Justice lifted a brow. “I knew she was baiting me. But once I saw that fucker with his hands all over you, I couldn’t focus on True’s bullshit. I just knew I had to get to my man before anyone else did.”

  “And you got him back,” Bryan countered. “Which is why you should apologize to your sister. She was trying to help your marriage and you acted the ass. Make it right with her.”

  Justice turned to his side to face Bryan. He leaned in and Bryan met him halfway for a sweet kiss laced with just enough spice to make Justice’s spent dick twitch with an attempt at excitement.

  “Fine, I’ll make it right with my sister.”

  Bryan rewarded his capitulation with a rough slide of his tongue on top of Justice’s and a firm squeeze of his growing cock. Justice moaned into the kiss, h
is hips moving of their own accord to the rhythm Bryan’s fist was creating.

  “Don’t let me go again, Bryan,” Justice sighed his pleasure into their kiss, relishing the feel of his husband’s taste, and the feel of Bryan’s skin pressed against his own.

  “We’ve taken each other through so many changes over the last five years. Just don’t let any of them cause you to let me go again, I couldn’t bear it.”

  “Love’s changes will happen whether we want them too or not.” Bryan’s resigned tone stirred uncertainty in Justice’s belly. “But that’s what love is; change, evolution, growth. If we don’t change, don’t adapt, we die, it dies. No matter what change our love brings our way, I can promise you, I will never allow it to separate us again.”

  Bryan kissed Justice again and tightened his grip on Justice’s cock, sending thrills of anticipation to his aching balls.

  “Oh, baby,” the sinister curve of Bryan’s lips giving away the devilish nature of his unspoken thoughts. “With a cock this pretty, you never have to worry about me letting you go again.

  “God I love you,” Justice pumped his hips trying his best to get Bryan to do more than just admire his cock.

  “I know, now shut up and show me.”

  Justice looked up at the brightness of Bryan’s smile and realized why he’d always loved it. That smile tethered him, gave Justice an anchor in a world that was filled with too many uncertainties. Bryan’s smile was security.

  They’d almost allowed death and pride to destroy that smile.

  Thank God for a meddling sister.

  A fact he would never utter in the presence of another person, especially said meddling sister.

  The shrill ring of a specific ringtone pulled him out of Bryan’s warmth, his mind instantly fastening onto the unique sound.

  Speak of the devil.

  He knew who was calling, and if his sister was calling him on this phone from that ringtone, he knew why.

  Justice sat up and reached for the offending device.

  “Amare,” his succinct tone informing his caller he was ready and able to accept whatever information she had to give.

  “Our friends in Azuria need our help,” True’s calm voice slid over the line revealing no indication of just how severe this new development was. Justice didn’t need her to. Whenever their team was called on a mission, it was only the worst of the worst situations waiting for them. “Report to JFK, I’ll text the terminal and gate info. Wheels up in sixty.”

  “Hard copy,” Justice’s voice was equally calm and detached. He clicked the call to a silent end and turned his attention to Bryan, preparing to placate him.

  “Duty calls?” Bryan sat up straight against the headboard.

  “Yeah, at the most inopportune time too. We’re just beginning to sort things out.”

  “Well, that’s what happens when our jobs call, we have to answer. Fortunately your husband isn’t only a police lieutenant, but a former Marine as well. I get it. I’m not thrilled about it, but I get it.”

  Bryan kissed him, marking Justice, imprinting himself onto Justice’s senses. “Now go on to wherever it is you need to go, kick ass when you get there, and bring yourself back to me, Marine. You got that?”

  “Oorah, Lieutenant Amare,” Justice gave Bryan a quick kiss and a smile. “Oorah!”

  The End

  Author Bio

  2016 Author of the Year RWANYC Golden Apple Award Winner, 2015 Swirl Awards Bronze winner in Romantic Suspense, 2015 Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Award Finalist in Erotic Romance, bestselling erotic romance author, LaQuette, is a native of Brooklyn, New York. She spends her time catering to her three distinct personalities: Wife, Mother, and Educator.

  Writing--her escape from everyday madness--has always been a friend and comforter. She loves writing and devouring romance novels. Although she possesses a graduate degree in English Lit, she'd forego Shakespeare any day to read something hot, lusty, and romantic.

  She loves hearing from readers and discussing the crazy characters that are running around in her head causing so much trouble. Contact her on Facebook, Twitter, her website,, Amazon, her Facebook group, LaQuette's Lounge, and via email at

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  Love’s Dangers

  A Losing My Way Novella



  Coming This Winter…

  Martin Herrera has spent twenty years in the Marine Corps doing what Uncle Sam ordered him to and loving every minute of it. Well…almost every minute of it. There were definitely things he wouldn’t have chosen to do, things he wished so badly he could take back, or at the very least, forget.

  Apocalyptic memories from a desert hell chased him off of the battlefield and into physiotherapy first as a patient, and then as a provider. Since then, his work life has been all about helping his fellow Marines get their bodies and minds right to walk back on the field.

  He’s content. Considering all he’s done and seen, that’s more than he can ask for. His marriage ripped apart by deployment and ignorance, Martin has decided the only commitment he can handle is to his patients and his work. Frequent trips to whatever local pickup places he finds himself near are all he needs to find companionship. Anything else and he doesn’t have time for it. At least that’s his resolution until a sexy, Marine walks into his world needing his help.

  Julien Hargrove is a Marine temporarily stationed at 6th Comm in Brooklyn, NY, as he heals from an injury. When his commanding officer sends him to a recently retired Marine who now practices rehab therapy in the civilian world, Julien is both grateful and scared out of his mind.

  Martin is knowledgeable, and confident, and his commanding bedside manner makes Julien want to do just about anything the older Marine demands. After fighting to break free of a power-hungry ex who mistook dominance for abuse, Julien quickly decides Herrera is off limits. Too bad his body refuses to cooperate with that decree.

  When Julien’s ex resurfaces, will Martin look beyond his own pain and help his lover? Will Julien realize there’s no weakness in needing help? Or will they both accept the dangers of love as a reason or a barrier to being together?

  Other Titles by LaQuette

  Queens of Kings: Books 1-4 on Amazon

  Heart of the Matter: QOK1

  Divided Heart: QOK2

  Protected Heart: QOK3

  Power Privilege & Pleasure: QOK4

  Also by LaQuette

  My Beginning: Trinity Series: Book 1




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