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One Night With the Billionaire

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by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-373-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: JC Chute


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Don't be afraid to do all the naughty, dirty things you imagine.


  The Billionaires, 1

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Saturday evening

  Linden Jacobson stood under the awning as the rain pelted above her. Her taxi had since left, and here she stood, alone. Over and over she asked herself why she agreed to come, and found herself with the same answer: this is what she had wanted from the beginning. This was one night, just one, with the wealthiest man in the country.

  When Luca Harlow had approached her with the proposition just a week ago, she had thought it some kind of joke. True, she had pined over her boss since she started working for him two years ago, but she knew every other female that worked there hadn’t hidden their desire for him. So why had he picked her?

  The NDA contract she’d signed made it perfectly clear she was to speak of this night to no one. Although she had no intentions of doing such a thing, she had been stunned at the pains he had taken to ensure this stayed amongst a select few.

  During the week before her arrival at his estate, hidden high in the Colorado Mountains, she wondered how many other women he had brought to this home. Had they stood where she was, staring at the massive double doors, feeling like their hearts would explode right from their chests? Linden wasn’t a virgin, but she also wasn’t a woman that was accustomed to the things Luca wanted to do to her. Whips, restraints, and a whole slew of other activities she had only seen in movies awaited her for this one night. So, here she stood again, asking herself that same question. Why in the hell did you agree to spend the night with him?

  Luca hadn’t made it a secret that pain would be part of their evening, and although Linden had never experienced BDSM, she knew enough about it to be nervous and a bit frightened. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and took a tentative step forward.

  Luca Harlow, quite possibly the most powerful man in the country, if not the world, wanted to spend one night making her submit to him. For two years, Linden had dreamt of being between Luca’s sheets, but what she was about to do hadn’t factored into that equation. Hell, she was surprised he even knew her name. True, she worked for him, but she worked behind the scenes, and therefore had only seen him from afar. Luca, in his hand-tailored power suits, had probably only spoken to her on three different occasions. And yet, he had asked her to be his for the night.

  She took another step, and another, until she was standing right in front of those double doors, fear and anticipation coursing through her bloodstream at the same time. She set her suitcase down and lifted her hand to grip the knocker. Residual rain slowly slid down her arms and the ends of her hair. A shiver skated through her. It was the beginning of fall, and a chilled wind swept by. Linden took a deep, calming breath and gripped the knocker.

  One. Two. Three. On the last knock she dropped her hand and took a step back. After a long, grueling minute, the door finally opened. Her breath halted as she stared at Luca on the other side. He wasn’t wearing one of his trademark power suits. Instead, he had on a pair of loose-fitting slacks and a dark argyle sweater. He appeared almost…normal. Oh, he still had that dominating air about him, but his dark hair wasn’t swept back and his expression was more relaxed. Is this how he looked when not at the office? Damn, he was good looking at work, but here, now, he was like one of those Greek gods chiseled out of marble.

  He smiled, not a full one, but a little tilt at the corner of his mouth that had her heart beating faster. She licked her lips, the sudden arousal that pulsed between the two of them tangible. She felt like a gawker, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop looking. From the top of his stylishly disheveled hair to his broad shoulders, narrow hips, and muscular thighs, Luca Harlow looked like he could hold his own, in bed and out.

  Stop it.

  “Right on time. I like that.” His voice, deep and husky, had Linden picturing all sorts of wicked things. He stepped aside and let her pass.

  Oh, God.

  She grabbed her suitcase and went into the lion’s den.

  Chapter Two

  Linden heard the door shut behind her, but didn’t turn around. His house, mansion, was gorgeous and huge. Just like its owner. Marble and dark maple surrounded her. The ceiling was cathedral high, and the crystal chandelier that rose above her glistened with the light of a thousand little diamonds. All these extravagant items seemed almost out of place in the Colorado Rockies, but then again, Luca was known for his taste in finer things.

  Her bag left her hand and she turned around quickly.

  “Let me show you where we will be sleeping.”

  The way he said we sent a shiver up her spine. Why she even bothered bringing anything was beyond her. It wasn’t like much sleeping would be happening, anyway.

  Luca started for the wide staircase and she followed numbly. With each step, she felt ever more unsure of her decision. She could still see the confrontation she’d had with him just seven days ago.

  The copy machine droned on in the background as she placed the hundredth sheet of paper in the contraption. It was well past eight in the evening and all the sane people had left for the night. Just one more copy, and I’ll call it a night. She scooped up the stack of papers and turned back toward her desk, but she didn’t make it one step. Standing before her, hidden partially in the shadowed corridor, was her boss and the most intimidating man she knew, Luca Harlow. When he didn’t move, Linden walked forward until she stood before him. She would not show him the effect he had on her.

  His hard, wide chest stood in front of her like a mountain. She craned her neck back and stared into cool blue eyes. She had known the color of his eyes, but never had she been this close as to actually see the depth of them. They looked hard and unyielding, and beneath that she could see a strength and dominance that had her flesh tingling with awareness.

  "I'm sorry, you startled me. I thought I was the only one still here." When he didn't respond right away she felt her cheeks heat with awkwardness. He didn't move. Hell, she didn't even think he breathed as his eyes stayed connected with hers. The smell of him was intoxicating, and she had to swallow down the small noise of pleasure that threatened to escape. With each passing second she realized the situation was growing increasingly uncomfortable. Why wasn't he saying anything? Why was he just staring at her?

  "I'd like to speak to you in my office, please." He turned around and left her standing there with her mouth hanging open.

  Why in the hell would he want to see her in his office after hours? Very inappropriate things popped into her mind, ones that included being bent over his desk while he peeled up her skirt. She shook her head and pushed the thoughts away.

  She numbly followed him into his office and stood there while he moved around his desk and sat in the large leather chair. It was like a throne for a king, considering how big it was. A stack of papers was spread before him a
nd he placed his hands on top of them, watching her.

  "You're probably wondering why I've called you in here, especially at this hour."

  She nodded because she knew if she tried to talk she’d just make a fool out of herself.

  "Have a seat, Miss Jacobson."

  She made her way to the plush in front of his desk and sat down, knowing that whatever he had to say couldn't be good. She thought back and tried to recall if she had done something wrong that would warrant his attention.

  It wasn’t like she had access to important documents or cases that might end up jeopardizing his reputation. Nothing came to mind.

  They sat in silence for so long that she found herself shifting in her seat as sweat started to form between her breasts. "You haven't done anything wrong." The way he said her name, so sensual, so erotic, had her forcing her thighs to squeeze together because everything in her nether regions was tingling something fierce.

  Oh God, he knew her name. She shouldn't be surprised since this was his company and it was his business to know who worked for him, but just hearing her first name fall from his lips was enough to give her an auditory orgasm. Hell, she had it bad for a man that didn’t even spare her a passing glance, well, until now. She gripped the papers in her hands and heard them crinkle under the abuse.

  “I’ve called you in here because I have a proposition for you.” He spoke, his voice cool and calm, then leaned back in his seat, seemingly waiting for her reply.

  “A proposition?” Why the hell would he choose her? She didn’t have a fancy degree like half the people in this office, so why was he asking her this here, now, after hours?

  “Yes, a proposition.” A ghost of a smile filtered across his lips. “I’ve been watching you for a very long time.”

  Her heart rate increased at his words. He had been watching her? Why? “I don’t understand. You’ve been watching me and have a proposition for me?”

  He didn’t respond right away and the way he watched her made her feel like a tiny mouse in a forest full of owls. That hint of a smile filtered back across his mouth.

  “I want you to be my submissive for one night.”

  Chapter Three

  Linden shook her head to clear it and continued to follow him up the stairs. That night, when he asked her to submit to him, she had been dumbstruck. The first thing that had come into her head was why he had chosen her. Hell, the majority of the women that worked for him could have been supermodels. She even thought he had slept with quite a few of them, despite his own company policies that there was no fraternization between employees. She surmised those rules didn’t apply to the owner of the billion-dollar corporation.

  She wasn’t so insecure as to think no one would want her, but she wasn’t blind either. This man, an Adonis that graced the covers of Fortune 500, GQ, and a dozen other magazines, that had a woman on each arm and was wealthy beyond belief, had picked her.

  When they reached the top landing Luca led her down the long hallway until he finally stopped in front of the last door on the right. The wood was intricately ornate, with two large mother-of-pearl handles that seemed to shine like diamonds in the dimly lit hallway. She swallowed when he opened the door and waited for her to enter. The only thing she could see was darkness, but a moment later a light came on and illuminated the room. She couldn't help when her mouth dropped opened at the sight. Everything she had seen thus far spoke of aristocracy and wealth, and this room was no different. It was a room fit for a queen, or a king in Luca's case.

  "This is where you can keep your belongings. There is a washroom to your right where you can clean up before dinner, which will be served in thirty minutes." He stood there for a moment, just staring at her.

  What was she supposed to say? Instead of opening her mouth and saying something that would have made her look like a fool, she simply nodded. Luca left a moment later and she was left standing there alone. She set her bag down and looked around the room. She took a seat on the edge of the bed and looked down at her hands, which she was wringing together nervously. I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into. She really did. The Non-Disclosure Agreement she signed had basically said she had to keep her mouth shut regarding anything that happened tonight, which was still somewhat a mystery to her. Oh, Luca had warned her that his taste leaned toward the dominant side, and Linden was no fool as to what that meant. Whether she would be tied up, spanked, or blindfolded tonight was still a mystery to her, but isn’t this what she had wanted? To be in Luca’s bed? She had come here of her own free will, agreeing to submit to him in any way he saw fit. He had simply proposed a night of mutual pleasure, a night where she would surrender her mind and body to him in a safe and controlled environment. Sure, there were questions, but he had assured all of those would be answered later on. She didn’t want to be in the dark when it came to what would happen to her.

  She hadn’t outright asked him why he chose her, because frankly she didn’t know if she wanted to hear his answer.

  Grabbing her bag from beside her feet, she set it on the bed. Should I change? Whereas he had been dressed in sophisticated clothing, Linden had on a pair of worn jeans and a plain tee. It was nothing fancy, but she assumed she wouldn't be wearing much while she was in his company, so what had been the point of dressing up?

  An armoire sat across from her and she walked over to it and ran her fingers across the smooth glossy finish. Gripping the handles, she pulled it open. His clothes hung in color order, of course. Linden ran her hands over the expensive material, the smell of his cologne invading her senses and causing her eyes to momentarily close. Was she a fool getting aroused over a scent? Well, if she was, the hell with it. She shut the cabinet and turned around to take in the rest of the spacious room. A fireplace was across from the bed, as well as a built-in closet, a big screen TV with lush looking couches around it, and French doors that led out to a balcony. This certainly was a lavish room, but for some reason she couldn’t picture Luca spending his nights here. Her thoughts were pointless. What difference did it make, anyway? She wasn’t here to wonder where he slept. She was here to finally give herself over to Luca.

  A small voice inside of her whispered that she should feel cheap for doing this. True, he wasn’t offering her money, but she was basically having a one-night stand, which was something she had never even dreamed of doing before. Was she so desperate to sleep with her boss that she would throw her morals out the window?

  Yes and no. There was a part of her, a dark and foreign part that had lusted after him for so long. Why couldn’t she have him? She may not be as beautiful as the women she had seen him with, but she was no less a woman.

  Feeling resolve for her decision, she grabbed her toiletry bag and headed into the washroom. If she only had one night with him, she would make him wish there were more to follow.

  Chapter Four

  Linden made her way down the long hallway and stopped when she reached the top of the stairs. The only sound that seemed to penetrate the vastness around her was the ticking of the grandfather clock in the foyer. It sounded ominous and dark, like it was ticking down the seconds, minutes, and hours until she submitted to the devil himself.

  Luca stood at the bottom of the stairs. As if he sensed her presence, he glanced up. The picture of him waiting for her reminded her of the scene out of Titanic. An idle smile lifted her lips at the thought. His expression was stone hard, and she wondered if she would ever be able to see a crack in that impermeable demeanor. He always seemed so stoic and all-powerful. Is that how he would be in the bedroom? She sure as hell would find out.

  Of course he was dressed elegantly for dinner, and Linden felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment over her lack of attire. She didn’t wear jewels or expensive fabric. Her light yellow chiffon dress was as elegant as it came, in her closet.

  She descended the stairs, praying she didn’t trip over her own feet. When she reached the bottom she took a deep, calming breath. Luca didn’t say anything, but
she didn’t miss how he dipped his gaze down her body and then back to her eyes. Was that a hint of desire she saw beneath the cool irises? Her whole body heated at the thought. He held his arm out and she slipped hers into the crook of his elbow. He led them into a vast dining room where a feast fit for a football team was laid out. Like the gentleman he was, he held her seat out for her and then took his.

  Her heart thundered behind her ribs as she stared down at her plate. She was too nervous to eat, despite the fact she was starving. The ride to his estate had taken a few hours, and even now, with her stomach growling, she didn’t think she’d be able to eat a thing. The table was as long as it was wide and she felt isolated sitting so far from another person. She spied a glass of wine in front of her and slipped her fingers around the stem. Maybe some alcohol would help in loosening her up? A little liquid courage would go a long way, she hoped. She downed half the glass in one swallow and set it down before she finished it all and made a fool out of herself.

  All of this seemed so…impersonal. The sound of his silverware clanking against the china seemed loud in the cavernous room. If they were going to have sex tonight, she didn’t want this evening to seem so uncomfortable and forced. She didn’t want to feel like this was just a transaction, which she supposed it was, to an extent.

  Finding courage she didn’t know she possessed, she grabbed her plate and glass and stood from her seat. The chair scraped across the hardwood floor and echoed in the room. She winced at the noise but straightened her shoulders and walked over to Luca. He had since glanced up from his plate and watched her with what she thought was a mixture of curiosity and amusement. She took the seat diagonal from him.


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