Book Read Free


Page 18

by Tessa Teevan

  As I process his words, I’m breathless when I realize what he’s asking me. “Wow. When you go on a first date, you definitely go all out, don’t you?” The corner of his mouth lifts and I can’t help but rise on my toes to kiss his lips. “You scare the hell out of me, Cohen Wellington. But what scares me more is not doing this and going another three years wondering what could have been. So yes, I’m all in. If you want me, I’m yours.”

  I barely get the words out when his lips crash down on mine as he gives me a searing kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I try to deepen the kiss, but he keeps his lips firmly closed, pulling back from me way too quickly. He steps back and holds out his hand, and I see that there’s a CD case in it. Looking at it and then up at him, I know I must have a confused expression on my face.

  “What’s this?”

  “This was the beginning of the end three years ago. I know I’m a little late in my delivery, but it’s better late than never. I want you to have it. I never got a chance to give it to you, and I’ve had it in my car ever since, playing it every so often when I was feeling nostalgic. I think this might explain some things.”

  “This is three years old?” I ask incredulously.

  He nods. “Even though I wasn’t sure when, or if, I’d ever see you again, I made it in response to the one you made me. It’s no big deal. I just thought you might enjoy listening to the songs I picked out when I was an overdramatic eighteen-year-old.”

  “Oh wow. I can only imagine what songs you put on here after that. I’m not going to hear Cold Hard Bitch, am I?”

  He chuckles at the thought. “Absolutely not. Now give me a kiss goodnight and get in the house before I change my mind about not following you in.”

  Taking hold of his tie, I pull him into me, all thoughts of wanting space flying out the window. “You know you can always come in. I promise to be good. We can listen to the CD together and then make out like horny teenagers.” By the gleam in his eye, I can tell that he’s having an internal struggle with himself. “Come on, Cohen. Teddy’s right down the hall, and I promise you, the first time we’re together again, it won’t be in my house where my roommates could hear anything. It’ll be completely innocent. Please.”

  Something in my tone breaks through his defenses, and I hear his car beep as he locks it. “I’m probably going to regret this, but what the hell? How can I say no to making out like horny teenagers when I know just how good we are at it?”

  AFTER I practically pour my heart out to Andi, she breaks through my resolve and talks me into coming inside with her. The house is dark, and she takes my hand, leading me down a long hallway and up a flight of stairs until we enter her room. She shuts the door behind us and turns on a small lamp by her bedside. After kicking off her shoes, she moves to a dresser and pulls out a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Her hand comes up to the zipper on her dress, and I clear my throat, reminding her of my presence. Slowly, she turns around and gives me a sheepish look.

  “Sorry. Habit. I’m going to slip into the bathroom and change real quick.”

  “Andi, it’s not like I haven’t seen it all before,” I tell her, and she gives me a mocking glare. Holding my hands up, I turn around so my back is to her. “Okay, okay. I promise I won’t peek. Just go ahead and change and tell me when you’re good.”

  I close my eyes when I hear her undo her zipper. The fact that she’s undressing behind me turns me on, and I start recalling chemistry terms from Andi’s syllabus this morning to calm my dick down. And then I remember Andi’s proton explanation and have to start all over again.

  “Okay. All good. You can look now.”

  When I turn around, Andi’s sitting on her queen-sized bed in an oversized UT T-shirt and sweatpants, and she looks just as beautiful as she did in her dress. Her laptop is sitting in front of her, and she pats the bed, indicating that I should join her. I slip off my shoes and loosen my tie before taking it off. I begin to unbutton my shirt and stop when I see Andi eyeing me.

  “Do you mind? I have an undershirt on. It’s just kind of warm in here.”

  “No, no. Go ahead. I don’t mind. Like you said, it’s nothing I’ve never seen before,” she says playfully.

  Once I’ve unbuttoned my shirt, I shrug it off and place it on her computer chair. I’m left in my black undershirt, and Andi looks at my chest appreciatively. Knowing that I’ll be uncomfortable in my pants, I remove my belt so it won’t dig into my skin. Taking a chance, I undo the top button and head towards the bed.

  “Cohen, are you wearing boxers?” Andi asks me, stopping me in my tracks.

  “Uhh, boxer briefs. Why?”

  “Look, we’re both adults. I promised I’d keep my hands to myself, and I always keep my promises. If you’re uncomfortable in bed, then I’m going to be uncomfortable, and there’s no way in hell you’re going to be comfy sleeping in those pants. So lose them and get under the covers, okay?”

  I gape at her, and the internal battle wages within. As much as I know that she’s right—sleeping in pants will pretty much mean a sleepless night—sleeping next to her in nothing but a T-shirt and boxer briefs could be a recipe for disaster.

  “Lose your pants, Cohen, or I’ll come over there and take them off for you!” she orders, giving me a hungry look that lets me know she means it.

  I almost feel like I need to do some sort of striptease for her with the way she’s watching me, but instead, I quickly remove them and hop under the covers beside her.

  She gives me a small pout. “Where’s the fire, Cohen? I thought I’d at least get a little bit of a peek.”

  “Hey, if I didn’t get one, you don’t either. Okay, are you ready for this? The vintage masterpiece from freshman DJ Wellington?”

  Her hands cover her face and then she looks at me from in between her fingers. “I don’t know. I’m not sure if there’s going to be angry metal music or Sarah McLachlan save-the-puppies songs. Both are kind of depressing.”

  “You wound me, Ruby. You of all people should know I have better taste than that.”

  She presses a kiss to my cheek and then fluffs up the pillow behind her. “You’re right. Forgive me,” she says before lying down on her side, her back to me.

  After doubling up my own pillow, I spoon against her and place my arm over her waist, watching as she pulls up her media player and begins the CD. Laying her head down, she settles back against me, and I hold her in my arms as I listen to the songs I chose for her so long ago. Every so often, I see her close her eyes as she takes in the lyrics, and I know I did the right thing in giving it to her. Perhaps it’ll help explain why I feel so strongly for her already—because part of me always has.

  As soon as Missy Elliott comes on, Andi turns in my arms, her amusement apparent on her face. “You did not put this song on this CD three years,” she challenges.

  My hand falls to small of her back, where my thumb rubs small circles on her skin where her T-shirt has risen up. “Considering that CD is from three years ago and that song is on it, it’s safe to say that I did.”

  “Here I was thinking you wouldn’t be able to laugh about it even now, but you were joking about it just weeks after? One Minute Man? That’s still being a little generous, don’t you think?” she teases, and I retaliate by tickling her stomach until she’s writhing beneath me. “Stop! Stop! Coh—seriously, I’m going to pee my pants if you don’t stop.”

  “I’ll stop when you take it back.”

  She takes her own finger and jabs my stomach. “I can’t take it back when it’s the truth!” she gasps, and I realize that she has me there, so I give her a reprieve and still my fingers. “But if you want, we can see how long you’ll go now.”

  “Ruby…” I growl, and she gives me a shrug.

  “Hey, it was worth a try.” She scoots closer to me until our bodies are touching, and I’m wishing there were no clothing between us so I could feel her bare chest pressing against my own. Her eyes soften and she tilts her head up towards me. “I love t
he CD. It means more to me than you’ll ever know, and I’ll cherish it forever. Now kiss me, Cohen. Like the super, sexy, horny teenager I know you once were.”

  “Who am I to say no to that request?”

  For the next few hours, we do just that. Make out like teenagers, talk in the dark, make out some more, and for the first time in my adult life, I’m content with going no further. When we finally say our goodnights, I try to fall asleep, but my racing mind keeps me from doing so. I hold Andi in my arms and wonder how in the hell I got so lucky. Call it fate, call it Ms. Elliott, call it just an odd coincidence or whatever the hell you want, but something brought us back together that day in the library, and I’m not going let this opportunity go to waste.

  As Andi’s breathing evens out, I settle my arm around her and close my eyes, hoping that, when I wake up, it won’t have all been a dream.

  WHAT FEELS like all too soon, I’m hearing my phone buzz from the pocket of my pants, which are still spread out on her computer chair halfway across the room. I hear a small moan next to me, and I smile as I come out of my slumber. Slowly, I open my eyes and blink once, then twice, more than happy at the sight beside me—or, well, practically on top of me. Somehow, during the night, I ended up on my back and Andi shifted with me. She’s currently cuddled up against me, her head resting on my chest and one of her legs between mine. Looking down at her sleeping form, I can’t help the smile that spreads over my face.

  My phone vibrates again, and I know I should get it, but I can’t bring myself to move. I’m enjoying this way too much, and I’ll stay this way until she wakes up, no matter how long it takes. Memories from the night before rush back in and I inwardly groan, knowing that I probably said too much way too soon. Two days ago, I was telling Sophie I didn’t want a relationship, and now, it’s all I can think about. It’s happening fast, but it feels right, and for now, I’m not going to question it. I’m just going to get to know Andi again—or, well, better than I did the first time around—and I guess we’ll see where it goes.

  I can’t help myself from bringing my hand up to her hair as my fingers begin to toy with it, wanting—needing—tangible proof that she’s here with me. It’s a deeper red than it was before, even more ruby-like in color. Staring down at her, I get lost in thought until she begins stirring beneath me. Slowly, she turns her head until she’s looking up at me, her green eyes sleepy and looking innocent in the early morning sun. This is the look I missed all those years ago, and I want to savor the moment. When her eyes meet mine, she lifts up ever so slightly, a slow smile spreading over her face.

  “Good morning,” she whispers, her voice laced with sleepiness.

  I return her smile as I place my hands on her waist and roll us until she’s on her back. Hovering over her, I bring my face inches away from hers. “Good morning, Ruby,” I respond. “You know, I’ve been wanting to say that for a long damn time.”

  Her eyes flick down to my lips then back up to meet mine, a timid expression in them. “That’s because you’ve never seen me first thing in the morning. Teddy likes to say I look like Medusa with my red hair going all over the place—but without the whole ‘touching a man and turning him to stone’ thing going on.” She glances down between us and I realize that, when I flipped her over and got on top of her, all of me pressed up against her. “Then again, he could’ve been wrong because there’s something definitely rock hard between us right now.”

  I give her a sheepish grin and tug on a strand of hair that frames her face. Then I lean in and press a quick kiss to her lips. “I happen to love the just-woken-up look on you, Andi. Teddy doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”

  “He seldom ever does. Now get off me. If I get to wake up with you, that means I get to kiss you, and I need to brush my teeth before doing that.” She pushes against me and I fall to the side of her.

  Just as she’s about to get off the bed, I sit up and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her back onto the bed and pushing her down until I’m on top of her again. When she looks up at me, I crash my lips down on hers, not wasting any time to slip my tongue into her mouth. Her hands come up to the back of my head as she pulls me in deeper and kisses me back with the same hunger I’m feeling. My hands slip underneath her T-shirt to caress her bare skin, and she moans against my mouth. The sound is both erotic and a warning to stop things before they go any further. I slow my kisses before giving her one last peck on the lips.

  “You know, I’m starting to think you’re a tease,” Andi pouts playfully.

  “Not a tease, baby. I just wanted to make it clear that you never have to get out of bed with me to give me a kiss. I don’t care how awful your morning breath is. Kisses first, teeth brushing second.”

  Her hands slide down to my shoulders, and she peers up at me with a curious look. “It’s funny. You’re still the same sweet guy, but there’s a confident, sexy side to you that I am loving getting to know. And I never know which one is going to show up at any given time.”

  I rise and sit back on the bed, pulling her up until she’s placed firmly in my lap. “I’d like to say I’m still the same guy you met back then, but the truth is, I’m not. At least not exactly. I’ve grown up, which I’m sure you have, too. I like to think I’m a hell of a lot smarter and a whole lot wiser. And I promise you I’m not nearly as dramatic as I was back then,” I say, causing her to laugh. “Trust me. I never forgot that. ‘Cohen, don’t you think you’re being a little overdramatic?’ Jesus Christ, you were right. I was such a whiny asshole.”

  Her eyes soften and she places her arms around my neck as she leans in close. “You may have been a whiny asshole, but I was an inconsiderate bitch.” I start to protest, but she gives me a look that tells me to shut my mouth. “That being said, you’re right. We’re both different now. Older and wiser. And I look forward to getting to know you again. Now, you might not mind my morning breath, but I do, so I’ll be right back.”

  Once she freshens up, she gives me a toothbrush, so I head to the bathroom to do the same. When I get back to her room, she’s dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, and I can’t help but grin when I see that it’s a near carbon copy of the Slipknot one I was wearing the night we met. She looks down at it and gives me a shrug as if she didn’t do it on purpose. The gleam in her eye, however, tells me that she’s full of it.

  “Your phone rang again while you were in the bathroom,” she tells me, and I grab my jeans to see who the hell’s been trying to get ahold of me so early on a Sunday morning. When I check my phone, I swear under my breath. “Something wrong?” she asks, but I’ve already hit the call back button.

  “Morning, sleepyhead!” Charlie’s cheerful voice greets me, and I can hear Knox in the background calling me an asshole. “Shut up, Knox. Cohen, your mom’s called you three times and has now sicced me on you. Where the hell are you?”

  Looking at Andi, I mouth-ask her what day it is and groan when she reminds me that it’s the second Sunday in January. “Uh, look, can you cover for me this month? I’ll love you forever,” I tell her. “I’m kind of busy at the moment and can’t get away.”

  “Cohen Wellington, are you with a woman?” she asks, gasping as if she’s appalled. “Tell me all about her and I might consider covering for you.”

  Glancing at Andi, I notice that she’s watching me with curiosity, and I make a show of rolling my eyes at her. “Brother’s nosy girlfriend,” I mouth, and she grins wide. Turning my attention back to the phone, I speak as quickly as I can. “Her name’s Andi. I took her to the show last night and then we spent the night talking music and making out in bed. With all our clothes on.”

  Charlie whistles, and I can hear Knox laughing in the background. God dammit, she put me on speakerphone. “Oh, Cohen, that’s so juvenile and sweet at the same time. I love it! I want to meet the girl who didn’t let you get naked in her bed.”

  “How the hell do you know we were in her bed, not mine?” I ask, causing Charlie to laugh again.

p; “Because thanks to your brother’s less than stellar advice, you don’t bring girls back to your place. It was an educated guess.”

  “Okay, well, I told you about her, so cover for me, okay? I’ve got plans for the day.”

  “Actually, it’s your lucky day. Your mom had some last-minute luncheon come up and she’s postponed the monthly Wellington brunch until next week. I’ll call her back and let her know that you’ll be there and you’ll have a guest. I can’t wait to meet her and hear how you two liked the show. See ya later, Coh!” she exclaims and then hastily hangs up on me.

  Leaning back on the bed, I close my eyes and wonder how I’m going to get out of this—and I’m wondering even more why I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. Charlie would love Andi and vice versa, but we’ve had one freaking date for crying out loud. Yeah, I may have had a little bit of emotional word vomit. That doesn’t mean it’s time to take her home to meet the parents.

  “Everything okay?” Andi asks as she sits down next to me with a concerned look that sparks something warm deep inside me.

  Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and look at her, trying to stop myself from what I’m about to do yet failing miserably. “How do you feel about family brunch?”


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