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Page 32

by Tessa Teevan

  They scramble to get off me, and I sit up, catching my breath. I watch as all the kids race to the front door to say bye to their moms. Charlie, along with her best friends Lucy and Lexi, are all dolled up, ready for a night out on the town in Nashville.

  Rising to my feet, I make my rounds, greeting the women, and when I lean in to give Charlie a kiss on the cheek, she gives me a wicked gleam. “Don’t worry, Cohen. We’ll take good care of her.”

  I let out a low chuckle and shake my head. “That’s what scares me.”

  “She’s in good hands. You have absolutely nothing to worry about,” Lucy chimes in.

  My arms fold across my chest as I cock an eyebrow up at them. “Right. Like I don’t remember what happened last time y’all went out.”

  Charlie gives me a sheepish grin, and Lucy waves me off. “Oh, that was nothing. I bet that jerk will think twice before he slaps a married woman’s ass next time he’s out patrolling for a quick lay,” Lucy says, giving Charlie a high five.

  “That’s a pretty safe bet. At least it is if she locked him in an arm bar anywhere near as tight as it was when she did it to me. Although, in my case, I was just caught off guard,” Branson explains, arriving just in time to see the women off. Charlie gives him a playful scowl. “Ladies. Looking beautiful as ever.”

  Charlie reaches up to pat Branson’s cheek. “Keep telling yourself that, Bran. All right, we’re out of here. Good luck, guys,” she offers, giving us a wink.

  The women call out their goodbyes, and once the door’s closed, Branson puts his arm around my shoulder as we watch the rest of the guys removing their tea party gear.

  “You ready for this, kid?” he asks with a smirk on his face.

  As my gaze continues to rest on Jace, Knox, and Kale, the sound of the kids running around fills my ears. My mind goes back to Knox’s engagement party and the way the guys all laughed at Kale’s guarantee. When he leaned in close and told me that I was next, I didn’t believe him for a single second. I never thought Andi would forgive me for being such a tool bag, but I underestimated her.

  Glancing back at Branson, I cock an eyebrow. “Me? You’re the one who’s about to become a dad. Again. Are you ready for this?”

  “I’m been waiting for this for my entire life, kid,” he tells me, a wide smile spreading over his lips.

  His excitement is contagious, and as he enters the room and bends down to pick up Jacob, I lean against the doorframe and take in the sight before me.

  Who would’ve thought that a bunch of guys would be more at home watching a rowdy bunch of hooligans insisting on playing Barbie and watching Despicable Me than heading to the nearest bar to watch preseason football? But as I look around the room, I can’t help but grin at the sight of Jace and Knox wrapped in boas as Maya and Chloe serve them tea. Jacob is in Branson’s arms, showing off his newest GI Joe, and Cade, I now find, is wrapped around my shins, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

  “Wanna hear my heartbeat,” he says, his toddler voice cute as can be.

  Leaning down, I grab hold of his waist and hoist him up. As per usual when I’m around the kids, I have my stethoscope around my neck. I place the earpieces up to his ear and press the scope to his heart. He beams when he hears the thumping of his heart. Slipping the scope away from his ears, he slides down my body and runs to Knox.

  “Daddy! My heart pounds like a badass drum!” he exclaims, and while Knox laughs, Chloe, my sweet niece, slaps his arm and scolds him.

  “Cade, that’s a bad word!” she cries.

  I walk towards her and scoop her up in my arms. “Hey, Princess Chloe,” I whisper as I tickle her tummy.

  She giggles, and her dimples widen. Her eyes are deep brown, just like her mom’s, and so expressive. I love this little girl.

  “Uncle Cohey, you know I’m ticklish!” she squeals, squirming in my arms.

  “Chloe, Chloe, loves Uncle Cohey!” Cade and Jacob start singing that damn tune that always riles her, and Chloe huffs until I let her down.

  “I’m gonna git you two!” she yells, chasing them off into the kitchen.

  Looking at Knox, I can’t help but grin. “There’s no doubt. Those are your crazy-ass kids.”

  He just shakes his head. “And I love the fucking hell out of them.”

  AN ANNOYING buzzing is infiltrating my brain, and as I come to, I realize it’s Childish Gambino’s Heartbeat pulsating from my fiancé’s phone. Groaning, I stretch my arms across his naked torso, too hung over to enjoy the feel of his muscles beneath me. Instead, I grab his phone and press buttons incessantly until the noise stops. Then I sigh with relief.

  Cohen’s in his first year of residency, and I’ve just come back from covering a worldwide tour with Second Star to the Left. Needless to say, we haven’t had much time to spend together. Curling up in his arms, I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of being wrapped up with him, grateful that we’re both getting some much-needed time off with our upcoming wedding and honeymoon. It’s definitely needed and well deserved.

  His arms tighten around me just as I’m praying that my pounding headache goes away soon. I thought I could handle my liquor. And then Charlie Wellington and Lucy Montgomery introduced me to a whole new world of drinking last night at my bachelorette party, and right now, I’m vowing to never touch another drop again.

  A shiver runs down my spine as I feel a finger tracing over my collarbone. Even after five years—or eight, if you want to consider that—his touch still affects me. Even though I feel like absolute crap, it’s been weeks since I’ve woken up with my future husband, and I want to take advantage of our time together. My eyes blink open to see Cohen staring back at me, his eyes wide in amusement.

  It’s an ugly look—if such a thing can exist on Cohen Wellington’s face, which, of course, it can’t. I should probably slap the grin off his face, but it hurts to move a muscle. Groaning, I close my eyes and bury my face in my pillow.

  “Wake me up next year,” I mumble, and I cringe when I hear him laughing. Sitting up, I look at him accusingly. “You were the one who told me to go out with them. Oh, a tame bachelorette party, Charlie claimed. Nothing crazy, you said! Yet I wake up in bed with no idea of how I got here and my mouth tastes like the inside of a porta potty!”

  He grins down at me. “Hey, no one got kicked out of any bars last night. That’s more than we can say for Lucy’s bachelorette party,” he teases, causing me to lie back down and groan at the memory. “And you got back here safe and sound in the limo. The driver almost got an eyeful when I opened the door. Apparently, when you’re drunk, you just can’t get enough of me.”

  I vaguely recall the way I started to unzip my dress as soon as Cohen opened the door, but I blame him for opening it wearing nothing but his skin-tight boxer briefs that were showcasing his package. Ignoring him, I have to suppress another groan as more memories start flooding my mind.

  “Cohen, I’m pretty sure I kissed your sister-in-law last night. This is a serious matter!”

  His eyebrows draw together as he peers down at me. “Wow. That is serious. Did you get pictures?”

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes me as I push against his chest. “No!” I exclaim, before wincing at the throbbing in my head. My hand comes up to hold my forehead. “I’m never drinking again,” I repeat, moaning.

  Cohen leans in to press a kiss on my forehead, shifting in the process. He presses his groin into me, his hard erection resting between my legs. Leaning down, he peppers kisses along my jaw and down my neck, causing me to shiver.

  “Headache, baby?” he whispers.

  I nod slightly. “The worst,” I admit, and he chuckles, his warm breath tickling my skin.

  “Mmm. Lucky for you, there’s a doctor in your bed.”

  My heartbeat quickens and I wrap my legs around his waist before sliding my arms up and down his back. “It must be my lucky day. Doctor, do you think you can give me a checkup?” I ask timidly, giving him a look of innocence.

  “Oh, Ms.
Kane, I think you’re in dire need of one, and I’m your man.” His hands roam my body, and I have to suppress my laughter as he tests my reflexes on both my knees and my nipples. I’m all but ready to beg for him when he finally crawls back up on top of me, giving me a seriously look. “I think I’ve figured out what your problem is, and I know just how to fix it. All you need is a Wellington injection and you’ll be good as new.”

  His voice is husky as all thoughts of my headache vanish. Cohen slowly slides into me, and I sigh, having missed this. His chest is pressed against mine, his eyes boring down at me. Looking up into his gaze, I give him a grateful smile.

  “Oh, god, Doctor, I think you were right. This is just what I need. You are the perfect prescription,” I breathe, savoring the feel of him inside me. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  A smile forms on his face, and that dimple I love so much makes an appearance. In his eyes, I see love. I see my future. I see my forever.

  “I’ve missed you, Ruby. Three days, baby, and you’ll be Mrs. Wellington.”

  My hands curl around his neck as I pull him down to me. “It’s about damn time,” I whisper, and he laughs, because we both know that our timeline worked out exactly the way we wanted it to.

  As he continues to rock in and out of me, his lips crash down on mine, and in his kiss, I feel the promise of forever. It’s been a long journey, and while it hasn’t always been easy, we’ve stood by each other every step of the way. Three days from now, we’ll be Dr. and Mrs. Wellington, and the melody in our song will change in the most beautiful way. I know we’ll have our ups and downs, like any couple does, but at the end of the day, if our song’s still playing, that’s all that matters. And knowing Cohen, this is one song that will forever be on repeat, and I won’t mind one bit.

  The End

  A Sneak Peek at the Prologue of Conflagration

  Coming Late Fall 2014

  “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CAR!” I yell frantically, trying to pull the door handle, but failing miserably. As my fist pounds against the window, I can feel my heart beating wildly, thump, thump, thump, and I can hear the fire roaring in my ears. Her beautiful eyes are widened with terror as she tugs on her seatbelt, only to confirm that it won’t budge one single fucking centimeter. Pounding on the window, I’m screaming at her, begging her, pleading beyond reproach, but it’s as if she doesn’t hear me. Like she’s accepted her fate, that the flames will destroy her, and somehow she’s at peace with it and there's not a fucking thing I can do to save her.

  Turning to look at the wreckage around us, I know its only moments before the semi cab’s engine blows high into the sky. My brain is screaming at me to run away, to find safety, but then I look back into the car. Her hand presses against the glasses, her fingers spreading, and she looks at me, tears filling her eyes. I press my hand to the window, covering hers, and in that instant, the world around us stops. Our eyes lock, knowing we may be the last thing each other sees. I no longer feel the heat on my back, the flames on my face. All I see is her. All I feel is her. Something shifts, and I start pounding my fist against the glass, needing to get her out of there. Valuing her life over mine, which isn’t saying much. I watch as she leans into the passenger seat, and I finally break the fucking window, my fingers fumbling as I dive into the car, not minding the feel of glass stabbing my torso as I lean in.

  I try to unbuckle her seatbelt, but it’s no use. The fucking thing won’t budge, and I start to panic the moment I hear her sobbing.

  “Let me go. It’s no use. Get out of here before you’re burned to ashes, too,” she sobs. She refuses to look at me, and at that moment I realize, I’d give my life for her. It’s a surprising thought because I’ve always been a selfish asshole, but seeing her there, vulnerable and ready to give up for me, I realize that for once in my life, I can put someone else first. And I goddamn fucking will.

  Grabbing the multi-tool from my belt, I thank the lord my dad always made me carry one, even if it is more for cracking beer than tool use. I flip the knife out and make quick of cutting through the material. Once she’s released, she falls against my chest, and I sigh in deep relief. A loud pop interrupts the moment, and she wraps her arms around my neck. With as much care possible, I pull her through the broken window, wincing as every single inch of shattered glass pierces my skin.

  “Oh my god. You saved me,” she murmurs, and I watch as blood trickles down her forehead.

  “I’m no savior, baby. I usually destroy everything around me,” I admit, knowing she probably won’t remember this interaction.

  “That’s not true. You could’ve left me to die, and you didn’t. You came back for me. No one ever comes back for me,” she whispers, and I watch as she slowly falls into unconsciousness.

  Looking up, I’m straining to hear the distant sirens, begging beyond hope that help arrives in time. I’m standing in the middle of the road with a beautiful woman in my arms, and for once, I have no idea what to do. Before I can catch my bearings, I hear a high pitched hiss, and moments later my vision explodes in flashes of yellow, orange, red, and blue. Somehow I hold onto her tightly even as I’m thrown back. Settling in on the side of the road, I roll to my side with her still in my arms. Pain flows through me, but it’s her I’m concerned about. It’s her I want to be safe. Me? I could die right now and no one could care. But her? I’d never fucking forgive myself if I didn’t keep her safe.

  I feel the heat at my back, and I hold her tighter, my body cocooning hers to keep the flames at bay. Voices shout in the distance, but my vision turns blurry and no matter how hard I try to fight it, everything fades to black.

  What the Hell- Avril Lavigne

  Troublemaker- Olly Murs, Flo Rida

  People Equal Shit- Slipknot

  Turntable- Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

  Maybe- Sick Puppies

  Sweeter- Gavin DeGraw

  Sing- Ed Sheeran

  Best Thing- Steve Moakler

  Right Place, Right Time- Olly Murs

  One Minute Man- Missy Elliott

  Dirty Little Secret- The All-American Rejects

  Everything Has Changed- Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran

  So Contagious- Acceptance

  She Changes Your Mind- Copeland

  Still Into You- Paramore

  I'm Falling For You- Chester See

  Thanks for the Memories- Fall Out Boy

  I Knew I Loved You- Savage Garden

  Makin' Good Love- Avant

  All Night Long- LMFAO, Lisa

  Must Have Done Something Right- Relient K

  Sad Song- We the Kings, Elena Coats

  Your Song- Elton John

  I'm a twenty something book junkie who decided that there were too many stories in my head to keep to myself. It’s a crazy, busy life, and I love every single second of it.

  If I’m not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find me curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. I love my sports almost as much as I love my books. My other obsessions include red wine, hot men, country music, and all things Grace Potter.

  I LOVE to hear from readers, so please feel free to contact via any social media site listed below.









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