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The Dragon's Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 6)

Page 5

by Jessie Donovan

  At that moment, Kiyana stepped from the adjacent dining room into the kitchen. "Just drop it, Meg. He's hurting, and shouldn't be pushed."

  He frowned. "What the bloody hell is going on? Why is Kiyana here?" He pierced his mother with a glare. "Start talking, Mum, or I swear I won't come over for dinner again until I'm forced."

  Once his anger cleared, Alistair would realize he couldn't follow through with his threat. But for now, it made the most sense. It might also help his case.

  And so, as he looked between Kiyana and Meg, he waited for some fucking answers.


  Kiyana hadn't meant to eavesdrop. Meg had asked her to wait in the small office they'd been inside earlier, one that was apparently soundproofed.

  But as she stared at the walls with exactly three pictures and tried her best not to look at the time every three seconds, she'd grown anxious.

  After all, she was someone who, once they made a decision, tried their hardest to make it a reality as soon as possible.

  Waiting wasn't her style.

  So she'd started with cracking the door open. She heard two voices, and wondered if it was Alistair or one of his brothers conversing with Meg.

  Then the male voice had grown louder, clearly upset. Slowly, she'd inched out of the room until she'd been standing in the dining room, rooted to the spot as she listened to Meg and Alistair's heated conversation.

  It became apparent rather quickly that Meg had either misjudged Alistair or had used the wrong tactics to bring up the agreement.

  Regardless, it was enough for Kiyana to step into the kitchen and end the madness. She'd meant it earlier, about not forcing Alistair. Whatever heat he'd displayed before had been split-second lust, and nothing more.

  She'd let her girlhood fantasies cloud her better judgment earlier. She'd be careful not to let it happen again.

  So when Alistair asked what was going on, Kiyana somehow managed to speak before Meg could. "I'm here because your mother asked me to be here. She made a proposition earlier, one that tugged on a dream of mine, which then made me hasty. But don't worry, I see now you have no interest in me or any other woman, and so I'll back away."

  Alistair frowned. "Interest in you?" He looked at Meg and back to her. "Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?"

  Meg beat her to the punch. "Kiyana and I had a lovely chat earlier, one concerning you. She was all set to be your pretend mate-to-be, but you've ruined that now. If I didn't love you so much, I'd wash my hands of you, Alistair."

  Alistair's mismatched eyes bored into hers, and she did her best not to step back. Alistair may be a teacher, but he was still a dragon-shifter, which meant he was part animal. His steely voice bit out, "What. Is. She. Talking. About?"

  Used to the fierceness of his gaze, she raised her chin a fraction and never looked away. "It seems your mother has an eye for legal contracts and noticed a loophole inside the DDA's terms when it came to mine. I won't tell you how she knows about my contract as that's something you'll have to ask her. But just know that she's correct in that if I am engaged to a dragon-shifter, I can keep my job and be with them, at least until I marry—mate—the dragon-shifter. Even if you didn't want me physically, the situation would give us a chance to share information. I also thought it'd help keep your mum off your back."

  "Och, now wait—"

  Kiyana ignored Meg. "But I said I wouldn't force you, or trick you, and so I rescind my offer. Unless there's anything else you need to know, I should be going."

  Alistair stepped closer, until he was near enough she could feel the heat from his body. Even with his flashing pupils, Kiyana didn't look away. Correction, she couldn't look away. Alistair's eyes were full of anger, yes, but heat, confusion, and something she couldn't define.

  Maybe her initial gut feeling had been right.

  He murmured, "You're not going anywhere until we talk more about this."

  "About what? Your mother made an offer, one that I should've dismissed immediately but didn't. I heard your protests and decided to call it off. There's really nothing more to discuss."

  Leaning another inch closer, Alistair said, "There is much to talk about. Just not in front of my mother." He moved away and looked at his mum. "You and I will revisit this later. But right now, Kiyana and I need to talk."

  "About what?" Kiyana asked.

  He put out his hand, palm up, and waited. "Not here."

  She raised an eyebrow. "While I appreciate you trying to be nice and not just grab my hand, I can easily walk out that door and ignore you."

  "You don't want to do that."

  His voice wasn't threatening, but rather…husky.

  Kiyana resisted a shiver and made her brain work. Maybe Alistair had changed his mind, but did she still want the ridiculous situation proposed by his mother?

  The responsible thing to do was to walk away and pretend the day had never happened.

  And yet, as she watched Alistair's pupils flash between slits and round, she burned to know what he was thinking.

  The instant she placed her hand in his, Alistair tightened his grip and guided her down the hall. He threw over his shoulder, "See you later, Mum."

  They hit the cool evening air, but she barely noticed. Every inch of skin that touched Alistair's sizzled, the electricity moving through the rest of her body.

  And all she did was hold hands. If he kissed her, she might explode.

  No, Kiyana. Focus.

  The short trip from Meg's house to another cottage she assumed was Alistair's took less than five minutes. She used the time as best she could to think with only her brain and not also her lady parts. Whatever Alistair needed to discuss, it had to be done rationally. No more allowing her childhood dreams to make everything appear rosier than it really was.

  And definitely she couldn't allow her hormones to get the best of her, either.

  Kiyana thought she'd gotten herself under control. At least until Alistair pulled her inside the house, shut the door, and caged her body with his arms. While they weren't touching, she could feel his heat surrounding her. Her heart rate kicked up as her body temperatures rose.

  Crazy as it sounded, time slowed as they stared at one another, too.

  When Alistair finally spoke, his breath danced across her lips, stoking the fire inside her even hotter. "Now, lass, I think it's time for you to be honest and straightforward with me."

  "About what?"

  His eyes dropped to her lips. "Were you really going to be my fake mate-to-be?"

  She swallowed. Her lips tingled as she replied, "Yes. But as I mentioned, I've called it off. I won't force it."

  Alistair met her gaze again, and his pupils flashed more rapidly than before. "What if I want it?"


  He moved his face another inch closer. "I've tried my best to ignore you, Kiyana. Even though you're the most bloody beautiful woman I've ever seen, not to mention smart and with enough backbone to even stand up to the likes of my mother, I didn't want to ruin your career. That gave me the perfect excuse to throw up a wall between us. But now? Now that I know there's a way for you to be mine and keep your job? I'm not sure I can forget that, lass." His gaze dropped back to her lips. "And I very much want to kiss you."

  If she had any ounce of reason left in her brain, she'd tell him to let her go.

  However, with his body so close and his scent overwhelming her, not to mention the want in his eyes, there was no way Kiyana could say no. She may be a strong woman, but not that strong.

  Especially when it was something she wanted more than she'd wanted anything in a long while.

  So she tipped her lips up toward his and whispered, "Then do it."

  Without missing a beat, Alistair closed the distance between them and kissed her.


  Alistair's dragon may have been badgering him about kissing Kiyana, but he was honest enough to admit he wanted her. More than he'd originally thought, especially when the human had threatened to le
ave his mother's house without another word.

  But now she stood in front of him, her body a few inches from his, inside his cottage.

  The air was electric, and one touch would probably start a fire. One that would have long-term consequences.

  Rational Alistair should realize that, step back, and create a plan.

  However, his beast growled, No, don't you fucking walk away. She's here and she wants us. Kiss her. Now.

  He should demand more answers. Hell, Alistair always asked for more information.

  There was also something in the back of his mind, a reason he shouldn't kiss her. Something to do with no sex.

  However, Kiyana's scent was a drug, one he wasn't sure he could fight against.

  So when she tipped her luscious lips up and told him to kiss her, Alistair didn't fight it.

  The instant his lips touched hers, an overwhelming want coursed through his body. One he'd never felt before, one he wasn't sure he could fight.

  Kiyana opened her mouth and he explored every inch of her delicious heat with his tongue, needing to learn every bit of it, wanting her to remember his taste forever.

  Pulling her up against him, he groaned at her breasts pressing against his chest. He snaked a hand to her lovely arse and rocked her lower body against his.

  He hissed at the friction against his cock at the same time his dragon roared, More, more, I need more. Kiss her, fuck her, claim her over and over again.

  Kiyana moaned, and his need intensified. Fuck, if he wasn't inside her soon, he'd die.

  And in that moment, Alistair's brain put it all together. She's our true mate.

  Yes. So kiss her, fuck her, claim her. She is meant to be ours, forever.

  His inner beast pushed for him to strip her and thrust between her thighs, but somehow Alistair drew on every iota of strength he possessed to break the kiss and release Kiyana.

  His dragon roared, and Alistair tried his best to construct a mental prison. It wouldn't hold long, but maybe long enough for Kiyana to run.

  Not just to save herself, but to help Alistair from betraying everything he believed. A kiss might have been okay, but sex wasn't. And once his dragon got out, there'd be a mate-claim frenzy, which would be nonstop sex until Kiyana carried his child.

  He was an idiot for even kissing her in the first place.

  Gritting his teeth, he ordered, "Get out."

  Kiyana, his lovely human, didn't budge but frowned. "What? Why? You were clearly into me two seconds ago."

  His beast pounded harder. In a few minutes, he might not be able to control his dragon until Kiyana was pregnant.

  He retreated further, until his back hit the wall. "You know dragon-shifters. If you don't leave, my dragon will take control and I can't stop him. Not until you're pregnant."

  Her eyes widened. "Wait, I'm your true mate?"

  Roaring louder, his dragon launched against the sides of the mental prison. It wouldn't be long now.

  Alistair nodded. "Now, go. Find Finn, explain it, and stay away from me."

  She paused for a few seconds, each one giving his dragon more chances to break free. He ordered, "Leave. Now."

  She responded quietly, "What if I said yes to it all?"

  His dragon tried harder to escape, clawing at the prison, his lust and need seeping through. "No, I can't…please don't make me."

  He swore pain flashed in her eyes, but it was gone before he could blink.

  He'd hurt her. Bloody hell, he'd hurt her. "It's not what you think…"

  "No, don't explain. That just makes it worse." She finally went to the front door. "I'll find Finn and leave you be."

  Within seconds, he was alone. Alistair raced to his bedroom, typed out a quick text message to the clan's doctor, and curled into a ball on the floor. He didn't know how long he could hold off his dragon, but he hoped it was long enough.

  Otherwise, he'd probably break the vow he'd made to himself concerning Rachel, and that was one thing he could never do.

  Chapter Five

  Kiyana didn't cry often. But as she half ran, half stumbled to Finn's house, tears prickled her eyes.

  Being rejected was never easy, but it was infinitely worse when Kiyana turned out to be someone's true mate—one determined by fate to be a good fit—and he still didn't want her.

  Stop it, Kiyana. You know he didn't want a mate. That's nothing new.

  If only the words would stick. Yet as she remembered Alistair's tongue stroking hers as he rocked her against his hard cock, it just didn't make sense. There had to be a reason for his rejection. There had to be.

  And if she could figure it out, it might help the sting and ease her pain a little.

  She finally reached Finn's cottage, the light in the front windows a good sign. Normally she'd take more care about noise since Finn and his mate had young children. But Kiyana was in no state to remember niceties, and pounded on the door with everything she had.

  Finn opened the door with a frown. It instantly vanished when he saw her face. "Kiyana, lass, what's wrong?"

  Since she'd ran the entire way and wasn't a runner in any way, shape, or form, she took a second to catch her breath before answering, "It's Alistair." A few more breaths. "He kissed me…true mate…doesn't want me."

  Arabella appeared behind Finn, pushed him to the side, and took her hand. "Come in, Kiyana. Sit down and tell us what happened."

  Kiyana didn't budge. She'd caught her breath enough to not have to gasp out words any more. "No, I can't. He told me to tell Finn. I think he needs help."

  Finn and Arabella shared a looked before Finn met Kiyana's gaze again. "You come in and sit with Ara. I'll see to Alistair myself."

  Arabella had managed to get her inside the cottage before Finn turned around and asked her point blank, "Did you want him?"

  Tears threatened to fall again, but she held them back. She couldn't form the words, but merely nodded.

  Finn grunted, looked at Arabella, and left.

  Then Arabella looked at her with sympathetic eyes, and Kiyana couldn't keep it together. Tears tumbled down her cheeks and she lost all semblance of reason.

  She had zero claim to Alistair Boyd, but it hurt. Damn it, it still hurt.


  Alistair had resorted to curling on the ground with his eyes closed, trying to keep control of his body. No matter how often he tried to patch up his mental prison, it wasn't long before his dragon burst free.

  Where is she? She is ours. I need to claim her. Over and over. Until she carries our young.

  No. She is gone.

  His dragon roared. Then I will take control. I will find her. She wants us, and I will claim her.

  No. I can't.

  His beast hissed. Your stupid vow. You've wasted three years of our life on that vow. You brought this on yourself, denying me. Now, I will take charge of our life. Kiyana should be ours, wants to be ours, and I will claim her.

  His dragon tried to wrestle control of their mind, using every mental trick of force he could manage. The beast tried to expand his presence until Alistair would be trapped in a corner, but Alistair fought back.

  Then his dragon roared on and on, trying to exhaust the human half who couldn't take such noise for long periods.

  Alistair hummed to help block it out.

  And so the battle continued until something pricked his arm. He opened his eyes to find Dr. Layla MacFie standing over him, a needle in her hand.

  His dragon's voice grew weaker. No, no, no. Don't silence me. Kiyana is what we need. She should be our future. Don't lose someone else. The dragon's voice was barely a whisper. Don't let the past haunt you forever.

  His mind fell blissfully quiet, and Alistair moved to slump against the wall. Layla's voice filled the room. "Your dragon will be silent for a few days, at most. Care to tell me what the bloody hell is going on?"

  Finn's voice came from the doorway. "I'd like to know that, too. Especially since Kiyana showed upon my doorstep nearly in tears. What the fuc
k did you do, Alistair? Leading on a female isn't your style, so you'd better start talking."

  Too exhausted to do anything but lean against the wall, Alistair remained on the floor.

  Even without his dragon roaring and battling him every turn, it was difficult to make his brain work. It was probably more a result of exhaustion than the drugs Layla had used.

  Finn squatted next to him, his voice full of steel. "If you kissed her, you were interested. And she admitted she was, too. So why the fuck did you send her away in tears? And none of the secretive bullshit you've been spouting for years now, either. It wasn't a top clan priority, so I let it lie. However, it's a priority now. Why did you turn away Kiyana Barnes?"

  He'd kept his secret for years. Kept it from everyone he knew, hoping he could be the male Rachel had needed to fulfill a vow.

  And here he was, years later, still no closer to the truth. His clan leader was furious, he'd hurt the one female he'd actually wanted for the first time in years, and he'd pissed off his dragon.

  All for the sake of his vow.

  Maybe, just maybe, it was time to ask for help.

  Finn had been one of his best friends, years ago. Things had happened, their paths had diverged, but maybe he was the friend he needed again. And so he replied, "I made a vow three years ago that I wouldn't have sex until I found the answers I needed. Sex with Kiyana would've smashed that promise, destroying the male I've become. I couldn't do it, Finn. I just couldn't do it."

  Finn's gaze never wavered from his. "What vow, Alistair? Maybe I can help."

  No matter if Finn was clan leader now, he was the same male from before. One who would help Alistair without hesitation.

  Normally his dragon would urge him to share the truth. But this time, Alistair made the decision on his own. "Just over three years ago, my girlfriend—a dragon-shifter named Rachel—died of some sort of inner dragon disease." Layla opened her mouth, but Alistair shook his head. "I won't go into the specifics right now. However, there was talk of a possible cure in the Amazon Rainforest. But no matter what I did, I could never reach the clans living in and around there. The lack of communication lines became obvious, and Rachel slowly wasted away until she died."


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