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Marley (Carnage #3)

Page 9

by Lesley Jones

  The label had sent Milo to be our minder and we were under strict instructions to stay out of trouble, which we managed to do. At least whilst in Australia and Asia, but then we got to the good ol’ US of A, and things went downhill rapidly.

  We arrived in April and played the East Coast first, then snaked our way across the country, playing inland and then back down to coastal towns.

  The crowds were insane and the after parties rocked. No offense to any American college girls reading this, but shit, ladies, you girls are just insatiable. I don’t know what happens to the females of America when they’re let loose at college, but let me tell you, they do not hold back. Every time we played at a venue where there was a big college nearby, we had the best of times. The amount of sex on offer was off the charts. Hell, even our tour bus driver was getting in on the action.

  The further West we travelled, the more the girls wanted to party with us and by party, I mean fuck with us, with each other, in front of us, whatever way there was to fuck, they wanted to try it and we were very willing to oblige. I mean, we were only too happy to represent our green and pleasant land, and that we did!

  We rolled into San Diego on a warm and sunny Thursday morning. We were due to be playing at Qualcomm Stadium both Friday and Saturday nights so we were booked into The Grant Hotel, in what we were told was Downtown San Diego.

  The hotel had been newly refurbed and felt like a palace after so many weeks on the tour bus. Maca and I shared a two bedroom suite, Tom and Billy, another.

  Jim hadn’t joined us yet in the US. She’d been with us through Asia and Australia, but was running our offices while Len joined us on tour, and quite frankly, he was a fucking nightmare to deal with when Jim wasn’t around. They were engaged now and planning on a big wedding in a couple of years’ time, when things would hopefully quiet down a bit for the band. They were good together, really good. Len was generally a nice bloke and a great manager, but he did tend to get a bit stressed about things, mainly mine and Maca’s antics when we weren’t performing. Well, it was just our serial fucking that pissed him off. He worried all the time about girls going to the press and selling their stories. We had so many talks about Carnage being a brand and we were ruining its reputation with our behaviour. We knew he was just doing his job, but at the end of the day, what was the point of being in one of the biggest bands in the world if we couldn’t behave like the rock stars we were? Me and Maca were busy building our reputations and the more we fucked, the more drink and drugs were involved in the wild parties we were either attending or throwing in each town we visited. The more people talked about us, the more the women wanted a piece of us. This was the last few months of my teens. I was living the dream and I had every intention of seeing them out with a bang ... several bangs, actually.

  We checked into our rooms, had a quick shower, and then headed off for a game of golf with Len and a couple of suits from our record label. We had slept on the bus as we travelled through the night and were feeling pretty fresh that morning. The label execs talked about how our plans would fit into there’s for the next two years, and where they thought changes could be made. We ate lunch with them at the courses club and talked more business. This side of things bored me senseless, so I left most of the talking to Len and a little to Maca. We signed a few T-shirts for them and a few for some blokes who’d just come off the course and had kids that were fans, but mainly we drank.

  We had a night off that night and we fully intended to enjoy the day and whatever the night would bring. As Milo drove me, Maca, and Len back to the hotel, Len began to lecture us.

  “I know you have a night off tonight, boys, but I think it’ll be best if you just stick around the hotel. You have a photo shoot and an interview to do at eleven tomorrow and you’ll need to be fresh for it.”

  I watched the traffic pass by from the back of the huge four-wheel drive SUV we were being driven in. I didn’t want to argue with my brother, but there was no way we were staying in tonight. I remained silent, expecting Maca to do the same, so I was surprised when I heard him ask, “Best for who, Len?”

  I looked over at my brother as he turned around in the passenger seat to face us in the back.

  “Do what?” He questioned.

  “Us staying in on our night off ... who will it be better for?” Maca expanded on his previous question.

  “I think it’ll be better for everyone, Maca. I’m not saying don’t kick back and enjoy a few drinks—”

  “Then what are you saying, Len?” He asked again, his tone sharp.

  “What’s your fucking problem, mate?” Len asked him. I remained silent, catching Milo’s eye in the rear view mirror. We both raised our eyebrows in surprise at Maca’s vehemence. I was usually the one who argued with Len. It was me and him that Milo, Maca, and the rest of the boys were constantly separating before we could do each other any real damage.

  “You’re my fucking problem, Len. Just coz Jim’s not here, don’t take your shitty attitude out on us.”

  “That’s fucking rich coming from you. George has been missing from your life for almost a year and you’ve never heard me complain about the shitty attitude you’ve had since then.”

  Maca kicks the back of Milo’s seat, once, twice, three times.

  “Stop the car. Stop the fucking car, I need to get away from this cunt.” Maca shouts.

  “Pull over,” I told Milo. “Nice one, dick head,” I said to my brother.

  Milo pulls over, double parking, causing drivers behind to pull around us. A few of them bibbed and I gave them the finger in return as I climbed out of the car after Mac.

  I followed him along the street for a little ways, pulling my cap down low so you couldn’t see my face. It was two in the afternoon and hot as fuck.

  “Slow the fuck down, Mac, I’m melting here.” He turned around, lifted up his sunglasses and looked at me. Before he could say anything, I jumped in. “Don’t frown at me with them big bushy eyebrows. You seriously need to get plucked or shaved, or whatever before the photoshoot tomorrow, dude.” His frown deepened.

  “Fuck off, Marls.” He looks over my shoulder and his frown became a smile I turned and followed his gaze to a bar across the street. “I need a drink.” Is all he said before making his way across the road.

  The place was busy for a weekday afternoon; a mixture of construction workers, blokes dressed for the beach, as well as a few girls in shorts and vests.

  We ordered a pitcher of beer and a couple of whiskey chasers from the pretty barmaid and sat ourselves at the bar, thankful that we hadn’t been asked for ID. This being twenty-one to drink nonsense had caused us issues since we’d been there and I blamed that law entirely on the reason why so many parties ended up back on the bus or in hotel rooms.

  After knocking back the whiskey, followed by two glasses of beer each, Maca finally spoke.

  “Your brother’s a dick.”

  “No,” I replied, “my brother’s a good bloke, but our manager is the dick.”

  “Either way.” He lets out a long sigh and rakes his hand through his hair. “She’s been out of my head. I’ve kept her out of my head for these last few weeks, at least, and then he has to go and say shit like that.”

  “I know, mate, it was wrong. He shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.”

  He poured us each another beer and held his fingers up at the barmaid that was watching us for a while, and asked her for two more whiskeys. She came over with a bottle and topped up our glasses.

  “You boys are asking for a headache in the morning if you keep going at this rate.” She said with a smile, looking between us.

  She was pretty, in an all-American kind of way; tall, blonde, tanned, with perfect teeth and clear blue eyes. My cock twitched and I smiled back at her.

  “Well, is there anything that you can suggest that’s gonna give us less of a headache and make us feel equally as good? Maybe something a little less legal?” I asked her.

  That wipes the smile
off her face and I watch her throat move as she swallows, hard. Bingo. Miss USA knew exactly what I was after and where I could get hold of it.

  We’d smoked a lot of weed and popped a few pills, even tried some LSD while we’d been on tour, but we’d stayed away from the marching powder. But right now, we needed a quick fix and couldn’t afford to be hungover in the morning, making cocaine the perfect drug of choice for the evening.

  “You guys cops?” she asked me outright.

  “No, love,” Maca said. “We’re tourists on holiday, over here from London, and we’ll make it worth your while for a few grams of good quality white stuff.” He made a point of being nonspecific about what we were after, just in case she did recognise us and went running to the papers.

  She flicked her hair over her shoulders and looked up and down the bar.

  “I get off in ten minutes. I’ll make some calls then, but it’ll cost ya.” She narrowed her blue eyes at us, probably trying to work out if we had money or not. We showered and changed after our game of golf and were both wearing cut off jean shorts, T-shirts, and flip flops.

  “Not a problem, love,” Maca told her. “We got a really good pound to dollar exchange rate, so we’re feeling flush.” He lifted his glasses up from the bar and winked at her as he spoke. I watched in silence as she visibly melted a little and then leaned across the bar towards us.

  “Flushed enough to share with me when I get off?” She asked quietly, while we both stared down her vest at her tits.

  “We’ll share with you, if you share with us?” Maca leaned forward and asked. She smiled her Hollywood smile and looked up at both of us through her lashes.

  “What would you like me to share?”

  “Yourself,” He said bluntly.

  “Well, I could, or I could call some friends up and we could all have a good time together.” She said, adding her own wink.

  I was suddenly very hot, and very hard. I took off my cap and ran my hand through my hair. It was either that, or I pulled out my dick and wanked myself off all over her face from across the bar, which I was pretty sure would’ve been an offence in America, and probably the rest of the world. So, I decided to keep my dick in my pants, at least for a little while longer.

  An hour later, we were the proud new owners of five grams of class A. We’d done two lines and played three games of pool, and we were flying high and feeling fine.

  Like I’d said before, don’t judge. It was the 80’s, and we were rock stars living the dream. Underage drinking and snorting coke was practically written into our job descriptions.


  The barmaid approached the table we were sitting at with two friends in tow—one blonde, one brunette. “Hey boys. I called up some friends. A few more are on their way.”

  Being the perfect pair of shit-faced English gentlemen that we were, we both stood up. “Ladies,” Maca bowed slightly for affect.

  “Holy fucking shit,” the brunette yells. “It’s you! I’m, I-I mean, you’re them.” she continues to stutter.

  Keen to shut her down and not draw attention, I stepped in. “Indeed, we are them, ladies, but we’d like to keep that between us, if you don’t mind.”

  “Who are you?” The barmaid asked.

  “That’s Marley Layton and Sean McCarthy from Carnage,” the blonde that had just arrived said with a smile.

  “Shit, I knew I recognized you from somewhere. I can’t believe I asked if you were cops.” She laughed.

  “Neither could we,” Maca told her.

  “So, what are your names, ladies?” I asked.

  “I’m Cindy,” said the barmaid.

  “Of course you are,” I replied, “And I bet you two are Tressy and Barbie.” They all look at each other, confused. “If I press your belly button, does your hair get longer?” I asked the brunette.

  “Dude, how high are you?” Maca asked from beside me, but the girls start to laugh as the penny dropped.

  “Barbie, Cindy, and Tressy are all dolls.” The brunette explained to Maca.

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Maca gave me a confused look.

  “Because my sister had one of each when she was a kid.”


  He let out a breath as if he’d been punched. Fuck, why did I mention my sister?

  “And my eagle-eyed action man used to kidnap them on a regular basis, making them strip off and shag him before he would let them go.” I add for the sake of some humour.

  “You’re sick,” said Cindy.

  “Actually, I’m Marley, and that’s Maca. You’re Cindy and you two lovely ladies are...?”

  “I’m Mel,” said the brunette.

  “And I’m Dawn,” said the blonde that wasn’t the barmaid.

  They were both pretty—not as pretty as Cindy—but good looking enough. Mel was short and curvy with dark hair, skin and eyes. Dawn was tall and slim with broad, athletic shoulders—a swimmer if I’d had to guess. She had zero curves and not really my type, but right then, sex was sex.

  “So, ladies, how’d you fancy coming back to our hotel for a few drinks?” I asked them with a smile.

  After waiting around for three more of Cindy’s friends to arrive, we made it back to our room in two taxis. Word must’ve gotten out on where in town we were staying, and there were a few fans and a couple of photographers waiting outside. For some reason, Maca decided to put on a show for the snappers and posed with his arms draped around two of the girls.

  After signing some autographs, I eventually dragged him inside and up to our room, where we found Milo sitting on a chair outside.

  “What the fuck you doing here?” I asked.

  “Len’s orders,” he grunted, obviously not happy. Milo was big, and I mean a huge bloke. There was no way that his arse could be comfortable on that chair he was sitting on.

  “What exactly were Len’s orders?” Maca jumped in.

  “That you two go to your room, alone, and don’t slip back out later tonight.” I looked across to Maca and we both started to laugh.

  “Tell Len to either come join the party, or go fuck himself.” Maca told him as I let all eight of us into the room.

  “You coming in, fat boy?” I asked Milo.

  “I’ll give you fat boy, you little prick. Fat or not, I’ll put you on your skinny white arse.”

  I shook my head. “You’ve gotta catch me first,” I said with a smile and slammed the door shut in his face.

  He knew I don’t mean it. It was the usual banter that went on between the two of us. I was fully aware of the fact that Milo Williams could probably kill me with one hand tied behind his back.

  Maca was on the phone when I turned around, ordering up room service and less than five minutes later, two bottles each of Dom Pérignon, Smirnoff Vodka, and Jack Daniels bourbon arrive.

  Maca pressed play on the music system and Run DMC and Aerosmith’s ‘Walk This Way,’ blasted out and the party got started. Alcohol was consumed, coke was lined up on the coffee table and snorted, weed was smoked, and less than an hour later, I had my fingers inside one girl, while another rode my face, and a third sucked on my dick. After pulling my fingers out of Cindy, I lifted the girl off my face by her hips and looked around the room. Despite having two bedrooms, we’d all ended up spread over the two Queen beds in my room.

  Maca was flat on his back, two girls kissing his mouth and stroking his cock simultaneously, as a third girl sucked on his balls. I sat back against the padded headboard and lit a joint.

  “You girls ever fuck each other?” I asked Cindy.

  “All the time,” she said with a lazy smile. She was lying next to a girl named Lori at the end of my bed. Without taking her eyes off me, she pulled Lori in for a kiss. Mel moved from beside me and crawled between Cindy’s legs. I watched as Lori straddled her face and Cindy’s arm snaked around her as she slid two fingers inside her arse.

  “Mac! Maca, you seeing this.” He sat up and blinked a few times before looking at me with a smile.
  “Fuck,” he said with a laugh.

  Without interrupting the rhythm Mel had got going with her tongue and her finger inside Cindy, I pulled her hips up in the air towards me and opened her legs. She was wide open, wet, and glistening. I needed to fuck her. Before I can move and get into position behind her, she stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder at me, shaking her head.

  “No, I want you both at the same time.” My eyes darted to Maca who was still watching. He nodded his head ... of course he would.

  Van Halen was asking ‘Why Can’t This Be Love’ from the other room and I smiled, thinking to myself that the world would be a much happier place if the rest of the world took a few drugs, had some good sex, and just chilled the fuck out.

  Maybe that’s what Len needed in his life.

  “Come over here, sweetheart.” Maca said, holding his hand out to Mel.

  “Ladies, you wanna go join the party on that bed for a while.” It wasn’t a request, and the three girls, whose names I didn’t know, that were all over him a minute ago, stood and made their way to my bed as I took Mel by the hand and walked over to where Maca was lying flat on his back, waiting, stark bollock naked with his dick hard on the other bed.

  “You done this before?” he asked Mel. She shook her head no.

  “Me and Cindy with other guys, but never me with two guys. I want to though.”

  “You got lube?” He asked. She shook her head no again, and his eyes turned to me. I shrugged my shoulders and headed into the bathroom. The only thing I could find that might be useful was the complimentary hand cream. I headed back out to the bedroom where Mel was sliding a condom onto Maca, who was now sitting back against the headboard. I threw him the hand cream and he laughed.

  “I’m improvising,” I told him as I climbed onto the bed.

  Mel tore open a condom wrapper and slid it over my rock hard dick as I watched.

  “Turn around.” Maca ordered her. “Get on all fours, face the end of the bed and open your legs so that you’re straddling both of us.” She did as she was told, putting her in a position that meant she was wide open to both of us.


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