Blue on Blue
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The NYPD’s Chaplains Unit provides spiritual and emotional support to cops in times of need. Not only do they preside over religious services, they have become an integral part of all official ceremonies. Chief Chaplain Rabbi Dr. Alvin Kass and Deputy Chief Chaplain Monsignor Robert Romano lead an extraordinary group of clergy representing a most diverse religious group to minister to all members of the NYPD.
My heartfelt thanks and friendship go out to Sergeant Yalkin Demirkaya, whose computer wizardry made me look good on more than one occasion, and who urged me to write this book to tell the Internal Affairs Bureau’s story. Deep appreciation also to the late Lieutenant John Donnelly and to Sergeant Joe Clarino, who led Group 25; they were instrumental in fostering the trust we built with the federal law enforcement community. FBI Public Corruption Unit Supervisors Bob Hennigan and Rodney Miller developed a true partnership full of cooperation and mutual respect. Thanks also to Lieutenant Fuat Sarayli, a top financial investigator who made sure hidden assets didn’t stay that way.
The investigation of police corruption, serious misconduct, and brutality is just the beginning of the process. The development and prosecution of the case must be just as meticulous from start to finish. For that I want to thank the five independently elected district attorneys who during my time as IAB chief served the five boroughs of New York City, and some outstanding members of their staffs, including Brooklyn DA Charles “Joe” Hynes and his Chief of Civil Rights and Police Integrity, Charles Guria; Bronx DA Robert Johnson and his Rackets Bureau Chief, Tom Leahy; Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau, his Chief Assistant DA Dan Castleman, and his Public Corruption Unit Chief Bill Burmeister; Queens DA Judge Richard Brown, his Chief Assistant DA Jack Ryan, and his Integrity Bureau Chief Jim Liander; Staten Island DA (and now Congressman) Dan Donovan and his Investigations Bureau Chief (and now a Criminal Court judge) Mario Mattei. They were all true professionals and great partners.
On the federal level, I was proud to work closely with the top people in the field, including US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (and now United States Attorney General) Loretta Lynch; Eastern District of New York US Attorneys Zach Carter and Alan Vinegrad; and US Attorneys for the Southern District of New York Mary Jo White and Preet Bharara, and his Public Corruption Assistant US Attorney Andy Dember.
Corruption and misconduct in the New York City Police Department doesn’t stop at the city limits, so our relationship with law enforcement executives outside New York City was very important. For their unflagging cooperation I’d like to thank New York State Police Superintendent Jim McMahon and his Deputy Superintendent Jim Fitzgerald; Nassau County Police Commissioner Don Kane and Suffolk County Police Commissioner John Gallagher; Nassau County District Attorney (and now US Representative) Kathleen Rice; Suffolk County District Attorney Tom Spota; and Westchester County District Attorney (now TV’s “Judge Jeanine”) Jeanine Pirro.
My appreciation also to IAB Detectives Tom Janow, Dave Woody, and Bill Radford, statisticians and artists who quietly fostered success, and to Detectives Ed Kearney and Harry Schroeder, Community Affairs officers from the 83rd Precinct, who taught me and other kids from the old neighborhood many life lessons that we carried into adulthood. They were extraordinary role models, and we could use more like them today. Also Dr. Douglas Stafford, Long Island University, Brooklyn campus, professor, who taught us to observe, to think, to ask questions, and never to settle for less than what you were capable of achieving.
Thanks also to Mayor’s Commission to Combat Police Corruption Chairman Michael Armstrong and his Assistant Commissioners Kathy Chin, Vernon Broderick, Deborah Landis, Edgardo Ramos, and James Zirin. Their commitment to fighting corruption was a welcomed resource.
There are so many others, too numerous to count, who made my years in the New York City Police Department the adventure of a lifetime. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
And finally, to the people of the City of New York, my sincere thank-you for giving me the honor and the privilege to serve you for forty-one years.
CHARLES CAMPISI was Chief of the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau, the world’s largest police anticorruption unit, from 1996 to 2014, serving in that capacity longer than any other. In his tenure, Campisi oversaw thousands of internal investigations. At retirement, Campisi was considered a leading authority on police corruption and a key asset to the NYPD, where he supervised 750 investigators. He is known for the development of model strategies for investigating corruption, which have been successfully adopted by law enforcement agencies across the United States and abroad. Campisi holds a BA in psychology from Long Island University and an MA in criminal justice from CUNY’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Currently a senior VP at the private investigation firm Cyber Diligence, he also works part-time as the Nassau County Commissioner of Corrections. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Columbia University Police Management Institute, and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York.
GORDON DILLOW is a veteran book collaborator who has worked as a reporter and columnist for a number of newspapers, including the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, the Los Angeles Times, and the Orange County Register. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.
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